Super Vision

2555 Chapter 2555 Flying fish suit, embroidered spring knife

A reporter rushed out to take a photo. A plainclothes agent knocked the camera in his hand to the ground with a slap, stepped on it and smashed it into a pile of fragments.Then he and another plainclothes agent blocked the door to prevent your people from coming out, holding a rifle in their hands, and the people inside did not dare to approach them.In the United States, if an ordinary policeman asks you to obey an order to be inspected, if you resist, the police have the right to shoot at you. What's more, a group of murderous agents with live ammunition?Although this is the headquarters of the United Nations, not the land of the United States, the Americans obviously do not think it.

But Fanfan, who was surrounded by a large group of agents, didn't even feel nervous at all. She said indifferently, "What are you doing?"

A leading agent took out a certificate and shook it in front of Fanfan, "We are agents of the Immigration Department. We suspect that you are involved in smuggling. Please come with us to assist in the investigation."

Fanfan said, "You should be very clear about my identity."

The leading agent was expressionless, "This is the United States. Whoever breaks the law must be investigated and punished. Even the President of the United States is no exception, let alone you?"

At this time, the people from the Galactic Alliance came out, and their eyes were full of gloating when they looked at Fanfan.

Bean sneered and said, "If someone like you is smuggling, you will probably become the laughing stock of the whole world."

Fanfan said: "I don't know if I will be the laughingstock of this world, but I know that if you touch me, it will activate my defense program. Trust me, you will not be able to stand it."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wolfgang's mouth, "This woman must be scared and stupid. The language has not been logical for eight years."

Bean winked at the lead agent.

The leading agent scolded, "Take her away!"

The two agents suddenly reached out their hands and grabbed Fanfan, and then walked away.

It’s not difficult for two strong men to drag a weak woman away, but after the two big agents took a step, Fanfan who was held by them suddenly turned into a one-ton metal sculpture, motionless. !

A voice suddenly appeared in Fanfan's mouth, "The defense program has been activated and entered a state of combat."

All eyes were gathered on Fanfan.

This woman is talking to herself, saying such inexplicable things, is she really crazy?

But just under the gaze of a large group of people, Fanfan's face and body suddenly became blurred and turned into silver metal.

The two agents holding her arms hurriedly let go and hurriedly backed away.

All the agents raised their guns and pointed their guns at "Fanfan", who was left with only one human figure.

The silver metal body had a face and a clear body in a blink of an eye, a baby face, a devil figure, a military uniform of which country was unknown, and colorful and messy medals hung on the chest.The biggest piece of medal is actually the most famous yellow comic on the Chinese Internet!

Fanfan is not Fanfan, it is Xiaoqian.

How can Fanfan promote the New World Project alone?Even if she wanted to come, Xia Lei would not agree.Such a thing, naturally, Fanfan's two super assistants, Xiao Qian, got together.

Xiaoqian suddenly stretched out her hand, her palm lost her five fingers and grew a sharp spike. At that moment, the fluorescence flashed into the chest of an agent who had just pulled it, the position of the heart, a spike!

The leading agent suddenly returned to his senses and shouted in horror: "Shoot!"

Bang bang bang...

The gunshots were loud and dense, and the bullets rained like rain, and raindrops flew towards Xiaoqian and hit him.Sparks splattered on its body, and the flat warheads fell to the ground, smoking, and in the blink of an eye, a layer was spread on the ground, like popcorn sprinkled on the ground.

"Oh, I really don't like the feeling of murder. How can I do it? She is a cute girl, how can she do such a thing? Who..." Xiaoqian suddenly raised her head and shouted: "Dead pervert! You have to hide When did you see it above? If you do this again, you will lose me."

The void trembled, and a troop carrier suddenly emerged from the void of air, descending rapidly.

Although the small troop carrier of the floating city has the definition of "small", it is still a big guy on the earth, a circle larger than the largest transport aircraft An 225.It has no obvious wings, and no turbine blades for aircraft engines. It is shaped like a flying yacht.

When does China have such a plane?

No one knows, but it has fallen into the square in front of the United Nations Headquarters in full view.

The door of the small troop carrier opened, and a robot with a square head and brain walked out of the door.Exaggerated black windbreaker, flying fish suit, embroidered spring knife, a vivid artificial intelligence version of the Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei.

Hao Fang strode towards Xiao Qian, his cloak was silent and murderous.

Xiaoqian showed an expression of disgust, "You are really earthy."

Suddenly, Hao Fang knelt on one knee, took out a superb blood crystal like a trick, then held it in both hands and held it over his head, "My beloved Xiaoqian, since I first saw you, I have fallen in love with you. I have been with me. My girlfriend Yuenu broke up. Be my girlfriend. I will make you the happiest female robot in the universe!"

