Super Vision

2581 Chapter 2581 Love Under the War

Earth battlefield, bridge of the Skyline.

"Casefire!" Seksi shouted.

All Skyrim Alliance soldiers who fired at Hao Fang wearing a flying fish suit and carrying an embroidered spring knife stopped shooting. Actually, there was no need to shoot again, because Hao Fang had been blasted into a pile of fragments by the energy ammunition.The shards vary in size and are crystal clear, just like pure glass shards.

Sekes stepped on a piece of debris, and that piece of debris was squashed by him. He said coldly, "How did this robot get in?"

An officer followed and gave the answer, "It controlled one of our fighter jets back to the dock and came here."

"A bunch of waste! This is our command ship! Even the command ship is so easily infiltrated by the enemy, how can this battle be fought?" Sekes was silent for two seconds, and then said again: "All the fighters return to the dock, all The battleship returned to space and then back to the evening galaxy."

He was clamoring to kill Huofeng who killed his father just now, but now he has changed his mind.He didn't expect that the woman who could become a bird was so powerful that his father could not defeat it. How could he possibly defeat it?If he played, he estimated that he would die faster.The human city on the ground actually supported the energy shield, and the floating city on the opposite side was an unsinkable war fortress. A dozen interstellar warships were shot down by it not long after the war began.If this fight continues, everyone knows that it will be annihilated.

But the reason why he ordered the retreat was not only the reason he could not defeat the opponent, but also the reason he couldn't say it, that is, his father died, he will become his successor and the leader of the new Skyrim Alliance!

Seksi's order was issued, and the fighters and bombers in the sky that were fighting with the robot fighters in the floating city turned their noses to fly to the docks of warships.A huge interstellar battleship also opened fire while raising altitude, preparing to leave the earth's atmosphere and enter space.

How could the Levitation City let go of this chase opportunity, and the robot fighters swarmed up to chase and fought, and the Levitation City was also fully fired, shooting down the Skyline Alliance star warship.The instructions that Suspended City got were very simple, don't let go of one.

Xia Lei gave the Skyline Alliance two opportunities, but the Skyline Alliance, which can be headed by the Skyrim people, chose to stand in the camp of the six creators and flew to the earth world to destroy the earth world.In the eyes of the people of Skyrim, and the race of Skyrim Alliance, human beings are just humble species, and the civilization established is also a low-level primitive civilization.With such a neighbor, even if he prevents this attack by the Skyrim Alliance, who can guarantee that he will not make a comeback in the future?For such vicious enemies, only by destroying them and making them fear can the war be stopped!

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself. If this war is not for the floating city to come back to join the war, the earth will be completely destroyed.At that time, who came to sympathize with the human beings on earth?

Skyrim quickly lifted into the sky, at the rear of the fleet, and at the highest altitude, it was naturally the first to escape the battlefield.Seeing the rapidly shrinking black city and the floating city suspended in the sky, Seksi’s eyes were full of hatred, "Return to the evening galaxy, we have to sign more warriors, build more warships, and develop A more powerful weapon, when we return here, we will destroy it! There is no need for this planet to exist, we must destroy it by ourselves!"

"Long live the leader!" an officer called out wittily.

"Long live the leader!" Someone took the lead and others followed, and there was a voice of acceptance of the new king on the bridge.

In the scene of Seks outside the bridge window, looking at the woman who hacked an interstellar battleship with the undead wings of kilometer energy in the sky, his voice was full of hatred, "Father, please rest assured, I It will build the Skyrim Alliance even better. When I rebuild the army, I will come back to avenge you. You will not die in vain. Your death will give birth to a great leader."

Suddenly, a vague and strange voice came from Seks’s feet, "That... please move your foot away, you stepped on my mouth."

Thaxton was taken aback when he did, he really jumped and avoided.

The sound is really a mouth, a nice mouth.Just after Sekes jumped away, the mouth slid in one direction against the bridge deck.Not just its mouth, all the broken pieces quickly gathered together against the deck.

All the soldiers on the bridge were stunned.Most of the bridges are Skyrim people, the highest-ranking "nobles" in the Skyrim Alliance, and they are also great aristocrats who think they are second only to the "Gods" like the Spirit Race.But even the people of Skyrim, they couldn't make such a robot.

The crystal clear metal head grew out of his head, arms and legs grew, and in a blink of an eye he returned to the former Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei wearing a flying fish suit and carrying an embroidered spring knife.

Hao Fang said, "My dear, can you see it?"

A baby's voice appeared in the bridge inexplicably, "I can see, if you stay like this, maybe I can promise to associate with you in advance."

