Super Vision

2545 Chapter 2545

The sun dissipated the darkness, the day was light, and a thin layer of mist lingered in the mountains and forests. They stubbornly struggled with the sun and refused to leave this beautiful world.But those who should leave must always leave, and those who should wake up must always wake up.

Xia Lei hadn't slept like this for a long time, and he slept beautifully in the past night.He also had a dream. He dreamed that he brought his wife and children to a beautiful planet. The planet was very big, bigger than the star of hope.He built a house next to a beautiful lake, and his wives chatted on the bench in different languages.He sat beside a large group of children and told stories to his children.Day after day, year after year.His wives are old, but he is still young, exactly the same as now...

Suddenly dreaming, he sat up in shock, a cold sweat.

Several wives were also awakened by him and looked at him nervously.

This picture is beautiful and inviting, but it looks a little strange.

"Husband..." Fanfan said nervously, "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't scare us, aren't you all well?" Jiang Ruyi's voice, in such a small amount of time, has already brought a bit of crying.

Xia Lei smiled, "What are you doing so nervously? I just had a dream."

"What dream did you have?" Tang Yuyan asked.

Xia Lei hesitated, "I..."

Shentu Tianyin, Long Bing, and Liang Siyao looked at him blankly, and seemed to have a strong curiosity about his dreams.Although they didn't ask him anything, he could tell that they wanted to know what dream he had.

Xia Lei's heart suddenly softened. He put Shentu Tianyin and Tang Yuyan in his arms, "Well, I will tell you. I dreamed that I took you to a very beautiful planet, and I was by a lake. We built a house, and we and our children lived happily, watching the sunrise and sunset every day, but..."

"But what?" Jiang Ruyi said with a smile: "It's a good day, I like it."

Xia Lei said: "But you are getting old day by day, but I haven't changed at all, I'm still like this."

The women were stunned, and the atmosphere in the room quietly changed.Xia Lei came back and remembered them too. They also spent a ridiculous and wonderful night with him. It seemed that happiness was knocking on the door. They could be happy and happy to spend the rest of their lives.However, Xia Lei will not grow old, but they will.They are both in their twenties now. When they were fifty-sixty or seventy-eighty, their hair turned white and their faces were full of wrinkles. They were no longer beautiful and beautiful, but Xia Lei was still the same. Look like.At that time, even if he doesn't dislike them, can they still release their passion with him like last night?

Xia Lei suddenly smiled, "Why are you not talking anymore? This is just a dream."

Shentu Tianyin was full of sadness, "Husband, although it is a dream, one day will eventually come. At that time, we are all old, but you are still so young. We know that you are not the kind of man who loves the new and hates the old, but... I can’t pass my own level."

What she said is true.Not only her, but the other five women felt the same way.When that day comes, they are all old and yellow, how can they still be with him like they are now?

Xia Lei smiled and said, "You seem to have forgotten one thing."

"What did we forget?" Liang Siyao stared at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "The person you marry is the only one, the only one in this universe. How can I let you grow old in my lifetime? How can I be willing to leave me when you die? From now on, I want to improve your Genes, start your evolutionary path. I want to turn you all into thousand-year fairies, not ten thousand-year fairies."

" mean we can live for a thousand years? Ten thousand years?" Fanfan said with a stunned expression, "How is that possible?"

A piece of golden energy light suddenly released from Xia Lei's body, and all six women were enveloped by the source force energy.His source energy enters their bodies, quickly correcting the errors in the DNA that constitutes life.There are also places where they have suffered organ damage and disease during the past two decades.

"What is this? It feels so comfortable." Fanfan said in surprise: "It feels so strange, as if the body and soul have taken a bath."

Long Bing also said: "I have never felt so relaxed, husband, what have you done to us?"

Yuanli left the women's bodies, and then returned to Xia Lei's.But there was a pool of black stains on the ground, exuding an unpleasant smell.

Xia Lei said, "Did you see the dirt on the ground? Those things are all the dirt in your body, and I have cleaned it up for you. Just this time, it is not a problem for you to live one hundred fifty or sixty years old. But this is only the first step. Come with me to the Suspended City. I have prepared a perfect AE capsule for you. After you take it, you will really start the evolutionary path, gain powerful strength and long life."

"My husband, you are so kind!" Fanfan became excited, "I want to explore the universe with you. I want to live for many, many years. I want to be with you forever!"

