Super Vision

2529 Chapter 2529 Five Lazy Ladies

Holy city.

The city is full of construction sites under construction, a busy scene.The largest city on the Star of Hope is under construction, and it is also a sign of the revival of human civilization on the Star of Hope.

Walking on the streets of the holy city, Xia Lei felt like going back in time.He didn't know how long he had been away, but it must have been a long time, but when he returned here again, he had the illusion that he had just left.There are no particularly obvious changes here, and the few tall buildings he has impressions of have not yet been capped.What it was like when I left, what it is still like now.

Time is just a concept. Even for different life forms in the same space world, the concept of time is different, and there is no standard for exchange or calculation.The more advanced the energy space, the faster time passes.Just like the comparison between the life of humans and insects, a summer will pass quickly for humans, but for most insects it is a lifetime.The Dark Death World is much higher than the Hope Star World in terms of life form, energy attributes, and reserves. Therefore, the time of the former is fast, while the time of the latter is “long”.This was also how Xia Lei had been in the world of dark death for so long, but when he came back he felt like he had just left.

He had actually experienced this illusion of time and space twice, that is, when he returned to the earth world twice.He stayed in the world of Hope Star for a long time, but only a little time passed when he returned to the earth world, which was also "just leaving".

But he can only feel this kind of feeling. Who in the world can have such a magical experience like him?

The streets of the holy city are crowded with people, men rushing to the construction site, women buying vegetables and going home to cook, as well as children and mobile vendors.It is a pity that no one knows their savior, the savior of the Star of Hope world, and the leader of mankind is by their side, passing them one by one.

Returning to the world of the Star of Hope, Xia Lei changed his appearance and blocked all his energy aura.He is now a greasy middle-aged uncle, shy of a beer belly, and his hairline is about to degenerate to the top of his head.Such a greasy middle-aged uncle, no one wants to take another look.

The Queen of Rest is on this planet, it is the minions of six creators.It plays the role of a monitor and correspondent on the Star of Hope.Although he can completely kill the Queen of Peace now, but doing so runs the risk of alarming the six creators, so he must proceed with caution.

In front is San Lei Square, after the square is the "Rema Building".His beloved women live in that building, as well as his son Xia Xia, born to Tia Sama on his star of hope.On the way from Levitation City to the Star of Hope, he was still thinking that the other five wives did not have children, but after confirming that the time had not changed much, he believed that the other five wives did not give birth.

There are a lot of people on the square, a lively scene.

Xia Lei passed through the crowd and walked towards the Leima Building, which stands beside San Lei Square.

"I heard the mayor said to build a statue of two thunders on this square and use star stones as materials."

"Star Stone? That is the treasure of our Asimis, but as long as it is to build a statue for Xia Lei, we are willing to give it, hahaha!"

"No, that's the husband of the queen of our Asimis!"

"He is the leader of our humanity, OK?"

"I dare say that your leader must have been pinched by our queen."

"Your queen must be our leader...hahaha!"

In the square, humans and Ahimis were talking about the "Two Thunder Statues", but the topic quickly changed.

The second thunder, and one thunder is the holy thunder, the only second generation.But the people who talked about him didn't even know the secret.But why should we know all the secrets?For all living beings, being confused is sometimes a blessing.

Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh at the changed taste of the talk. He was slowly adapting to everything about returning to this cosmic world, including this kind of messy talk of course.He crossed the square and came to the front of the Leima Building. He stopped and looked up at the highest floor of the building, with uncontrollable excitement and excitement in his heart.For the wives on the Star of Hope, he is just leaving for a while, perhaps even more briefly, but for him it is a long time.How can he not be excited to see them soon?

Two rebel guards stood in front of the gate of the Leima Building.

Although Xia Lei no longer serves as the leader of mankind, he is still the spiritual leader of several major nations in the entire Hope Star world.On the earth, a country’s leader leaves office and is protected by special guards.There are guards standing guard at his residence, which is also normal.

"You can't see me." Xia Lei said, and then walked into the gate.

The two guards stared at Xia Lei, watching him walk in through the gate they guarded, but they didn't react at all.

"To be honest, I still hope that Commander Contu will be our president. She is the commander-in-chief of the Resistance Army. Hope Star can be liberated. Except for her leader, she is the leader. I really don't understand why she gave up the qualification to run." A guard said: "If Commander Contu runs for the election, I will definitely vote for her. Not only will I vote for her, but I will also have my family and my friends vote for her."

"Brother, you are too young." The other guard said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The guard who spoke first looked slightly annoyed.

