Super Vision

2257 Chapter 2257 The Poor Clown

The World Champion Gladiator Contest kicked off in the Heroes Arena. Twenty million black gold was packed in four large boxes and carried around the field by eight strong men.This is the gladiator contest with the highest prize money in history. The huge prize money and the news that they will participate overnight stimulates everyone, not only the spectators in the hero arena, but even the streets are full of carnivals.

Count Jialan gave a short opening speech, and then announced the opening game, but he only announced the name of a gladiator, a gladiator from the north nicknamed Ice Wolf.

The ice wolf, even in the city of Doom, has a considerable reputation.There is even a saying in the gladiatorial world that the ice wolves are one of the few strong men who are qualified to challenge themselves.

After all, this is the opening game, and it is impossible for the unknown to play.

After Earl Jialan retired, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"I know who the Iceborne Wolf is. It is a very powerful gladiator, known as the King of the North, but why is there no introduction of another gladiator? There is not even a name, it's damn strange!"

"Mystery is probably for the pursuit of mystery. People nowadays love to play this, but if you don't play well, it becomes a joke."

"The opening game must be a gladiator from the Invincible Gladiator Company, but after I leave overnight, I can't think of Earl Jialan, what else in his hand is a gladiator who can be on the table."

"If you were defeated in the opening match, that would be really a shame!"

Discussions like this not only appeared in the civilian audience area, but also in the aristocratic audience area.

Youfeng also came, because he knew who Earl Jialan would send on behalf of the Invincible Gladiator Company to participate in the opener.In the past five days, he tried every means to investigate the origins of the abnormality and what he called the "Supreme Existence", but nothing was gained.

The endless chatter of the noble children around him made Youfeng frown, but he also showed a lot of tolerance. After all, none of the people sitting here are simple, and they all represent a family and a power.

For a while, Youfeng moved her gaze to the high platform in the noble audience area. It was the exclusive seat of Princess Yongye, but she did not come to the empty seat.

"It seems that the opener of this gladiator contest is not enough to attract Princess Yongye to watch. It's a pity that I didn't come last time, otherwise I would be able to see her." He felt a little disappointed in his heart.

In this aristocratic audience area, he has the same thoughts and many feelings.Many men have dreams that are favored by Princess Yongye, and even more people are obsessed with that dream.On the shore of the Lake of Death, some infatuated noble children finally folded the paper with words of love or love poems into small boats, and then hoped that the small boat of love would float on Guihun Island and be picked up by Princess Yongye, and then made a story of the ages.However, most of those love boats were overturned by the waves.But for these dreaming noble children, dreams are still necessary, what if it is realized?

Suddenly, a blood-colored figure appeared in the sky.

"Quick—" The hiss of the undead firebird burning flames from the sky.

Youfeng looked up, and he saw Princess Yongye riding on Fen Yan's back. His eyes suddenly flashed with excitement, "She's here! She's finally here!"

Princess Yongye descended from the sky, and fell on the high platform exclusively dedicated to her without weight.The whole heroic arena cheered for her arrival. Many people looked at her, but she didn't look at anyone.In the face of tidal cheers and praise, there was still no expression on her face.

Youfeng stood up from his seat and took a step in the direction of Princess Yongye, but at this moment a drum rang, and the opener of the World Champion Gladiator Contest began.

"Please, the king from the north, Ice Wolf Compass!" someone shouted in a unique voice, the voice was very powerful.


The sound of dull footsteps came out of a passage, and then a giant close to four meters tall walked out of the passage with his waist down.He is not a night watch, but a rare race, half human.His limbs are particularly sturdy, his body is full of hair that only beasts have, and his head has the characteristics of a wolf, which looks very hideous.He carried a huge axe in his right hand. The axe was almost two meters high. The axe body was like a small door, with cold light flashing.He stood there with a giant axe in his arms, with a mighty mountain, giving people an invincible sense of oppression.

Icefield Wolf Compass appeared on the stage, circled around her head, and then knelt on one knee in the direction of Princess Yong Ye, and said in a passionate voice: "I Kompass is willing to dedicate the glory of this battle to the respected Princess Yong Ye. I am proud of you!"

Princess Yong Ye just nodded slightly.

Although it was just a nodding movement, the ice wolf Compass was extremely excited. He stood up, beat his chest with his left hand, and roared in the muffled sound, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

The entire hero arena was boiling, and tens of thousands of spectators shouted the name of the ice wolf.Some daring women even pulled their minds apart and shook their emotions. The scene was not much worse than when they were dominating this place overnight.

