Super Vision

2209 Chapter 2209

City of Ashes.

A colorful glow fell from the sky and landed directly in the city lord's mansion.

Xia Lei let go of her hand on Madam Nightingale's waist, "Mrs. Nightingale, we are here."

Mrs. Nightingale came back to her senses, she stretched out her hand to tidy up her messed hair.Her hair, like her skin tone, is almost transparent and has an alternative beauty.

"Follow me to see City Lord Lonely Night, your proposal is very good, and it is in the best interest of our Ash City, but I am not the City Lord after all, and such a decision must be made by the Uncle City Lord." Madam Nightingale said.

Xia Lei said, "I won't see him anymore. You can tell him, and then tell me his decision. But I want to remind you that if you refuse to cooperate, I will leave here."

"Are you going?" Madame Nightingale suddenly became nervous, and a sense of loss came out inexplicably in her heart.

Xia Lei said: "I have my things to do. If there is no reason and reason for me to stay here, of course I will not stay here."

"Well, I will go to see the Lord of Lone Night City now." Mrs. Nightingale said.

"I'm going to go shopping in the city." Xia Lei left, he wanted to try his luck, the serpentine man might not leave.

Mrs. Nightingale came to the room of Lone Night City Lord.

The light in the room was dim, and the Lord of the Night City was lying on the bed, his tarnished and wrinkled skin was no longer transparent, and it appeared a dead gray color.His situation is getting worse and he has not much time left.

"I'm back." Madam Nightingale stood by the bed, her voice quiet, full of respect.

The Lord of Lone Night City slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Mrs. Nightingale. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "I have received the news. Good job. This time we severely damaged Lava City and took down the blood. Crystal mine. There is no better result than this. After this battle, I saw the light of hope that I had never seen before. The future of our Ash City is limitless...cough cough... this can happen before I die Good things, I am content too, no regrets."

Mrs. Nightingale helped Lone Night City Lord up and patted his back lightly, "You won't die, you saw the day when Ash City grew stronger. Your dream is to develop Ash City into the strongest in the West. City, now this dream is being realized."

"Ahem...I know very well about my own situation...My time is running out..." Lone Night City Lord's voice was weak, "By the way, why didn't the person named Long come back with you?"

Mrs. Nightingale said: "I came back this time to talk to you about him. He gave me an offer."

"What proposal?"

Mrs. Nightingale told Xia Lei's proposal to cooperate in mining the blood crystal mine, as well as his judgment on the situation.

Guye City Lord was plunged into contemplation, frowning slightly.No one wants to share the fat in his mouth with others. He feels this way now.However, Xia Lei's analysis of the situation is in place. The blood crystal mine is indeed a piece of fat to the mouth for Ash City, but this piece of fat will attract a group of hungry wolves.If it is not handled properly, Ash City will not only be unable to eat this piece of fat, it may even be destroyed because of this piece of fat!

"I want you to make a decision." Madam Nightingale said.

Uncle City Lord said: "I want to hear your opinion."

Mrs. Nightingale said: "From the point of view of interest, of course, it is the best for us to mine Ash City exclusively. But from the point of view of human relations and safety, we should cooperate with him. Without his help, I will not only be unable to take the blood. Crystal Mine, I am afraid I will die there."

The Lord of Lone Night City said: "He is indeed very strong, but I don't think he can help us defend the mine and Ash City."

Mrs. Nightingale took out a small instrument and placed it on the bedside.

"What is this?" Lone Night City Master said in a puzzled way.

"It was given to me by an iron guy who applauded Fang." Mrs. Nightingale put out a crystal clear finger and clicked on the silver instrument.

A piece of blue light was immediately released from the small instrument. It was a projection of the floating city.

In this projection, thousands of engineering robots and robotic engineering machinery are arranged in a square array for inspection.He resumed walking in front of the robot phalanx with the soldiers' positive steps, and shouted in an exaggerated voice as he walked, "Long live the Dragon King! Long live the Dragon King!"

There was only the sound of it, and all the robots remained motionless.

Next to the robot phalanx, there are several infantry phalanxes, including soldiers from Wancheng, soldiers from the Kingdom of Shu, and the werewolf phalanx led by the werewolves Senpai and Qingteng.These people in the past are soldiers of the "ghost country", some of them are armed with primitive cold weapons, and some are armed with energy weapons.

However, what shocked Lone Night City Lord the most was the upper city suspended in the sky, the golden palace.He is a person who has been to the Doomsday City of the Black Sun Empire, and he has also seen the glorious palace of the Black Sun Empire. Compared with the palace of the Suspended City, it is simply the ratio of the shabby house to the mansion!

