Super Vision

2220 Chapter 2220 Past life?

Shenyue Ruyi completely entered Xia Lei's body. She didn't know that Xia Lei's soul left the body by flying a kite, and there was always a trace of soul in his body.In this way, she was not actually going to put on clothes, but slowly immersed in Xia Lei's body.

This process is like a martial arts posture in an action movie, but the nature is even worse.Two people, one is a female pure energy body, the other is a male flesh and blood body. The fusion of the two is completely the fusion of Yin and Yang, and this fusion is every cell, every energy molecule, without gaps, without reservation.

"Yeah!" A voice came from Xia Lei's throat, and this voice was a beautifully feminine voice, which was full of sultry flavor.

Xia Lei's feeling is also extremely novel and wonderful. He feels that she has become an androgynous person, his breasts have become women's breasts, and his things are nothing.During this process, his feelings really cannot be described in words.

"Yeah!" A vague woman groaned again from the body's throat, and then the voice of God and Moon came out again, "Xia Lei, I can't control your body at all, eh."

Xia Lei's voice came from his soul, "Please don't hmm, this kind of voice makes me nervous."

"Do you think I want to? Huh!" Shenyue's voice said, "You fellow, you said you lend me your body to wear, but I can't control your body at all, and I feel like you are In... um!"

"Sister, don't say it, don't hmm, okay? I'm using my body to save your life. I didn't expect this to be the case. This is my first time!"

"I'm the first time! The first time you shit!" Shenyue's voice gave people a feeling of biting.

At this moment, Xia Lei trembled inexplicably, his body trembled, and his soul trembled simultaneously.

"You?" Shenyueruyi's voice was a little frightening, "I seem to have absorbed something from you, shouldn't you?"

Xia Lei pretended not to hear, and did not respond.

"Why don't you speak anymore, eh?" Shenyue's voice said, "I feel so comfortable, I have never experienced such a feeling, um, you speak, you haven't answered my question, eh."

"You try one more!"


Xia Lei, "..."

Five minutes passed quickly, Shenyue Ruyi came out of Xia Lei's body, and Xia Lei's kite was also taken back.

A few seconds later, Xia Lei sat up from the black sand dune. He looked at Shenyue Ruyi and carefully observed her changes.He was surprised to find that her condition was obviously better than before, and the blue energy body also looked very active and stable.

"What to look at?" Shenyue Ruyi coldly said: "Don't look at it, your method is useful, your body can help my energy body correct mistakes, and it can also restore my soul."

Xia Lei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, "If it is useful, I can rest assured if it is useful."

"You look tired, why?" Shenyue Ruyi said.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Don't think about it, I am nurturing you with my body. You have absorbed energy from my body, and I have lost energy. You are alive and kicking now. It is normal for me to feel tired. ."

"But the process just now, and the energy I absorbed..."

"You just think of me as your mother, and what you absorb is your mother's milk, OK?" Xia Lei was polite

Shenyue Ruyi was silent for a moment, "But I still feel..."

"There is nothing to feel or not. If you don't like this, I will think of another way. This is the first and the last time." Xia Lei said.

"That won't work, I can accept that feeling, I finally saw hope, do you want me to give up because of what feeling?" After a pause, Shenyue Ruyi said coldly: "When is the next time?"

Xia Lei shrugged, "You have to let me recover, right?"

Shenyue Ruyi suddenly remembered something, "Will I pass my death on to you? I have never seen you so tired."

Xia Lei thought for a while and said: "From the law of energy equivalent exchange, you have absorbed a certain amount of life energy from my body, and I have lost a certain amount of life energy, and you have gained a certain amount of life energy. Get a certain amount of death energy, then yes, you are tantamount to passing death to me. But I am a special situation, I can create life, then I can also give the energy to create life. The life energy I give you , I can recover by myself. The death energy you leave in my body will be refined by me, which is actually a good thing for my evolution."

"Then I'm relieved." Shenyue Ruyi's voice was cold.

Xia Lei lay down again. He did feel very tired and needed a rest and recovery.He could feel the death energy of Shenyue Ruyi remaining in his body, and those things were not useful to him, he had to find a way to drive them out.

The energy rune integrated into each cell moved to analyze the death energy that Shenyue Ruyi left in his body.The useful ones are directly refined and absorbed, and the useless ones are excreted from the pores.In just two minutes, dense black sweat beads appeared on his skin, and his whole body was dyed black, as if he had been soaked in ink.

