Super Vision

2321 Chapter 2321 Reasons for the destruction of the world box

For an existence like Burning Flame of the undead firebird, the use of strong means will certainly not allow it to speak, and only by talking to it in this kind of persuasive way can it be possible to obtain important information from its mouth.And to get a bait, it must be a little bait.

His bait is his secret. Fen Yan, the undead fire bird, never wants to speak, until he speaks to him, his method is obviously effective.

Xia Lei continued: "I am the only one who has come here, and I am pretty sure that I am only one step away from completing that mission. It is difficult for the Black Sun Empire to stop me, and I will definitely complete that mission."

"You lunatic, you just said that you are the one who can end that mission and can take you to complete that mission. Isn't that still going to destroy the universe?" The undead Firebird Burning Flame's emotions were a bit out of control, it said angrily: " Are you not contradicting these things?"

"It's a bit contradictory, but as long as I find a solution to the problem, I will definitely end that mission instead of destroying the universe." Xia Lei said, "Do you think I want to destroy the entire universe? In that case, I will also be destroyed. , Everything I love will be destroyed, but you should see that I am not a cold-blooded demon, on the contrary I am a loving man. I have six wives in this world, and I love them. The millions of people living in this sky city are all persecuted by the Black Empire. I could have ignored them, but I saved them. If my goal was to destroy the universe from beginning to end Go, will I do these loving things?"

Fen Yan, the undead firebird, was silent for a while before saying: "You tell me this, I don't believe you just want to chat with me, let's talk, what is your purpose?"

"Tell me, what do you know about that mission?" Xia Lei said, this is his purpose.

There was a sneer from the corner of the mouth that was not suitable for birds, "It turns out that this is the purpose. You are really a cunning person. Do you think you will succeed? I am not a fool. I will never fall for you."

Xia Lei said: "Are you a fool, I will not comment, but what I want to tell you is, if you don't help me, I will use my own way to accomplish that mission, and the universe will be destroyed at that time. Both the Night Princess and the Black Sun Empire will be destroyed."

"You are threatening me!"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling the truth. If you stand firmly on the opposite side of me, don't help me, and block the way I said to end the mission, then I have no other choice. But you Remember, when the end comes, your conscience will be condemned, because you are also one of the culprits."

"Shut up!" Fen Yan, the undead firebird, roared at Xia Lei: "I don't want to listen to you!"

"You don't want to listen to me," Xia Lei continued: "I'll tell you another secret. There is one or several transcendent existences behind that mission. They want to control me and let me implement and complete it obediently. That mission. But I got rid of their control and I am looking for a way to end that mission. If you don’t help me, that mission will be completed anyway. Do you want that?"

Fen Yan, the undead firebird, was silent again.

Xia Lei picked up a stone and threw it into the colorful pond. With a bang, the stone was shattered into dust again.He secretly said in his heart: "Perhaps, I should let the digger dig a tunnel next to him. I can't sneak in from the pond. It should be possible to dig a tunnel?"

Just when he thought about it, Fen Yan, the undead firebird, suddenly said, "The transcendental existence you mentioned does exist. They have left some traces in this world, and this city."

Xia Lei's gaze moved to Fen Yan's body again, but he didn't say anything to urge it to go down.He looked at its bloody skin and its attractiveness, but there was no evil in his heart.It is a bird after all, and he is a person.

"But not one, but six." Undead Firebird Fenyan continued, "Before the establishment of the Black Sun Empire, those six people came to the world of darkness and death, and they searched for the beginning of the universe. Their purpose is to destroy this universe. , Dark Lord Minyas stopped them. The six people had a box in their hands, and that box contained the ability to reverse time and space. They called it the world box. Once that box entered the beginning of the universe, time went back. Everything now will be destroyed. A great battle broke out, the six transcendent existences died, and the Dark Lord also fell. As for the box, it was also shattered in the battle of the world. Black Sun One of the fragments left by the empire, that is, the fragment you were looking for, is on the ghost island."

"The Dark Lord is dead?" Xia Lei was taken aback, and his heart was full of ecstasy. Doesn't it mean that he has lost an ultimate opponent!

"You don't need to be happy too early, I haven't finished my words yet." Fen Yan, the undead firebird, said: "Falling does not mean complete death. The dark lord Medyas is reincarnated. It will not let anyone complete that mission. Know. Why is that island called a ghost island? It will be the place where the dark ruler Meyas is reborn."