Although the other women didn't say anything, their eyes were filled with longing and excitement.To live a thousand years and ten thousand years, this is the dream of how many people, no one wants to stay young forever, but no one has ever realized this wish.Now, Xia Lei casually gave them such a great fortune, how could they be unhappy and excited?

"That..." Shentu Tianyin stopped talking.

"Tianyin, what do you want to say?" Xia Lei was in a good mood.

Shentu Tianyin said: "We saw some images before you woke up last night. We know that you also married a wife in the other two worlds... They, will they not welcome us?"

After all, we still have to face this topic.

Xia Lei was embarrassed and nervous, ", absolutely not, they all get along well, um, uh, let's go."

"I'll go to my room and get the gun." Long Bing said.

Tang Yuyan grabbed her, "Do you think the gun is useful? There is an undead firebird in there. It's the phoenix in the myth."

Liang Siyao said: "I don't care, anyway, those women bully us, we will... bully your son!"

Xia Lei leaned over and kissed her forehead, "With me, no one can bully you. Now it's time for a family reunion, let's go."

Women take a look at me, I take a look at you, no one is giving orders, but after exchanging glances, they all got up from the bed looking for their clothes to put on.

Xia Lei was a little fascinated by the beauty.

"Brother! Brother!" Xia Xue's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Xia Lei jumped off the bed, and in the process all his clothes returned to him.He reached out to open the door, but Tang Yuyan's voice came from behind him, "Wait a minute...A Bing, help me pull the zipper."

Xia Lei's heart was full of smiles.

He waited until his wives had packed up before he reached out and opened the door.

Xia Xue stood outside the door, and the sun was shining on her, which was very beautiful.Her husband Liu Zhengnan also came, standing behind her, very excited.

"Brother!" Xia Xue plunged into Xia Lei's arms, tears bursting into her eyes.

Xia Lei hugged her, patted her back lightly, and said softly, "Don't do such violent movements when your belly is so big. What if you hurt the child? Okay, okay, Don't cry, I'm back."

Xia Xue was still crying, tears of joy and excitement.

Liu Zhengnan smiled at Xia Lei, "Brother, I won't pierce your arms anymore, and there is no place for me."

Xia Lei smiled, "When did you come back?"

Liu Zhengnan said: "We saw a video about you on the Internet, and we guessed you would come back, so we flew over from Shu even night.

At this time, Xia Xue lifted her head from Xia Lei's arms and smashed Xia Lei's chest with her fist. "Brother, you are so cruel. You won't make a call when you come back. Do you still have my sister in your heart?"

Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "I..."

Jiang Ruyi said, "Xiaoxue, don't make trouble, your brother lost his memory and only recovered last night."

"I saw it in the video, but..." Xia Xue shifted her eyes as she wished, "How did the sisters-in-law help my brother recover his memory?"

This is embarrassing.

At this time, another group of people came over, each one was a familiar face, seven members of the zodiac team, and four female knights.

"Boss." The members of the seven zodiac teams bowed to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said, "Wait a moment, I will take you to meet your old friends."

Tsukiye Kyoko curiously said: "Boss, who are you going to show us to?"

Xia Lei smiled, "You will know when that happens."

The four female knights came up, crossed their hands at Xia Lei, and knelt on the ground without saying a word.Xia Lei hurriedly supported their knees with natural energy, "Does the four of you have to be like this every time you see me? I will not allow it in the future. Later, I will also take you to a place to open your eyes."

Qiao Fanna looked at Xia Lei in reverence, "Master, do you want to take us to heaven?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Xia Xue said: "Brother, where are you going? I want to go too, this time you can't leave me and leave."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I will definitely bring you this time, and you have to meet a very important person."

Xia Xue curiously said: "Who?"

Xia Lei said, "You'll know when the time comes. I won't say anything, I will give you a surprise."

Xia Xue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and gave Xia Lei a roll of eyes, "Your coming back is the biggest surprise for me."

Qian Jun said: "Boss, there are a lot of people outside wanting to see you. They are all big people from Kyoto. You... see you?"

Xia Lei glanced at the direction of the door, and said with a smile: "No, you are the most important to me, let's go."

"Where to go?" Qian Jun asked.

As soon as his voice fell, a golden light enveloped him, and then he couldn't see anything.

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