Super Vision

2264 Chapter 2264

"Squash—" Fen Yan roared, and opened his mouth a pillar of fire!

But the blue energy light was too fast. In fact, when Fen Yan was aware of it and prepared to use the pillar of fire to fend off the enemy, the blue energy light had already arrived in front of Princess Yongye.

It was Shenyue Ruyi who came, and she was Xia Lei's remedial plan.If Princess Yong Ye returns to Longju with Yixi, then she will appear on the stage and attack Princess Yong Ye to prevent her from returning to Longju.

The pure energy body had a speed comparable to that of light, and the speed of Shenyue Ruyi couldn't even catch up with Xia Lei. Naturally, she could not be resisted by flesh and blood bodies like Fen Yan and Yongye Princess.

However, just as Shenyue Ruyi was about to penetrate the body of Princess Yongye, a rune blood crystal accessory hung on Princess Yongye suddenly trembled, and an energy barrier was instantly released.


Shenyue Ruyi slammed into the energy barrier supported by the rune blood crystal, it was on the verge of triggering, and its speed was not lower than that of a pure energy body!

The sneak attack failed, and Shenyue Ruyi flew towards the gate of the city. Her voice came, "Want to know the secret of the Dragon King? Come with me!"

"Catch up with her!" Yong Ye Princess shouted.

Fen Yan neighed and fluttered his wings to catch up.

The Dragon King, a rebel in the northwest frontier, beheaded Ye Bai, and annihilated the invincible skeleton army and the army of half a million people from the past.Now, the Ash City and Lava City on the northwest border of the empire are in the hands of the Dragon King.The appearance of this person has shaken the ruling and opposition parties of the Black Sun Empire, and the war plan against him is also being formulated, but he thought that a pure energy body suddenly appeared and claimed to have brought the order of the Dragon King. How could Princess Yongye not be moved, Do not catch up to ask a question?

Shenyue Ruyi was in front, only faster than Fen Yan.

Fen Yan chased him, and flew out of the imperial capital Doom City...

All this happened so quickly that the court guards on the ground didn't even notice.They only saw Fen Yan suddenly flying in the direction of the city gate, nothing more.But even if they knew what was going on, they couldn't help. Shenyue's speed was not what they could catch up with and intercept.

On the eve of the evening, he lifted the window curtain and glanced at the sky, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He only glanced at it before lowering the curtain of the car window, and muttered to himself, "What a smart guy, are we going to meet?"

The team continued to move forward, no one dared to stand in the way, so the speed was very fast.

"One night!"

"Champion of the Empire!"

"Show your face! I am your most loyal follower!"

There was noisy sound in the street, and the bold woman opened her mind in the street and swayed to her heart...

I don't know how many times a person has waited in his life, but this time Xia Lei had to wait the most.Hidden in the closet, every second of time is suffering for him.

Xia Lei was actually not afraid of being discovered, because even if he was found out, he could have gone away, no one could keep him.What he was worried about was dying in the arena overnight, or Shenyue Ruyi's failure to complete his mission, resulting in the failure of this meeting.

This one-night meeting was really important to him. The footprints of the Spirit Race people in the dark world of death, as well as the ultimate answer to that mission, he wanted to know.Although he still doesn't know why Yiji Xi is a night watcher, he still concludes that Yi Ji Xi is a person of the spirit race, or has a relationship with the spirit race, and he also wants to know the secrets of Yi Ji Xi.Finally, he even hoped to know where the other six rune blood crystals were overnight.He wanted to find the six rune blood crystals and completely unlock the secret of the last supper of the six spirit race "creators".

All of this is pinned on one night, how can he not worry?

In fact, in order to meet overnight, he didn't even go back to the floating city during this period.He got the last milk of Nightingale, but he had not yet blended the six best milks he obtained in the world of death into six-in-one god milk.What kind of divine milk will be born with the milk of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, Diao Chan’s milk, Heini’s milk, Cai Ling’s milk and Nightingale’s last milk?He was actually full of expectations, but even such an important event related to evolution was postponed by him, in order to meet overnight.

There was footsteps outside the door, and the sound of people talking.

"Our warrior is finally back." It was Caixiang's voice.

"Caixiang, go to work!" A Weng's voice was rebuked.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Caixiang's voice.

"Since eve, why didn't Her Royal Highness come back?" Aon's voice.

"The princess seems to be out of town." Said since eve.

"How could your Royal Highness get out of the city?" Aon said in surprise.

"I don't know, is there anything else? If not, I will go back to my room and rest. I have to prepare for tomorrow's decisive battle." Said overnight.

"Go go." Aon's voice.

"You can actually go out of the city to have a look." Yi Xi's voice.

