Super Vision

2299 Chapter 2299

The runes flickered, and the water of the lake slowly rotated, faster and faster.Subsequently, the past time and space tunnel opened, and black holes generally appeared in huge star rocks.

Can this past time tunnel move a city over?

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is definitely more powerful than the past space-time tunnel opened by Difascism. There is no problem in extracting large buildings from the past time and space.But the problem is that people from the past can solve the problem of the 100-day period by taking the life capsule, but the building is also the building of the past, the lifespan is also short, and that kind of problem cannot be solved.Unless it is discarded after being used for a period of time, it has no meaning to extract at all.

"Master, it's okay." Long reminded aloud.

Xia Lei nodded, and his body released colorful energy light.This is a precursor of the soul coming out of the body. This time he will draw four dead members of the zodiac team, Amanda, Park Taiyong, Marcus and Baku. He thinks that the difficulty will be greater than the last time, so he has to increase the entry into the past. The strength of the soul of the time tunnel.

However, before Xia Lei released a part of his soul, a violent sound was suddenly heard over the abyss.That voice was like a powerful giant who could shake the earth with a warhammer to bombard the energy barrier of the abyss of desire.


The violent sound that shook the sky and the earth was heard, and the two walls of the Abyss of Desire quivered, and huge rocks fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters.Every rock rubbed against the air and burned, and swooped down with the tail of the fire. The scene was like the wrath of the gods, punishing them and destroying the world!



A rock weighing at least a ton whizzed up and hit Medesa's head.The tortoise-shaped Medesha did not even retract her head into its shell, and directly used her head to hard-connect this piece of rock that had fallen from a height of tens of thousands of meters and was reddened by friction.

With a muffled bang, the rock shattered.

"Damn it!" Medesa raised the tortoise's head, her eyes filled with angry divine light, "This is my home, so damn it, have you asked me?"


A piece of rock whizzed and smashed into the opened past time-space tunnel with the tail of fire.The rock disappeared, and the time-space tunnel in the past shook a few times and collapsed.It is not a real black hole after all, and the entry of foreign matter will destroy its structure.


A huge boulder of several thousand catties swooped over Xia Lei's head.

Xia Lei had just stabilized his soul, and before he could dodge, he slammed up with a punch.


With a loud noise, the huge rock weighing several thousand kilograms turned into powder, and fell into the lake.

"Roar—" The dragon roared and rose into the air, "No matter who it is, I will kill it!"

"Come back!" Xia Lei roared.

"What are you doing?" Long said angrily: "The enemies have all hit the house. Are we going to hide?"

Xia Lei glared at the dragon, "I am more angry than you and want to kill those people more, but we must have another strategy and come back!"

"Howl-roar!" Long roared again, but returned to Xia Lei's side from the air.

Medesa smiled, "Domineering dragon, you are so old and tempered, do you really think you are a tough boy?"

"Humph!" Long snorted coldly, and the blood-colored dragon's eyes released a flame of energy, like a fire burning.

"Return to the city." Xia Lei jumped, his body flashed in the air, and then disappeared into the floating city.

Medesha has recovered her human form, and she walked by the dragon who has been reluctant to end the dragon state, "Uncle Aotian, the master’s city is still here, how can we go to war here? That city is the master’s lair, His family members are all in that city, when will you learn to be smarter?"

Long was stunned for a moment, and the energy flames in the blood-colored dragon's eyes suddenly subsided.It has a fiery temper, and it is full of scales, which will ignite when touched.Anger also tends to make it lose its sanity. It obviously didn't consider that the floating city was still in the abyss of desire.

"Let's go, Uncle Aotian." Midea also jumped across the lake, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the city gate of the lower city.

After the dragon entered the floating city, the floating city entered a 1.5 micro-dimensional state and quickly lifted into the sky.

The earth-shaking slamming sound continued, and the huge stones raindrops generally fell, but none of them could fall on the floating city.Entering the state of 1.5 micro-dimensional, in a sense it is not in this space.

Below the floating city, all the troops are gathering.Even soldiers from the Three Kingdoms began to assemble after receiving Xia Lei’s order. They are no longer the ancient people holding cold weapons. For a long time, the Suspended City has been producing energy weapons to arm them and let them carry weapons. Training used.Now, their combat literacy is almost at the same level as the Resistance of the Hope Star.

Warriors of different races, skin colors and shapes are all preparing for battle. Once the floating city is discovered and the energy shield is breached, they will use their flesh and blood to form the last barrier.

The upper city bronze bird hall.

"Master, all energy cannons are being charged, and the estimated completion time is five minutes. Our combat robots are ready for war and are ready to go into battle at any time." Think tank Amido gave Xia Lei a report.

Xia Lei nodded, and then gave a new instruction, "I will open the barrier of the abyss of desire again, and the floating city will follow me into the plain on the other side of the eternal abyss."

"Master, do you want to go out alone?" Think tank Armido said: "There is an energy field that shields the signal. Once you go out, we can't contact you. In this case, once we are caused by some reason If you lose the command of the leader, it is very dangerous."

