Super Vision

2239 Chapter 2239

Six spirit tribesmen without faces, five talking loudly, expressing their views and brief introductions, only one male spirit tribe was silent and did not say a word from beginning to end.The "God's Supper" in front of him was strange enough for Xia Lei, but the feeling he gave Xia Lei was even stranger.

During the process of listening and observing, Xia Lei marked the six spirit races without faces, replacing three female spirit races with one, three, five, and two, four, six, instead of three men.He didn't know the names and identities of the six spirit races. Using this method would help him remember these six spirit races and their respective speeches.

I don't know why, he put the label of "six" on the non-talking Spirit Race person.

"There is the answer we are looking for in the world of dark death, and we should go there to find the answer." said the female spirit tribe, code-named "One".

"That is an opposing cosmic world. That world is quite unfamiliar to us, full of uncertain factors and dangers." The male Spirit Race code-named "two" said: "Although we dominate this cosmic world, there It’s not our place. If we want to implement this plan, we have a lot to do."

"I can build a few spaceships that can enter the world of dark death, and then send our most outstanding scientists, explorers and warriors." said the female spirit race, code-named "five."

The male Spirit Race code-named "four" was silent for a while and said: "We need to choose a right time to enter. We only have one chance. We need a complete plan. I suggest that this plan be named-the only one."

Xia Lei's heart shrank abruptly, and a brief blank response appeared in his brain again.

The male spirit tribe, code-named "Four", went on to say: "The only opportunity, the only hope, and the only path to self-salvation. We cannot fail."

The Spirit Race person code-named "two" said: "We need someone to carry out this plan, who is the most suitable?"

All the spirit people are silent.

The male Spirit Race code-named "Six" didn't say a word until this time. He just sat quietly, listening, and looking at the food in front of him.There is a plate in front of every spiritual racer, and a piece of meat is placed in the plate.The meat cut into squares has a strange texture.

Xia Lei's gaze suddenly locked on the piece of meat on the dinner plate in front of the male Spirit Race code-named "Six". His mouth suddenly grew and couldn't close it.

That is actually not meat, but a side of the world box!

His gaze then moved to the dinner plates of the other five spirit races. What he saw was the same scene, and the other five dinner plates contained the same side of the world box!Their bronze color and surface texture gave him a very familiar feeling!

This is not a "dinner of the gods", it is a crucial meeting concerning the life and death of spiritual people and spiritual civilization!This meeting also gave birth to that mission!

Searching and stumbled, Xia Lei finally touched the truth or source of that mission.

Good and evil will eventually pay off. He sowed life in this bloody and murderous world and passed on goodwill. He saved the main village of the Butterfly Race, and he also got rewards.Entering the world of darkness and death, if he plunges into the mission, sees misery but is indifferent, sees people in desperate situation and does not help, then he will definitely not go far on the road to accomplish that mission, and he is even less likely to see what is in front of him. With a scene, touch the truth of that mission!


Is all this a coincidence?

The six wives of the earth world, the six wives on the star of hope, and the six faceless spirit people in front of them. Is this a coincidence?

Are the people and things he encountered along the way, including what is happening right now, also coincidental?It seemed so, but at this moment he suddenly had a strange feeling that he was walking a planned road, and everything was under the control of a certain hand!

Even this is not the first time he has taken this road!

Sometimes people will suddenly have a strange feeling, that is, a feeling of deja vu suddenly arises in a certain unfamiliar environment, as if they have been in this place and something has happened.There are also people who have not seen it, but when they see it, they feel intimacy and familiarity.

He feels this way now.

Do people really have past lives?

This question and the faceless reflection in the blood pool came out of his mind uncontrollably, and Xia Lei's heart was disturbed.

At this moment, the Spirit Race person code-named "Six" reached out and lifted the wine glass in front of him.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the wine glass again, and he saw the colorful liquor, exactly the same as the energy light emitted by his milk force.It doesn't look like wine, but pure liquid energy.

The Spirit Race person code-named "Six" slowly handed the wine glass to his face, and at that moment, a blue energy lip appeared on his face.The blue energy lips opened slightly, and the colorful liquid in the cup entered the blue energy lips and then disappeared.

