Super Vision

2311 Chapter 2311 Dominating the Creation City

Pieces of "mud eggs" fell on the ground and turned into ashes.A curled up human body was revealed little by little, his skin was fair and his figure was tall.He looks very young and handsome.His lips are dark blue, and he looks elegant and sexy.He has no hair and pointed ears, which is more in line with the characteristics of the spirit race, but his face is still a little bit native.

A large group of ghost people stared at the young people curled up on the ground with wide-eyed eyes. No one spoke, but each of them seemed to be saying the same thing: Is this the fucking still born in six natives?

Xia Lei gently raised his hand, and the young man lying on the ground slowly levitated, opened his hands, and opened his legs.

Some Digger women opened their mouths with exaggerated expressions.From their surprised eyes and exaggerated expressions, it is not difficult to see how powerful this young man is as a man.

Isn't it perfect?

Then give him perfection.

Xia Lei put his right palm on the young man's forehead, and in that moment tens of thousands of energy roots plunged into the young man's brain.

The young man's body trembled suddenly, and he suddenly opened his eyes.His eyes are also faint blue, as bright and beautiful as sapphires.

"Sleeping soul, listen to my call and wake up from the darkness. I give you life, and I will give you a soul..." Xia Lei's voice was ethereal and ethereal, full of immortality.Seemingly plainly speaking, the voice is not loud, but his voice seems to be coming from a loudspeaker, flying out of the earth digger's territory and reverberating throughout the creation city, all the ghosts are Can hear.

Liu Ya'er thumped and knelt down, muttering very piously, "Noble Seventh God, please revive our patriarch and grant us miracles!"

With this kneeling, all the diggers knelt down.

However, the other five forms of ghost people did not kneel down. What was happening before them seemed to be a miracle, but the final result was not revealed.And even though this young man looked a bit like the six natives, he was not the six natives they were familiar with.To make them recognize that Xia Lei is the seventh god, they are not unwilling, but they are still hesitating.

At this moment, Xia Lei put down his palms, and the youth's feet also stood on the ground.

The young man looked at Xia Lei, then suddenly knelt down, and said in an extremely pious voice: "Noble Seventh God, you gave me a new life. I am willing to praise you in the most beautiful language in the world. I am willing to Everything is dedicated to you, my body, my soul, and my property."

Xia Lei smiled, "Stand up, Liu Peran, my child."

This new life was created by him. He called him by the name of a child. There was nothing wrong with it, but it felt a little strange.

Six Peranakan stood up on the obedient field, bowed his head, and looked very humble.

"Six natives, are you six natives?" Wu Yan asked aloud.

All the ghosts’ eyes were focused on Liutusheng. The question Wuyan asked was actually the question all the ghosts wanted to ask, and this answer was very important to all the ghosts.

Liu Paisheng said, "Of course I am Liu Pai, Wuyan. I remember how you bullied us earth-diggers. Do you think I forgot? Not long ago, you were spreading rumors at the square market, saying that we dig The soilman stole the blood crystals of your stone human race, but that is nothing. And you, you actually used this rumor as an excuse to seize a lot of our valuable ore."

Wuyan was dumbfounded. He had few people know about the ore seizure of earth-diggers. If this new born young man was not Liutu, how could he remember?

"And you!" Liutusheng pointed to the four forest masters, "The wood you sell to us Diggers is more expensive than others, but you always make things difficult for us and say some uncomfortable things."

Four Mori Master was also stunned, because what the new-born young man said was the truth.If the newly born young man in front of him was not born in six natives, how could he remember this?

Liutusheng said again: "As for the three major swords, I won’t talk about it. He assassinated me, but I chose to forgive him. For your bad behavior to me and our earth-digger, my master and I will also forgive you. But your words and deeds have blasphemed the gods, and you need to repent to obtain the forgiveness of the sixth and seventh gods."

His words seemed to remind the ghost people who were still standing.

Several patriarchs took the lead and knelt down, and then crawled to the ground begging Xia Lei for forgiveness.

Xia Lei had a smile on his face, and the colorful energy light enveloped his whole body, full of charm.

Time went back to an hour ago.

All the material solutions entered the six native corpses, his heart had been repaired, but it was not beating.After a large amount of life-forming materials entered the corpse, the corpse was not actually a corpse born in the six natives, but a completely new flesh and blood body.Except for the heart not beating and breathing, all his cells are alive.

At this time, if he wakes up his heart fat, his heart will start beating, and his lungs will start to breathe, but that's it, he has no soul, no consciousness, just a vegetable with life characteristics.

