Super Vision

2606 Chapter 2606 Ghost City and the Fifth Day

Without any obvious energy fluctuations, the stone bricks and pillars scattered among the ruins slowly floated up, and then moved to a specific location.So there are complete walls, complete stone pillars, and complete roof.The city started the reconstruction mode the moment Xia Lei entered the city gate. The speed seemed slow, but it was actually very fast. In a blink of an eye, the collapsed city gate behind him rose from the ground, thousands of meters. High, majestic atmosphere.Buildings "stand up". There are ordinary dwellings, majestic temples and public buildings. The tallest is even higher than the city wall.

But not the entire ruined city was rebuilt, but a part of Xia Lei was rebuilt.This range is actually not large, just one square kilometer, and it is a standard semicircle.The city gate behind him and the walls on both sides of the city gate were the diameter of this circle, but there was no reaction on the other side outside the city gate.

How is this going?

This place exudes a mysterious and strange atmosphere everywhere.

Xia Lei walked forward, and the area of ​​reconstruction also expanded with his footsteps.His pace is fast, the speed of reconstruction is fast, and the area of ​​expansion is wider.If his pace slows down, the speed of reconstruction will be slow, and the area of ​​expansion will not slow down accordingly.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "Is it because of me?"

When he just thought of this, the index finger of his right hand began to "dissolve", and the bone-finger that had lost flesh and blood was particularly eye-catching and weird in the blue energy light.And this time it did not end and recover quickly, but continued to spread to his palm and back of his hand.

This seems to be a predictive answer. This ruined city is being rebuilt because of his arrival.He and his source force energy field are like a medium to activate this ruined city. As soon as he comes, this ruined city is activated and enters the mode of reconstruction.

Where Xia Lei passed, buildings were rebuilt and streets were tidied.In the rebuilt place, the streets are neat and clean and the houses are in good condition.They seem to have returned to a unified moment, what they were like in that moment, what they are now.

The person who activated that "moment" was Xia Lei.

Xia Lei stopped moving, and the process of rebuilding the ruins stopped, not spreading.He walks forward, and the ruins of the city will start to rebuild, returning to the state it was in at a particular "moment".

Xia Lei stopped a total of three times, and each time he wanted to convince himself not to go forward and let this ruined city be rebuilt, but every time he stopped, he would find a reason to persuade himself to move on.To rebuild this mysterious city of spirit tribe, the consequences are unpredictable and full of unknown dangers.But if he does not move forward and does not show up on the fifth day, the secrets about the world box will not be solved by himself, and he will not be able to end it all.He didn't want such a result.

He has always believed that risks and opportunities coexist. The greater the risk, the greater the return!Therefore, every time he stopped, he would use this reason to persuade himself to keep moving forward.

For a time, he suddenly gave up walking, kicked his feet on the ground, his body turned into a golden streamer and instantly moved to the center of the ruined city, and then landed on the renewed square of the city.

On the square stands six statues of gods built by the world stone, namely the first day, second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day and sixth day.They stand at different positions on the edge of the square, each with a height of 100 meters, and there are "roads" inlaid with energy gems of different colors extending to the center of the square.That is actually not a "road", but the connection between the idol and the idol, they form a six-pointed star pattern.

The statues of the six creators were incomplete, some only left the lower body, some had their heads dropped to the ground, some had a broken leg, and some had an arm missing.

At the end of the square is the ruins of a temple, a few stone pillars still barely standing, and any one needs more than a dozen people to hold hands to surround it.Huge world stones can be seen everywhere in the ruins, some are fairly well preserved, and some have been broken into pieces of varying sizes.But even so, just from the incomplete stone pillars and huge stones, it is not difficult to make up a picture similar to the temple of Athena.However, even the real Temple of Athena can only be regarded as a small hut in front of the ruins of this temple.

As soon as Xia Lei arrived, the six gods of the creator began to rebuild, and the temple at the end of the square also began to rebuild. He never moved, but the entire ruined city entered the reconstruction mode.This scene, if you compare this ruined city to a room swallowed by darkness, then it is the suddenly lit light in the center of the room.

The reconstruction of the statues of the six creators was completed, and even the traces of repairs were not left in the broken places.

The temple at the end of the square has been rebuilt. The huge stone pillars are several thousand meters high, supporting a flat roof as wide as the sky.A stone step paved with the world stone extends from the end of the square to the inside of the temple. The blue energy light envelopes the temple, forming a blue "light mirror" on all sides.Each light mirror represents a wall. Xia Lei can see the scene of the city refracted by the "light mirror", but cannot see the scene inside the temple.