Everyone was stunned.

Originally, mysterious spaceships and mysterious robots suddenly appeared. People stuck in the United Nations headquarters thought that what was about to be filmed was a bloody gunfight, but they didn't expect to turn into such a bloody drama without warning.

"Promise me, my beloved Xiaoqian, you are the most beautiful female robot in this universe. For you, I am willing to do anything." Hao Fang looked at Xiaoqian eagerly.

Xiaoqian walked to the troop transport spacecraft, and when she passed Hao Fang, she reached out and grabbed the blood crystal, but she abandoned the tunnel and said, "I am a beautiful girl, an uncle like you... Hey! It will hurt you if you refuse directly. Your heart, let me think about it before I answer you."

Hao Fang suddenly smiled, "How long is it?"

Xiaoqian strode towards the troop carrier, "How can it take ten thousand years?"

Good Fang, "..."

At this point when the two artificial intelligences under Xia Lei were performing a dog-blood drama, police cars and military vehicles roared over.Good rack gunships appeared in the sky.This is New York, where there is such a situation, the emergency response mechanism cannot fail to respond quickly.

Before Xiaoqian could get to the small transport spacecraft, the police car, the National Guard, and the anti-terrorist special forces had already surrounded this place.

"Want to go? You can't go!" Bean roared, "Kneel down and surrender!"

Xiaoqian stopped and turned to look at Hao Fang, "Uncle, we seem to be surrounded."

Hao Fang stood up from the ground and suddenly cursed: "Mom! Is it easy for me to ask for love? You just want to make trouble? Do you think you are a lot of people? Mom! You fools! I am Commander-in-chief of the Ghost Nation Combat Robot Army! Little ones, come out for me!"

The void trembled, and small troop carriers appeared out of the void without warning, densely packed, covering a huge sky, at least thousands of ships.

A team of combat robots came out from the troop carrier that landed on the ground, and the sound of footsteps was loud.The guns in their hands are all energy weapons, sci-fi.Compared with the weapons in their hands, the machine gun rifles here are simply fire sticks.

Although there are not many combat robots on the ground, there are only a few dozen, but who dares to shoot at them?

A large group of people from the Galaxy Alliance were completely dumbfounded.

Bean moved quietly to the door of the United Nations Headquarters building, but before he could hide, he was caught by the neck, and then he was pulled back and flew back.

That is a nice arm.

boom!Bean slammed his back to the ground severely, causing him to be stunned and staring at Venus.But this was just the beginning. He hadn't recovered from the violent concussion injury, and a metal foot stepped on his chest.


Bean seemed to hear the sound of a broken rib.

Hao Fang looked down at Bean at his feet, "Fool! Do you know why you are still alive? That's the kindness of my master. He doesn't need him to do anything to destroy you, just give me an instruction."

"This is American territory..." Bean squeezed a word out of his mouth with great difficulty, and every syllable seemed to come out of the mouth of a woman who was giving birth.

Hao Fang raised his foot and stepped on it again.


"Ah—" Bean's right leg broke from his knee, splitting in two, even if he was immediately sent to the hospital to pick it up, it was useless.

"Fuck!" Hao Fang said, "The territory of the United States? I tell you that the entire universe is dominated by my master. What territories you ants are talking about, it's fucking funny!"

Bean was already speechless.

Hao Fang looked around, and its voice was amplified hundreds of times, "You fools, I tell you, the reason why you are still alive is the mercy of my master. Don’t be disrespectful to God, otherwise one of you will be facing me. Good! I will lead my steel army to level your so-called territory!"

No one dared to say a word.

Is this American territory?

Yes, this is American territory.But just like the war launched by the United States in the Middle East, it uses advanced weapons to fight whoever wants to fight. Sometimes it finds a reason, such as weapons of mass destruction, such as supporting terrorism or something, sometimes even a reason. No need.The country attacked by it simply does not have the ability to fight back. It is caught in the vortex of war, and the people are not living.But now it is also facing the same situation. An army of robots from the ultimate civilization represents the gods. Its advanced weapons have become fire sticks. It can only swallow broken teeth and blood into its stomach. !

Go towards Xiao Qian.

A smile appeared on Xiao Qian's face, "You uncle is still very cool, I decided to give less time to answer your courtship."

Hao Fang said excitedly: "Then how long do you have to think about it?"

Xiao Qian thought for a moment, "Then five thousand years."

Good Fang, "..."

Two artificial intelligences under Xia Lei boarded the troop carrier that was parked on the ground, and dozens of combat robots also boarded and departed by boat.

The troop carriers of the floating city disappeared into the sky.

The people on the ground were still staring at the sky dumbfounded.

"Help me...Call an ambulance..." Bean's voice was extremely weak.

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