Super Vision

2201 Chapter 2201 Beautiful Man and the Beast

Ash City Camp.

"Madam, the dragon has not come back." A night watchman officer brought back the latest news to Mrs. Nightingale.

Mrs. Nightingale frowned, and a touch of black appeared on her transparent face, which was an angry face.

"Madam, please forgive me for talking too much. That guy must have ran away with the two female slaves and won't come back again." The night watch officer said: "We don't have to wait any longer. The army of Lava City is opposite. They But they won’t give us time. Once they reach the Blood Crystal Mine first and take advantage of a favorable position, our situation will become very bad.”

"Don't wait for him, set off." Madam Nightingale made a decisive decision.

An army of one hundred thousand drove into the Separated Mountains in mighty force.

Dozens of steel lizards walked at the forefront of the team, and rows of trees fell down, and the rugged mountains were stomped alive under their feet, turning them into broad roads.During the war, the steel lizard played the role of a tank and attacked the city.When marching in the mountains, they transformed into the role of construction machinery, opening roads in the mountains and building bridges in the water.

Above a steel lizard, the black on Madam Nightingale's face did not fade away, but became thicker and thicker, "Damn it! You said you would fight for me on the battlefield, you actually ran away with two humble female slaves! I can't wait! Kill you!"

Xia Lei said to return, but did not say when to return.

The army bypassed the two mountain peaks, and a long narrow canyon appeared in front of the army of Ash City.The blood crystal mine in the northwest area is at the end of the canyon, calculated based on the time of the night watch, and can be reached in half a day.

A black spot suddenly appeared in the sky, from far to near.

"That's..." A night watch scout with telescope equipment suddenly roared: "Burning beast! Burning beast of the Blazing Legion!"

The voice of the night watchman scout echoed in the narrow valley, everyone could hear it, and there was a commotion in the army of Ash City.

The black spot approached in a blink of an eye. It was a huge dead beast in the sky with a wingspan of at least two hundred meters. The dragon's head, elephant body, and snake tail looked like flying dragons in extremely magic novels.Its entire body is pitch black as ink, with black energy flames beating around its body and giant wings, like a black flame burning.This energy arrogance is probably the reason why Burning Beast got its name.

Mrs. Nightingale roared loudly: "Ready to fight—"

With an order, all the crossbowmen and energy weapons were aimed at the sky.

The aura of tension and fear also spread among the army of Ash City. After all, it was a burning beast, a powerful dead beast that can destroy a city in the legend!

The Burning Beast suddenly hovered, and the silhouettes of two night watchers appeared on the giant wing on the right side of Burning Beast.One is the bloody son in a beautiful costume, and the other is the long night of death in a black robe.The former is handsome and handsome, and handsome.The latter is almost twice as big as the former, and is as strong as a transparent version of the bone.

The beautiful man and the beast, this is the picture that appeared in the sight of the army of Ash City.

"Mrs. Nightingale, I advise you to go back, don't you think you made a wrong decision to come to this place?" The Blood Moon said.

"I'm here to receive the Blood Crystal Mine. It is already mine." Mrs. Nightingale raised her head without fear, "What are you doing here with the Blazing Legion? Are you demonstrating to me?"

Young Master Blood Moon said disdainfully: "What you think is what you think."

Mrs. Nightingale said angrily: "Don't forget, I defeated you in the arena, that blood crystal mine has been owned by Ash City! If you do this, the entire empire will feel that you are a credible, greedy and shameless person!"

"Hahaha..." The bloody son laughed loudly, "The battle within the empire is going on every day, is there still a blood moon missing from me? I don't say credit, what can you do with me? You go to the end of the imperial capital Sue me, I am willing to take all responsibilities, but the blood crystal mine is mine."

"Are you going to go to war?" Madame Nightingale's transparent face has been turned black and gray with anger, and the anger in her body has reached the critical point of explosion.

"Huh! You came with the army of Ash City just to go to war with me? You know yourself, so don't take a fluke. If you want that blood crystal mine, just come over, we wait in the mining area You." The bloody son's voice was extremely cold.

At this time, the dead long night said: "Isn't the lord of Ash City that dying old man? How come you have become a woman."

Young Master Blood Moon said in a weird manner: "She is the wife of that bad old man. As far as I know, that bad old man has never touched her. However, she has some ability. That bad old man wants to cultivate her into the new city of Ash City. the Lord."

"It turned out to be like this, just right, I like virgins, especially virgins of this identity, hahaha..." Shi Changye laughed presumptuously, but suddenly put away the laughter, a huge sound that resounded through the sky like thunder. "If you don't give up, then welcome death! The two hundred thousand army of the Blazing Legion and Lava City is waiting for you in front!"

The bloody son made a knife, "Mrs. Nightingale, I think you should go back and wait to be a widow. Fighting is a man's business! Let's go!"

Burning Beast turned around and flew away.

Fear was still spreading among the soldiers of Ash City and could not be dispelled.

An officer from Ash City said: "Madam, the Blazing Legion is cruel and furious, plus the two hundred thousand army of Lava City..."