The entire ruined city has been rebuilt. A huge city with a radius of several hundred kilometers, there are countless houses and countless streets, but no one is walking around.Xia Lei "activated" the city's reconstruction mechanism, but what was being reconstructed was only the buildings, without people or animals.In such a huge city, there is no one person, an animal walking around, only the occasional wind blowing and whimpering sounds, the atmosphere of the ghost city is particularly strong.

"Pretend to be a god and play a ghost." Xia Lei walked to the temple at the end of the square, the source of energy gushing out of his body, and the temple was like a tide.

But before his source energy touched the temple, the blue "light mirror" in the middle of the temple suddenly opened a "door curtain", and a white figure came out of the temple, slender and well-proportioned. There is no face, only the characteristics of the chest and buttocks can tell that she is a woman.

He appeared on the fifth day, and it was not a pure energy body, but a flesh and blood body.Xia Lei could feel the breath of life in her body, as well as the breath of energy released by the powerful creative energy.

But when he saw her, Xia Lei had a strange illusion that the fifth day in front of him was not the fifth day he was familiar with, but the fifth day of a certain time-space node.She hasn't even entered her ultimate state of evolution, so that she still has a real body.

However, unless she is dead, it is impossible for her to appear here as herself at a certain time and space node.Moreover, assuming she is dead, how can a dead person intercept himself at a certain time and space node in the past?

Therefore, no matter what angle you look at the fifth day of sudden emergence from the temple, she is not the fifth day of the past tense.

So, is she a biochemical replica?

When Xia Lei was puzzled, he suddenly said from the fifth day in the temple: "The only one, you are here. For this day, for the meeting at this moment, I waited for more than 20,000 years. "

Her voice was also a real voice, and Xia Lei could even feel the warm breath exhaling from her mouth.

At this moment, Xia Lei had a thought that wanted to rush to kill her, and the impulse generated by this thought was very strong.There is no complicated reason, because the fifth day before him is too weak to bear his attack.As long as he wants, he can stab her to death with a finger, and completely eradicate her big trouble.

But how can there be such a simple thing?

On the fifth day, she had painstakingly prepared for more than 20,000 years. Her hand even reached the distant hope star and ice star. She did so much and waited so long. She couldn’t just let him come here. Punch her to death, right?

"Only, don't you have anything to tell me?" On the fifth day, he walked towards Xia Lei, walking with long legs, and his plump breasts trembled with the steps, giving him an exotic and sexy taste.A pair of faint blue eyes appeared on her face, as well as an extremely small colorless lips.

Xia Lei said, "What is going on?"

On the fifth day, she went down the steps, but did not move forward. She stopped, "What do you mean?"

Xia Lei said: "This city, and you."

On the fifth day, he said: "I can only answer one question for you, you can choose one."

Xia Lei snorted coldly, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

On the fifth day, she said: "If I'm afraid, do you think I will appear in front of you?" After a pause, she said again: "I'll be your first question."

Xia Lei didn't take action. The first problem was that in this weird city, he couldn't contact Ainu, and even if he did, there was no relevant information in Ainu's cleared database.Therefore, even if he gets a deceptive answer from the mouth of the fifth day, he has a desire to understand the city.

"This city is the real Origin City." The voice on the fifth day, "The Origin City you are familiar with is just a part of the mechanism, or can be understood as a tool. This city gave birth to the spirit race Civilization, as well as me and the other five creators. I believe you have seen the bones in the ground, yes, they are the bones of the spirit race."

"What happened here?" Xia Lei couldn't help but ask.

On the fifth day, he did not answer Xia Lei’s question. Instead, he said to himself: "The Origin City is our mother city and the ultimate destination of the Spirit Race. We were born here, and we die here. We created No one can surpass us in the highest level of civilization in the universe. We explore this universe, conquer one after another natural civilization, and create our own civilization. We are the gods in this universe, and we once replaced the universe as the creator. Our army is extremely powerful, and no civilization can challenge us. However, this universe has become our ultimate enemy, and it has destroyed us."

PS: It's true that the wolf from the north froze into a dog in the south. In Beijing and Japan, I don't wear long trousers. When I came back wearing long trousers, I caught a cold by the fire.The headache is really terrible, and today's sixth watch is no longer available.There are only five shifts today, and the one owed will be made up tomorrow.I'm sorry everyone, I didn't think of this situation either. I apologize again.

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