"This..." Lone Night City Master was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Mrs. Nightingale said: "He is not a slave at all. He is the lord of the ghost country, and his people call him the Dragon King. I have visited his city and seen it. Although the population in his city is small, it is that one. The technology of the city is more advanced than that of the Blue Moon people. Those robots are fighting robots as long as they pick up energy weapons. You know how terrible the Blue Moon people’s fighting robots are, but his robots are more advanced. He said that just with him Cooperation, he sent a robot to mine the blood crystal mine, which can be mined in less than a month. At that time, no matter who was watching the blood crystal mine was useless, because he would not give anything to those people or The power is left."

Guye City Lord grinned, "Hehe...What a mysterious guy, the lord of the ghost country, have you heard of the ghost country?"

Madam Nightingale shook her head, "I have never heard of a ghost country, but..."

"But what?"

"I have seen his strength, and I can't think of anyone else in the Black Sun Empire who can defeat him. And his city, his city is technologically advanced and vibrant, and I can't think of any city in the Black Sun Empire with comprehensive strength. It's better than his city," said Mrs. Nightingale.

The Lord of the Night City said: "It seems that I already know your opinion. Let's cooperate with him."

Mrs. Nightingale put away the silver instrument, "Then I will find him and bring him to see you."

"Wait." The Lord of the Night City called to stay.

"Is there anything else?" Mrs. Nightingale asked.

Guye City Lord hesitated for a moment and said, "After I die, you will be the City Lord of Ash City. You will inherit my title. Besides... From now on, you are not my wife. I will dissolve our husband and wife relationship. "

"You..." Madame Nightingale was stunned on the spot.

The Lord of the Night City waved his hand, "Go, go find him. You are so young and we don’t have a husband and wife. Do you want to keep my widow for a lifetime? You are so beautiful and have unlimited future. You should find a partner. Be your hero."

Nightingale knelt down suddenly, black tears bursting from her eyes.

At the same time, Xia Lei walked aimlessly on a street.He has walked several streets, but he hasn't seen the serpentine man.

Unknowingly, he came to the place where he met the serpentine man last time.

There were people coming and going on the street, and many people were talking about Mrs. Nightingale's victory.Defeating the 200,000 army of Lava City and winning the blood crystal mine, this record is enough to blow on the screen of Ash City for several years.

Xia Lei helped the hat on his head to cover his face, and glanced across the faces.The back of a serpentine man suddenly entered his sight, but it was not the serpentine man he was looking for, it was a young serpentine youth.He sells some very special-looking goods on the street, some are rusty metal utensils, some are medicinal materials, and there are dead beast teeth and so on. The mess is so diverse that they are all placed on a flat animal skin. On the bag.

Xia Lei walked over in his heart.

"Sir, what are you going to buy? My things are good and cheap." Seeing the buyer, the young snakeman introduced to Xia Lei with a smile on his face.

Xia Lei squatted down and picked up a metal utensil to watch, "Where did you get these things?"

The young serpentine man said: "Of course I got it from expeditions. I like expeditions. This is what I found from a ruin. It has a high collection value. If you like it, 100 black gold will sell you."

Black gold, the collective term for the currency of the night watch.

"Usually, do you go exploring alone? Looking for these treasures." Xia Lei took it up again and looked at it, very knowledgeable.

"Sometimes, sometimes we also team up for expeditions. We serpentine people like to explore, and exploration is something that is integrated into our blood." The young serpentine man said proudly.

Xia Lei said: "Then do you know one..."

The young serpentine man interrupted Xia Lei's words, "Can you buy it or not? I am not the place to ask for news."

Xia Lei smiled, "Of course I want to buy it. I want to buy all your treasures, how much is it?"


"Sell or not?"

"Of course I sell it. If I buy all of it, I'll make it cheaper, and you won't suffer." The young snake-printed man was silent for a while, and then said: "Two thousand black gold."

"One thousand." Xia Lei said.

"No way, no way, you gave too little." The young serpentine refused.

"Just don't sell it." Xia Lei got up to leave.

"Well, you are really a bargaining expert. I sold it to you. Anyway, I want to deal with these things and explore new places. It's cheaper for you." The young snake-print man said, putting the things into the animal skin bag. Inside.

Xia Lei paid the money and left with the snakeskin bag.

The young serpentine man looked at Xia Lei's back, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "What a fool, those things are too expensive for five hundred."

The young serpentine man also left, walking towards the gate of the city.

On the other side, Xia Lei threw the things he bought along with the bag on the street, and then mixed into the crowd and followed.

PS: Thank you for your reward in the era of female thief, thank you!Friends, the weather is hot, pay attention to cooling down.In addition, there are too many college entrance banquets these days, so the promised August burst will not be fulfilled later. I promise, it will burst on the 10th. Like last month, it will burst for a few days.

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