Super Vision

2533 Chapter 2533 The Queen's Fall

The floating city was far less than the blue moon, and the people on the Star of Hope couldn't see it at all.But the energy shells it fired are as scorching as the sun, with full firepower, and the scene is like a meteor shower falling in the direction of the Rest Forest!

It's too far away to hear the explosion, but it's not hard to imagine.The power of the upgraded main cannon of the energy of the floating city is more powerful than the city of the sun, and it can destroy a city with a finger.The important places that destroyed the Rest Forest, including the Origin Canyon, are beyond words.

Xia Lei's figure shook suddenly, and he could hardly feel him moving, but his people had already reached the edge of the rooftop and grabbed the six-colored bird.

The six-color-feathered bird stared at Xia Lei, and his two small blue eyes released a striking light.It is not afraid, let alone the fear of facing death.

Xia Lei coldly said: "No one can control me, and no one can threaten me. I will bring my wife and children back to the earth world, and you will come to war if there is a kind. And here, if you dare to destroy the hope Star, then I will erase you completely. Don't doubt my determination, I will do what I say."

"Even if you kill Medyas, do you think you can defeat us? You are facing six Medyas." The six-color-feathered bird sneered, "I'm afraid you still don't know us and Medya. Isn’t that fight against Sit? He only won the statue of our flesh and blood. You will regret it, I am very sure of this."

Xia Lei said: "I know you are watching from behind, then accept my signal." After speaking, he squeezed his hand.

The six-colored feathered bird suddenly exploded, turning into pieces of flying ash and falling onto the roof.Before they fell to the ground, a gust of wind blew, and there was no fly ash left.

"Husband, is there really any creator in this world?" Kontunana hasn't come out of a state of tension and surprise.

"I'll explain it to you on the way home. Let's go." Xia Lei wrapped his six wives with source energy, and Xia Lei jumped.It was this leap that he and his six wives soared up from the rooftop in the summer and disappeared into the clear sky in the blink of an eye.

The women screamed, and the holy city quickly diminished in their vision, and then disappeared.Then there was the earth, which turned into an arc-shaped earth in a blink of an eye.In another blink, the atmosphere of the Star of Hope was also left behind.They feel that they have become light, and their current speed is also the speed of light.But they didn't know that Xia Lei had deliberately slowed down, otherwise they might be hundreds of thousands of kilometers away at the moment.

Lan Yue was near in a blink of an eye, but the women couldn't see the Blue Moon people and robots who rebuilt the Blue Moon on the Blue Moon at all, but even Lan Yue was left behind after such a flash.Then a city suspended in space entered the sight of women, magnificent palaces, towering mountains, and black pyramids with blue energy flowing on top of the mountains.There are also towns and forests, and even fields, just like a fairyland in the legend.

Xia Lei slowed down, "That is the floating city, you are the mistress of this city."


Just as he was speaking, the city cannon of the Levitating City roared again, and then fired a huge energy cannon in the direction of Rest Forest.That is not an energy shell, but an energy beam with a diameter of tens of meters.

The women's eyes followed the direction of the energy beam, and they finally saw the resting forest, and also saw the sky of fire and huge mushroom clouds.

"Queen of Rest is here, you advance into the city." Xia Lei gently pushed, and the women were engulfed in a mass of source energy and flew into the floating city.

The women's foothold is the White Ghost Tribe, the forefront of the suspended city.Across the energy shield of the floating city, the women could clearly see Xia Lei suspended in space, and a special existence that suddenly appeared, really the Queen of Rest.

The human-shaped rest queen, without clothes, perfect body and appearance, but unfortunately not the least feminine as a woman.

The energy body of the Queen of Peace was not killed, and Xia Lei was no exception.But its tree body must have died so much that there is no scum left.

"You dare to do this to me!" The Queen of Rest yelled at Xia Lei: "Asshole! Let your city stop bombing Rest Forest!"

Xia Lei accepted the bastard sentence, because what he was doing right now was really a bastard.But he didn't let Suspended City stop bombing Rest Forest. This time he had to do evil.Otherwise, the humans, Ahimis and the defeated Blue Moon people on the Star of Hope will pay the price of blood.For thousands of years of struggle, the peaceful coexistence and revival opportunities that many of your talents have exchanged will disappear.

If you can do good, who is willing to do evil?But the world is so helpless, some evil we don't want to do, we must do it.

Xia Lei said: "The next day I gave you an order to summon an army of beasts from the Rest Forest to attack humans and the Ahimis, as well as the Blue Moon, right?"

The Queen of Peace was silent, but this silence was also its expression, it acquiesced.

Xia Lei said: "You know what the humans in this world, as well as the Ashimis from the Ice Star, have experienced something. Humans have been enslaved for thousands of years, and the Ashimis have lost their home planet. Thousands of years, and thousands of years of wandering. I don’t want them to suffer this kind of suffering again, so if one party wants to destroy it, I hope it’s Rest Forest."