The male Spirit Race code-named "Six" only drank a little colorful "wine" and put down the cup. Xia Lei thought he would say something, but he fell into silence again.

The faceless silence is extremely strange.

Blue eyes suddenly appeared on the faces of the other five spirit tribes without faces, and Wushuang's eyes fell on the male spirit tribe code-named "Six".

Xia Lei was excited, "Is this asking him to express his opinion?"

He has never expected a person to speak as much as he does now.

However, just when he thought the male night watchman codenamed "Six" was about to speak, the bloody image suddenly disappeared.


All the blood crystals broke away from the hemispherical pit in the center of the rock, and returned to their respective positions along their sliding tracks.

The bloody brilliance disappeared, everything returned to its original appearance.The forest was silent, and occasionally a gust of wind blew, the leaves swayed, making a rustling sound.

It was over, but Xia Lei was still in a dream, unable to wake up.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King?" Semushi's voice broke the silence in the forest clearing.

Xia Lei's body trembled slightly, and then subconsciously responded, "Huh?"

"Your Majesty Dragon King, what's wrong with you? You look so strange." Sai Mushi said.

Xia Lei had recovered, he smiled bitterly, "I was surprised when I saw it for the first time."

"Can you understand God's language?" Se Mushi looked at Xia Lei expectantly.

Xia Lei nodded.

"His Majesty Dragon King, can you tell me what the Six Gods said?" Se Mushi said anxiously.

Xia Lei shook his head, "Trust me, you don't want to know."

A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Se Mushi's face, but he did not ask any more questions.He did not understand the language of the Spirit Race, but he believed in Xia Lei.He also understood what Xia Lei meant, the talk of God, the secret of God, and sometimes it was not a good thing to know.

"By the way, when did you discover this place?" Xia Lei asked.

Se Mushi said: "We found it not long because we moved here not long. I don't know how long this place has existed, or who stayed here. But I Believe that Liushen is not willing to be disturbed, so this place is designated as a forbidden place and the clansmen are forbidden to come here. But you are an exception, you are the Dragon King, so are you..." After a pause, he said the word full of respect , "God."

Xia Lei has become accustomed to the term "God". He didn't explain anything. He was silent for a while before saying: "Old Patriarch, I want to take away six rune blood crystals, okay?"

Se Mushi was taken aback for a moment, and did not immediately make a statement.

Xia Lei said: "They are very important to me. I suspect that there is another half. I want to find the other half. Also, if this place is discovered by the Black Sun Empire, it will bring you devastating disasters. I Taking them away will not bring you any bad images, but will only save you from disaster."

"Well, honorable Majesty the Dragon King, I believe you, you can take them away." Se Mushi made a decision.

In fact, these six rune blood crystals do not belong to the Butterfly Clan, they were only discovered by the Butterfly Clan who moved here.If the existence of these rune blood crystals will only bring disasters, then the gods who protect the butterfly people will take them away is a wise decision.

Xia Lei squatted down, putting his hands on the flat rock surface, and colorful energy light gushed out of his hands.


Amidst a series of noises, the flat rock surface cracked.More and more cracks did not hurt the six rune blood crystals.Finally, Xia Lei closed his hand and took out a rune blood crystal from a cracked pit.

Nothing special happened.

Xia Lei also took out the other five rune blood crystals and put them into the metal sphere left by the holy king Lan Ling.Then, he raised his hands flat, and the rock fragments were suspended from the ground and recombined into a huge whole in the air.

There was a huge pit on the ground, several meters deep.

The bottom of the pit is also very flat. There is an arrow pattern in the center of the bottom of the pit. The direction of the arrow is the destination of this trip, the imperial capital of the Black Sun Empire.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.

Is all this really set?

Or is it the way you have traveled?

Whatever it is, this is the first contact with the source of that mission.Six Gods, the so-called Six Gods made a "only" plan in the Last Supper. As long as he finds the other six blood crystals, he can unlock the truth of this mission!

Xia Lei put down his hand.


All the rock fragments fell into the pit.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

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