Super Vision

2557 Chapter 2557

Does anyone suspect that the base built by the Rema Group on Mars does not exist?Just like the Apollo landing on the moon during the Cold War, it was a visual hoax concocted by Hollywood.

Of course there are, and many.The mainstream media and authoritative media in European and American countries have voiced doubts and even sarcasm directly.In Asia, Japan, South Korea, and India are also voices of doubt, irony, and mockery.

But these do not affect the progress of China's "New World" plan.

Another month later.

Bailu Town.

The first Martian immigrants gathered in Bailu Town, waiting to settle in the new world base on Mars.This group of immigrants are mainly Chinese. The members are mostly young people who are adventurous and who regard Xia Lei as an idol. There are also low-income people who do not mix well in society and have no future at all and simply go to Mars. This type of immigrants come from all walks of life, including construction workers, farmers, restaurant waiters, couriers, etc. They accounted for seven or eight out of the first batch of immigrants.There are elites too, but only a few.

This situation is normal. If you live on the earth, have a high income, and live a decent life, would you venture to a strange world and start from scratch?Even if you have an adventurous spirit, you, as an elite, will consider more than those from the bottom of society.Too much to give up, it may not be able to let go.

Xia Lei didn't want to say anything about this landing on Mars, but because of some requests from Fanfan, Xia Lei invited news media from all over the world under the official name.All the media elites gathered for a while, Bailu Town was full of guests of all skin colors, speaking different languages, hotels were full, restaurants were full, and it was very lively.More people could not rent a house, so they simply bought tents to live in the fields, eating instant noodles and other live broadcasts of human landing on Mars.

Interviews with some "new world" immigrants also started early, so some discrediting remarks appeared.

When night fell, next to CNN’s luxurious interview car, the blond, blue-eyed, tall host Conrad was standing next to a group of construction workers who had no place to eat and were standing by the roadside fire and barbecue, facing the camera. With a serious expression, "Did you see it? This is the so-called Martian immigration. I can't see the elite group, nor can I see the explorers who are wealthy adventurers. They are all construction workers, farmers, couriers and even the lowest level of Chinese society. Yes... I suspect that there are sex workers. If you go to investigate, you will definitely find them. Even if immigrants of this level can really go to Mars, what can they do? Can they lead mankind in a technological revolution? That is not at all Maybe, what I saw was a complete farce..."

In another place, the host of the BBC, Mafala, stood next to a group of gangsters drinking beer on the side of the road, facing the camera, making no secret of the contempt in his heart, "This is the so-called new world immigrants. There is no discipline and no culture. Without quality, I really don’t see any hope in the so-called new world. In my imagination, the first landing on Mars by humans should be a spectacular and sacred scene. Well, this is China, maybe my expectations are too high High. But even if it is not a spectacular and sacred scene, at least it should be a clean scene..."

In addition, some media from Europe, Japan, and India also specialize in unsightly, or specialize in interviewing immigrants in dirty and messy environments.Those immigrants can hardly speak foreign languages, nor can they understand what they are talking about. After being interviewed, they always say a few nice things in a friendly way, and they are happy.And this attitude has also been crowned with words such as "buy", "stupid" and "stupid".Even the blind can see its intention to discredit China and belittle Leima Group's "New World" immigration plan.

As the scheduled "boarding" time is getting closer, various media that are not friendly to China have become more active.

CNN's gold medal host Conner Bridge stood on a clearing full of rubbish and said to the camera: "This place should be where the spacecraft landed." He glanced at the expensive Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, and then said again. "There is still half an hour before the time announced on the official website of the Leima Group, but I did not see any spacecraft. The spacecraft that appeared at the United Nations Headquarters a month ago should not be able to withstand such a large amount of transportation. After all, the Leima Group announced The first batch of immigrants reached 100,000..."

It was also similar in smell. BBC’s gold medal host Mafala also appeared on the open space that was purchased by Leima Group for expansion, and said to the camera: “Xia Lei, who had disappeared for a while, suddenly returned and made a A series of sensational events, this time it is playing Martian immigration. Regarding this character who is classified as a terrorist by Europe and America, I noticed that the boarding time announced on the official website of Leima Group is half an hour later." I also looked at a valuable watch, "Well, there are still more than 20 minutes, I guess even if his spacecraft takes off from Kyoto Airport, he will not be able to make it here. This open space should be used for the spacecraft to land. But there is nothing but disgusting rubbish on it. I estimate that in more than 20 minutes the whole world will see Xia Lei's cowhide not breaking itself..."

