Super Vision

2592 Chapter 2592 Creepy change, strong crisis

Dr. Ning's words from Xia Lei, "You are so salty below", made Xia Lei embarrassed, and Gu Kewen was embarrassed and embarrassed, wishing to find a seam to get in.

The scene is even more awkward and weird.

Tranquility spread out her hands, with an innocent expression, "Did I say something wrong?"

Gu Kewensheng was afraid that she would start tongue twisting again, and then said, "No, no, you are right. Sit down. Would you like something to drink?"

Tranquility said: "Please give me a glass of water, thank you."

Gu Kewen went to pour Ning Jing a glass of water, and then said to Xia Lei: "I'll go and give you a bowl of noodles. I probably put too much salt in this bowl."

Xia Lei said, "No need."

What cooking skills can the eldest of the ancient family have?This bowl of very salty noodles is probably one of the few works in her life.

Tranquility suddenly said another sentence, "Lei, you have great magical powers, can you make Kewen not salty?"

Xia Lei was also enchanted, "Are you talking about the craftsmanship below her, or this bowl of noodles?"

Tranquility has something else to say, Gu Kewen can't bear it anymore, "Dr. Ning, can you not mention me below? Or you can give Lei some food."

Tranquility said: "Yes, my next is delicious."

Xia Lei, "..."

The one below is so salty.

The one below is delicious.

Obviously, both women have been infected by the "below" virus, and their brains are no longer functioning properly.

Xia Lei couldn't stay any longer. He felt that if he stayed any longer, he would end up facing a different one if he kept focusing on the topics below them.He got up and said: "Kewen, tell Jing, I suddenly remembered that I have other things, I am leaving. When you are ready, I will send someone to pick you up."

Gu Kewen closed his mouth and said nothing. The gathering was too short. Before she could say a few more words to him, he was leaving, and the sadness came back to her heart.

There were tears in the quiet eyes, "I saw you with a hard time. Are you leaving without saying a few words? We...are we just so unpleasant?"

Xia Lei suddenly got a headache, "No, of course not, I..."

Tranquil tears flowed as soon as they said, two teardrops rolled down from her eye sockets, and went down her cheeks, "You brought me and Kewen back from that world, but you are still on Mars again, you consider Have you ever experienced our feelings? We are like your wives. We are also women who love you deeply. You can accept women in the world of hope and the dark world. Why can't you accept us? It’s because we are not beautiful enough. Are we still not gentle enough for them?"

Xia Lei froze suddenly. He did not expect that Tranquility, who had always been timid and weak, would actually say such a thing, which was tantamount to confessing to him.She had never confessed to him before, and at most she only hinted that she liked him, but it was the first time such a bold statement.

Gu Kewen couldn't help but want to hug Tranquility and kiss her. Tranquility is what she wants to say, but she didn't have the courage to say it, but she didn't expect that Tranquility, who is less courageous and easier to be shy and timid than her, spoke. He was equal to directly declaring war on Xia Lei at this time.

"You speak." Quietly choked: "You brought us back. We are the women who love you so deeply. You can't keep us here like toys. Just take a look when you think of it. I can't remember. Just let us mildew here quietly."

She dared to speak because she didn't know that Xia Lei was actually here to let them pack their things and return to the Suspended City as "volunteers" and take them on interstellar travel.If she knows, I am afraid she will not have the courage to say these things.Her courage came from thinking that Xia Lei was leaving again, and she didn't know when she would come back, and might even not come back again.She regarded this meeting as the last time she met. What can't she let go of, what else can't say?

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Jing, you have misunderstood, I actually came here this time..."

Before Xia Lei finished speaking, he suddenly plunged into Xia Lei's arms, and a cherry lip without lipstick stuck to Xia Lei's lips without hesitation.The noodles under the ancient Kewen on the coffee table were also knocked over by her, and the noodles and noodle soup spilled on Xia Lei and her.But she didn't care about it, and she just used her weak body to push Xia Lei to the sofa.

Xia Lei only needed a thought to stop her, but when the quiet tears fell on his face, his heart was softened, and he couldn't be hardened anymore.Think about it, this poor woman who helped her a lot in the first place was not happy all her life. How could he hurt her?

Rejection is sometimes a kind of harm.

But if you don’t refuse, it will sometimes be taken as a default...

Seeing Tranquility kiss Xia Lei desperately, Gu Kewen's courage was not comparable to Tranquility, and her ability to seize opportunities was far from Tranquility's.Tranquility had a good start, but she didn't know how to go down.This required her as a "bad woman" to appear, and she did not hesitate to join in with an excuse.

