Super Vision

2229 Chapter 2229 Wolf Girl's Tights

The rain was torrential, and the valley was pitch black.


Suddenly a violent explosion broke the tranquility of the rainy night, and the firelight produced by the explosion also dispelled the darkness in the canyon.In the light of the fire, dozens of soldiers in the lava city in scarlet armor could be clearly seen blown up.Some are half-length, some have only a head, and some have only one leg.


One after another of energy ammunition exploded in the camp of Lava City, taking away a strip of fresh life.

The City Lord of Blood City led an army of 100,000 to the Blood Crystal Mine in the northwest. He also launched two attacks in one go, but both attacks were repelled by the defenders of the mine, which had the advantage of terrain, and suffered heavy losses.He actually didn’t pay attention to the ten thousand night watch guards left in the mine in Ash City, but the hundreds of armed engineering robots Xia Lei left here caused him a headache because of the firepower of the armed engineering robots in the floating city It is too strong, and it is not something that the flesh and blood of the soldiers of Lava City can resist.

After the two attacks, he dared not attack again, because Lava City only had a small number of soldiers. If they were all told here, the nobles in the city would be able to swallow him alive without waiting for someone to attack.So he ordered to retreat and set up camp in the canyon.His plan is not to attack and not to retreat, to block the only passage, and then wait until Ye Bai destroys the Ash City to come here to receive the blood crystal mine.At that time, with Yebai's hundreds of thousands of troops, to take down these mine guards, wouldn't it be the case?

However, hope is good, but reality is cruel.

The sudden real night became the beginning of bad luck. In this dark night with no fingers, armed engineer robots unaffected by the line of sight launched a surprise attack.

"How do those damn iron men know strategy? Even the Blue Moon people's combat robots can't do that! Where did that guy and those robots emerge from? I hate it!" Look in the torrential rain Looking at the bombed camp, the City Lord of Blood City had an urge to bite.

"Report--" A messenger ran over in a panic.

"Asshole!" Snowblood City Lord roared: "Don't panic, no one can knock us down... Damn, what's the matter? Say it!"

His emotions are out of control, he is actually the one who panics the most.

"Werewolves...werewolves are here, we are not their opponents at all, their claws are really too sharp..." Lingbing said in horror: "City Lord, you leave here soon... if you don't leave, it will be too late..."


A sharp claw suddenly pierced through the messenger's back, and then pierced through his chest.After that, the sharp claw that was shining with cold light pulled up, and his arms suddenly separated from his body and fell to the ground.His chest was divided into three, and even his head was divided into two!

This is a typical werewolf killing method. The extremely sharp claws allow them to cut the human body like a carrot.Cut as many pieces as you want, and cut as much as you want.

The corpse that had been cut into pieces fell to the ground, and the werewolf standing behind the messenger was also exposed.She is a female werewolf, and her full chest is a very obvious feature.Her face is not as hideous and terrifying as a male man looks, a bit more delicate.

There is no doubt that Qingteng is a beautiful female werewolf.

Qingteng appeared, and the face of the City Lord of Blood City suddenly became gray and black.However, his reaction was quick. After a second, he turned around and ran, shouting, "Stop her for me!" He added another sentence, "Kill her for me!"

Dozens of trusted guards pounced from both sides, cutting off Qingteng's pursuit.

However, Qingteng didn't pursue it, and in this excellent opportunity to seize the Lord of the Blood City, she looked up at the sky.Although it was a night when the fingers could not be seen, and the sight was blocked by a pouring rain, wolves were born with the ability to see things normally in a dark environment, and werewolves took this talent to the extreme.

Qingteng saw the figure of a familiar man and the woman sitting on the back of that man. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but tilted slightly, "This is a battlefield. If you go out like this... it would be too serious. Right?"

The man in the dark sky is Xia Lei, and the woman sitting on his back is also Nightingale.

Dozens of guards brandished their weapons and rushed forward viciously.

"Go to hell!" The guard who first rushed in front of Qingteng slashed Qingteng's neck. He was nearly two meters tall, but the wolf-like Qingteng was more than one meter taller than her. Raising the knife can only cut Qingteng's neck.


The sound of wolf claws tearing the air, three cold lights flashed in the darkness and cut through the guard's sword.


The sword was cut into three pieces, but Qingteng's wolf claws did not stop, cut directly through the guard's right shoulder and pulled out from the left waist.

The body of the guard fell to the ground and fell apart after a fall. The head and left arm were 100 points, the upper part of the chest, the right arm was part, and the lower body was part.Black blood poured out from the fragments of the corpse, dyeing the transparent rainwater black.

The guard who was rushing towards Qingteng suddenly lags.

Qingteng leaped, and his three-meter-high body swished up to a height of more than ten meters, then two ups and downs, and in a blink of an eye, he was behind the Blood City Lord, and then slapped the Blood City Lord on the back.