A reporter from the Asahi Shimbun from Japan said to the camera: "In more than 20 minutes, the biggest joke of this century will be born. I guess these so-called New World immigrants are just a group of low-income people who have been tricked into it. Can get a little compensation..."

At this moment, a group of people suddenly walked out of the Lei Ma Group, it was Sherami of Tong Yan Jubo, and several female warriors from the White Huns.They wore traditional clothes, which were different from immigrant stars in the surrounding environment. They immediately attracted a large wave of media reporters to interview.

"Are you also immigrants going to Mars? Where are you from?"

"Have you received any new news about the arrival of the spacecraft?"

"The Leima Group also didn't tell you whether to send you to the sky with a rocket or a spacecraft?"

Sherami suddenly became irritable when she was surrounded. She spoke in relatively blunt English and said, "Go away and go away. I don't want to be interviewed. I want to meet my man."

A female warrior of the tribe pulled Selami's sleeve, "Patriarch, have you forgotten what the gods said to you?"

One day a month ago, Xia Lei went to the White Huns in Afghanistan.On that day, he came to the White Xiongnu tribe with the sky full of golden light. With a wave of his hand, the flowers bloomed everywhere, and the tribal old people with several diseases healed instantly.It was precisely because of that time that the White Huns regarded him as a "god of heaven."If the gods want them to settle on Mars and start a new era of the Huns, of course they are willing.At that time, Xia Lei also talked with Sherami for several hours, and finally convinced her to end the improper relationship with him.

After being reminded by the tribal warrior, Sirami changed his words, "Get out of the way, I want to meet the great god, the patron saint of our White Huns!"

After finishing talking, before the reporters and moderators were blocking the way, he violently pushed the crowd away and walked towards Ping An Ju.

There was a ridiculous voice behind Sirami.

"You have to pay homage to the man who has scorned her. Xia Lei is not only the biggest liar of this century, but also a master of playing with women."

"It's just a stick, his lie will be exposed sooner or later."

"God? Jehovah is the true God, and he is worthy? He is just a Chinese."

Sirami heard such words and turned and glared at each other, "Asshole! You dare to say a word of disrespect to our god, I will cut off your heads!"

"My God! There are such people in Xia Lei's immigration plan!"

"I'm sure that even if the so-called New World immigration plan can be realized, there will definitely be a dirty criminal paradise."

"If she dares to do something, I will beat her unceremoniously and teach her what politeness is!"

"Such unqualified people dream of going out of the earth to Mars? They are only worthy to carry in the slums and betray their bodies."

Silami couldn't control it anymore, drew out the scimitar, turned around and walked towards the group of reporters and moderators who spoke badly.

At this moment, the door of Ping An Ju opened, and a group of cold combat robots walked out of the door and walked straight to Sherami and the group of reporters.

The noisy scene was immediately suppressed, and some reporters and hosts who were busy discrediting Hua Guo and Xia Lei also gathered.

"It's her! She threatened us!" said a French reporter, pointing to Sirami.

"She threatened to cut off our heads!" said a TV host from Germany.

Celami suddenly became nervous, and the team of heavily armed combat robots frightened her.She stopped, and the scimitar dropped.

The team of combat robots that came out of Ping An Juli walked directly past Sherami and directly in front of the group of reporters and hosts.Without any explanation, they suddenly dispersed, caught the reporters and moderators who were speaking badly, and threw them to the side of the road.

One by one, the reporters and hosts flew up and fell on the asphalt ground, swollen noses and swollen faces.

A synthetic voice without a trace of emotion came from the speaker of a combat robot, “Guys who don’t even respect women are not entitled to stay here. You have freedom of speech, but you will be punished if you slander and abuse. If you speak bad words, they will end up!"

No one protested.

Protest against a group of combat robots?

This kind of thing only needs to be done by people with problems in their heads.

The group of combat robots did not leave, they stood outside the gate of Ping An Ju, their blood-red eyes scanned all the reporters and hosts gathered near Ping An Ju, as if they were monitoring whether anyone was "speaking badly."Their appearance made the reporters and moderators feel more at ease. Although there were also sarcastic voices, they were much more subtle than before.

After a while, someone suddenly said loudly: "The time has come, where is the spacecraft of the Leima Group?"

The time has come.

The spacecraft did not appear.

The immigrants waiting to board the ship to Mars are also restless.

Those voices that were suppressed came out again, stronger than they were before the suppression.

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