Super Vision

2288 Chapter 2288

The river is the Styx and the lake is the Styx.The small island in the middle of the lake is like a grave emerging from the lake, with a stele-shaped lonely mountain in front of a kilometer high, and a huge bun-shaped hill in the back.Neither the stele-shaped peaks nor the bun-shaped hills have a single tree, they are all bare black rocks.

A building stands on a hill shaped like a steamed bun, with huge stone pillars and a majestic dome, which looks a bit broken with the charm of an ancient temple.However, it collapsed partly.

These are all the sights Xia Lei saw when he got off the boat and set foot on the island pier.He didn't know where Medesa was imprisoned on this island, he couldn't sense its existence.He glanced at the lonely mountain, then at the bun-shaped hill, and finally decided to go to the temple first.

To go to the temple, you need to bypass the stele-shaped lonely mountain. Xia Lei was careful along the way to guard against any possible crisis.When he met the dragon, he was almost fooled into its mouth and eaten by it. How could he accidentally guard against Medesa's site?

On the lake, black mist surged, and the boat sank to the bottom of the lake and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Explorer from afar, look over here." Just as Xia Lei walked to the side of the lonely mountain and was about to walk towards the bun-shaped hill, a woman's voice suddenly came.That voice was whispering, and it was the voice he heard by the lake.

Xia Lei looked at the sound, and at a glance saw that the sound was coming from existence.

It was a woman, she was crushed under this lonely mountain, only one head was exposed, and the body below the neck was all in the mountain.She looks very young, with long black hair and beautiful features.With such a beautiful head, who would associate her with a tortoise?

Xia Lei didn't think of any tortoise, but thought of another character who exists in the mythical world, that is Monkey King Monkey.The Great Sage was also suppressed in this way, but here was replaced by Medesa.He had imagined Medesa being imprisoned, but he never expected it to be like this.

"Explorer from afar, come here, I can sing you the best hymn of this time. Your bravery, your handsomeness, and everything about you make me admire and admire you. Come on, come on." Sha's voice is a little more strangely magnetic.

With this sound, all the vigilance and defense in Xia Lei's heart disappeared, replaced by a wonderful feeling.He suddenly felt that he was a young man who was in passionate love, and it was not Midea that was under the lonely mountain, but his passionate girlfriend.She was lying on the soft grass, like a delicious fruit, waiting for him to taste it.Wonderful feeling, the beauty is at present, he can't control his feet to walk towards Medesha.

"Come on, come on, I am your beloved lover, all your desires will be satisfied, and you will become the happiest person in this universe..." Medesa's voice.

Fuzzy energy suddenly flooded into the brain, and all the blankness and fantasy, as well as the feeling of desire being satisfied, disappeared in an instant.Xia Lei stopped and looked directly at Medesa not far away. At this time, his eyes were no longer blurred, as clear as a spring.

A gleam of surprise flashed in Medesha's eyes, but then a sweet smile appeared, "Explorer from afar..."

"Don't do it, it sounds uncomfortable." Xia Lei interrupted her, "The legendary goddess of love and desire, you are actually no different from the guy upstream, both are liars. Do you want to eat me like that? Aren't you afraid to offend me and kill you?"

"Hee hee, okay, come, come, come and kill me, anyway, being imprisoned here is better than death. You killed me, I was relieved." Medesa's face was full of excitement and joy. Smile.

"Are you really not afraid?"

Medesa blinked her big charming eyes, "Brother, do you think I am scared like this?"

Xia Lei didn't go over, he just wanted to be stronger and give Medesa a warning not to make him think.However, he didn't expect that instead of being afraid, Medesha would let him kill. How could he kill an ancient creature who was imprisoned here?

"You can survive that stupid reptile, and you can still come here. You are really not a simple person." Medesa's voice was crisp, "Come here and let my sister take a good look at you. You are The best looking man my sister has ever seen."

Xia Lei didn't move, "Just give up, I'll be your mouth a little further."

"Not romantic at all." Medesa said.

The illusion in front of me suddenly disappeared, and there was no lonely mountain that stood at the highest kilometer, only a huge turtle locked on the rocky ground by a stone chain.Its head is not smaller than that of the dragon at all, it is wide open, and its mouth is full of sharp jagged teeth.Such a mouth, let alone cannibalism, even a tank can chew it and eat it.

