Super Vision

2589 Chapter 2589

Six "plates" fell to the ground, and the opened world box closed again.All this happened after the fall of the sixth day, and now there is only one fifth day left.

Is the fifth day still in the energy space in the box?

Or is it the same as on the sixth day, I came out long ago and went somewhere else?

There were only these two possibilities, but Xia Lei couldn't find her no matter which one was possible.This battle was a complete victory for him, but the fifth day became a pity.She is a trouble, not to get rid of the unhappiness, but the vast universe, endless energy space, where does he go to find the fifth day?

The triangular space inside the temple pyramid was empty and quiet.More than half of the bottom has collapsed, and several tower walls are still intact, but there are also many more holes.The king stone sarcophagus of the six creators also disappeared, the statues no longer exist, and the traces belonging to the six creators are almost invisible.

Xia Lei was a little worried. It was not difficult for him to destroy the Pyramid of the God Tomb directly, but if it were to be destroyed like this, he felt a little pity.But if it is restored and brought back to the solar system, what should we do with such a large pyramid?

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Lei made a choice. It decided to repair it and use it to return to the solar system.There are several other benefits of keeping it. The first is that you can study it and perhaps find clues as to who is the creator of the world box.The second is the origin of the six plates, and perhaps clues can be found in the pyramids of the tomb of the gods.The third advantage is that if you keep it, you may be able to attract the fifth day to appear in the future and completely solve future problems.

Xia Lei put the world box into his own treasure, but left six plates.

This was the first time he observed these six plates up close.

They are only a little bigger than the big side of the world box, crystal clear, if it is not for the densely flowing bronze energy runes like ant colony crawling, they look like a kind of fine jade carved at first glance.

Xia Lei picked up a piece of it. It didn't feel any weight, and the texture was very strange. It was not a gem, not a metal, but it looked like... bone!

"Bone?" Xia Lei was surprised, and he hesitated, injecting a trace of source energy into the "pelvic plate" in his hand.He was very careful, for fear of destroying the energy rune structure in the "pelvic plate", and also worried about awakening something and causing bad things.

However, his worries seemed to be superfluous. The trace of source force energy did not destroy the energy rune structure of the "pelvic plate", nor did it cause any bad things.However, it did not feed back any information, it was absorbed as soon as it entered, like a mud cow entering the sea.Xia Lei himself also had a familiar feeling, but this feeling was very vague, elusive, difficult to capture, and indescribable.

After confirming the existence of this feeling, Xia Lei's heart was amazed, "What a weird feeling, it's like..."

What is it like?

But he couldn't even tell him.

Next, he tested another five "pelvis" and the results were the same.Without any feedback, he got the same familiar feeling from every "pelvic plate".After thinking about it, he couldn't understand it, and finally he put the five "pelvic plates" close to his body.He originally planned to take the pelvis into his own treasure, but worried that something bad would happen to the two together, so he gave up.

After collecting the six "pelvic disks", Xia Lei released the source of energy and used the means of creation to repair the destroyed pyramid of the tomb of the gods.This restoration process is actually the process of studying and controlling the pyramids of the tomb of God.Of course, from then on, it will no longer be called the Pyramid of the Tomb of God, and he has given it a new name: Huaxia Pagoda.

This tens of thousands of meters high pyramid used to be a symbol of the six creators, but it will later represent the Chinese nation.

The sky cities and pyramids built by the spirit people will have an energy center, which is like a computer CPU.The floating city has urban brains, and this pyramid is also an exception.During the repair process, Xia Lei found it, and it surprised him.

The CPU of this pyramid is not at the bottom of the pyramid, but at the top, tens of thousands of meters high.It is a very special world stone, the other world stones are black, flowing with blue energy.On the contrary, it is blue with black energy flowing.But it is not dark energy, it is the energy of the impeccably pure world stone.Perhaps because the purity is too high and the reserve exceeds a certain limit, it appears black.Energy is not distinguished by color. Not all light energy is golden and not all dark energy is as black as ink.

It is not too big, at best it is two or three cubic meters in size, and it is embedded in the center of the spire.Compared with the giant pyramid tens of thousands of meters high, such a "Tower Heart CPU" is really a bit small.But big does not mean strong, and small does not mean weak.He is a living example. He rushes here all the way with the tiny human body. Who dares to say that he is weak?

