Super Vision

2572 Chapter 2572 I can't kill myself

The center of the galaxy.

The golden energy is permeated, and the pure and transparent energy rune representing the light and the bronze energy rune representing the darkness spread to the vast starry sky.Using himself as bait, Xia Lei took the opportunity to release the source of energy while being attacked by the flesh and blood statues of the six creators, creating an absolute realm.

This step is a must for him.This time the decisive battle with the six creators is different from his decisive battle with the dark lord Medyas, because there is only one Medyas, and now there are six opponents like Medyas.And his opponent is not one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one equal to six. The supreme energy combo technique has increased the overall combat effectiveness of the six creators several times, so he is not facing six creators, but ten Twenty creators!

And more importantly, the other party knew everything about him and copied his perfect evolution before jumping to the beginning and end of the universe.His energy can't restrain the six creators. If he has the capital to defeat the six creators, it is the source energy that has evolved after a leap.Therefore, he will kill six creators in one blow.Then, he can only use the strongest method he has at his disposal, and that is the Absolute Domain!

The golden absolute realm was empty, except for the dazzling golden light and the two-color energy rune released by the source energy.This absolute realm seems to be the beginning of the universe, just a cloud of chaos.In this space stood a six-kilometer-high statue of flesh and blood, and there were only six creators, and there was no Xia Lei.

In this absolute realm, Xia Lei is the supreme sovereign who rules everything. He rules everything. Whoever wants to live will live, and whoever wants to die will die.He is equivalent to the supreme god, and the six creators are just ordinary lives.How can ordinary lives in the world see God?

"It's useless!" the six creators said in unison, and the huge voice shook the absolute realm of the golden two-color energy rune flashing.This power and momentum seemed to tear Xia Lei's absolute realm away.


A bell rang suddenly, and instantly suppressed the voices of the six creators.A huge mountain of ten thousand meters high suddenly appeared in the golden light of the sky, with a Taoist temple on top of that mountain.There are yin and yang patterns on the gate at the foot of the mountain, silver fish in bronze, and yang fish in gold.In the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, a young Taoist priest is ringing the bell.The bells are ups and downs, mighty, contain the great road, but also contain the murderous intent.

Dashan and Taoist temples are suppressed together, that might, that momentum, all demons and evil spirits will be killed and suppressed!

"Human Taoist culture?" The voices of the six creators, "you only have this imagination."

Suddenly, a crowd of people appeared beside the six.There are women holding children, older people with silver hair, young and lively girls with flowers, and middle-aged men with blessed bodies.These humans include whites, blacks, and yellow races, and this sudden appearance is like sending all the earthlings here suddenly, under Xia Lei's suppression.

The 10,000-meter-high towering mountain stopped.

The little Taoist who struck the bell also stopped. He was Xia Lei.He frowned. He knew that the humans below were illusions, and that no real human would die under his hands if he suppressed it.He is not without the courage to suppress those illusions.The reason that made him stop and frown has nothing to do with those human fantasies, but with the six creators-they can create illusions in his absolute realm that only he can create!

In the absolute realm, all human beings are energy structures. To understand and treat them from the perspective of life and matter, they are fake.They can be understood and viewed from the perspective of energy, but they are real.In other words, in his absolute realm, the six creators can also use the means of creation!And this also means that the six creators, like him, dominate this absolute realm at the same time!

The king does not kill the king, this is the rule on the ancient battlefield.Although this rule does not exist here, Xia Lei wants to kill the six creators here, which is equivalent to killing himself!

The voices of the six creators, "You are very powerful, stronger than any of us. But you are too young to have a precipitation comparable to ours. We have lived a very long time, and the energy use skills we have mastered are not you. What can be compared is not what you can learn and master by reading how many books. There are 10 billion books in your floating city, do you think that many? But in our eyes it is just a human child’s schoolbag ."

Xia Lei was silent, yes, he couldn't compare at all.There are tens of billions of books in the library of Suspended City, but they are all books left by the spirits, and there is no detailed information about the people of Skyrim.And these six creators are the gods of the spirit race people, they have dominated and now dominate this universe!

"The Absolute Realm is just an application of energy. Do you think the Absolute Realm you control can suppress us? Can you kill us in your Absolute Realm? You think too much, here we are yourself, Can you kill yourself?" The voices of the six creators were full of mockery and disdain.

