Super Vision

2570 Chapter 2570

It was not Xia Lei that the six creators pounced, but their flesh and blood gods.There is almost no sense of time interval, or even invisible, they are already integrated with their flesh and blood gods.The six idols suddenly opened their eyes and also had lips.

The six creators entered their flesh and blood statues, and the evolution of the flesh and blood statues drinking milk is equivalent to their use. They also have the power of being pure energy bodies. The most direct point is that they don’t have to worry about getting hurt in battle. Or die.Xia Lei's energy is rampant in the world of darkness and death, but they have the same creative power as Xia Lei before jumping, and they are not afraid at all.Coupled with the supreme energy combined attack skills, they will be the strongest and most difficult enemy Xia Lei has faced in his lifetime, and they also have the inevitable confidence to defeat Xia Lei.Otherwise, they will not appear here.

Six statues of flesh and blood, six different directions formed a six-pointed star array, and Xia Lei was trapped in the center of the star array.

The decisive battle is about to start.

Suddenly another beam of energy was thrown from the pyramid of the god tomb, opening an artificial wormhole.

The voices of the six creators are extremely majestic and sacred, "The people of Skyrim, attack the earth world and destroy everything!"

Xia Lei's voice crushed the starry sky, "People of Skyrim, I will give you one last chance to leave the galaxy and return to where you came from!"

On one side is the sacred and inviolable oracle, on the other side is the last chance and the last warning for the new gods of the galaxy.The leader of the Skyline Alliance, Drusey, fell into a painful entanglement in the bridge of the Skyrim that had escaped.This is the most difficult choice he has faced in his life, because if he chooses the wrong one, the fleet of the Skyrim Alliance will be completely destroyed, and all the Alliance soldiers who set off on the galaxy will have to be buried here!

"How to choose?" There was a voice in Drusey's heart, "What should I do? Go to the solar system or back to the evening galaxy?"

The fleet of the Skyrim Alliance has been destroyed in half, hundreds of thousands have been buried in this starry sky, but the fate of hundreds of thousands of soldiers is tied to a decision.The weight of this decision is more than just a big mountain pressing in my heart!

"Father!" Seks roared: "What are you hesitating about? Six Gods have opened the wormhole for us. That guy has been surrounded by Six Gods. Let's go to the earth world now to avenge the dead soldiers!"

"Vengeance! Revenge!" An angry roar from the bridge.

The new god who guarded the galaxy destroyed dozens of alliance battleships. That was hundreds of thousands of fresh lives!Among the soldiers who died there were friends and lovers of survivors, and even fathers and sons, husbands and wives. Why didn't they hate them in their hearts?How could it be possible to return to the evening galaxy and betray the six gods!

Drusei took a deep breath, then roared: "All warships enter the wormhole and attack the earth!"

He made his decision.

The order to attack the earth world was reached, and the surviving battleships of the Skyrim Alliance flew into the wormhole one after another.They are already in a running state, and entering the wormhole is just a process of speeding up the sprint.

The hideous and evil "Idol" of Meyas blasted the second man-made wormhole opened by the pyramid of the god tomb.

Blocking in that direction is the flesh and blood statue of the first day. It is a thousand meters high, but in front of the 100,000-thousand-high "Idol" of Minas, it is like a contrast between a child and an adult. It is as small as a punch. Can be killed.But this time, what Xia Lei faced was not a single creator, nor a flesh and blood statue that copied his evolution, but six!This is not one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one, but six times the overall improvement of six!

The flesh and blood statue on the first day did not evade, but also slammed up.At the same moment, the other five flesh and blood statues also blasted out a circle at the same time.The six colorful energy beams instantly formed a six-pointed star formation. The alloy idol of Minas controlled by Xia Lei was instantly locked by colorful energy, and his punch to destroy the wormhole was intercepted!

With roughly the same energy collision, the starry sky did not explode violently.The six-pointed star array composed of six creators neutralized the energy released by Xia Lei!

Yes, neutralize!Just like the neutralization of water and sugar, it becomes sugar water.The six creators copied Xia Lei's evolution, and their use of flesh and blood became the Xia Lei before the start and end of the universe jumped. They were equal to six Xia Lei.Their energy is also equal to the energy of Xia Lei's creative power in that period, not to mention 100% the same, but also roughly the same.In the beginning and end of the universe, Xia Lei relied on the power of creation. The energy was not decomposed by the dominant "bronze sand", but his source force could not decompose the six masters of flesh and blood, because he faced almost six. Himself!Copying his evolution and copying his energy to the greatest extent, the six creators are equivalent to having immunity against his source energy!

The battleships of the Skyrim Alliance flew into the wormhole.