"Those creatures are innocent!" The Queen of Peace said angrily, "Have you forgotten? When you humans were chased and killed by the Blue Moon people, who provided you with a base for you to survive and survive? After leaving the Blue Moon, who helped you win the decisive battle? Do you do this, are you worthy of the creatures of the Rest Forest who sacrificed their lives for you humans and the Ahimis?"

Xia Lei said: "I only bombed the Origin Canyon, and did not bomb the areas where the creatures lived."

The Queen of Peace was taken aback for a moment.

Xia Lei continued: "Queen of Rest, don't you understand? Only you can save them, and only if you die, they will not respond to your call to attack the humans and the Ahimis, and the blue moon who surrendered. People. Only if you die, the six creators can't order you to lead the army of beasts in the Rest Forest to fight and die on the battlefield."

"Are you going to kill me?" The voice of the Queen of Peace was filled with grief.

Xia Lei looked at it, "Then can you betray the six creators?"

The Queen of Peace shook her head without even thinking, "There is never such a possibility."

Xia Lei said: "Then I'm sorry, I want to kill you. You are alive, and there is no real peace in the Star of Hope world. Not only humans, Ahimis, Blue Moon people, but even the creatures of the Resting Forest. You will also be dragged down by you. You exist because of that mechanism, and the meaning of your existence is only to serve that mechanism. We are the enemy."

The Queen of Peace suddenly gave a rare smile, "I remembered the first time I met you. At that time, I felt a very special feeling. I can't describe it, but I know you are different. You will definitely be here. Leave your footprints in this world, which will never disappear."

Xia Lei felt an inexplicable pain, he knew that it had caught up with it on purpose.Knowing that it will die but still coming, doesn't this still show its purpose, its determination and courage?

The Queen of Rest continued: "You are so amazing, I use the word legend to describe you, but I think that is not enough. It is a pity, we cannot be friends, we are destined to be enemies. I now represent my camp. , Fight with you!"

Xia Lei raised his right arm, "Amiduo, stop attacking!"

"Yes, my master." The voice of think tank Armido heard.

Xia Lei's gaze shifted to the face of Queen Sabbath, "The creatures in the Sabbath Forest regard you as a mother, and you deserve the identity of a mother. I am proud of having an opponent like you, and I am also able to fight with you here. An honor."

The Queen of Rest said: "I have a request. I guess you have collected all the pieces, and the box is in your hands. I existed because of it for a very long time, but I have never seen it before. Could you show me a look before?"

Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying: "Are you for the six creators or yourself?"

The Queen of Peace smiled sadly, "I don't want to lie to you, not only for myself, but also for my master. This is my last request. I hope you can fulfill my wish because of the affection I have helped you. "

Own Treasure floated from Xia Lei's body, and then opened the energy channel.A bronze box came out of the energy channel and floated quietly in space.The cracks on its body are clearly visible, extremely ancient and mysterious.Because it was in space, it didn't destroy anything, but the energy body of the Queen of Peace was instantly affected and became unstable.

Xia Lei is no longer affected by this box, because he also has the "sand" that makes the world box.Before the final leap in the Dark Death World, Silent Canyon, he was still affected by the image of this box, and he would have hallucinations and even go mad, but he was not affected in any way after he emerged from the "starting point" of the universe.From a certain perspective, he and the box are actually the same kind, and both are the "leaders" of this universe.

"Hahaha..." Queen of Rest laughed, "Is it such a box?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Yes, it is the box, the box of the world."

The Queen of Peace’s smile became more and more strange, "So many people died because of it, but it is such a tattered box. Although I don’t know what magic it has, I’m willing to verify it for my master. True and false!"

When the voice fell, a strange sound suddenly appeared in its throat.

That is a signal to the six creators.

Xia Leiming knew that it was for the six creators to have more elements and for its own elements to be less, but he still fulfilled its last wish.He has never been a ruthless and unrighteous person. The Queen of Peace has helped humans in this world when they were desperate.The Queen of Rest has also helped him. Although there is a mechanism to operate in it, how can it be avenged by the grace of others?Satisfying its wishes and letting it fulfill its mission is a kind of reward.

The strange sound ended, and the Queen of Peace suddenly crashed into the world box.

Xia Lei still didn't stop it, but said softly in his mouth, "Farewell, Queen of Rest."

The energy body of the Queen of Rest hit the box and was directly decomposed, leaving nothing behind.The speed of decomposition is also fast to the extreme, if the wind blows, nothing is left.

Xia Lei put his treasure in the world box and received the world box.He glanced at Rest Forest, then returned to the Suspended City.

Next is the journey of the earth.

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