Super Vision

2578 Chapter 2578 The Flower of Blood Blooms

Mother and son are now considered to have truly met.

Human emotions and genetic inheritance are so wonderful. Although it was the first time we met, Xia Lei’s biological mother knew that Xia Lei was the child she gave birth. It was not just the wonderful biological induction, emotional connection between mother and child, but also Looks.She saw her own look from between Xia Lei's eyebrows, Xia Lei and her appearance were sixty to seventy percent similar.

However, her age is younger than her son.In terms of their appearance and age, she is more like Xia Lei's younger sister than his mother.

Xia Lei also looked at his biological mother and said after a moment of silence, "Although you threw me on that rooftop, I forgive you, mother."

No matter how high you are, how big your mind is.If you can't even forgive your biological mother, can you still be considered a human?

"No! No—" Xia Lei's biological mother suddenly lost control of her emotions, and she screamed: "I am not your mother! I am not... I am not worthy of being your mother!"

Xia Lei can forgive her, but she cannot forgive herself.She actually wanted to admit that she was Xia Lei's mother, and that Xia Lei was the son she gave birth to. However, the guilt and pain caused her to instinctively reject it and did not dare to admit it.

Tears sparkled in Xia Lei’s eyes, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Mother, don’t blame yourself anymore. You were so young at that time and you never fell in love with anyone, but you are the one chosen by the mechanism. So you are pregnant with me. You can’t raise me in such an environment, you are afraid, and no one can help you. So it’s not your fault, in fact my presence ruined you. No one asks you Unwilling, for me, you have sacrificed your entire life, even your life, why should I not forgive you? You are my mother, I cannot change this fact, and you cannot change this fact. Today we are mother and child See, why don't you recognize each other?"

The biological mother let out a sorrowful tear, but she was crying like Xia Lei, but smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"Mother." Xia Lei called again.

The biological mother nodded and smiled even more. She choked and said: "My child... I'm sorry, mom... I'm so happy that you can forgive mother... You have untied the knot that my mother could not untie in this life. ...Thank you, my child..."

It is not until this moment that mother and son really recognize each other.

The voice of the first day, "The only one, hand over the world box, and you can take your mother out of here."

The second day’s voice, “These two women are your mother. One gave birth to you and the other raised you. Do you want to watch them die in front of you?”

The third day’s voice, "Didn’t you say that love is the greatest energy in this universe? Then let love help you make decisions, and let me see if the love you said exists or not."

The voice on the fourth day, "Will you choose the box or your mother? Make your decision!"

The voice of the fifth day, "Hurry up! Hand over the world box or kill your two mothers!"

The voice of the sixth day, "Ten thousand years, ten thousand years can make you fall in love with more people, and you can also get more people's love. Xia Lei, hand over the world box and stop struggling. , Take your mother and leave here. Ten thousand years, isn’t that enough?"

"Ten thousand years?" Xia Lei sneered, "You six have imprisoned so many women here, take their milk, nurture your flesh and blood statues, and obtain the evolution of the flesh and blood statues you want. You intercept my two. A mother, threatened me with a poor woman and forced me to submit. You can even do such things. You are not as good as a beast. Can I believe that you are not as good as a beast?"

a thousand years?It's probably just a cake painted on the sky, and you can't eat it at all.The six creators are very likely to go back after leaving here, and they will never fulfill their promises.

"Presumptuous!" The voices of the six creators were unified, and the uniform voices were louder than the explosion of thunder, with infinite power and deterrence, "Hand over the world box, or kill your mother!"

The flesh and blood statues on the first and sixth days suddenly moved. The hands of the six flesh and blood statues applied a little force, and the alloy cage in their hands suddenly sank into the palm of their hands.In that scenario, as long as the flesh and blood statues on the first and sixth days exert a little more force, Xia Lei's biological mother and adoptive mother will be crushed to death!

"No!" Xia Lei roared.He thought he could persevere, he thought he could delay a little time to think of a solution to the problem, but the other party did not give him time to deal with.

The six creators understand Xia Lei, especially his weaknesses, and the six creators even know his weaknesses better than Xia Lei.

"Hand over the world box!" The voices of the six creators were mighty and mighty.

At this moment, Xia Lei’s biological mother suddenly said: “My child, my mother gave birth to you, but she abandoned you. I’ve been guilty all my life, and I can’t forgive myself. Let my mother do it for you today. Come on, my child...bye!"

