Super Vision

2252 Chapter 2252 The Last Milk

A cup was handed to Xia Lei, and Nightingale's hand trembled slightly, very nervous, and the gray-black haze that is unique to the night watch appeared on the almost transparent face.

Xia Lei took the cup impatiently.There was a half glass of transparent liquid in the cup. This transparent liquid was Nightingale's milk. He had never seen such a miraculous milk.It is more transparent than transparent water, but its density is significantly greater than water.It was colorless and tasteless, and he did not smell any milk scent.It doesn't even look like a milk, it looks like a liquid energy.

"How is it...?" Nightingale couldn't help asking. This seems to be the reason for her nervousness. Many women are producing milk for Xia Lei. What if her milk is not good?

"I don't know yet." Xia Lei said, Nightingale's milk is also a very new thing to him, and any guesses are pale and weak.

"Then you drink it!" Nightingale urged.

That's right, no matter how you observe and guess, it's not as straightforward as a sip.

Xia Lei stopped observing and inquiring, picked up the cup and poured milk into his mouth.

A mouthful of nightingale milk tasted without any taste, neither sour nor sweet. It really felt like drinking liquid energy.If he scores on taste, from 1 to 10, he can only score 1 point for Nightingale's milk.Drinking milk without the taste of milk certainly cannot give high marks.

But when he took a bite of Nightingale's milk, his heartbeat suddenly slowed down when the energy was broken down and absorbed.The normal number of human heartbeats should be between eighty and ninety when awake, and between fifty and sixty when asleep, but now his heartbeat is almost only ten!

This is the heartbeat of dying, and the feeling of dying immediately appeared.He has never been so close to death, it feels so realistic, it seems that death will come in the next second, taking his life away!

This is the milk of death!

However, just in this terrible feeling of dying, some strange images flashed in his brain, some images that he had never seen or experienced.The sky is full of colorful streamers, just like the stars of the entire universe are flowing fast, flowing towards a huge black hole.Then, a face suddenly appeared, it was the faceless reflection he saw in the blood pool in the silent desert.

"This milk..." Xia Lei wanted to say something, but couldn't express it.He felt as if he had a little more memory, a memory he had never experienced before, but it was just a subtle and vague feeling, and he could not recall anything except the strange image.

It was as if there was a piece of paper behind, but he couldn't pierce that piece of paper.

The energy of a mouthful of nightingale's milk was refined, his heartbeat returned to normal, and the feeling of dying disappeared.His attention also shifted to the inside of the body, and he was surprised to find that a feminine energy was promoting the fusion of body and soul.

He has been looking forward to the fusion of body and soul for a long time, but he has been unable to find a way.Nightingale's real milk of death has obviously opened the door to this path for him, as long as he continues to walk forward, he can completely integrate his body and soul.

At that time, the body is no longer the place where the soul accumulates, and the soul is no longer the center that commands the body.The body is the soul, and the soul is the body. That will be the ultimate form of his evolutionary path!

The cold energy contained in Nightingale's milk can promote the ultimate fusion of body and soul. As the fusion of body and soul is opened, his milk force and desire energy will naturally simultaneously open the road of fusion.Although the energy of a mouthful of milk still cannot allow the two energies to complete the fusion to form a new energy, the signs have already manifested.

At this moment, Xia Lei also had a strange intuition, that is, if there must be a kind of last milk in his milk-drinking evolutionary path, then this last milk is in his hands, that is the real thing Nightingale produces Milk of death!

Everything has an end, and his milk-drinking evolutionary path will inevitably have such an end, that is, there will be a kind of final milk.After the last milk, he will no longer need to drink new milk, and he will be free from the vicious circle of drinking milk and marrying a woman!

Nightingale's milk, the last milk.

With just a mouthful of the last milk, Xia Lei had many thoughts and gains.Looking at the entire universe, only a milk tasting master like him can drink all these great principles from a mouthful of milk.

"How is it?" Nightingale asked impatiently.

Xia Lei thought for two seconds before saying, "Powerful! This is the strongest milk I have ever drunk."

He couldn't say that her milk was tasteless, and she would feel dying after drinking it, so he used the word "powerful".

Nightingale curled her mouth slightly, "I heard Cailing say that you praised her milk is like a hundred-flower brew, it is the best milk you have ever drunk, why has my milk become a powerful milk?"

Xia Lei smiled, put out a hand and hugged her into her arms, "Drink and strong, who is more valuable? I have a kind of intuition, after getting your milk, I will no longer need new milk. , Your milk should be my last milk."

Nightingale smiled, "The last milk, which means that you won't marry a woman for milk in the future?"

Xia Lei had a sense of frustration inexplicably, even Nightingale said such words, which shows how far he went and how deep he was on the road to marry a woman for milk.Fortunately, this path of evolution that made him difficult to tell has come to an end. He has opened the door to the ultimate evolution and no longer needs new milk.