"No, the princess let me look at you, I will not violate any will of the princess. Her Royal Highness let me look at you, I will look at you well. I'm just outside your room, what do I need? Just tell me." Aon's voice.

One night he said, "Well, please let someone bring me a pen and some paper."

"What do you want those things for?"

"I want to paint, painting can make me calm." Yi Xi's voice.

"It's no wonder that the cave in Fenyan Mountain is full of messy pictures. Okay, I'll let Caixiang send you over." Aweng said.

One night, he opened the door, entered the room, and then closed the door again.

Xia Lei didn't go out. He kept reminding himself that no matter how important this meeting was, he had to stay calm.He has gone through many hardships and ups and downs along the way, and when it comes to the last step, he must be calm.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Caixiang's voice, "One night warrior, I sent you the paper and pen you wanted."

Going up and opening the door overnight.

Caixiang handed the two pens and a stack of white paper to all night, "I'm afraid you won't have enough, so I got you one more, do I need to do anything else?"

"Nothing, thank you." Said one night.

"Okay, then I will go down." Caixiang flew away.

Avon stood in the corridor watching the whole process, but there was no other reaction.Xia Lei was in the love room, but he couldn't feel it at all, because Xia Lei not only controlled his heartbeat to the number of dying times, but even breathed through the pores of his skin, but also shielded all the breath of the body.At this moment, he is equivalent to a corpse-like existence, unless he is seen with his own eyes, it is difficult to find him.

Of course, he could only fool a servant like Aweng. If Princess Yongye was here, Xia Lei would definitely not be able to hide it.

The door was closed overnight, and then he walked to the wardrobe.

In the closet, Xia Lei already understood why he wanted paper and pen, and he secretly said in his heart: "It's still a full fellow."

Opened the wardrobe door overnight.

Their eyes met, and neither of them spoke.

This was the first time the two had met, but Xia Lei had a feeling of knowing what he knew before, that feeling was so kind and familiar.

All night without letting Xia Lei go out, she sat cross-legged by the closet door and handed Xia Lei a pen and some paper.

Xia Lei didn't delay even a second. After holding a pen and paper, he wrote on the first piece of white paper: Is the farmer in Lava City you?

One night wrote: Yes.

Xia Lei wrote: You gave the Serpentine Grass Sacrifice a bag of cherry tomatoes and left a message for me to come to the Imperial Capital to meet you?

One night he wrote: Yes, for that mission.

Xia Lei's heart was full of excitement, and then he wrote: Where is that piece of debris?

One night wrote: I don't know.

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him with surprise.I don't know what you asked me to do with you?Meet your pen pals!

Then I wrote on that piece of paper overnight: But I know where the things they left for you are.

Xia Lei's heart moved, and he remembered the six rune blood crystals he had obtained in Jiuzhai Forest.

Sure enough, I wrote new content overnight: There are six rune blood crystals in the Forest of Jiuzhai, put them together, and you can see the information they left you.

Xia Lei wrote: I have got the six rune blood crystals, where are the other six?Also, who are you talking about?

One night he wrote: The other six are in the abyss of desire, the territory of the legendary Medesa, and the edge of the world of the gods.They, they are the creator.If you find the other six blood crystals, you can solve the mystery of that mission and the whereabouts of that fragment.

Xia Lei sorted out his thoughts a bit, and then wrote: The Creator has been to the world of dark death?

One night wrote: I have been here, but I don't know their results.

Xia Lei wrote: Who are you?I used to think you were a spirit race, but you looked like a pure night watcher.

After a moment of silence, I wrote: I am just a night watchman who was created. My mission is to wait for the only one who comes from another world, that is, you.

Xia Lei was immediately shocked on the spot.Didn't he have never seen a humanoid? On the earth, he saw a lot of Kristins made by Excitab, that is, a copy of Da Vinci.But even if the most perfect Kirsten compares with the one in front of him, that is the comparison between Firefly and Haoyue.An obvious evidence is that it has extremely high evolution overnight, and it also possesses extremely powerful dark energy.This is almost impossible for a copy person to achieve, but he has achieved it.

How advanced is the technology of the spirit people?


Just as Xia Lei was in shock, he had already drawn a simple map on another piece of white paper and wrote beside the map: This is the map to the abyss of desire, and the six symbols. The location of Wen Xuejing.

Xia Lei had already seen the place he marked, and that place seemed to be at the end of the abyss of desire.He couldn't help thinking in his heart, "The six creators put such important information there. Is there really any excessive boundary of the gods? The so-called goddess of desire, Medesa, does she really exist?"

I put the drawn map in the closet overnight, and then wrote on a piece of white paper: In addition to the map, I have another important message to tell you.

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