Super Vision

2323 Chapter 2323 Dragon sucks water, turtle moves stone

One earth month later.

"The Seventh Most High God, what is this?" Liu Tusheng, the patriarch of the Digger, knelt in front of Xia Lei, looking at the pill Xia Lei handed him in front of him, looking very curious.

"AE capsule." Xia Lei said: "It can start your evolution and enhance your evolution. Eat it and let it make you stronger."

Although Liutusheng didn't understand what "AE capsule" was, he would swallow it without hesitation even if it was a poison given to him by the seventh god.So he didn't hesitate, took the AE capsule and stuffed it into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

Hao Fang walked out from behind Xia Lei, carrying an oversized bag in his hand, and then handed it to Liu Tusheng.

Liu Tusheng was stunned, because the oversized bag contained all the capsules he had just eaten, and he couldn't tell how many capsules there were.He couldn't help thinking, wouldn't he want me to eat it all?

Xia Lei said: "Take it, and then select some young fighters with the best physical conditions to serve them. The Sixth God was not fair when creating your Diggers. There is a great deal of your Diggers. Defects, now I will make up for your defects."

"The highest seventh god!" Liu Tusheng crawled on the ground.

Xia Lei didn't stop Liu Tusheng from worshiping him, and he accepted it calmly.The ghost people are the people of the six gods, worship the six gods, and their faith is extremely firm.He, the chaotic seventh god, entered the city of the sun and ruled the ghost people, and he couldn't do without this fanatical religious belief.

"Go, take it back and choose the best earth digger to take it. Take one one a day for seven days." Xia Lei said.

"Yes, the Most High Seventh God, Diggers praise your generosity and kindness, and your love for Diggers." Liu Tusheng left, and did not forget to praise Xia Lei when he left.

Hao Fang looked at the tall and straight back of Liu Tusheng, and said with some dissatisfaction: "The Eighth God is standing here, your mother, can't you just praise it?"

Six natives could not hear this.

"Master, are those evolution capsules useful? Can they make the earth digger tall and strong?" Hao Fang asked when Liu Tusheng left the Tongque Hall. He was actually curious about this.

Xia Lei said: "90% chance of success."

"That's okay, the master deserves to be the seventh highest god, the father of all things, and my most beautiful master." Hao Fang said it into a chapter, and its praise was many levels higher than those of ghosts.

At this time, Sannahua walked into the Tongque Hall again, and then knelt down in front of Xia Lei, and said sincerely: "The Most High Seventh God, I praise your beautiful appearance and your kind heart. I am your pious People, humble Sannahua, I pray for your blessing..."

When she finished speaking, Xia Lei took out another capsule and said to Sannahua: "This is an AE capsule, an evolved capsule, created specifically for your golden body structure. Eat it and it will make you become More powerful."

"Thank you, the Seventh God!" San Naohua was very excited and couldn't wait to take the capsule.

Hao Fang brought another oversized bag, which was still full of AE capsules.

Sannahua looked at the big bag that Haofang handed to her in surprise, her voice trembling slightly, "Do you want to eat it all...?"

Xia Lei said: "You still need to take six capsules, one a day, and you don't have to eat the seventh capsule. These evolved capsules are for you to take back to select the best golden warriors. They only I need to take seven pills."

"Ah! Thank you, the Seventh God, the golden man will remember your kindness." Sannahua crawled down and kissed Xia Lei's toes.

Xia Lei still accepted it calmly.He can feel the powerful faith energy released from Sannahua, which is what he needs.One of the reasons why he studied the AE capsules suitable for the golden people based on the body structure of the golden people was to gain the absolute faith and loyalty of the golden people.

Sanohana got up from the ground and took the big bag full of AE capsules in Haofang's hand.

Hao Fang suddenly got up and gave Sannahua a firm hug, "Ah, praise the seventh god, praise the city of the sun. I am Hao Fang, the master servant of the noble seventh god, and I bless you golden people to bathe forever Under the light of the seventh God’s love."

Sannahua looked a little dazed.

Hao Fang let go of Sanohana, "Go, go, and choose the best Golden Warrior! You will witness the miracle in a week!"

After Sannahua left, Xia Lei said, "What were you doing just now?"

Hao Fang looked serious, "Bless her."

Xia Lei said: "I thought I didn't know what bad thoughts were hidden in your heart. People are a living body and can give birth. You don't even have a chicken card. What bad idea are you making?"

Good Fang, "..."

After Sannaihua left, Wuyan, the patriarch of the Stoneman tribe, Sisenzhu, the patriarch of the Apeman tribe, Ershuangfei, the patriarch of the Wingman tribe, and Dashan, the patriarch of the Giant tribe, came to the Bronze Bird Palace.Each of them received an AE capsule from Xia Lei's hands, and a large bag of AE capsules from Haofang's hands, and then went back gratefully.

