Super Vision

2603 Chapter 2603 Scared Dad

The golden energy light shines, from a bird's eye view of the sky, it is a huge energy shield, the bronze energy rune and the pure and sacred energy rune shimmer like stars in the universe, densely packed and difficult to calculate.But even the think tank Armido, who broadcasted the whole live broadcast, could not get the signal inside the shield through the monitoring system of the floating city, let alone any surveillance video.

Because this is the absolute domain of Xia Lei.

"There must be a mountain!" Xia Lei's voice oscillated and reverberated in the extremely quiet space. This sound was like a spring thunder crushing the sky and the ground, but there was no wave of the static sea under his feet and around him.

Nothing happened.

Kangtu Nana pursed her lips and laughed, "Husband, if you say there are mountains, will the mountains pop up?"

As soon as her voice fell, the still sea suddenly trembled.This is not the light tremor of wind blowing or sound vibration, but the tremor caused by the release of energy from the depths of the sea!Not waiting for the waves to rise on the sea, let alone the spreading of the stormy waves, just a second later, a peak of a mountain appeared in the sea next to her.

This is just the beginning.


The tops of mountain peaks emerged from below the surface of the sea, rising quickly.The first second was only tens of meters, but the next second was already hundreds of meters.In the first second, the two peaks were still separated by a distance, but in the next second they were connected by ridges.

Xia Lei said, "There must be mountains," and then you have mountains.

These mountains are not illusions constructed by energy in the absolute realm, but real mountains made by nature.What's even more incredible is that the mountain Xia Lei built was a one-to-one reconstruction based on the information stored in his brain about the Bay of Valor. What the Bay of Valorus was like before is what it is now.

Now, Kontunana's location is no longer off the island, but in the Gulf of Valor surrounded by mountains.She is sure, because she is familiar with everything here.In just a few seconds, her man returned the Holy Land of the Fish Spirit Race to the Fish Spirit Race.But she was also dumbfounded, her brain was blank and she couldn't think.The crust on the bottom of the sea trembled, fractured, and squeezed. This extremely complicated island-building process was artificially shortened to a few seconds. It is conceivable how strong Xia Lei shocked her.

Xia Lei reached out to Kokontunana's eyes and shook it, "My wife, it's done."

Kangtunana came back to her senses, she shook her head vigorously, as if to make sure whether the scene before her was an illusion.She shook her head and made sure that the scene in front of her was real, but in her heart she still doubted what trick her husband had done.

Xia Lei decided to do her a favor. He reached out and patted Kontunana's pregnant buttocks.There was a crisp sound, beautiful ripples.

The feeling of pain and shame quickly dispelled the confusion in Kangtunana's heart, but her reaction was not directed at Xia Lei's spanking her butt, but the Gulf of Valor in front of her.She froze for a moment, then rushed forward, hugged Xia Lei's neck, and said excitedly: "Husband! This is true! Heroine Bay! Heroine Bay!" Then she lowered her head and shouted: "Old Patriarch, have you seen it? Open your eyes and have a look! I'm back! The Gulf of Valor is back too!"

Her voice echoed in the Gulf of Valor, echoed in the valley.Her voice is real, the echo is real, everything here is real.

It is a pity that the old patriarch of the Fish Spirit Clan Kou Tian is dead, he can't see this miracle, nor can he hear Kontunana's voice.

Suddenly, Kangtunana’s aura of excitement weakened a lot, "Wait...husband, the former Valiant Bay was golden, containing eternal energy, but now... Although Valiant Bay is back, it is still the same. But there is no difference between the sea water here and the sea outside. It is not the Gulf of Valor of our fish spirits."

Xia Lei said: "Nana, I can quickly restore it to its former appearance, golden water, a lot of eternal energy. I can also quickly create a lot of fish spirits, but..."

"But what?" Kontunana was a little anxious. "Say it quickly."

Xia Lei said: "Rather than instantly restoring the original state of the Valiant Bay, quickly creating a group of fish spirits, but are you sure that this is correct? I have created a certain number of fish spirits in the Pacific Ocean on Earth. Create the fish spirit clan with my mark in the source of the fish spirit civilization, are you sure that is the revival you want?"

Kontunana was silent immediately.

Yes, her husband is the master who can dominate the two universes and is a true creator. As long as she wants, he can satisfy her wishes at any time, but is that really what she wants?

Xia Lei reached out and hugged Kangtu Nana's fragrant shoulders, "Nana, although I did not create fish spirits, I did not create eternal energy here, but I created an environment for nurturing new fish spirit races here. Eternity The sun is shining here, the eternal sand on the bottom of the sea, and the genetic material of the fish spirit family I left behind. In the future, thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, a new fish spirit family and fish spirit will be born here. The civilization of the clan, and they will be the real fish spirit and the civilization of the fish spirit clan. Make your own decision. What do you want me to do?"

