Super Vision

2611 Chapter 2611 The Truth About the Destruction of Spirit Civilization

"You all retreat." Xia Lei said to the maid beside him.

The maids all retreated, and the man who claimed to have found some clue stayed.

Xia Lei walked to him, "Let's talk, what clue did you find." When he spoke, his energy field had already begun to capture the opponent's brain waves.

The spirit race man maintained a humble posture, "An explorer found an ancient tomb and a corpse in a crypt of the ancient gods. In that ancient tomb, there is energy to fight the copper embroidery virus. Factor. But the information I have is limited. I don’t know whether it is the material of the tomb or the energy factor that the corpse releases."

Xia Lei's heart was puzzled, but he still forced himself into the role of "Tituyafis".What surprised him was that the brainwaves of the other party he had captured were exactly the same as what the other party said. The other party's brain had nothing else but to think about the question to be said.The feeling given to him is that the other party is just a robot with a programmed program, strictly executing its own instructions, but will not do anything except instructions, and will not think.

This discovery made Xia Lei more and more suspicious that this was an absolute realm, and it was very likely the absolute realm of existence that created the world box.But he didn't know who the other party was and why.


There was a loud noise, and the whole earth was shaking.

Xia Lei followed the sound and saw that the huge pyramid was slowly leaving the ground.There was a woman standing in front of the tower gate, but before he could see her face clearly, she turned and walked into the tower gate.The tower gate closed suddenly, and the rate of ascent accelerated.

"The great God of War Tituyafis, Princess Dexin must have gone to the ancient gods." The spirit race man standing in front of Xia Lei said excitedly.

Xia Lei said, "Do you know the coordinates of the crypt on the ancient star?"

The Spirit Race man shook his head, "Sorry, the great God of War Tituyafis, I don't know, but if you follow the tower, you will definitely find that place. Our spaceship is ready and ready to go."

Xia Lei said, "Take me."

"The great God of War Tituyafis, please follow me." The Spirit Race man turned and led the way.

Xia Lei followed him out of the gorgeous palace and walked in one direction along a street.There are not many pedestrians on the street. Some pedestrians are covered with bronze patches on their faces and hands, and their flesh and blood are festering.There were even some dead spirit race people on the street. Their bodies exuded the smell of decay. The degree of festering flesh and blood was even more frightening, and some even showed blue bones.

"Is this the copper rust virus? The Spirit Race people were destroyed by this virus?" Xia Lei secretly wondered.

The answer to this conjecture has already existed. The civilization of the Spirit Race is the highest in the universe. No civilized army can destroy them, and only viruses can destroy them.No wonder the tower took off as soon as it got a clue.The patina virus is destroying the civilization of the spiritual people, and it can't be delayed for a moment.

"How was the patina virus born? Is it the law of the universe, or some other channel and reason?" Xia Lei couldn't help thinking.

While he was thinking about the problem, a Spirit Race woman suddenly fell to the ground, her neck was covered with "brazed rust" and her flesh and blood festered.

"Save me...Save me..." The Spirit Race woman begged to passersby.

But none of the people on the street offered her a helping hand, instead they avoided her for fear of being infected by him.

"Mom! Mom..." a little girl of the spirit race cried out on the woman of the spirit race who fell on the ground, "Help my mother, please help my mother, oooooo..."

Xia Lei hesitated, then walked over to the woman and her child.

"Great God of War Tituyafis, please don't go there, it's dangerous." The spirit race man leading the way reminded Xia Lei nervously.

Xia Lei said, "Just stay away. I can't help but die."

"Great Tituyafis, you can't save her." The Spirit Race man who led the way said, he really walked forward and stayed away, for fear that Xia Lei would let him save the woman.

Xia Lei picked up the woman and secretly injected a little source energy with the will to heal into the woman.The woman's condition improved instantly, but she was still very weak.

Xia Lei thought he could cure her, but he didn't do that.The reason why he wanted to save her also had his own purpose, and that was to study the "brass rust virus", and he wanted to take her on a spaceship.

"Great God of War Tituyafis, please save my mother, I have only my mother, oh oh..." the little girl knelt on the ground, sobbing.

