Super Vision

2247 Chapter 2247


The sheets that wrapped Xia Lei and Nightingale were thrown heavily on the ground. This was an abandoned construction site.Not far away is a slum where civilians and slaves live. Only two kinds of people will come to this place, either criminals or villains.

Xia Lei and Nightingale were pulled over by a Gulu cart. Soon after the "husband and wife" were thrown on the ground, another pair of luxurious ghost carriage came.

"My son, the dirty serpentine man and his woman were all brought by us. They are on the ground, in the sheets." Someone said.

"Open the sheets, I'm going to slaughter the damn serpentine man, I want to let him know what's going to happen to me." Spectre's voice.

You will die if you fight against it, no matter in that world, there are evil people like ghosts.

In the sheets, Nightingale was very nervous, but her nervousness had nothing to do with the outside situation, only with the man behind her.Xia Lei hugged her waist tightly, with no gap between her.She felt that what he was like was a robber trying to break the door. The robber walked around the front door and around the back door, kicking here, knocking a few times there, constantly harassing her, threatening her, and continuing to give She exerts pressure.This feeling is very uncomfortable. She wants to open the door, or she will be tortured and go crazy.

So, how can she still care about the conditions outside the sheets under such circumstances?What's more, those guys want to kill the Dragon King, what are you kidding?He is a god-like man who can kill Ye Bai with a fist!

Xia Lei's feeling and mood were completely different. He felt very comfortable. He even hoped that no one would disturb him and let him sleep comfortably with his arms around Nightingale.

Of course, this is just a luxury.

The sheets were quickly opened, and the ghost's guard who opened the sheets even kicked Xia Lei in the ass.

"Damn! He still hugs his woman, and so tightly!" The guard who kicked Xia Lei looked disgusted and curious, "Is there glue on this guy's skin?"

"There may be glue on the skin of the serpentine person. My mother never let me come into contact with the serpentine person." Another guard said.

Spectre frowned, "Remove the dirty snake-print man. This woman is already my woman. This gesture makes me sick."

The kicking guard separated Xia Lei and Nightingale.

"Flush them and wake them up. I don't want to kill a person who is asleep, and I don't want to make a woman who doesn't feel." Spectre said.

A bucket of water splashed on Xia Lei and Nightingale. The water seemed to have added an antidote to that poisonous smoke, and there was a faint smell of medicine in the water.

A few seconds later, Xia Lei pretended to cough, and then opened his eyes.

His cough was a wake-up signal for Nightingale, and she opened her eyes.But the first thing she opened her eyes was not to look at the ghost standing next to him and his dozen or so vicious guards, but to turn over to face Xia Lei who was lying on her back, she didn't look anywhere, whoosh It slammed into Xia Lei's legs, and it felt like an experienced and extremely powerful policeman arresting criminals with the fastest movements.

The criminal stood there with his head high, and because of the wet clothes on his body, the criminal also showed a very aggressive and fierce appearance.

Then, Nightingale's gaze shifted to Xia Lei's face, his face was full of the gray-black haze that is unique to the night watch, and her eyes seemed to bite.

Xia Lei knew why she looked at him like this, and he was also embarrassed to death.After staring at Nightingale, he suddenly sat up from the sheets and said in an extremely exaggerated voice: "Ah! What is going on? Why am I here?" Then he stared at the ghost and his dozens A guard, "Ah! Who are you?"

I have to say that because of some unspeakable conditions, the actor's acting skills have degraded. Such acting skills are really too exaggerated and a little bit spicy.

"Hmph!" The ghost snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain, "Snake-print man, rich snake-print man, do you remember me?"

Xia Lei got up from the bed sheet, his clothes pressed against the skin, those eyes were still so spicy.But he was indifferent and indifferent, "Ah, I remember, what kind of baron are you? We met at the Gold Coast Hotel."

"Then do you know why you are here?" Ghost sneered.

Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know, my wife and I slept in the room, and we were here as soon as we woke up. By the way, do you know how my wife and I got here? How strange! "

"Hahahaha..." Spectre and his guard laughed.

"This guy is a fool." The guard who kicked Xia Lei said sarcastically, "Damn, I didn't expect such a silly serpentine man to marry such a beautiful night watcher woman. It's really unreasonable. In the words of the blue moon, what is it called?"

"Unscientific." A guard said.

"Haha! That's how it is said, it's unscientific!" The guard who kicked Xia Lei laughed again.

Spectre slapped the face of the guard who kicked Xia Lei, "Asshole! Is this funny?"

The guard who kicked Xia Lei covered his face and closed his mouth.The other guards also closed their mouths, and didn't dare to speak casually.

People are like this, always like to bully the weak, but they are more servile than yourself.