Nightingale added, "I'll do the calculations for you, the big and small Qiao in the suspension city, and the girl named Diao Chan, plus Cailing and Heini, and me. You have six wives."

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, it was 6 again!

Although he has only married Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao so far, Diao Chan must be regarded as the one because he has a part of husband and wife relationship with others.As for Nightingale, let alone, he had married her last night, so naturally it counts, so his wife is four.But the same is drinking milk. He marries four and does not marry the other two, which is obviously unfair to Heini and Cailing.And he is also the kind of man who is the least willing to owe a woman, so if Heini and Cailing count, aren't they six wives?

Whether he wants to admit it or not, the last one appeared, and the number of his wives in the world of dark death is still 6!

Is this a coincidence, or the necessity of the wheel of fortune?

No way to know.

The answer may not be solved until the last step, but is the truth really what he wants?

"Six wives are definitely not enough for you. If you meet the ones you like, you can marry them all." Nightingale said.

Xia Lei came back to his senses, and he shook his head, "Don't marry, don't marry, I have you enough."

"I have also seen such a good man as you who are unwilling to marry more women. Those men who are far less than you have married dozens of wives, even hundreds of them," said Nightingale.

A wry smile appeared on Xia Lei's face. The other men were other men. He was him. He liked the simple love life, but his emotional world was always messed up.He didn't even dare to think about what it would be like to gather together eighteen wives from three worlds one day after he completed that mission, and he would have many headaches.

There were footsteps outside the door, and then someone knocked on the door.

Nightingale hurriedly got out of Xia Lei's arms, and then went to open the door.

Jialan Lingtian stood at the door with a smile on her face, "Dear Mrs. Xia Ji, breakfast is ready, I hereby invite you to have breakfast with us."

Xia Lei nodded, "It just so happens that I have something to talk to your father."

Jialan Lingtian brought Xia Lei and Nightingale to the restaurant. Earl Jialan and his wife Lingji were already waiting at the table.When Xia Lei and Nightingale entered the restaurant, Earl Jialan and Ling Ji both stood up from their chairs and greeted the "newlyweds" with smiles on their faces.

The food on the table is very rich, which also reflects the respect of the Jialan family to Xia Lei and Nightingale.

During the dinner, Xia Lei said: "Earl Jialan, I need a handy weapon. I don't know if I don't have a suitable weapon to show me, I will choose the same."

He didn't want the think tank Armido to make a weapon, nor did he want to use the Frost Blade of the Lord and the Holy King Blue Spirit, because those weapons themselves were a flaw and were easy to be discovered.What he needed was a weapon in this world, and a weapon that was conducive to Shenyue's hiding.

Count Jialan said: "The Invincible Gladiator Company has its own arsenal. Gladiators of different types can choose suitable weapons from the arsenal. After breakfast, I will let Tian'er take you to take a look."

Xia Lei nodded, "Also, when will I arrange a gladiatorial fight soonest?"

Count Jialan thought for a while and said: "The fastest tomorrow, but only the lowest level. Gladiators and gladiators here operate under a rule set by the royal family. Leapfrogging challenges are almost impossible. Your purpose It's been a night, but he is the champion of the empire. I calculated for you that you need to win a hundred games before you are eligible to challenge him."

Xia Lei frowned, "Even if it takes a hundred days for one game a day, I can't wait for that long. Is there any other way or way?"

"This..." An embarrassed look appeared on Earl Jialan's face.

Jialan Lingtian said: "There is a way, that is, to hold a gladiator contest, so that gladiators of different levels can participate. If the size of the contest is large enough and the prize money is attractive enough, then it is very likely to come overnight. Participate."

"What if he doesn't come?" Xia Lei asked.

Jialan Lingtian said: "Even if he doesn't come, if you win the championship, then you are eligible to challenge overnight. Usually, large-scale gladiator competitions last for fifteen days. This should be the fastest way."

"Then do it this way, hold a gladiator contest, I want the one with the largest specifications." Xia Lei said.

Jialan Lingtian looked at his father.

Count Jialan sighed, “Dear Xia, let’s tell you, we don’t have the money to hold such a large-scale competition. For a large-scale competition of the kind you want, the highest prize money in history is 10 million black gold, plus For other expenses, at least 15 million black gold is needed."

Xia Lei smiled, "Didn’t I tell you? The problem that can be solved with money here is not a problem. I will give you 30 million black gold, and you will host a large-scale competition with 20 million black gold. Get a title of some kind of world champion."

"Then ten million more?" Earl Jialan endured the excitement in his heart, testing the tunnel.

Xia Lei said, "Except for the necessary expenses, the rest is yours."

"Hahaha! Then I will do it!" Count Jialan no longer hesitated and scrupulous.

"Brother Lingtian, take me to the armory. I have eaten it." Xia Lei said, he actually only ate a little bit of food symbolically.

"Okay, please follow me." Jia Lan Lingtian followed and put down the tableware to lead Xia Lei.

The savior changed and became a gold master. How could Earl Jialan's family accidentally walk to the ground and wait on it?

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