Super Vision

2291 Chapter 2291 Free Me Daisha

Xia Lei looked at Medesha, "I know what you want to say, and want me to release your imprisonment, don't you?"

Now he understood who was the one who imprisoned Medesha and the dragon, that was the sixth day.Before, he was worried that he might not be able to unlock the stone locks on Medesha and the dragon, but now he is full of confidence.Been here on the sixth day, but didn't kill the dragon and Medesa, but sealed them here.In his opinion, these two powerful ancient creatures were actually gifts given to him on the sixth day, and he would release their sealing stone locks and then turn them into his helpers.

"Yes, yes, quickly unlock the stone lock on my body." Medesa couldn't wait.

"Then what can you give me?" Xia Lei asked.

Medesa thought for a while, "Everything on this island, you can take anything you want. I bombed my temple, and I don't want you to pay for it. What do you think?"

Xia Lei smiled, "I can't look down on your tattered things. Also, it was the statue that blew up the temple, not me. What's more, it is not your temple at all, it is the temple of the Creator. The Creator didn’t kill you and the dragon. He left you to me to deal with. He meant to let you help me complete my mission. Are you willing to help me? If you want, I will let you go. If you don’t agree , I will not kill you, I will leave here. You can continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake and watch the fish swimming around. The dragon can also lie there, open its mouth and wait for someone to enter its mouth. "

"Don't talk cold words, can you?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

"It seems I have no choice, but I want to know what your mission is." Medesa said.

Xia Lei said: "Destroy the universe."

Medesha was stunned for a moment, and suddenly opened her mouth, "Hahaha..."

Xia Lei wanted to laugh too, but he couldn't laugh, because he knew that mission was really to destroy the universe.

The civilization of the Spirit Race is going to extinction in this cycle, and the six creators cannot protect themselves. Only in this cycle that destroys the universe can they preserve themselves and the civilization of the Spirit Race.Although he does not know the specific details of the "single mission", this is the truth, and his mission is to destroy the universe.

"If you could destroy the universe, would you destroy it?" Medesa stopped smiling.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I don't know, will you?"

"I don't know either." Midea suddenly smiled again, "hahaha..."

After it had laughed enough, Xia Lei said, "Are you willing to follow me?"

The smile on Medesha's tortoise's face disappeared again, and her voice was cold, "I am Medissa, the goddess of desire and love. If you want me to follow you, what can you do? What qualifications?"

"The goddess who symbolizes desire and love?" Xia Lei smiled. "You are just an ancient powerful creature. A tortoise, you are not a goddess at all. You are praised a lot, and you believe it yourself?"

"Humph!" Medesha snorted coldly.

Xia Lei continued: "If there is really any god in this universe, it can only be the existence that imprisons you and the dragon here. You ask me what I have the patience and qualifications to make you follow me, I can tell you, I Will become an existence like the god who seals you."

"If that is the case, I will follow you. If not, I will eat you." Medesa said.

Xia Lei walked over to Medesha's turtle back, and it felt like standing next to a house.There are three stone locks on Medesa's body, which respectively imprison Medesa's neck, turtle back and tail. It is these three stone locks that prevent Medesa from shrinking her head and tail.He raised his right hand, and then placed it on the stone lock on the turtle's back.There was an energy shock from the stone lock, and then the runes flickered.

"Ah—" Medesa screamed suddenly.

A vague energy was injected into the stone lock from Xia Lei's right palm, and at that moment, the entire stone lock burst out with colorful energy light.The energy runes not only flashed and changed in the stone lock, but also flashed and changed in his brain!

"What's going on?" Xia Lei's heart was shocked, "It feels... it feels like I don't need to crack an energy rune, I just need to inject my energy!"

When he was still with the dragon, he estimated that he could unlock the stone lock, because he mastered the mystery of the energy rune and related abilities.Moreover, he also has Yin-Yang rune blood crystals that can absorb the imprisoned energy released by the stone lock. Taking a step back, even if he can’t unlock the energy rune in the stone lock, he can absorb the energy released by the stone lock with the Yin-Yang rune blood crystal. The energy of the stone lock is absorbed and finally unlocked.But now he realized that he was thinking about things too complicated. The stone lock seemed to have been reserved for him. It only needed him to inject energy to unlock it!

However, a strange situation emerged.

With the continuous injection of Xia Lei's vague energy, the stone lock began to melt, and a circle of energy rune imprinted on Medesa's ghost back!

Medesa couldn't turn her head back, but she could see the stone lock on the turtle's back dissolving from the corner of her eyes, turning into a circle of rune imprints on its turtle's back.There was shock and panic in its heart, but it did not feel uncomfortable at all.