Xia Lei said: "Our enemy is about to come in from the other side. If we wait for our enemy to break through the energy barrier and then exit through that gap, we may face the Great Dark Sun and the Dark Sun Empire. Strong legion, that is the most dangerous situation."

If the Black Sun came in person, then there would be no idea how many strong existences like Diaro, the god of death, or how many troops would exist.Although the floating city has a population of hundreds of thousands, compared with the tens of billions of people in the Black Sun Empire, it is simply a sapling on the opposite side of a forest, and it will be crushed if you are not careful!

"You can go to the plain, where I used to dominate." Medesa said aloud: "It is called the Eternal Plain. It was a huge battlefield in the Primordial Era, where many powerful and ancient creatures were buried there. After a long time. The corpses and energies of those ancient creatures were nurtured by the soil and gave birth to a new creature. They claimed to be ghosts. They built a city near the abyss of desire, and that city was called Linyuan City."

Xia Lei was surprised and curious. This was the first time he heard a detailed description of the plain on the other side of the abyss of desire.Although Caoji also mentioned it, he couldn't even call it his name, let alone what kind of ancient battlefield, what ghost people and Linyuan city.

"Medissa, how many ghosts are there in Linyuan City?" Xia Lei asked.

Medesa said: "The city was destroyed by the night watchman, and it was just a ruin. The ghosts were almost slaughtered. I met a few occasionally before. I couldn't bear to eat them. If they were in danger, I would even pay. Will help them. The goddess of my desire and love is spread from the ghost people."

Long muttered, "What a shameless woman."

Medesa glared at the dragon, revealing a fierce glow.

Xia Lei said, "Go on."

Medesha spread her hands, "Master, you know my situation. I practiced in the abyss of desire to improve my godhood. After so long, I don't know what the situation of the ghost people is. But I agree with your decision, we should go to the Eternal Plains. It is not the territory of the Night Watch, we have enough depth to deal with them."

On the other side of the Desire Abyss is the Black Sand Desert. Although it is also no man’s land, it is close to the territory of the Black Sun Empire.Xia Lei and his city have now become a major concern for the Black Sun Empire, and they are not happy.Therefore, any place close to the territory of the Black Sun Empire is actually not safe.Both he and his city need a buffer space and time for development.

Xia Lei actually thought the same way. After learning about the situation in the Eternal Plain, he didn't hesitate, "That's it. If you can't see me, open the energy barrier of the floating city and look at me with your eyes."

"I'll go with you this time." Shenyue Ruyi said: "I can act as your messenger, passing the message between you and the floating city at the fastest speed."

"Okay, you go out with me." Xia Lei said.

At this point in the conversation, the floating city has risen to the sky from the bottom of the abyss of desire.When it just emerged from the abyss of desire, a cliff of tens of thousands of meters on one side collapsed, and the rock and soil immediately buried a section of the abyss.

The energy barrier on that side trembled violently, full of unstable cracks, which could collapse at any time!

Xia Lei penetrated through the energy barrier of the floating city, and Shenyue Ruyi followed closely.Xia Lei flew to the energy barrier on the other side at the fastest speed, and during the flight he released a large amount of fuzzy energy.Colorful enveloping fuzzy energy wraps his body, rendering his energy wings, in the dark sky, he is like a colorful giant bird, piercing the energy on the other side with an impossibility to go. barrier.

Behind him, the floating city opened the energy barrier, and the entire city appeared from the sky.It is brightly lit and flies without wings.Sinking, hundreds of thousands of people looked up at the sky, watching the colorful giant birds in the dark sky, and the blue figure that followed them.

In the upper city, beside the cliff of Dragon Palace King Stone, the six women also looked at the direction Xia Lei flew to.

"Our husband is a god." Da Qiao said.

"I want to give birth to him a son of God." Xiao Qiao said.

Diao Chan didn't say anything, but tears were already in her eyes with excitement.

On the other side, the fiancees of the three natives of the Dark Death World were also chatting in a language they could understand.

"His wings are so beautiful," said the black-winged woman.

"He is so beautiful, have you seen them all?" said the night watcher woman.

The black-winged woman was dumbfounded, then shook her head.

"When is our wedding with him? He married that woman named Diao Chan and he didn't believe it." Cai Ling said, and then added, "Will he lie to us, he doesn't want to marry us at all?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Nightingale said: "When the crisis is over, I'll bring it up to him personally, so who of the three of us will have a wedding with my husband first?"

"Me." Heini said.

"Me." Cai Ling said.

The two women spoke almost in unison.

Nightingale shrugged, "I thought you would say that I will have a wedding with my husband first, shouldn't it be me?"

Heini and Cailing were both silent.

Nightingale said: "Well, then the three of us will be together. Our opponents are very united, and we must also unite."

The sights of the three aboriginal fiancées spontaneously moved to the three human wives.

Niumu looked at each other, just looking at each other, without any communication.

In the sky, Xia Lei had already removed the energy wings and propped up the energy shield of the blood crystals of Yin and Yang runes.After that, he plunged into the energy barrier of the abyss of desire.

PS: Thank you, Brother Pulling Sword, for your reward, thank you!

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