Super Vision

2283 Chapter 2283 Falling into the Abyss

"What are you laughing at?" Princess Yongye added, "Asshole!"

She rarely loses control of her emotions, but in a short period of time, Xia Lei has already caused her to lose control of her emotions twice.

Xia Lei sneered: "I'm laughing at what you say, what you do, and your superiority, thinking that you are in control of everything."

"What is so funny about what I said and what I did?" It was just a blink of an eye that Princess Yong Ye calmed down again.She is not a pure energy body, but has the ability to control emotions comparable to an energy body.

"You said I can't enter the abyss of desire, my mission will end here, but you came to stop me with the sky knights of Doom City, don’t you think this is funny? If you conclude that I cannot enter the abyss of desire, What are you doing with such a person?" After a pause, Xia Lei said again: "You are actually more afraid than I am that I will enter the abyss of desire to complete the mission, right?"

Princess Yongye was silent.

Xia Lei's words hit her critically, if she wasn't worried about Xia Lei entering the abyss of desire to complete that mission, how could she lead the air knights to chase here?In order to increase the chance of interception, she even brought her second uncle Diaro!

At the moment she was silent, the trace of energy approaching her suddenly accelerated and flew towards her brain with a swish.

Xia Lei said so much nonsense for this opportunity to enter the brain of Princess Yong Ye to steal memory information.


With a soft sound, the rune blood crystal on Princess Yongye's waist suddenly trembled.The energy of Xia Lei's sneak attack on Princess Yong Ye suddenly hit the energy shield supported by the rune blood crystal and was absorbed.

Xia Lei was taken aback. He did not expect that the rune blood crystal worn by Princess Yongye would have the same ability as his Yin-Yang rune blood crystal, but it did not exist in the short encounter in Doom City. appear.However, he quickly found the reason, that is, in that short fight in the Doom City, Princess Yong Ye was the one who actively attacked him, he was passively defending, and Princess Yong Ye got his milk force.This time he took the initiative to attack, and the rune blood crystal supported the energy shield for Princess Yongye.

Offense and defense are fundamentally different.

Even if Xia Lei wanted to attack, he had to remove the energy shield supported by the blood crystal of Yin and Yang rune, otherwise his attacking energy would be absorbed.The energy shield supported by the Yin Yang rune blood crystal is a nearly insoluble energy shield, but for this reason, he himself cannot attack a certain target under the premise of propping up the energy shield.

"So your purpose is this, despicable villain!" Princess Yongye already knew what had happened.

Xia Lei said: "You are noble and supposed to steal my memory with energy, and am I a despicable villain to do such a thing? It seems that you have been a princess for a long time. Cure your princess disease!"

Princess Yongye snorted coldly, "Huh! Are you worthy of it?"

"Yong Ye, are you finished?" Death God Diaro has obviously lost his patience.

Princess Yong Ye said: "Second Uncle, let's do it, kill him, and make that prediction impossible!"

A blood-colored flame emerged from her body, which merged with the energy flame of the undead firebird.People and birds are united, the aura of her and Fen Yan instantly increased several times.On the dark sky, flames burn like a scorching sun!

Almost at the moment when Princess Yong Ye and Fen Yan took offensive stances, Diaro, the god of death, rushed towards Xia Lei.In the state of pure energy body, he has a faster speed than Shenyue Ruyi, and he attacked with his body and slammed into the energy shield supported by the blood crystal of Yin and Yang rune for Xia Lei in just one flash.

At that moment, Xia Lei was still thinking about the "prophecy" that Princess Yong Ye suddenly mentioned.

What prophecy?

Who made the language?

Is that prophecy related to that mission?

He was curious about these questions and wanted to know the answers, but before his brain entered the state, the god of death Diaro had already hit the energy shield supported by the Yin and Yang rune blood crystal.


Although the energy shield supported by the blood crystals of Yin and Yang runes absorbed most of the dark energy, Diaro's body still carries natural energy, that is, physical impact energy.Although this kind of physical impact energy of natural energy can be absorbed by Yin and Yang rune blood crystals, it cannot be absorbed all.At the beginning, Ye Bai led an army to let the steel lizard rider attack the gates of Ash City is an example.If the city heart of Ash City can absorb all the physical attack energy, Ye Bai will not send a steel lizard rider to attack the gate of Ash City.

It was the distraction of Xia Lei and the collision of Diaro, the god of death, his body suddenly fluttered backwards, behind him was the energy barrier supported by the Canyon of Desire.

At the same time, Firebird and Yongye Princess also attacked, the human and the bird were one, and the scorching comet generally pricked Xia Lei.

In the eyes of the Undead Firebird and Yongye Princess, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to make up the knife. Once Xia Lei resists the attack of the god of death Diaro and stabilizes his figure, then it and her will make up for it. A fatal blow!

