Super Vision

26 Chapter 26

The night was getting deeper, Xia Xue had already returned to his room to sleep, but Xia Lei was still sitting on the sofa, watching the English program on TV with concentration.

It is difficult to describe his learning ability in language. As long as the characters in the TV show speak English, his left eye will convey the corresponding words and grammar to his brain, so no matter how long or strange the sentence Here he is also a simple thing that can be translated in an instant.Even more frightening is that his left eye is always recording conversations on the TV, and the mouth shape and sound of each word are stored in his left eye like data.As long as his brain releases the corresponding instructions, these contents will naturally appear in his brain.If his brain is described as a computer, then his left eye is undoubtedly the chip processor of this computer.

"It's too easy. Learning foreign languages ​​is not difficult for me. I should have no problem communicating with native English speakers. If it is a paper translation, I might be able to do better." Near midnight, Xia Lei still didn't get a little sleepy, and his rapidly improving English ability made him excited.

Suddenly the sound of the car's brakes came downstairs, and a bright light came from the window.

"Is it Ruyi's return? After returning home so late, you must be investigating the case of the compass." Xia Lei got up from the sofa and walked to the balcony outside the living room.

Jiang Ruyi really came back, but she was not alone, and Xu Lang.The driving car is not Jiang Ruyi's Volkswagen POLO, but a higher-grade Audi Q5.

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk ..." Jiang Ruyi came down from the car and wobbled, his speech was unclear.

Xu Lang helped her and smiled and said, "Okay, okay, you are not drunk, but I still help you go back to rest." He hugged Jiang Ruyi's waist, like a couple.

Jiang Ruyi pushed Xu Lang a little and giggled: "Don't, don't come with me this set ... Sister, sister is not a fool, no, no drama."

"Ruyi, what are you talking about? Stop it, I'll take you home." Xu Lang hugged Jiang Ruyi's waist tightly, and then entered the stairwell.

The two people who climbed on each other disappeared into the line of sight, Xia Lei's brow suddenly wrinkled. Other ideas are strange. If I do n’t care about someone else, but she is happy, I ca n’t. ”

If Xu Lang is a man he likes, and is in a relationship of love, Xia Lei will definitely not intervene in this kind of thing, but the situation in front of him is obviously not like this. How can he stand idly by?

Xia Lei left the balcony, went downstairs, and ran straight to Jiang Ruyi's house.

Jiang Ruyi's home is on the first floor, and the stairs are only halfway.When Xia Lei came to the door, the door was closed.You can also hear Jiang Ruyi's mumbles across the door, and Xu Lang's voice.

"Don't ... I don't want you here ... I can take care of myself ... I'm not drunk ..."

"Ruyi, you are drunk, I take off your clothes, OK? I will take a shower for you, and then sleep comfortably." Xu Lang's voice.

Xia Lei scolded shamelessly in his heart, his left eye jumped slightly, and the situation in the room suddenly entered his sight.

Jiang Ruyi lay softly on the sofa. Xu Lang, who had just helped her lie down, squatted down again, reaching for Jiang Ruyi's shoes.The kid was holding Jiang Ruyi's crystal-clear ankle, smiling all over his face, and then he snuck up to Jiang Ruyi's jade feet, and was very intoxicated.

"You go, you go ..." Jiang Ruyi kicked Xu Lang with his feet, but her body was soft and weak, and this resistance had no effect at all.

The meaning of where Xu Lang left again, he put down Jiang Ruyi's feet and reached out to solve the buttons on Jiang Ruyi's police uniform.

Boom Boom Boom!Boom Boom Boom!

The rapid and violent knock on the door suddenly interrupted Xu Lang's steps.

Xu Lang glanced back at the door behind him and didn't get up and said nothing.

Boom Boom Boom!Boom Boom Boom!

Xu Lang's brow furrowed suddenly, and the guy outside the door seemed to intentionally oppose him.However, his secret forbearance was very good. He pretended not to hear the knock on the door, but just watched.

"Who ..." Jiang Ruyi was vague.

Xu Lang followed his hand to cover Jiang Ruyi's mouth. Jiang Ruyi struggled for a while, but he couldn't get rid of Xu Lang's palm and couldn't make another sound.

None of this escaped Xia Lei's eyes. He also understood Xu Lang's thoughts. The guy obviously wanted to create the illusion of nobody in the room.

After waiting for a while, no one knocked on the door again, Xu Lang stretched his hand to Jiang Ruyi's chest again.

Boom Boom Boom!Boom Boom Boom!

The sound of knocking on the door came again.

"Damn, who?" Xu Lang couldn't hold his breath anymore, the guy outside the door was deliberately against him!

The door opened and Xu Lang froze at once.Standing outside the door was the person he least wanted to see, Xia Lei.

Xia Lei looked at Xu Lang coldly and said nothing.

Xu Lang quickly calmed down, and a beautiful smile appeared on his face, "Yo, Master Lei, what are you doing?"

"It's okay." Xia Lei said.

"It's okay?" Xu Lang's mouth was filled with anger, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye. His face still maintained that beautiful smile. "If you're okay, just go back. I and Ruyi have to discuss the work. I will not greet you. "

"Hehehe ..." Xia Lei suddenly smiled.

"Master Lei, what are you laughing at?" There was a lot of sympathy on the face, but Xu Lang's heart was already cursing.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Inspector Xu, I have seen a lot of shameless people, but like you shameless, I saw it for the first time."