At this time, Nightingale got up from the bed sheet. Her clothes were soaked in water and pressed against her skin. The white clothes were slightly transparent, and the figure could not be hidden. The secret scenery also appeared hazyly. The upper night watcher woman seemed to be transparent, and it felt very attractive.

Spectre's eyes straightened a bit, and some of the dozen or so guards standing behind him even swallowed saliva.

However, the beauty only lasted for two seconds. After getting up, Nightingale moved a step sideways and stood behind Xia Lei.Spectre and his guards could only see Xia Lei, not her.She stood behind Xia Lei, slowly finishing her clothes and messy hair.

The wet beauty turned into a hot-eyed man, and the feelings of Spectre and his guards suddenly changed.

"Damn! Hold him down for me, I will cut off his hamstrings, and then cut off his head!" The ghost can't wait.The beauty of Nightingale had already made him uncontrollable, and he was sure that Nightingale was the most beautiful and sexy night watch woman he had ever seen.At this time he even changed his mind, that is, not to share with his subordinates, he wants to monopolize it until he gets bored.

Several guards rushed up.

"Wait!" Xia Lei said.

Several guards were taken aback for a moment. I don't know why, there was an irresistible majesty in Xia Lei's voice. Just a single voice affected their minds.

In fact, Spectre also froze for a moment, and panicked inexplicably.In the little time after Xia Lei spoke, he even had a familiar feeling.That was the only time he heard the voice of Emperor Hei Sun, that was the feeling.But it was only a momentary feeling. The faint feeling disappeared in an instant, and he returned to normal. He scolded: "Damn! What are you doing in a daze? Catch him for me!"

Several guards rushed up again, two of them also grabbed Xia Lei's arm.

Xia Lei said, "I'll just ask a question, and then you can do whatever you want."

Before anyone could answer, more than a dozen desire energies had quietly released from his brain, and plunged into the brains of the Spectre and his dozen or so guards.At that moment, Spectre and his dozen or so guards froze at the same time.

Xia Lei's voice, "Whose slave is this one night? Where does he live?"

He asks a question, and the brains of all people who hear his voice will automatically think about the question, and related memories will also appear.This is conditioned reflex, allowing him to dig out the information he wants faster and more accurately.

This process only takes a few seconds.

"Damn, what questions do you have to ask when you die? I've decided. Before I kill you, I will let you watch my woman playing with you!" Ghost pulled out a short knife inlaid with gems, and walked towards Xia Lei Go, grinning grinningly, "I want you to see your woman crying for mercy under me, and then cry out comfortably and be conquered by me!"

Xia Lei looked at him blankly.

Nightingale was also indifferent, she was still sorting her clothes.

Spectre slashed Xia Lei's left wrist with a slash, and his movements were very skillful. It seemed that he often did this kind of things, so that he had developed the ability to deal with cattle.

The jewel knife cut through Xia Lei's left wrist with a splash, but there was no wound left on Xia Lei's left wrist, let alone cut the tendons, even a piece of skin was not broken.

The Ghost was stunned for a moment, and then he cut again.

Xia Lei's left wrist was still good, not even a piece of skin was broken.

"Damn, evil sect!" Ghost cursed, and the feeling of panic in his heart suddenly appeared again, and it was even stronger. Under this, he suddenly stabbed Xia Lei's heart.

Xia Lei moved suddenly, pulling his hands toward the middle, and the two guards holding his hands banged into each other, and the two heads exploded, and the bones flew smashing.

Nightingale also shot, and a black dagger slipped out of her sleeve, and the cold light cut across the necks of the two guards in a flash.The dagger was sharp, and cutting vegetables generally cut off the heads of the two guards.In just such a little time, Xia Lei's fist had already been squeezed, and there were more than a dozen corpses on the ground.

Killing these guards is equivalent to trampling the ants to death. Xia Lei has at least hundreds of killing options that can be done in a second or two.

In the blink of an eye, he was the only one left on Spectre.He shivered and his figure looked particularly lonely and helpless.He wanted to escape, but his feet didn't even have the strength to escape.

Xia Lei said indifferently: "I have a principle, that is, you can insult me, but you can't insult my woman. You just wanted to kill me, now I want to kill you, is this fair?

"You, you...who are you?" Ghost followed and said: "You can't kill me, I am a baron, and my family has unproven power in the Imperial Capital. If you kill me, you will all die!"

Xia Lei looked back at Nightingale, "My beloved wife, what do you think you should do with this Lord Baron?"

Nightingale flashed suddenly, and when she paused again, she was already standing in front of the ghost, and the dagger in her hand had plunged into the ghost's heart.

"You..." Ghost fell on his back.

Nightingale drew out her dagger, turned to look at Xia Lei, her chest straightened, "Pervert!"

Xia Lei, "..."

She wanted to say this a long time ago, but only now has the opportunity.

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