Shenyueru kept staring at Xia Lei, "You are a miracle. I passed the death on to you, but you can get rid of it so easily."

Xia Lei said in an annoyed manner: "You don't have a backache while talking while standing. Come and try. I am in pain now, but I didn't call out.

He didn't actually feel any pain. If he had to say the feeling, he felt like he was in a sauna.

"Um, um, were you comfortable just now?"

Xia Lei closed his mouth tightly.

"Everyone is an adult, why are you pretending to be shy? I'm pretty sure what happened at that time, talk about it?"

"I'll take a look at the mirror that can see the past life." Xia Lei couldn't stay any longer, he got up, swished and flew over.

"I just want to distract your attention and make you less painful." Shenyueruyi's voice came from behind, and then she said to herself, "Did I say something wrong again? That guy is really hard to please. , It seems I have to learn how to get along with people."

Xia Lei ignored her, he perched on a black stone pillar beside the blood-colored lake.The moment the soles of his feet touched the stone pillars, he seemed to activate something, and dark energy poured in from all directions.Not aggressive, but drowned him in an instant.

"This energy field is so strange..." Xia Lei's gaze fell on the blood-colored lake, and he saw his own reflection from a high altitude. At that moment, his whole person seemed to be struck by lightning and carbonized.

He in the lake has no face.

His brain is blank, unable to think, and can't remember anything.

"Hey! Have you seen your previous life?" Shenyueruyi's voice came from behind, "Can I come over?"

"No, I'm going to pee, don't come over, it's embarrassing." Xia Lei returned to his senses, he really did that.

A column of water poured on the blood-colored lake and rippled.The reflection in the surface of the blood-colored lake fluctuated, unable to see clearly.

"Really, I really don't know why so many women like you, your behavior is completely inconsistent with your identity, you are like a hooligan." Shenyue's voice was like one.

After the urine, the lake quickly returned to calm.

His reflection became clear again, with a nose and eyes, and he was very handsome.

"Is it just an illusion? But I clearly saw..." Xia Lei's heart was puzzled, and the horror remained.

A blue figure suddenly came to the same stone pillar.

"What are you doing?" Xia Lei hurriedly put away.

Shenyueru kept staring at the reflection in the blood-colored lake, and then said, "Legends are legends, most of them are fictional. If you have a past life, you can see it, but I see It is a normal shadow."

"You are a hooligan, a female hooligan." Xia Lei said dissatisfiedly: "Next time I want to do this again, I will deduct you a chance to dress."

"No, I didn't see anything." Shenyueruyi's explanation seemed a little clumsy.

"Let's go, we should go back." Xia Lei took a leap and flew into the sky, then detonated natural energy and flew towards the western border of the Black Sun Empire at several times the speed of sound.

The blue energy body flies with the same speed.

Xia Lei's mind continued to see the strange reflection seen in the blood-colored lake.

He has no face.

He thought of the few faceless warrior statues found in Israel. Those statues also had no faces.

"If there is any previous life, is it a faceless warrior? Where is my previous life? What have I experienced?" He couldn't help but guess these things, but obviously couldn't find the answer.

It seems that only by finding the "farmer" who left the meeting message can one hope to find the answer.

The black majestic mountains were left behind, and the canyons in the northwestern area were getting closer.

A cavalry team is marching from the mouth of the canyon into the canyon, with black armor, black ghost horses, and even their spears.This cavalry team is about a thousand people, gathered together like a black lightning moving.

The knight in the front held a big flag, which was also black, with a golden circle pattern embroidered on it.

That is a pattern of a total solar eclipse.

"The Doomsday Banner is a banner that can only be fought by the Royal Family of the Black Sun Empire. The cavalry team below should be the army of King Diaro of the West!" Shenyue Ruyi said.

A hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "It's really fast."

"Should I destroy this cavalry team?" Shenyue Ruyi asked, she had already benefited, and she couldn't wait to do something for Xia Lei.

"Look at me, this cavalry team has only a thousand people, so it shouldn't be here to attack." Xia Lei said, then he activated the dominator and issued instructions, "Amiduo, immediately let the floating city enter 1.5 micro-dimensional. State, the engineer robot continues to mine."

"Yes, my master." Think tank Armido's voice.


The hoof was thunderous, and black lightning rushed into the canyon.

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