The good party laughed, "I knew I would impress you, my most beautiful, gentle, kind and lovely Xiaoqian, do you want me to kill these guys?"

Xiaoqian's voice, "Kill them, you must look cool to kill."

Bang bang bang...

A gunshot sounded, and the energy ammunition flew toward Hao Fang like raindrops.Shooting in the bridge is actually a dangerous behavior, but they can no longer take care of that much.

But this time, Hao Fang was not exploded by them, and the energy ammunition hit it and was absorbed by it.With a wave of the Xiuchun knife in its hand, a Skyrim officer standing on its side was split into two pieces by it.Before the body fell to the ground, it had already rushed into a group of officers.The light of the knife flickered, and the broken limbs were flying, the scene was like watching a watermelon.

There was a metal cylinder in Sekes' hand, and he twisted one, and a beam of energy was immediately released from the cylinder.

Laser sword, the most advanced energy weapon of the people of Skyrim.In the human world on earth, this weapon only exists in the "Star Wars" movie, but it is a real high-tech weapon in Skyrim Alliance.

Not only Sekes, but several senior officers also drew out laser swords, and then rushed towards Hao Fang together.

"Aha!" Hao Fangwei laughed, "Laser sword? You low-level creatures can actually make such a fun toy!"

Things that Skyrim people are proud of have turned into toys in their mouths, and they are toys made by lower creatures!

"Go and die!" Sekes roared while several high-ranking officers entangled Haofang, and slashed Jin Yiwei's neck with a sword.

Hao Fang's head suddenly flew from its neck, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and flew toward a row of instruments.At that moment, the laser swords of several high-ranking officers who were besieging it smashed its body into pieces.

Hao Fang's head made a sound, "Ah! I'm dead! You killed me! Farewell, my beloved, my beloved baby Xiaoqian! I love you, Xiaoqian! I love you-love you! "

"Ah!" Xiao Qian's voice, "I promise you to be your girlfriend, don't die!"


"Really." Xiao Qian's voice was choked.

"Then I won't die!" With a nice voice, its head fell on the row of instruments, then melted and penetrated into the instruments.

Everything was still, and there was no more annoying and hateful sound from that stinky mouth.In just that little time, the lungs of the Sky Alliance people in the bridge were almost bursting with gas.For nothing else, they are all fighting for their lives. It is a real battle, but their opponents obviously play the battle on the spot, and they are still picking up girls while playing the game!

Suddenly, a crew member said in horror: "Report! I can no longer control our weapon system! It, it... it is charging!"

Boom boom boom!

Skyrim suddenly fired on the two interstellar warships that were protecting it from launching. Unpredictably, the bridges of the two interstellar warships were bombarded and fell to the ground in a series of blasts.

Whoosh whoosh!

All the energy missiles flew out from the launching capsule. The target of the attack was not the floating city that was overtaken, nor the robot fighters of the floating city, but our own warship!Those battleships dared not fight back after being beaten, because Skyrim was the command ship!But if you don't fight back, the Skyline bombards them again!

"No—" Sekes roared, he was tortured madly by Hao Fang.

But at this moment a nice voice came from the bridge, "Mom, you scumbags, do you know who my master is? How dare to attack his hometown! I tell you, my master is the master The masters of the two universes, the six guys you follow are not even worthy to carry shoes to my master! Me, Hao Fang, the loyal servant of my master, the chef of the Imperial Kitchen, the commander-in-chief of the Battle Robot Group, the most beautiful robot in the universe, Xiao Qian Boyfriend, I now declare your death penalty."

The atmosphere in the bridge suddenly became terrifying.

Seks chopped a laser sword towards the good "corpse" that fell on the ground, but no matter how he cut it, he could only cut it open, not destroy it. The wound cut by the laser sword healed in no time.

Suddenly, another system tone sounded in the bridge, "The battleship has started the self-destruction procedure, and now it is entering the countdown to self-destruction, ten, nine, eight..."

Sekes thumped and knelt on the ground, "No! No! I surrender! We surrender!"

Hao Fang's voice came out, "I can't hear you, what are you saying, idiot?"

Sekes roared: "I said I voted—"


Before Sekes could finish speaking, Skyrim suddenly exploded, and the flames swallowed everything.

A sphere flew out from the center of the explosion and then unfolded. It probably wanted to become an undead firebird, but when unfolded it looked like a goose.

"Ah—" Hao Fang screamed in the air, "I can't fly!"

A minute later, it fell to the ground, a big hole.

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