The most difficult part of creating life is to give people souls. The method of the six creators is to inject seven emotions and six desires, and the simplest souls are generated from desires, and then they are gradually strengthened and evolved.It can be expected that the first generation of ghost people is actually very stupid, not much different from primitive people.The ghost people who now live in Creation City actually evolved after tens of millions of years or even longer.Even with the six creators, it is impossible for them to create advanced intelligent creatures and advanced civilizations at once.All beings will experience the initial weakness, and then continue to grow, and then they will mature and become strong.

However, Xia Lei did not have so much time for this new life to grow slowly. He had to turn this new life into six natives.

Xia Lei stretched his hand into "Zero", and then carved a few energy runes on the forehead of the newborn youth, but he did not inject desire energy into the brain of the newborn youth like the six creators, but Using the fingers as a channel, part of his own soul was sent into the youth's brain!

The brain of the newborn youth is like a gray-blue ocean, vast and boundless, but it is still, without even a single ripple.

That part of Xia Lei's soul shuttled and searched in this still ocean.What he was looking for was the remnant soul of Liutu.In his opinion, Liutusheng had just died, and although the soul had died, there should still be a residual soul.There is a saying on the earth that the ghost will stay for three days after death.Moreover, he also has the ability to perceive soul energy, and can use the residual energy of the soul in a specific space to restore the image at the time, so he is very sure that there is residual soul energy in the brain of the six natives.

Searched over and over again and found nothing.

For a while, Xia Lei suddenly realized something, "This brain has also been rebuilt and strengthened by me, and his remnant soul should be buried deeply. The way I am looking is wrong."

At this point, Xia Lei's soul plunged into the gray-blue ocean.His movements were swift and violent, but there were still no ripples on the calm sea.

Xia Lei's soul dived quickly in the gray-blue ocean. After not knowing how deep he dived, he finally caught a trace of energy.He followed that trace of soul energy to a place, which was a black space, extremely deep.

Xia Lei's soul entered the black space, and he soon saw the remnant souls of six natives.He lay in this black space without any consciousness.

After death, people enter eternal darkness, and their souls dissipate.

This remnant soul of Liutu was also in the darkness. If his body was incinerated or decomposed by bacteria, this remnant soul would also disappear.

Xia Lei’s soul came to the remnant soul of the six natives, put his right hand on the forehead of the remnant, quickly carved the resulting energy rune, and then injected the vague energy, and finally implanted the memories he had stolen from the six native brain tissues. information.

After it was done, Xia Lei's soul smiled, and he said, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, and wait for my awakening."

This sound is actually a hypnosis.

Time goes back to now.

Facing all the ghosts and people who worshipped him, Xia Lei let out a long sigh of relief.He has gained the trust of all ghosts, and the creation city left by the six creators will also be ruled by him.But he knew that he didn't actually create a real life, he just resurrected "a fraction" of the six natives and gave him an enhanced body.

However, although it did not create intelligent life in the true sense, this experience was extremely precious to him.This experience will play a huge role when he creates a truly intelligent life with his brand in the future!

"Well, I will live in the temple and become the master of this city. I also want to tell you one thing, that is, the night watchman has an army active in the eternal grassland, and you must be prepared for war." Xia Lei Said.

A large mountain raised its head, "The noble Seventh God, the Eternal Plain is the territory of our ghost people, and the army of the night watcher is coming in, and we are just taking revenge!"

"Noble Seventh God, we will definitely wash away the shame of Linyuan City!" San Naihua said.

"They come, we will kill them!" Wuyan said murderously.

If Xia Lei were no longer here, they would definitely not make such a statement.They would hide, and would never fight the night watchman's army.But it's different now. They have a seventh god, and are they afraid of the night watchman's army?

Xia Lei said: "I will let my city of gods come to Creation City. I will arm you and give you more powerful weapons. I will also improve your evolution and make you the most powerful fighters, even The strong who dominates one side!"

The ghosts suddenly shouted and cheered.

Knowing the whereabouts of the last fragment and determining who the enemy is, it is time to prepare for the final battle.He perfected the AE capsule on the Star of Hope, turning the most ordinary humans into powerful warriors.Even everything about him originated from the AE capsule, how could he let such an important thing become dusty and become a thing of the past?

He wants to create AE capsules in the floating city to upgrade the evolution of ghost people, people of the past, werewolves, night watchers, butterfly people, black winged people and even white ghosts!

Everything he experienced was not just experience, but also experience, accumulation!

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