The stone lock on the turtle's back disappeared, and the rune mark on Medesa's back also disappeared, and continued to say that water soaked into its turtle's back.

The corner of Xia Lei's mouth couldn't help showing a smile, and then he walked to Gumi's stone lock.

Midea said, "What are you laughing at?"

Xia Lei did not answer, and his right hand was placed on Gumi's stone lock again.The colorful entangled fuzzy energy was once again injected into the stone lock of the Gumi, the stone lock dissolved and then left a circle of rune marks on the Gumi's Gumi.During this process, Xia Lei also left a corresponding rune imprint in his mind, and he knew their secrets and functions.

After unlocking Gumi’s stone lock, Xia Lei came to the side of Medesha’s neck, "There is the last stone lock left. After I open it, you will be free. Will you keep your promise, follow me and not betray me? "

"Of course, I will keep my promise and follow you without betraying." A smile appeared on Medesa's tortoise's face, "Quickly untie it. I have been imprisoned here for a long, long time. I really want to move. Take a break, then jump into the lake and take a bath."

"Can I trust you?" Xia Lei asked.

Medesa said categorically: "You can totally trust me. If Medesha makes a promise, it will be honored."

"Well, I will unlock your last stone lock now, and you will be free soon." Xia Lei posted everything on the last stone lock.

The colorful energetic light blooms, and the stone lock melts.

When the last stone lock was unlocked, the corresponding energy mark in Xia Lei's mind was also formed, and the dense energy runes formed the shape of a turtle.In a blink of an eye, the turtle in his mind disappeared.This process is like solving a math problem for him. He has already calculated the answer, so even if he throws away the test paper with the answer, the answer is still in his mind and will not be lost.

"Hahaha..." Medesa let out an earth-shattering laugh, and her limbs were buried in the rock and lifted up.The whole island trembled for it, and the movement was as loud as a magnitude 7 earthquake.

Xia Lei took a few steps back slowly, then looked at Medesha quietly.

The huge black rock burst, and Medesa stood up, and it roared to the sky, "I'm free!"

Xia Lei said, "Are you happy? Let's go if we are happy enough, and go to Dragon."

"I'll leave your mother's heart!" Medesa suddenly lowered her head, and the huge tortoise's head was about to hit Xia Lei's body. There was a fierce light in her bloody eyes, as well as the sky "That guy has imprisoned me here. I don't know how long it has been. Can you feel my pain? I am the goddess of desire and love, Medesa, and no one can imprison me! People can direct me to do anything!"

Xia Lei said indifferently: "You promised me, as long as I unlock your stone lock and give you freedom, you will follow me. Why, do you regret it now?"

"Follow you? Hahaha..." Medesa laughed wildly.

Xia Lei said: "Don't laugh, drive me out of the lake, let's go to the dragon, I'm still in a hurry."

"I'm catching your mother's time! A humble fellow actually wants to control me, Medesha, go and die!" Medissa suddenly raised her foot and stepped on Xia Lei.

Xia Lei did not move, even with a slight smile on his face.

The tortoise's feet fell immediately.

Suddenly, the three-ringed colorful energy light shot out from Medesa's neck, turtle back and turtle tail, and the energy runes flickered.

"Ah—" Medesa screamed and slammed on the ground.

Although the stone lock disappeared, the imprisoned energy did not disappear.Xia Lei opened the stone lock on Medesha and activated its second form.He holds the switch of imprisoned energy in his mind, and a thought can activate the imprisoned energy!

Chuck ch...

There was a cracking sound from the back of Medesha's turtle, and its neck and tail were being tightened. It felt like she was strangling her alive!

"What did you do to me...ah...stop! Stop!" Medesa screamed and wailed.

Xia Lei said: "I knew that you and the Long guy are a complete liar, expect me to believe you? I'm not stupid."

"I am wrong, stop...Ah!" Medesa trembled, and the tortoise's face was full of pain.

Xia Lei said: "Then what should you call me?"

"Master! Master!" Medissa can care about the dignity of a goddess, she just wants to end the pain before her.

Xia Lei snapped his fingers, and the colorful energetic light on Medesa suddenly disappeared.

Medesha lay on the ground and gasped, but the corner of her eyes was staring at Xia Lei, full of hatred, and she would attack at any time.

Xia Lei suddenly slapped Medesha's face and said fiercely: "What are you staring at me for? Do you want to eat me? I tell you, this is the last time. If there is another time, it will not be a punishment. But death!"

Medesa tilted her head, and then handed the other half of her face to Xia Lei’s slap and pasted it, her face was full of smiles, "Master, I was wrong, you hit my left cheek, I will now I'll give you a slap in the face."

Xia Lei, "..."

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