The big mountain suspended in the golden sky suddenly disappeared, and the Taoist temple and the little Taoist priests also disappeared.The realm here suddenly changed the sky and the ground.The sky was dark and magma surged from the earth.The sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves were everywhere in the entire world, and chaotic dark energy filled every inch of space.

One by one, the dead put their hands out of the black mud, slowly crawled out of the ground, and dragged their rotten bodies toward the six creators.One thousand, ten thousand, one million, the whole world is rotting dead people, they gathered into a black ocean of dead people exuding foul smell, faster and faster, faster and faster, like a tide Generally surging towards the flesh and blood statues of the six creators.

If the absolute realm of light doesn't work, then come to the dark.Xia Lei holds the source power energy, and the dark energy of source power is more advanced and powerful than the chaotic dark energy of Minyas.The absolute realm he created with the dark side of the source force is more terrifying and stronger than the absolute realm created by Minyas!

Dark giants appeared one after another, the three-headed and six-armed Dark Lord Minyas, the darkest emperor of the universe, the four great kings of the Black Sun Empire, and even Oying and his god meteor knight.With those familiar faces, the dark giants who fell in the battle also rushed to the six creators.

At the beginning, the six creators fell into the world of dark death, but the lineup of the world of dark death was not as strong at this moment.Those millions of dead, dark giants are all illusions, but what constitutes the illusion is the source energy of the dark side!

The fundamental reason why the six creators fell in the dark death world was that they were the masters of the bright universe opposed to the dark death world. They were restricted by the dark death world, and the flesh and blood statues simply could not exert their full strength.Now, Xia Lei replaced his absolute realm with the strongest dark absolute realm, which is tantamount to bringing the battlefield to the world of dark death. He wants to kill six creators in the world of dark death!

A pair of blood-red eyes appeared above the Dark Absolute Realm. It is like two stars in this dark world, covering every inch of space in this world with dark light, dominating everything.These eyes are Xia Lei. He descended into this dark world in a dominating posture, commanding an army of millions of dead people and the giants of the dark dead world to fight. He wants to watch the six creators fall with his own eyes!

The raging army of the dead rushed to the feet of the six creators, and the giants of the dark death world were instantly killed, the strongest dark lineup, the strongest dark energy.This power is incomparable to the Dark Lord Minyas who defeated the six creators.

The flesh and blood statues of the six creators fell and were vulnerable.The thousand-meter-high flesh and blood statue was gnawed by the dead, and bombarded by the dark giants into powder!


Is this over?

not at all.

"Do you think this is useful?" The voices of the six creators resounded in the dark absolute realm, in every inch of space.They seem to be in every breath of air and every inch of soil in this dark world, they are everywhere, unless they are destroying this world, they can't kill them at all.

No matter how powerful the existence is, can he kill his master and the space world in which he exists?No, because if he kills the space world he dominates and exists, he himself will not exist.This is more difficult than suicide, because there can be no existence in this universe that is stronger and higher than the universe.The universe itself is the supreme ruler, and there is no rule over it.In this universe, who can destroy the universe with his own ability?That is undoubtedly a foolish dream!

This is the situation now. The six creators use their knowledge and skills in the absolute domain, as well as the perfect evolution copied from Xia Lei. They are the masters of this absolute space just like Xia Lei, and become this " Part of the "small universe".How can the dark giants kill the dead army in this "small universe"?

"We told you just now, don't waste your energy." The voices of the six creators still rang from an inch of air and every inch of soil, "You said we can't copy you, and we can't be you, but this is copying you. The benefits of this. Is the Absolute Domain the strongest means you have? Then your strongest means can't kill us at all."

The army of millions of dead people, the dark giants generally retreated.The darkness in the sky disappeared, and there were those blood-red eyes.

The voices of the six creators, "You can assume that we can't kill you, but you can't kill us. But we can still go to the earth, to the world of the star of hope, and even to the world of darkness and death to destroy what you care about and what you love All people, everything. Don’t struggle, don’t hesitate, promise our terms and give us the box of the world. We will give you 10,000 years of freedom."

Everything disappeared, Xia Lei appeared in the starry sky, "Otherwise?"

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