Xu Lang suddenly changed his face and was angry. "What is Lei, what are you talking about? Tell me again!"

Xia Lei said: "Is it not clear enough? Then you listen well, I will say it again-I said, you are shameless!"

Xu Lang suddenly raised his fist.

Xia Lei didn't even blink his eyelids, "Inspector Xu, you need to think clearly before you start. Tonight's things will start, either you will invalidate me, or I will invalidate you. Don't think I will be afraid of you I ’m not afraid to make things big. "

Xu Lang's fist slowly fell again.He also knew very well that what happened tonight was that he was drunk with Jiang Ruyi, and then he was ready to take Jiang Ruyi's body.Such things went out, and it was he Xu Lang who was the one who suffered badly, not Xia Lei.

"Go away if you don't want to do it, don't let me see you again." Xia Lei said.

Xu Lang pointed at Xia Lei's nose, "Okay, okay, you have a species, you have a species, let's just wait and see."

"Bah!" Xia Lei sipped on the ground, and this was his response.

Xu Lang left angrily and accidentally bumped the flower stand while driving.He could hear the sound of his curse at a distance of almost ten meters, and his manners had long been lost.

Xia Lei closed the door, walked to the sofa, and looked at Jiang Ruyi in a speechless manner, "Are you a pig? Drinking with that kind of person and getting drunk, but fortunately he sent you home if he was with you When you open a house outside, you have been blamed by him. "

In Xu Lang's identity, he certainly did not dare to open a room in a hotel casually, which is also Jiang Ruyi's luck.

Jiang Ruyi opened a pair of melancholy eyes, she looked at Xia Lei, and a smile appeared on her face, "Giggle ... Am I dazzled? Isn't this the next Leizi?"

Xia Lei, "..."

"Little Leizi, what do you want to do?"

"I want to beat you." Xia Lei said angrily.

"You ... you're still so bad." Jiang Ruyi giggled, "but I forgive you, I forgive all the mistakes you made ... giggle ..."

Xia Lei sighed, "I can't talk to you like you, you go to sleep, I will go to bed too, too lazy to care about you."

"I want to drink and drink water." Jiang Ruyi struggled to get up from the sofa, but her body didn't have a sense of balance at all. She just fell and fell on the carpet just after she got up. Plump and rounded shape.Under the short group of uniforms, a delicate snow skin was exposed, as well as a white lace bottom, and the dents were obvious.This posture is very provocative and makes people dare not look straight.

Xia Lei wanted to leave her behind, but she couldn't bear to look like this.He picked up Jiang Ruyi, entered her room, and returned to the living room to pour her a glass of water for her.

After drinking a glass of cold water, Jiang Ruyi's condition did not improve. She blinked at Xia Lei with drunken eyes, "Why am I in bed?"

This is a very simple question, but Xia Lei does not know how to answer it.

"Hee hee, Leizi, do you want to take advantage of your sister?"

"Occupy your head, I won't thank you if you don't take advantage of me." Xia Lei turned away, "Sleep honestly, don't think about it."

"I want to take a bath, take a bath!"

"Wash it yourself." Xia Lei wanted to leave Jiang Ruyi's house immediately.

Gudong, Jiang Ruyi rolled down from the bed again. This time it wasn't the Pingsha Luoyan style with the buttocks upward, but the herringbone with big limbs.Under the open uniform and skirt, a white lace bottom was vaguely exposed, which made people dare not look directly, but wanted to see the panorama again.

"I want to take a bath ... No, I want to take a bath ..." Jiang Ruyi twisted on the ground like a white loach without bones.

"You guys, well, I owe you the rest of my life." Xia Lei picked her up with a bitter smile and went to the bathroom.

Just when Xu Lang wanted to take advantage of her, she still kept this clear, kicking and kicking life and death refused to follow. Now that Xia Lei is coming, she will drink water for a while and take a bath again. Be an outsider.What is this situation?Xia Lei really didn't think about it seriously. He took Jiang Ruyi to the bathroom.

Jiang Ruyi hugged his neck, full of alcohol and perfume.She hiccupped and said, "Little Leizi, take care of and take good care of your sister, and treat your sister comfortably. Then I will give you one by one ..."

"What is it?"

"Bone." After a hiccup, Jiang Ruyi finally said it.

Xia Lei couldn't help crying or laughing, and was so angry that he put her into the bathtub as soon as she entered the bathroom, and slapped her on her hips.

The slap made a crisp sound, and a beautiful ripple, just like the lotus leaf in the pond was blown by the wind.

Jiang Ruyi moaned, the voice was vague, as if it was hurt, and it seemed that it was hit by some sensitive nerve.She dangled Xia Lei's neckline and tried to push Xia Lei into the bathtub, whispering, "Dare you beat me, I, I, I strip you!"

Inattentively, Xia Lei's collar button was really unlocked by her.

Where did Xia Lei dare to stay with her? He knocked her down in the bathtub without even taking off her uniform. She unscrewed her shower head and left the bathroom.

Behind him came Jiang Ruyi's angry voice, "Lei Zi! You bastard, I want to strangle you! You wait, I will strangle you!"

Charlie, who had just escaped from the bathroom, froze a moment, and she was sober so quickly. Was she really drunk or fake drunk?

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