Super Vision

2259 Chapter 2259

The sky is still dim and the light is dim, but the time has arrived at night.As if to match the night atmosphere, the street lights of Doom City were lit.The spacecraft shuttled in the sky also lit up the ship lights, which together brought out a night-less atmosphere.

A luxurious ghost carriage was driving on the street. It was not an ordinary groom, but Jialan Lingtian, the young master of the Invincible Gladiator Company.In the imperial doomsday city where gladiatorial winds prevail, Jialan Lingtian is also a well-known nobleman, who has never only rode a carriage, but has never driven a carriage.Everyone who saw it stopped and looked curiously, trying to see who was sitting in the carriage, but the car curtain of the carriage was hanging down and could not be seen at all.

"It's strange that Baron Jialan Lingtian would drive the carriage himself."

"Earl Jialan is sitting in the carriage, right?"

"If it was Earl Jialan, Baron Lingtian could ride with his father, how could he drive the car himself? Anyway, I have seen it several times before. At the gate of Invincible Fighting Company, Earl Jialan and Lingtian The Baron Tian rides together. When is the castle of Blood and Sand lacking a horseman?"

"Could it be... the son of darkness?"

"Ah! It's mostly him, only he is worthy of Baron Lingtian to drive him personally!"

"I have only now heard that the huge bonus of 20 million black gold in this world championship gladiator contest is sponsored by the Dark Son!"

"Oh my God, how rich!"

"Son of Darkness, he is the most amazing gladiator I have ever seen!"

The carriage passed by, leaving behind a voice of discussion.

Xia Lei was indeed riding in the luxurious ghost carriage, and he was the only passenger in this carriage.Nightingale wanted to follow him, but Xia Lei persuaded her to stay in the Castle of Blood and Sand.He doesn't know who wants to see him, this dinner may be a banquet.Even though Nightingale is also very strong, it is still too weak in front of the presence of the god of death Diaro. It is not a wise choice to take her to a banquet.

Of course, he is not an absolute person, Shenyue Ruyi is his strongest assistant, she is in the Doom City, as long as he encounters a dangerous situation, she will appear in front of him in a breathing time.There is also a floating city, its attack power is not vegetarian.

"Brother Dark, the Golden Coast Hotel is in front of you." Jia Lan Lingtian's voice.

Dark brother, this is Jialan Lingtian's new honorific title for Xia Lei.

Xia Lei replied, "I know, I have worked hard."

"Brother Darkness, why are you polite with me? I will be your little brother from now on. Just ask if you have anything to do." Jialan Lingtian smiled.

Xia Lei smiled, "Well, your business in the future will be mine."

This is a simple contract.

"By the way, Dark Brother, when you arrive at the Golden Coast Hotel, do you want me to accompany you in?" Jia Lan Lingtian asked.

Xia Lei said, "No, I don't know the situation. You can go back after you send me. You don't have to wait for me there."

"Then what do you do when you come back?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I told you to go back for your own good." Xia Lei said.

Jialan Lingtian said: "Brother Darkness, I understand, I really understand, you are protecting me."

During the chat, the luxurious ghost carriage came to the Golden Coast Hotel.

Xia Lei is no stranger to this place. He and Nightingale stayed in this hotel when they first came to Doom City.At that time he pretended to be a serpentine man, but this time he became a mixed-blood night watcher.

In fact, with his perfect evolution, his skin is already crystal clear, and he can pretend to be a "hybrid" with a slight change in energy.However, he can't completely pretend to be a real night watcher.

The open space in front of the Golden Coast Hotel is already full of various vehicles, including luxurious ghost wagons, small spaceships of the Blue Moon, and rare land vehicles.In Doom City, this mix of ancient and modern styles can be seen everywhere.

Xia Lei got out of the carriage and entered the Golden Coast Hotel alone, while Jialan Lingtian drove back to the Castle of Blood and Sand by himself according to his instructions.

There are already quite a few nobles in the lobby of the Gold Coast Hotel, and there are also a few that seem very fierce and powerful.However, in terms of clothing and temperament, Xia Lei judged that those people were military figures, because General Winter was standing with them, drinking and chatting.He was the only gladiator invited, but he didn't feel honored.

As soon as Xia Lei entered the hall, the scene of chatting and laughing suddenly calmed down, and everyone's eyes gathered on him.The expressions in the men's eyes are different and complicated.A few aristocratic women reacted in another way. They looked at him with a little light, full of excitement.

The old man who invited him to the banquet was also there, living in a corner, quietly wiping a ceramic cup, but looking at Xia Lei, he lowered his head to wipe the cup, cautiously.