The City Lord of Blood City fell to the ground with a black eye.The same is the City Lord, but he is not a little bit worse than the Lone Night City Lord.

Only then did dozens of trusted guards react, and one by one rushed towards Qingteng with anxious eyes, trying to save the City Lord of Blood City.

Qingteng suddenly cut through the neck of the Blood City City Lord with a single claw, then pulled his hair up and lifted his head, "Who dare to come over? I'll crush his head!"

The dozens of trusted guards were stunned at once.

In the sky, Xia Lei staggered and almost fell.Did your thinking become abnormal after Ivy became wolf?Otherwise, she should know that living hostages should be more valuable than dead heads!

Qingteng's voice attracted more blood city fighters.

Qingteng's location is beside a camp, and the light transmitted from the camp makes her a firefly in the dark, so eye-catching.

"She killed the City Lord of Blood City!"

"Kill him to avenge the Blood City Lord!"


Countless blood city fighters flocked to Qingteng.

With so many people, even if they stand one by one and let Qingteng slash, Qingteng will be exhausted, let alone fighting.

At this moment, a colorful glow of energy suddenly illuminates the dark night sky, and Xia Lei’s voice resounds through the sky and the earth like thunder, "The City Lord of Blood City is dead! Ye Bai was killed by me too! Put down your weapons and surrender, I will give You have a way to survive!"

The floating city suddenly appeared from the void, and the blue energy light illuminated the entire canyon.The appearance of Xia Lei and the Levitation City brought infinite deterrence, and the Blood City soldiers in the entire camp put down their weapons and knelt down.

The armed engineer robots and werewolves in the floating city also stopped attacking. Xia Lei's order was very clear. As long as these blood city fighters lay down their weapons and surrender, he would let these blood city fighters live.

The battle for Lava City to attack the blood crystal mine in the northwest region came to an end.

The floating city landed on the position where it left before, without any deviation.

As soon as the floating city landed, the robot loader carried one car after another of the blood crystal mine to the gate of the lower city.Those armed engineer robots also entered the mine for mining without any delay of one second.

Qingteng threw away the head of Blood City, and a crackling sound came from her body, shrinking quickly until she returned to her normal posture.Her clothes were obviously specially made. After returning to her normal posture, her body was not too wide, and she looked like a tights on her skin.But in this way, the mature shape of a certain place is also clearly outlined, a bit piercing.

Xia Lei and Nightingale walked to Qingteng.

"Good job." Xia Lei smiled at Qingteng, his eyes full of approval.

"Um, I'll go back and change my clothes." Qingteng turned and left.

Xia Lei, "..."

Nightingale said: "Dragon King, since you have agreed to let the soldiers and civilians of Ash City live in the floating city, then the blood crystal mines previously allocated to Ash City should also be transported to the floating city. They are all yours."

When Ash City joined the Ghost Kingdom, the city belonged to King Xia Lei, and those blood crystal mines naturally belonged to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Well, then all of them will be transported to the floating city, but they are not mine alone, they belong to everyone in the ghost kingdom."

A smile appeared at the corner of Nightingale's mouth, "I knew I didn't follow the wrong person, and Lone Night City Lord would be happy for my choice."

Why does this sound a bit wrong?

"One more thing." Xia Lei changed the subject, "Suspended City really studies blood crystal mines. I know that the night watch knows blood crystal mines very well. I would like to ask you to gather all the scholars of the first pass of Ash City to help levitate. City studies blood crystals."

Nightingale did not speak, but looked at Xia Lei quietly.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "What are you looking at me doing? I'm telling you business."

Nightingale said: "The scholar you want, there is one in front of you. I am the best scholar in Ash City."

"You?" Xia Lei was surprised.

"What is your reaction? Do you underestimate me?" Nightingale curled her cherry-colored lips slightly. "Ordinary scholars have only some theoretical knowledge, but if the energy of blood crystals cannot be used, the limitation is actually It’s huge. I’m a natural child of God. I can use the energy in the blood crystals. This is why I can open and close the energy shield of Ash City. So, I can tell you with certainty that Ash City is the most Excellent scholars stand in front of you."

In this way, the research of think tank Armido is actually limited.

Xia Lei said excitedly: "Then tell me what you know about blood crystals, and your opinions, these things are very important to me."

Nightingale said: "That's not something that can be clarified in a while. My suggestion now is to take a few generals from the Blood City to Lava City. When the Blood City dies, Lava City becomes a city without a master. The other nobles in here got the news here and replaced the blood city as the city lord, which is not a good thing for us. We have to hold the lava city in our hands, and the blood city is rich in resources. A private treasure house, don’t you want to go see it?"

Xia Lei couldn't help but smile, "Then listen to you, let's go to Lava City."

In his opinion, Nightingale is not only an excellent scholar, but also an excellent military adviser.It's true, if she has no place to excel, how could the Lord of the Night City like her and train her to become the next Lord of Ash City?

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