In the past half month, one of the things Xia Lei has done the most is to research and manufacture AE capsules.In fact, the research is only the study of the body structure of the six different forms of ghosts, and then the targeted AE capsules are made according to the body structures of the six different forms of ghosts.

As early as the Star of Hope, he had already developed the perfect AE capsule. The relevant information and production process were stored in his brain, so he only needed to make corresponding responses to the body structures of different forms of ghosts and people. Just adjust.Otherwise, in such a short period of time, he has researched six kinds of AE capsules, even if he is super brain, he cannot complete it.


A violent explosion sounded outside the City of the Sun.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "This is the fifth blast, it should be ok, I'll go see it."

Hao Fang followed closely, "My most beautiful master, I will go with you."

Xia Lei said, "You don't need to follow along. Go to your mistresses to get milk. They should be ready."

Haofang's body froze as if it had been frosted.

Is the eighth god doing this?Similar to the work of a postman.

Xia Lei left the floating city and came into the abyss of desire.The rumbling explosive body continued to sound, and the power light and energy produced by the explosion slammed into the bottom of the abyss of desire with the impact of the light and energy generated by the explosion.


The last landslide collapsed, and the barrier lake formed by the landslide slumped down wildly.The pressure and impact of the water further impacted the landslides on both sides of the gap. As a result, every few minutes, the landslides on both sides collapsed, and more water rushed down.

Xia Lei gave the order, and the small troop carrier carried the engineer robot and the earth digger back to the city of the sun.Only Medesa and the dragon were left beside him, as well as the gods and the moon.

"I don't know if my island will be exposed." Medesa said, looking at the rushing water.

Xia Lei said: "I hope, if you don't show it, it will take some effort."

"I'll check it out." As soon as the voice fell, Shenyue Ruyi plunged into the rushing current.

She is a pure energy body, and this little water flow and underwater mud and rocks can't stop her at all.She also knew that Xia Lei wanted the huge, best stone of the past underwater.

Shenyue Ruyi returned quickly, and she said: "Lei, there are some muds and rocks that cannot be washed away, but not many, but the water is not easy to handle. The height of the gap is tens of meters away from the height of the past stone. In other words, there will be tens of meters deep standing water."

"Small, watch me then." Long said.

It took a full hour for the water in the dammed lake to pour out from a gap of more than ten kilometers wide. What is left is the pooled water at the bottom of the dammed lake. Because of the terrain, the pooled water simply cannot be removed from the gap. Exhausted.

The dragon recovered the body of the real dragon, flew over the barrier lake, and opened his mouth to suck.A column of water suddenly washed up from the bottom of the barrier lake and flew into its mouth.

Dragons are born with the ability to swallow clouds and drive fog, and that cloud naturally includes rain clouds.It's trivial to be able to swallow rain clouds and absorb water.

After a while, the water in the barrier lake was sucked up.All that is left is the water from the lake, and the water from the river, which is equivalent to restoring the original water storage of the lake.

The small island in the middle of the lake was also exposed. As Shenyue said, the island was covered with mud and rocks, but not many.

This is Xia Lei's shot.He flew over the island, condensed a ball of energy and threw it out.That energy light ball was formed by the condensation of his new energy, and the colorful features are already very light, and more transparent.

"His energy has evolved again, but this evolution is incomprehensible." Shenyueru muttered to herself with surprise in her heart.

Medesha and the dragon seem to have the same feelings, while the two powerful ancient creatures have different views.

"His energy has a new evolution, he is stronger." Medesa said.

"He is getting rid of the influence of the six creators." Long said.

The energy light ball opened in the air, and natural energy suddenly roared from all directions, revolving around it, and a tornado was formed in an instant.


The tornado landed on a small island. Pieces of huge rocks and sand were rolled up, flew into the sky, and then they were twisted into stone dust!

In the past, Xia Lei used natural energy to condense into a tornado and could also roll up rocks and mud, but it was impossible to crush them.But now the tornado he condensed with new energy can easily do this, and part of the attributes of the new energy is also reflected. It can absorb natural energy and make itself stronger!

This is something that the original milk force cannot do, nor can the fuzzy energy in the initial stage of the combination of milk force and desire energy.

The mudstone covering the top-quality past stone quickly disappeared, and it was twisted into powder and blown far away.

Xia Lei said, "Medissa, it's up to you to do it. Arch that rock."

Medesa plunged headlong into the lake, and within a short while the entire island trembled.The huge stone of the best past slowly rose up, and finally it was the back of Medesha's turtle.

The huge hill-like Medesha carried the stone of the past and flew towards the city of the sun, and the dragon full of Styx followed closely.

Next, that is the matter of interception.

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