Xia Lei glanced at everyone, but he still didn't know who was the master tonight.

An "acquaintance" came over, with a smile on his face, very kind and easy-going, but there was contempt and hatred hidden in that smile.There is only one person who can make a smile so artistically, and that is Youfeng.

"Son of Darkness, I didn't expect you to come too." It seemed to be greeted, but the wind actually blocked Xia Lei's path.

Xia Lei smiled slightly, "Brother Youfeng, I don't think there is anything."

This title made Youfeng's brow jump a bit. Normally, Xia Lei would add his title or official position when calling him.A gladiator called his name directly on this occasion, and even called his brother, which is obviously disrespectful to him!

"What do you call me?" Youfeng said, holding back his anger.

Xia Lei smiled, "Brother Youfeng, I call you Brother Youfeng. But if you want me to call your title or official position, that's okay. But in that case, in addition to making you feel that you are a little more noble than me, Is there any other meaning? So, do you really think you are more noble than me?"

"You..." Youfeng couldn't help clenching his fist, and a cloud of dark death energy emerged from his fist.

Xia Lei just looked at him with a smile, no other reaction.

But Youfeng saw a glimmer of coldness in Xia Lei's eyes. He suddenly remembered the scene of the man before him hitting the ice wolf with a hammer in the arena, and what happened in the castle of blood and sand.He then let go of his fist. He was just an instinctive reaction that was stimulated and wanted to punch someone, but if the object was Xia Lei, he would be fine.

"Hehe." Youfeng sneered, "Sure enough, he is a unique character. Otherwise, so many gladiators have not been invited, but you are invited. This is your honor."

He made the word "Gladiator" very heavy, for fear that others would not hear him, he seemed to be deliberately reminding Xia Lei, and other nobles in the hall-you are just a gladiator!

But some things are okay if they are not reminded, but they are not the same when they are reminded.

Xia Lei has a handsome face, a well-proportioned figure, and a glamorous dress. Coupled with his rebelliousness and unique temperament in the game world, he is actually more like a nobleman than a noble child like Youfeng.You Feng stood with him, losing his looks and temperament, but he looked like an ordinary person.

"Looking at him, his family must not be simple."

"I heard that it is a person from no man's land, very rich, but since it is no man's land, how could such a person be born?"

"What a strange character, I can't see through him, but I believe his life experience must not be simple."

"He is so handsome and so temperamental, I think he should be a nobleman."

"I think so too. Although it is not the nobleman of our Black Sun Empire, there are nobles in other nations."

"I just saw Jialan Lingtian driving for him. It is not easy to specify his identity. Maybe he is the prince of any country. He looks so handsome riding a white horse. Well, he is Prince Charming."

There was a quiet discussion in the hall, and men and women talked about different things.

These comments made You Feng's brows frown even higher, and his face grew gloomy.He originally wanted to remind everyone that the person in front of him was just a gladiator and a humble figure, but he didn't expect a noble woman to say that Xia Lei was Prince Charming!He realized that his smart behavior just now was equivalent to hitting himself in the foot by himself.

Just when the wind that was blocking the road and looking for faults was riding a tiger, General Winter came over and said straightforwardly: "Son of Darkness, I heard that you are from no man's land, but since it is no man's land, why are you there? Count Jialan said you are a mixed race, who are your mother and father?"

Two questions, each story directly hit the most vulnerable point of the story written by Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled indifferently, "Hehe, I received an invitation to come to the dinner party, and now I am a little confused. Am I here to go to the dinner or to be investigated?"

A sneer appeared at the corners of Rin Dong's mouth, "Does your feelings matter?"

Suddenly, a biting cold feeling came from behind.Xia Lei's body trembled slightly, and he already knew that a trace of dark energy was hitting him, and the target was his head.At this moment, he suddenly understood who invited him to come, and also understood why Youfeng and Rin Dong unscrupulously made things difficult for him when he came.

The person who invited him to the banquet was Princess Yongye.

Rin Dong may have been instructed by Princess Yongye and deliberately asked him these two questions at this time, so that she could steal the memory information in his brain!

The trace of energy stealing the memory information of the brain reached the back of his head in no time, and Xia Lei did not avoid it.

That trace of dark energy plunged into his brain.

Xia Lei's body stiffened quite cooperatively, but there was an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth.If the use of energy to steal the memory information in the brain of a certain target is likened to a pyramid, then he is the figure standing at the top of the pyramid. To him, the princess Yongye repeats the same tricks as a trick!

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