"The leader is a god-like man. Married to the leader, is there any presidency for our Commander Contu? How good is it to accompany her husband at home every day and take care of the children? Our Commander Contu will be born soon. "The second guard who opened his mouth said with a smile: "We all know that our leader is a passionate man. He has married six wives. Does it matter if he marries the seventh and eighth? So? , If I were Commander Contu, I would not be the President, I would have to watch my man at home."

"Hahaha..." Both guards laughed.

The man they were talking about shook his head and smiled bitterly. Fortunately, the two guards saved him face. He knew that what they really wanted to say was not a passionate man, but a lustful man.

Entering the Leima Building, Xia Lei did not take the elevator. There was monitoring in the elevator. He did not want to control too much, because excessive use of energy would increase the risk of exposure.Although the Queen of Peace is far from his opponent, he knows its ability to monitor the world.Wherever there are animals and plants, there is its eyeliner.If discovered by it, when he rushes to the Rest Forest, it is likely to have sent information to the six creators on the God Tomb Star.

But even if he didn't use his energy, Xia Lei climbed the stairs as fast as the wind.If someone was walking in the stairwell at this moment, he would not see Xia Lei, and would only feel a gust of wind blowing by him.

This way of going home is actually not low-key, but sneaky.He is a man who can dominate this cosmic world. If there are other choices, he would definitely hope that the scenery will come back infinitely, with super-large scenes, such as rendering the entire sky of the Star of Hope into gold.Then he descended into the world of the Star of Hope as a god in the golden light, making his women proud of him and making his women glorious...

But that kind of return can only be thought of.

The door of Family No. 1 is right in front of you, and the door is closed.

You can see what his wives are doing at home with a little use of perspective, but Xia Lei didn't do that.He wanted to surprise them, and he wanted to surprise himself.It's like doing something. The process of undressing is definitely more interesting and flavorful than seeing the body.Another analogy is to eat something, put it directly into the stomach and chew it slowly in the mouth, for the same purpose, but the same feeling?

Faces appeared in Xia Lei’s mind. Kantuna, Bailing, Lie Rushui, Lan Jier, Tia Sama, and Ma, they laughed at him, whispered to him, and said everything. It is a tender and sweet love word, a sultry word.A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He no longer hesitated and reached out and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A woman's voice came from the room.

Xia Lei heard it all at once, it was Diasama's voice.The wife from the Great Maha Desert is the most down-to-earth and hardworking. She has always been rushing to do things like buying flour and carrying buckets to open the door.Compared to her hardworking and docile, the other five wives in the family are more like "lazy ladies".But it’s not to blame them, such as Ma, the former commander-in-chief of Blue Moon, and the current leader of Blue Moon. When did she carry the bucket?For example, Kangtu Nana, she is the commander-in-chief of the Resistance Army and the patriarch of the Fish Spirit Clan. When did she carry the flour?And Lan Jier, she instinctively wants to collect money for everything she does. Who can she find to collect money for working in this house?As for Bailing, a female doctor who has no power to hold a chicken, chews books and engages in scientific research, so it's not necessary to talk about work.The last one is as strong as water, the former president of the Black Market League. She has been spoiled since she was a child, and occasionally does some work to attend charity events. How much is she suspected of showing off, who is she charity in this family?

Hearing Tia Sama’s voice and her familiar footsteps, Xia Lei’s heart suddenly felt tenderness and a feeling of distress. He secretly said in his heart: "I just gave birth to a child, why didn’t she Lie down and rest? Open the door and do it yourself."

The door opened, and a familiar face came into sight.

Desert-colored skin, shaggy tail, short vest skirt, youthful and sexy, full of wildness, who is not his wife Tia Sama?

There are five familiar faces behind the opened door, a blue and black striped blue jill, she is sitting in front of a box admiring a shiny baby.The big two-dimensional beauty mother Ma, she is operating a handheld computer, and seems to be giving instructions to the blue moon person or robot on the blue moon.Braun is looking at a thick book, looking very focused.Lie Rushui was learning to knit a sweater, his movements were extremely clumsy.Kantunana was standing in front of the French window, looking back at the door, but looking away after only one glance.Undoubtedly, the greasy uncle standing at the door didn't let her look any more.

There is also a child in the house crawling on a pile of eternal sand, holding a plastic box in his hand.This child is the child of Xia Lei and Tia Sama, summer.His toxicity can corrode the alloy instantly, which is probably why the women in the family only gave him a plastic box as a toy.

At that instant, Xia Lei's eyes were moist, he opened his mouth and wanted to yell "Wife, I'm home", but this sentence did not come out of his mouth in the end.He had to endure, and he would just endure to enter the door.

Tia Sama looked at Xia Lei with a look of disgust, "Who are you? Why did you come here?"

"My Gini..." Xia Lei almost called out.

At this moment, the elevator door behind him suddenly opened.

Xia Lei looked back and was shocked instantly on the spot.

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