"Who is the rebirth of Minyas?" Xia Lei asked.

"I don't know, I'm also waiting." Undead Firebird Fen Yan said, "This is also one of the reasons why I follow Princess Yongye. She can let me stay on that island."

I don't know why there was a strange feeling in Xia Lei's heart, but he was not sure what it was.

"You said you want to end that mission and want my help, then you can prove it to me." Fen Yan, the undead firebird, said.

Xia Lei said, "What proof do you want?"

Undead Firebird Fen Yan said: "Destroy the other fragments in your hand, are you willing to destroy them?"

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment, without saying anything.

"Humph! You are still a liar after all! You didn't intend to end that mission at all, you are lying to me!" Undead Firebird said angrily.

Xia Lei said: "They are not in my hands now, they are in another world. But I believe that once I get the fragment, Origin City will send the rest to this world." After a pause, He added: "You actually didn't tell the truth completely, and you are lying to me. The reason why the Dark Lord and the six transcendent beings fell is not because of their battle, but because they destroyed the one in the battle. Box, so collectively fell. You let me destroy those fragments, you actually want me and the fragments to be destroyed, right?"

The Undead Firebird avoided Xia Lei's aggressive eyes. It did not speak, but its action was a disguised default.

There is no need to guess how terrifying the energy contained in a box that can destroy the universe.The battle between the six creators and the master of darkness, Minyas, destroyed the box, so all seven of them fell.The six creators used their own ways to continue that mission, and the Dark Lord Medyas was also lurking in the darkness, ready to wake up at any time.This is a war without a winner.

Xia Lei stood up and said, "Thank you for telling me this. Although you deliberately deceived me and tempted me to die, I still want to thank you for telling me this. You let me know the truth that I don't understand, and let me be sure. The whereabouts of that piece of debris."

"What do you know about the whereabouts of that piece of debris? You can't go to Guihun Island at all." Undead Firebird Fengyan said.

"Didn't I have you? I will take you back to the Doomsday City and get the fragment."

"you liar!"

"No, I want to get the fragment because I must get it within a limited period of time. Once I get the fragment, Origin City will bring the remaining fragments over. At that time, those who should show up will show up. , That time was also the time to end the mission." Xia Lei said.

Fen Yan, the undead firebird, stared straight at Xia Lei, "As you said, you got the piece and put together the whole box. Those six transcendent objects will show up, and the dark ruler Mingyas will also appear. Will show up, don't you think you can fight against seven of them?"

Xia Lei grinned, "Are you trying to say that I don't know what I can do?"

"It's not just self-defeating, but also extremely laughable!" said Fen Yan, the undead firebird.

Xia Lei smiled, "Then I will be the most ridiculous person, and my life is my responsibility."

Fen Yan, the undead firebird, stayed for a while, Xia Lei didn't have any terrible aura, and he didn't show much confidence, but he didn't know why it touched his heart.

"Just stay here, I will come to you in the Doomsday City. Don't try to escape, you can't escape. I will not hurt you, and I will retain your dignity. Well, I will let the dragon every day Bring you food." Xia Lei said.

"Don't be that fool, I can accept even that tortoise!" The undead Firebird's emotions got out of control.

"Dragon likes you, you can think about it." Xia Lei said, and then jumped up and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

On the edge of the forest, the dragon leaned against a tree with his arms folded, with a grass dangling from the corner of his mouth, and his head was very cool.

Hao Fang is talking to Long, "Hey, how about making a friend? My name is Hao Fang, what's your name?"

"Long Aotian."

"My grass! So cool! You are my idol!" Hao Fang pointed to a thick weed grass and said, "Brother Aotian, I heard that the dragon can breathe fire. That damn weed burned, and those idiot robots didn't have the function of weeding, so I was mad at me."

There are ulterior motives hidden behind everything.


A mouthful of dragon flame sprayed out of the dragon's mouth, and a large area of ​​dense weeds was immediately burned out.

"Wow! That's great, great!" Hao Fang clapped vigorously, then turned his head and said, "Fool!"

Xia Lei flew across the sky, "Dragon, follow me, let's go to the abyss of desire."

Long looked up, "What are you doing?"

"Let's move the rocks." Xia Lei said.

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