Xia Lei suddenly gave up the attack, and the person representing the kindness of Minyas raised his right arm in his head, and said to the master: "Amido, return to the solar system and destroy the Skyline Alliance fleet, there is no one left!"

Amiduo's voice came from the master, "Yes, master!"

Xia Lei has never been fighting alone. In the Star of Hope, he has rebels, Ahimis, and even the beasts of the Resting Forest.He is not alone in the world of dark death, he has rebellious night watchers rebels, fire phoenix, undead forest spirit, and so on.Now, he is picking six in this piece, but the earth world still has think tank Armido and Suspended City, Hao Fang and Xiao Qian, and several of his fierce wives, Huofeng, Ma, Yu Taimei , Kantunana, Tia Sama, and Nightingale, although they can't fight the six creators, but with the suspension city as a fortress, it is no problem to fight against the sky people who invaded the earth world.

The husband is here to challenge the six creators, the strongest enemy.The Fierce Wife Heaven Corps is blocking the Skyrim fleet on the earth, and the husband and wife are in the same heart. What enemies can't be defeated?

The last one to fly to the wormhole was the command ship Skyrim.

On the bridge, Seks looked at the huge demon god Meyas trapped by the six-pointed star array. He spit on the ground fiercely, "Hey! A false god! I spit on you! You and your world should be bothered." destroy!"

Skyrim flew into the wormhole.

The wormhole disappeared.

The six idols of the creator suddenly rushed towards Xia Lei. When the six flesh and blood idols moved, the six-pointed star array instantly compressed, and the alloy Meias idol at the center of the six-pointed star array underwent all the pressure of the entire six-pointed star array.


Cracks appeared in the alloy Minyas statue, and those cracks expanded rapidly, and they fell apart in a blink of an eye.

Xia Lei was able to repair it, but he didn't do that.The exaggerated diamond tower and the 100,000-meter-high alloy statue of Meias are all used against the fleet of the Skyrim Alliance, not against the six creators, because they are useless at all.

The six flesh and blood statues of the creators frantically tore at the alloy Minas statue ten times taller than them. The scene was like a group of evil wolves besieging a buffalo.


The 100,000-meter-high statue of Minyas suddenly collapsed, and alloy fragments shot in all directions.

Losing the alloy statue, Xia Lei faced the siege of the six creators.Around him stood six thousand-meter-high huge flesh-and-blood statues, all of which copied his perfect evolution.The combined attack formed by the six huge idols also directly affected him, and his situation was extremely passive.

However, this is just what it looks like, just appearance.

Xia Lei's arms shook, and the combined attack energy of the six-pointed star array that had been crazily suppressed could no longer move forward.His body is full of bronze energy runes, as well as pure and holy transparent energy runes.His voice is also full of magic, "Do you think you can become me by copying my evolution and energy? Can you defeat me? Dreaming! No matter how perfect you copy, it is not me, I am the only one, There is only one me in this universe."

"Arrogant!" The voices of the six creators were uniform, like one.

The six flesh and blood statues attacked Xia Lei in this angry voice. They stepped on Xia Lei’s head with one foot on the first day, stepped on the sole of Xia Lei’s foot on the second day, and stepped on Xia Lei on the third day. One foot on Xia Lei's back on the fourth day, one foot on Xia Lei's left shoulder on the fifth day, and one foot on Xia Lei's right shoulder on the sixth day.In an instant, Xia Lei's front, back, bottom, left, and right sides were all with long legs and big feet that were hundreds of meters long, and there was no room for an inch to dodge.This siege is like six bad guys killing a kitten and puppy!

"Get out of here!" Xia Lei roared, and the Yuanli shield suddenly pushed in all directions, intercepting the big feet of the six flesh and blood gods.

"Break!" The six creators roared, all of them pressed down.The six-pointed star array flickered, and the six energy beams cut through the source energy shield supported by Xia Lei like a laser cutter.

The source force energy shield cracked, and the six energy beam sharp blades generally slashed onto Xia Lei's flesh and blood.His clothes instantly turned into fly ash, naked and naked.But so far, all the energy beams acting on him were decomposed by him!

"Suppress!" The six creators roared in unison, their hundreds of meters long legs and giant feet were crushed down, and Xia Lei was instantly stepped on!

Six long-legged giant feet squeezed from different directions, and Xia Lei was no longer visible in this space. There were only one long leg and one big foot.

If Xia Lei were really a cat or puppy, he would have become a pool of meat sauce at this moment.

Unfortunately he is not.

"Open!" Xia Lei supported his arms and all six energy beams shook open.The starry sky was instantly shrouded in golden light, and you couldn't see the stars or the dazzling cosmic aurora, only the dazzling golden light, and the two-color energy rune that kept flashing.

Quietly, this starry sky has become Xia Lei's absolute realm!

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