"Oh, Lei, there is noodle soup everywhere on your pants, I'll treat you to it." Gu Kewen leaned over.

In a blink of an eye, Xia Lei's brows became a ball.This was originally something that Gu Kewen gave him a bowl of noodles, but it developed strangely to this level.He had a hunch before that they were always focusing on the following topics, and he would eventually have to face another form of this word.

The sun sank from the other side of Olympus, and darkness enveloped Olympus and the human base at the foot of Olympus.The base is brightly lit, and the floating city in the sky is brightly lit, but its male owner is here to pay off debts and emotional debts.

When the sea rises, the sea also falls.

When the passion was exhausted and everything subsided, the living room was in a mess, as if a group of bear kids were used as a playground for a whole day.However, this is not troublesome for a creator like Xia Lei. When he thought about it, the night breeze outside the window poured into the room, cleaning and tidying this space full of love like an invisible elf.All the things that fell on the ground returned to their original positions, and even the noodle soup and noodles on his body returned to the bowl, a lot of them, a lot of drops.

For a moment, he wanted to restore the two tired women to an energetic state, but in a blink of an eye, if he did that, everything just ended would probably be over again, so he quickly dispelled this idea.

Two poor women nestled in Xia Lei's arms, and the narrow sofa looked very crowded.But this was what they wanted. They fantasized about one day lying quietly in Xia Lei's arms, feeling his breath and his warmth.Their dreams have come true, just like their fantasy, Xia Lei's mind is so attractive, accepting everything they have, and satisfying everything they want. Their hearts are at this moment extremely peaceful, comfortable, happy and safe. .

Just so silent, I don’t know how long it took, Gu Kewen broke the silence between the three of them, "Lei, thank you, I only now realize the happiness of being a woman. I don’t expect you to treat your wives Treating me like that, as long as you remember me and come and see me occasionally, I'm very satisfied. In this way, I have no regrets even if I die."

Xia Lei gave birth to a finger and pressed it to her lips, "What is the immortal? The good days will be long in the future, live well, life is precious, don't let it down."

Tranquility raised her head from Xia Lei's chest, looking nervous, "Lei, I'm so scared now."

Xia Lei smiled, "What are you afraid of?"

Quietly and timidly said: "I have you, and I will return to Suspended City. I am afraid to face Tianyin and Long Bing. They are all very powerful agents. They will definitely find out. If they find out, they should What should I do? Also, if I am pregnant and I can’t hide, what should I do?”

Xia Lei smiled and said: "Tianyin and Long Bing are okay, Huofeng is the best. She can see through people's hearts, and can even use energy to get information from other people's brains."

"Ah? Is she so powerful?" Gu Kewen also became nervous, and her mind could not help but the horrible form of the undead firebird appeared in her mind.A man who steals a woman like this is really playing with his head on his belt!

Xia Lei said: "You know that you are afraid? Are you brave before that? Where did your courage to push me down?"

Gu Kewen smiled, "I am willing, even if she killed me, I won't regret it."

Tranquility also nodded, "I don't regret it, I don't regret it when I die."

Xia Lei said softly: "You don't have to worry about anything. Fire Phoenix doesn't care about these things. You just need to hide from Lan Jier. Give me some time, time will solve all problems. I will let you have a long life, and Time will obliterate all conflicts."

Yes, time will wipe out all contradictions, even hatred.If everyone has lived together for thousands of years, what contradictions can't be eliminated?

"Lei, you made me the happiest woman in the world." Gu Kewen pressed her cheek to Xia Lei's chest. At this moment, she was indeed the happiest woman in the world, which Xia Lei gave her. The feelings of happiness are real.

Tranquility said softer words, "I really want to just lie in your arms like this, forever."

Xia Lei's heart was also a feeling of relaxation and joy. He had always felt indebted to the two poor women, Gu Kewen and Serenity. Now this feeling has completely disappeared.It feels really good and comfortable to pay off the emotional debt.

But at this moment, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly moved to the finger he had just put on Gu Kewen's lips, and his gaze could not be removed.

Without any signs, the flesh and blood of his finger was disappearing, turning into a bone finger made of "bronze sand".

"How could this happen?" Xia Lei's heart was horrified. He didn't release the world box. How could this kind of disintegration of flesh and blood happen?

This phenomenon lasted for about five seconds before it ended, and the disappeared flesh and blood quickly returned to his finger.But he didn't have the feeling of peace and comfort just now in his heart. An unprecedentedly strong sense of crisis came silently in his heart, lingering.

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