The location has changed, the characters have also changed, but the routine is the same, Medesha and the dragon want to flick Xia Lei into their mouths.

In this way, a terrifying tortoise was imagined by the aboriginals in the dark world of death as a goddess representing desire and love. This shows that the power of faith is terrible.Also, the terrible truth is often hidden under the beautiful coat.

"That stupid reptile must have told you a lot of bad things about me, right?" said Medesa.

Xia Lei said, "That's not true. It just reminds me to be careful of you."

Medesa's voice suddenly became deep and terrifying. No longer the babbling girly voice, the voice was like the voice of a demon in the abyss, "It actually opposed me for an outsider like you! Humph! "

With a cold snort, waves suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake around the island in the lake.Countless small skeleton fish swimming towards the island, the scene is terrifying.

Xia Lei was not fooled. He said indifferently: "Of course it will remind me, because I have reached a deal with it. It helps me extract a few people from the past, and I help him unlock the shackles on it."

"What did you say?" Medesa's voice suddenly changed, and it became that kind of nice voice again.

Xia Lei said, "I believe you can hear it clearly."

Medesa was silent for a while before she said: "You come to me, what do you want from me?"

Xia Lei said: "I have some questions, and I'm looking for a few special blood crystals. If you can provide me with this information, I can also help you unlock your shackles."

"Why do you make me believe you?"

Xia Lei said: "You don't need to believe me, I will find clues by myself." After speaking, he drew away and walked towards the bun-shaped hill.Now that we are on this island, the temple on the hill must be visited.

"Wait!" Medesa called to stop.

Xia Lei stopped and turned to look at the terrifying giant tortoise, "Have you changed your mind?"

"You help me unlock the stone lock first, and I'll tell you later." Medesa said.

Xia Lei smiled, "Since you and Long are both good at deceiving people, I decided to buy goods first and then pay for them. You have to tell me some useful information before I can unlock you."

"I don't believe you." Medesa said.

"You have no choice, talk to me after you think about it." Xia Lei walked towards the temple on the top of the hill.

"I'll tell you when you unlock a stone lock!" called Medesa.

This time Xia Lei did not stop. This was not buying vegetables at the vegetable market, and he could still bargain like this.He has given the conditions, and only if Medesa meets his conditions, will he conclude a deal with him.

Midea suddenly said: "The six blood crystals you are looking for are in the temple on the top of the mountain."

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, and his footsteps stopped.

Medesa said: "This is what you said. Tell you the few blood crystals and you will help me unlock the stone lock on my body. I have already told you. Come back and ask me any questions you want me to ask. I will tell you what I know."

Xia Lei felt somewhat deceived in his heart, because when he came to this island, he had thought that the six rune blood crystals might be on this island, and now it seems that they are really on this island. .However, he was going to the temple originally, so even if Medesha didn't tell him he could find it, but now Medesha has made a deal with him.

"What do you want to know?" Medesa said anxiously.

Xia Lei said, "Is that temple your temple?"

Medesa said: "Of course not, it is much older than me."

"Whose temple is that?"

"I do not know."

"You do not know?"

Medesha said: "I said, it is much older than me. There is no god in it, only a rock statue without a face. I don't think it is a god."

A rock statue without a face?

Xia Lei was immediately shocked on the spot.

"After I was imprisoned, something came to this small island and left those rune blood crystals on the island. I let the dead man go to see it, so I know those rune blood crystals are you What you are looking for. Unfortunately, he can’t pry off those rune blood crystals, otherwise you won’t need to get them at all, I will dedicate them to you personally.” Medesa’s voice was clear and pleasant, with a flattering meaning .

Xia Lei said, "I'll go up and have a look first, and I'll come to talk to you after I'm sure."

"Asshole! You are a mean liar!" Medesa cursed angrily.

Xia Lei ignored him. He accelerated his speed and ran towards the top of the hill, leaving an afterimage on the gentle slope of black rock.

A stone-paved road appeared on the top of the hill near the temple, not ordinary rocks, every piece is a stone of the world.It stretched forward along the hillside to the inside of the temple.

Xia Lei also discovered that not only the steps in front of him, but the stone pillars and domes of the temple are the stones of the world.

The civilization of the spirit people was developed based on the world stone, and only the spirit people would use the world stone to build important buildings.When such a temple appeared in the Abyss of Desire, Xia Lei suddenly understood that he had reached the end of that mission.

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