He put the decision right in Kontunana's hands, no matter what decision she makes, he will realize her wish.

Kangtunana was silent for a long time before she said, "Husband, before I come, I really want to see the golden Gulf of Valor, as well as the old patriarch, and even many fish spirit races. But what you said made me understand. If so, What I do is to satisfy my own wish, not the wish of the whole fish spirit family, nor the real revival of the fish spirit family. I listen to you, let the fish spirit family slowly regenerate in this environment, only The revival that has gone through the evolutionary path is the real revival."

Yes, only the revival that has experienced the evolutionary path is the real revival.If Xia Lei uses the means of the Creator to "move" the destroyed Valor Bay and the civilization of the Fish Spirit Race to her eyes in a very short time, it is not a revival, but a game. It is a game against the lost fish spirit. Disrespect for ethnic life and civilization.Let the fish spirits start from scratch, from the initial environment, and begin to evolve from the genetic material that carries the evolutionary information, and that is the real revival.The reborn fish spirit clan will also summarize the mistakes made on the evolutionary road last time, become more perfect, and will go further!

"I can rest assured if you can figure it out," Xia Lei said.

"Thank you, husband." Kangtu Nana snuggled tightly in Xia Lei's arms, her expression of gentle happiness.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "What is the old husband and wife doing so politely?"

Kangtunana gave Xia Lei a roll of eyes, "Our children have not yet been born, do we become old couples and old wives? If I am really old, you don't even want to hug me, right?"

Xia Lei reached out and patted her ass.This mermaid is becoming more and more disobedient, and if she is not punished, if she is allowed to develop like this, when she gives birth to a son, I am afraid that she will go to the house to expose her.

There was a crisp sound, and the crisp and beautiful sound spread out in this silent space, like ripples.

"Ouch!" Kangtunana suddenly cried out, with a painful expression on her face.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Commander Kangtu, your acting skills are too exaggerated? I just hit you lightly. Are you so loud and miserable?"

"Husband, I...I..." Kangtunana's voice was full of nervousness, "I, I am about to give birth."

"Huh?" Xia Lei was stunned on the spot. He subconsciously glanced at the hand that hit Kontunana's butt, and couldn't help but think, wouldn't it be the cause of the slap?

At this time, Kangtunana could no longer stand firmly, she squatted on the ground against Xia Lei's chest and lower abdomen, the expression on her face was more painful than before.Her reaction and expression at the moment are obviously not pretending, she is really going to give birth.

Xia Lei was also nervous, and he hurriedly reached out to help Kantunana up, and was about to pick her up.

"No, no, no..." Kangtu Nana waved her hand again and again.

"You are about to give birth, I have to take you back to the floating city." Xia Lei didn't allow her to say more, and hugged her up.

"Husband, I won't go back..." Kangtunana was anxious, "I am a fish spirit! I have to give birth to my children in the water, and to give birth to our children in Valiant Bay, this is my life The greatest honor in China."

Only then did Xia Lei react and understand that the ancient blood of the Fish Spirit was flowing in her body. She was also a Fish Spirit. Isn't the Valiant Bay in front of her the ideal "birth room"?Thinking of this, he put Kontunana down and slowly immersed her body in the water.During this process, Kantunana became more and more calm.The golden eternal energy was released from her body, rendering a large piece of water in the Gulf of Valour into gold, just like the Gulf of Valour.

In the golden sea that was rendered, her legs joined together and transformed into a magnificent mermaid tail.Subsequently, the whole body enters into the fish spirit state.

Although it wasn't the first time Xia Lei saw such a scene, he was still a little shocked in his heart.However, there are more worries and tensions in his heart. Just as Kontunana changed from a normal pregnant woman to a mermaid pregnant woman, he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Her legs are closed. , There is no seam... how does the child come out? Doesn't it really look like a lot of fish eggs, right?"

A pile of fish balls, each fish egg is a son or daughter born to him and Kantuna, then Kantuna has thousands of children in her life?If this is the case, let alone cultivating the relationship with Yuling's son and Yuling's daughter, just naming him is enough for him.Also, if every Yuling son and daughter had to hug him and lift it high, he would probably lift it from morning to night to go to bed, right?

At this moment, a strange voice came from Kontunana's mouth. The voice seemed to be painful, but it also contained excitement and sacredness.In the sound similar to the sound of a dolphin, golden fish eggs floated out from the position between her belly and fish tail.

Xia Lei was stunned on the spot, and for a moment, there was cold sweat on his forehead and back.

This really scared Dad to death.

PS: The second update today.

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