Madam Nightingale looked at him coldly, "General Cooper, what do you want to say?"

The general called Cooper bit his scalp and said: "The long night of the Blazing Legion plus his burning beasts are enough for us to have a headache. If there is a lava city in front of us, we should press the army, madam, how many do you think we have? The odds of success?"

Mrs. Nightingale was silent, she was actually very clear in her heart that there was no floor.

"Madam, it's better..." General Cooper stopped talking.

Mrs. Nightingale categorically said: "Stop talking! That blood crystal mine is related to the survival of Ash City. It belongs to us. If we give up now, we are equivalent to giving up the future! What's more, Lava City has never given up annexation. We, what do you think is their next step after they get that blood crystal mine? The army of Lava City will come down to the city, break through our gates, kill our people, burn our houses, and take everything they want!"

General Cooper lowered his head, "Madam, whether to advance or retreat, you can make a decision."

Mrs. Nightingale raised her arms and shouted, "The soldiers of Ash City, we have no retreat. For our future, for our children, follow me to fight! Whether it is life or death, I am proud to be with you—— The whole army advances!"

The army of Ash City started, looking at the end of the narrow canyon.

The fear didn't fade away because of Madam Nightingale's morale-boosting words, but grew stronger as she went deep into the canyon.

On the back of the steel lizard, Mrs. Nightingale looked solemn, and she thought of another person, the person from the past who didn't know what politeness was.

"Will he come back? If he comes back, let him deal with the most powerful Long Night, I am not hopeless to win the war, but if he doesn't come back..." She didn't dare to think further.

at the same time.

Suspended City.

"Wow! Boss, you really have a city! And it's still in the sky!" Cai Jianren was extremely excited when he descended from the floating city.Seeing the falling snowflakes flying up and down, as well as the tracts of fruit trees and fertile fields in the distance, the already exquisite houses, he was like Grandma Liu who had just walked into the Grand View Garden.

The reactions of the two women, Heini and Cailing, were similar, and the two women's mouths had not been closed.

Even Shenyue Ruyi had a slightly surprised reaction, after all, it was the first time she entered the floating city.The shock caused by the flying city of Axis, the king of war, is also obvious.

The one who greeted Xia Lei was Hao Fang. After a nasty compliment, it began to look at Heini and Cailing, as well as Shenyue.However, it didn't recognize that she was the god and moon who had killed its "love machine".In the end, its gaze fell on Heini's angry mountain peak, and the simulated mouth on its square head turned up slightly, seeming to be smiling.

"My most beautiful master, hehe, this is the new nanny, do you need me to arrange to live in the palace?" Haofang asked Xia Lei in a low voice.

"Take them around, I will arrange their accommodation myself." Xia Lei said.

"Hole, three young ladies, please come with me. I am the chief butler of this city. I am handsome and good at war. I am your guide now." Hao Fang did one for three women. British butler ceremony.

Heini and Cailing looked at it dumbfounded.

Shenyue Ruyi didn't even look at it.

"The three of you go shopping with it, Shenyue, come with me." Xia Lei left a sentence and flew into the air, flying to the altar in the blink of an eye.

Shenyue Ruyi followed Xia Lei's eyes and reached the altar in a blink of an eye.

Hao Fang was still stunned in place, "Shenyue? Shenyue...Mom! Could it be that stupid lady! I want to fight you! I want revenge for my love machine!"

Heini, Cailing, and Cai Jianren quietly watched Hao Fang who suddenly ran away. The three aboriginals in the dark world of death had never had a robot, let alone a strange robot like Hao Fang.

On the altar, Xia Lei said to Shenyue Ruyi: "I don’t know when Difascism intercepted you. Do you remember that there was a service robot on Blue Moon? It was Lan Sidi’s butler, and I later took it Upgrade, it has a good relationship with Haofang."

"I know, what do you want me to do?" Shenyue Ruyi asked.

Xia Lei smiled awkwardly, "If you can, apologize for it, and then find a substitute for it."

Shenyueru nodded.

When he arrived at the Tongque Hall, Xia Lei gave the spherical instrument he retrieved from the Explorer to the think tank Amido, and said: "This is an instrument of the spirit race. It stores some information and sorts it out for me. Also. Yes, send engineer robots into the cave below, bring back all useful things, and thoroughly investigate the spaceship."

"Received, my master." Think tank Armido said, and then began to observe the spherical instrument in his hand. It quickly came to a conclusion, "My master, this is the interstellar signal transmitter of the spirit race, and it is also a receiver. Most of the people who use this type of transmitter are scientific researchers. They always like to be active in the uninhabited star field. It is necessary to have this type of signal transmitter."

Xia Lei nodded, and then said, "Call me the surveillance video of this area." Xia Lei said.

A holographic projection appeared in the Tongque Hall.

The army of Ash City is marching.

At the end of the canyon, there are dense forests hidden among the night watchmen warriors and slave warriors.A black dead beast hovered in the air, making a terrifying roar.

Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "Shenyue, come with me, a woman must be scolding me at this moment."

Shenyue Ruyi nodded slightly, she was now more and more used to being Xia Lei's subordinate.

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