When the voice fell, the biological mother suddenly slammed her head against an alloy cage rod that was broken by the extrusion.The sharp spikes penetrated through her chest like a spear.Blood poured out from her chest and back, and the crimson blood stained the deformed cage, as well as the palm of the Flesh Statue from the first day.

She returned to this world from the past, she left again, her life was so short, as gorgeous as summer flowers.

"Son! Take me to tell your father that I love him, and Xiaoxue, how I want to be with you, but... Mom can't let these demons threaten you!" The adoptive mother suddenly hit a broken tip with her head. On the thorn, the flower of blood blooms.

"Ah--" Xia Lei yelled up to the sky, his eyes were instantly pitch black, and golden energy burst out in anger.

The six creators were stunned. They thought they had the last hole card that could overcome Xia Lei and force Xia Lei to submit, but they didn't expect these two cards to destroy themselves.They have no license to subdue Xia Lei, but they still need to face Xia Lei's vengeance!

"You six animals that are inferior!" Xia Lei's voice was mighty, with the aura to dominate everything, with the will to destroy, "Don't you say you want to see how powerful the energy of love is? This is human Love! It is invincible!"

Yes, this is the most powerful human energy, love.In the earthquake, the mother used her thin spine to block the smashed house beam for her child to survive.When the car accident was about to happen, the father pushed the child away and fell under the wheel.Isn't this the greatest energy in this universe?Isn't this the most powerful energy in this universe?

"Don't you want the world box? Okay, I'll give it to you!" Xia Lei said angrily.His own treasure appeared, the energy channel opened instantly, and the world box was released, floating in front of him.

The six creators stretched out their hands at the same time.

How great is the energy of love?They are too lazy to think, all they want is the box of the world!

Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the world box in his hand, and ran into the first day with the box.The flesh and blood of his hand disappeared, and in an instant it became a bone composed of "bronze sand grains", leaving only a thin and transparent skin.This moment seems to be equal to one thousand years, ten thousand years, and the power of time destroys everything, including God!

Time is not time, in the twinkling of a thousand years, ten thousand years.

Time is not time, the universe is destroyed and reborn.

The flesh and blood statue on the first day was too big, thousands of meters high, like a mountain lying in front of Xia Lei.But Xia Lei's speed was second only to Light, and she couldn't dodge at all.She saw Xia Lei pounce on her, and before he could do any dodge movement, Xia Lei and the World Box in his hand had already hit his ankle.


The world box was embedded in the ankle of the first day's flesh and blood statue, and the flesh and blood quickly melted, and the flesh and blood of the perfectly evolved flesh and blood statue turned into pieces of fly ash and fell.A leg several hundred meters long "melted" in half in an instant!

"Ah—" a screaming sound was made on the first day.

"Don't you want the box of the world? I'll give it to you!" Xia Lei roared, and after blasting the legs of the first day's flesh and blood statue with a punch, his feet slammed on the ground, and the whole person was like an angry missile The same goes from bottom to top, knocking open the thigh, lower abdomen, and chest of the flesh and blood statue on the first day.

On the first day, I frantically absorbed the colorful energy to repair the flesh and blood statue, but it was not the speed of the repair, but the problem that could not be repaired at all.Even if she copied Xia Lei's perfect evolution, she had the ability to regenerate from flesh and blood, but it didn't help.At the beginning and end of the universe, what Xia Lei uses to repair his body is not his own energy, but the energy of the "bronze sand" and the "bronze sand" itself. This is not the beginning and end of the universe, except for Xia Lei's hands. There is no "bronze sand" in the world box!

But even if the six creators are responsible for the perfect evolution of Xia Lei, it is assumed that they also have the courage of Xia Lei to jump, but they actually cannot enter the beginning and end of the universe, because they are energy bodies, not real The ultimate evolution of flesh and blood.As soon as they enter, there is no resistance from the flesh and blood body that perfectly blends with the soul, and they will be decomposed directly if they fight for that little time!

In addition, although the six creators have the knowledge and energy use skills accumulated over a very long time, none of them have burned electric welding, so they cannot use the creative power as a welding gun like Xia Lei, bronze sand Repair your body for the welding rod.If you only talk about the knowledge of welding, the six creators must understand it, but knowledge and actual operation are two different things.If they were to weld their bodies at the beginning and end of the universe, it would be like letting a person who understands the structure and principles of a car but does not know how to drive it to drive a car.


The head of the Flesh Statue on the first day burst open, turning into pieces of fly ash flying and falling down.At that moment, a white shadow escaped from the flying ashes.

That was the real first day.

The flesh and blood statue is equivalent to her armor, and what Xia Lei destroys is her armor.

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