However, before the immortal Firebird and Princess Yongye made up the knife, Xia Lei had already slammed into the energy, and he could not resist, let alone stabilize it!

Wow!boom!The strange sound appeared, like a river bank.

Without a violent explosion, in this weird sound, the energy barrier of the Abyss of Desire was instantly "eaten" by the energy shield supported by the blood crystals of Yin and Yang runes!It felt like a flood dragon biting off a section of a river embankment.But Jiang Shui didn't rush out from the abyss of desire, but rolled Xia Lei into the abyss of desire!

The god of death Diaro froze, and the second blow he was ready to strike could not be delivered.

The undead firebird Fen Yan and Princess Yongye also froze, and stopped abruptly in the void, staring dumbfounded at Xia Lei who passed through the energy barrier and fell into the abyss of desire.

There was a sudden violent vibration in the void, and the movement was comparable to the activation of an interstellar aircraft carrier.

"That's..." Princess Yong Ye stared at the direction of the vibration in the void, and suddenly realized something, she followed and shouted: "That's his city!"

The floating city has appeared more than once in Ash City and the Northwest Mining Area. With the intelligence network of the Black Sun Empire, at this point, does the Princess Yong Ye know that Xia Lei has a flying city?

The god of death Diaro slammed into it with a powerful dark energy. At that moment, he was no longer a handsome man, but a head made of dark energy that was ten thousand meters high and two to three kilometers wide. Horror Great Ape!

However, such a terrifying terrifying giant ape didn't touch anything, and flew directly through the space where the huge vibration was transmitted.

The Bronze Bird Hall of the Suspended City.

"Stupid! Real stupid!" Hao Fang sipped, "He is probably an illiterate illiterate. He doesn't know what 1.5 micro-dimensional concept is. If we can meet the floating city, then what are we? 1.5 micro-dimensional? We are in another damn space, idiot! idiot!"

"Shut up!" Think tank Armidoro roared: "We have entered the abyss of desire. The situation is unknown. We may encounter unknown dangers. Don't disturb me!"

This time, Hao Fang did not scold Amido, the think tank, but it did not let the god of death Diaro and Princess Yongye say, "Foolish god of death, go eat shit! Want to hit the floating city, it is terrible to have no culture. With you, the stinky lady who always covers her face, your face must be ugly, or how could you hide it? Oh my God, your face must be scarred and acne! You deserve to be my master Enemy? You are only worthy to kneel down and lick my master's shoes!"

Unfortunately, neither the god of death Diaro nor Princess Yongye could hear Hao Fang's wonderful words.

Outside the energy barrier, Diaro, the god of death, was shot down. For a moment, he wanted to chase into the abyss of desire, but finally gave up.

The same was true for Princess Yong Ye and Fen Yan, the undead firebird. Xia Lei fell into the abyss of desire with her front feet, and when the floating city's back feet chased in, she also had the urge to chase in, but this idea was not realized in the end.

The terrifying giant ape that was ten thousand meters high disappeared, and Diaro returned to his original form.He has a black robe, blue eyes and red lips, handsome and extraordinary.It's just that this handsome face is full of anger, looking at what he wants to destroy.

In just such a little time, the energy boundary of the Abyss of Desire returned to normal, and Xia Lei could no longer be seen, nor his city.There was darkness in the abyss of desire, and that darkness was not normal. Even Princess Yongye and Diaro could not see the scene in the darkness.

"Unexpectedly, he escaped!" Princess Yong Ye said bitterly, the hilt in her hand made a creaking sound, and the hilt was cracking, showing the anger and unwillingness in her heart.

"Yong Ye, you didn't tell me that he has such a rune blood crystal on his body!" Death God Diaro came to the side of Fen Yan, his voice filled with anger.

"Second Uncle, I haven't received relevant information either." Princess Yongye said: "But I'm sure he didn't have that rune blood crystal on his body when he was in Doom City. He is likely to return this time. In the northwest mining area, I obtained the rune blood crystal. Xiaoyue gave a reminder that the rune blood crystal on that guy’s body was very powerful and mysterious. It could not estimate its energy reserves and its attributes. I would also Never seen it before."

"So the rune blood crystal on him has great value?"

"Supreme value." Princess Yongye said.

"Ah—" Diaro, the god of death, suddenly furious. "That rune blood crystal should have been mine! I am the master of the northwest mining area! A despicable thief!"

A second later, he calmed down again, staring at the energy barrier supported by the abyss of desire.

Princess Yongye said: "Second Uncle, he can enter because he has that rune blood crystal. We can't, don't take risks. This matter has exceeded my control. I will go back and report to the emperor, that guy has already Desire Canyon, it’s also time for the father to take action."

The god of death Diaro didn't seem to hear what Princess Yongye was saying, he still stared at the abyss of desire.Two faint blue flames were burning in his eyes, silent.

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