With the experience of upgrading the floating city, it didn't take long for Xia Lei to establish contact with the "Tower Heart CPU".At that moment, black energy surged, and the image was like a soul swimming in the blue world stone, giving him a response.

Xia Lei changed his authority, erased the energy marks left by the six creators, and carved his energy marks.In the future, as long as he activates the energy brand he has left in it, he can control it and let it run according to his instructions.Although it is huge, it is not much different from controlling a floating city.

In fact, there are differences.

The urban brain of the floating city has no intelligent programs, but this pyramid has one.When Xia Lei carved the energy imprint in the "Tower Heart CPU", it appeared, right in this angry blue world stone.It imitated the face of a spirit tribe and appeared in front of Xia Lei with only a pair of faint blue eyes, not even a mouth.With such a simulated face, even men and women can't distinguish it.

It stared at Xia Lei, its eyes seemed to scan Xia Lei.

Xia Lei did not speak, and looked at it. He secretly said in his heart: "The world stone with artificial intelligence is really incredible. It is probably that mechanism, right? It destroys so many lives and helps those six masters. To take control of my life, should I erase it?"

At this time, the artificial intelligence residing in the blue world stone said: "New master, hello, your identity has been confirmed, and your energy information has been put on record. I am Ainu, and from now on I will be your servant. , Your orders are everything to me."

This voice is a woman's voice, gentle and nice, and it is also in pure Chinese.It obviously also confirmed the biological information carried by Xia Lei, knowing that he is a human and has the identity of the Han nationality, so it automatically replaced the language system and changed the Lingzu language to Chinese.

"Are you a mechanism?" Xia Lei asked.

Ainu said: "I am Ainu, I obey the orders of the former master, but it seems that they are no longer there. You are my new master, and I will obey all your orders."

"My question is, are you a mechanism?" Xia Lei repeated.This artificial intelligence gave him a very special feeling, different from Hao Fang, and different from think tank Armido, but it is somewhat difficult to describe this feeling.

Ainu said, "I am not a mechanism."

This is a positive answer.

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "Your former master was the creator of six spirit races. They said this tower is a mechanism. If you are not a mechanism, then tell me, where is the mechanism?"

Ainu was silent for at least ten seconds before saying: "My master, I just searched all my databases, but I didn't find any information related to the mechanism. Perhaps it was erased by the former master. Maybe it's an independent existence, I'm not sure, I can't find any traces."

This answer surprised Xia Lei.The six creators said that this tower is a mechanism, but the artificial intelligence in the "CPU" of this tower does not know the existence of the mechanism.So, were the six creators deceiving him, or was this love slave deceiving him?Or was it that when he was trapped in the energy space of the world box, all information about the mechanism was erased on the sixth day?If he wants to do that, he can really do it.

"I have another question." Xia Lei took out a "pelvic plate" and showed it to Ainu, "Tell me, what is this? Its material, its origin."

Ainu's faint blue eyes stared at the "Gu Pan" in Xia Lei's hand, seeming to be scanning it, and it took at least ten seconds before he said: "My master, it is a kind of bone. The former owners took it out. It was the bone of the sixth master. The sixth master once said that it was the bone of the ancient gods. I can't find any relevant information, but I believe the sixth master's statement. "

The bones of the ancient gods?

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "Could it be the existence that created the world box? His bones became a tool to control the world box in the hands of the six creators. This seems to be a proof. So, he died. Up?"

Thinking about this, he suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.If these six bones are the bones of the existence that created the world box, it means that he no longer exists.So he now has only one fifth day to escape, and the latter can no longer threaten him.

"Ainu, do you know where you went on the fifth day?" Xia Lei asked.

"I don't know, my master." Ainu's response was simple.

Xia Lei said again: "If she contacts you in the future, can you accept it?"

Ainu said: "I can accept it, but I will report it to the master while receiving it. She has no authority to direct me to do anything, you are my new master."

Xia Lei said: "This is the right thing to do. Now we determine the coordinates of the solar system and prepare to create a wormhole. We return to the solar system."

Ainu responded: "Yes, my master."

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