"Please come from Invincible Gladiator Company, the son of darkness!" someone shouted.

The arena that was still cheering just now suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes gathered at the exit of the other passage.

In the channel.

Several maids were tidying up Xia Lei's clothes and hairstyle, and beside him was a tall and mighty white ghost horse.White ghost horses are extremely rare and valuable.

Beside the white horse stood three night watchmen, Earl Jialan, Lingtian and Nightingale.The three night watchmen all have strange expressions.The outside is waiting for him to appear on the stage, but he still has the mind to make his hairstyle here!

"That..." Earl Jialan hesitated for a moment or bit his head and reminded: "There are 200,000 spectators waiting for you outside, dear son of darkness."

Jialan Lingtian interjected, "If you add people watching the live broadcast, at least hundreds of millions of viewers are waiting for you, the great son of darkness."

Both father and son used honorifics.

Xia Lei slowly said: "What's the hurry? This is my first time playing as a gladiator. The meaning of the image is far more important than the fight itself."

Count Jialan and his son were speechless.

"Okay, okay, so be it, I'm going out." Xia Lei said.

Several maids retired.

Nightingale walked to Xia Lei, "Husband, be careful, I'll wait for you to come back."

Xia Lei nodded, then carried the storm hammer on the white ghost horse, and rode the horse towards the exit of the passage.

The arena has exploded.

"What is the origin of that son of darkness? Such a big name!"

"His Royal Highness Yongye is waiting for him, he will definitely die ugly!"

"A little-known little person who dares to play a big card like this is really self-humiliating!"

"Iceland Wolf, kill him!"

"Put out his heart!"

"Open his head, we have to see if it contains shit!"

With a screaming sound, a white ghost horse slowly walked out of the exit of the passage.In that instant, there were at least 100,000 stunned faces in the hero arena.If you add the stunned audience watching the live broadcast, this number is at least hundreds of millions.

The man who walked out of that passage was dressed in a gorgeous robe, and his white slightly transparent hair was curled up behind his head, tied into a beautiful braid with a black rope.His skin is slightly transparent and looks extremely delicate.On horseback, he didn't look like a gladiator at all, but he looked like a nobleman traveling.

Many people couldn't help but think when they saw Xia Lei, did this guy come to make fun?

Princess Yongye's gaze locked Xia Lei's face, and at that moment a gleam of surprise flashed in her eyes.But this is not because of Xia Lei's peculiar appearance, and the hybrid identity of the night watcher who seems to be not a night watcher, but because she can't see through this person!

Youfeng's gaze fell on Xia Lei's face, and he snorted coldly, "A dying person, who is so pushy?"

Ice Wolf Compass's sight was also on Xia Lei's handsome face, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

The white ghost horse stopped, Xia Lei coughed, and then chanted: "Eternal night is coming, I will watch from now on, until I die. I will not wear a crown, and I will not compete for honor. I am in the dark. The sword, the guard of the empire. I resist the cold flames, the rays of dawn, the horn to awaken the sleeper, and the shield to guard the empire. I dedicate my life and glory to the night watcher. Tonight, night and night. "

If people here have read "Rights and Games", they will find that this guy is a despicable plagiarism, but there is obviously no one who knows the truth.

Therefore, Xia Lei can continue his performance, after reciting the abridged version of the night watchman's oath, he shouted in a passionate voice: "I, son of darkness, I will defeat all opponents and win the world championship!"

No one cheered, and no women opened their minds and shook their hearts. People's eyes were cold and contemptuous, as if they were looking at a clown trying to please the audience and want to make them laugh.But his audience was very picky, and no one laughed.

This is probably the first time in Xia Lei's life that he "speaks awkwardly".

Xia Lei shrugged, "Well, then treat it as if I didn't say anything."

Finally there was laughter, but it was full of mockery.

A guard of the Castle of Blood and Sand ran out of the passage. He first put a cushion in his hand on the black sand, and then ran to the white ghost horse, knelt down and laid his back flat.

Xia Lei stepped off the guard’s back, walked to the cushion, and knelt on one knee in the direction of Princess Yongye, "I originally gave the glory of this battle to the great Princess Yongye."

Princess Yongye frowned slightly, "Go."

The ice wolf roared and strode towards Xia Lei.He holds axe in both hands, his huge body is like a moving tank of flesh and blood!He already couldn't bear it, what he wanted to do most now was to split Xia Lei's body with an axe!

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