Xia Lei said, "Follow me."

"Hmm!" The little girl replied, then got up from the ground and followed Xia Lei.

"Thank you, the great God of War Tituyafis." Lying in Xia Lei's arms, the spiritual woman who had gained a glimmer of life thanked Xia Lei, her voice seemed weak.

Xia Lei just nodded, and said inwardly: "It seems that Tituyafis is still a celebrity, and even the women and children on the street know him."

"Great Tituyafis, my name is Ainu." The little girl said.

When the word "Ainu" entered Xia Lei's ears, he shook slightly. Isn't this the name of the artificial intelligence in the pyramid of God's Tomb?How could this little girl have the same name as that lost artificial intelligence?

The little girl who claimed to be an Ainu continued: "The great God of War Tituyafis, I will pray to God every day, let God bless you, you are a good person."

Xia Lei nodded and didn't say anything, but he was still thinking about the problem just now.So far, he has affirmed that this is an absolute field, and the other party is using this method to reveal the last secret to him.He doesn't need to do anything deliberately, just follow the development of the event to find the answer he wants!

Under the leadership of the spirit race man, Xia Lei came to an apron.On the huge tarmac are parked large and small spaceships, both military and civilian.Among them is a military spacecraft painted in gold, with the symbol of "God of War Tituyafis" on it. Needless to say, it is the spacecraft to be boarded.

However, there are not only spaceships in the apron, but also a large number of corpses.Some robots are processing those corpses. They carry the corpses onto a transport spacecraft, but don’t know where they will be sent to burn or bury them.

The God of War Tituyafis took off, and after a few hours of space flight, it came to a deserted planet in the God Mother Galaxy.In fact, there is no need to find any crypts, because you can see that huge pyramid in space, and it is an obvious coordinate in itself.

In the past few hours, Xia Lei obtained more information by consulting the spacecraft's database.That Princess Dexin was actually his fiancée. If it weren't for the sudden outbreak of the copper odor virus, he and Princess Dexin would have been married.What surprised him was that there were no six creators in this era!

The God of War Tituyafis landed next to the tower. When preparing to disembark, Xia Lei injected some source energy with the will to heal into Ainu's mother.That is to say, after two secret treatments in succession, he found that even with the source energy of the healing will, it can only relieve her pain and prolong her lifespan, and it will not be able to eradicate her "patina virus".

This result surprised him and surprised him, but he was relieved after thinking about it.This is the law to destroy the spirit race, how can he save it?In fact, even he himself, can't he also control his dissolution of flesh and blood?Each attack will enlarge the area and prolong the time.This is actually the law to destroy him and cannot get rid of it.

"Ainu, come with me, and let your mother have a good rest." Xia Lei said to the little girl.

"Yeah." Ainu obediently responded, and followed Xia Lei to get off the spaceship.

The entrance to the crypt is at the foot of a large mountain, where a large group of spirit warriors and combat robots stand.When Xia Lei took Ainu over, all the warriors and combat robots saluted him.Xia Lei nodded in greeting, and led Ainu into the cave.

In the cave, Xia Lei met Princess Dexin.She is wearing a white robe, tall and well-proportioned, and the curves of her body are sexy and beautiful even if measured by human aesthetics.

Princess Dexin opened her face, revealing a pair of faint blue eyes, a pretty nose and small and bright red lips. Her face is also sexy and beautiful.Coupled with her unique dignified and noble wife, she gave Xia Lei a stunning and unforgettable feeling.

However, Xia Lei only had a sense of surprise. For this "fiancee", he didn't feel stunned or liked.What's more, he clearly knows that this is an absolute realm.Once the existence of creating this absolute realm removes it, she will disappear, everything will disappear.

"Tituyafis, my dear, why are you here?" Princess Dexin liked him very much as a "fiance". After seeing him opened his face, she greeted him with a happy smile on her face when she spoke.

Xia Lei said: "I also got the news. I saw the tower taking off, so I followed."

"I knew you were worried about me." Princess Dexin got into Xia Lei's arms and hugged him tightly.

The warm and soft touch made Xia Lei a little nervous, and he followed: "Let's go, let's go and see the ancient tomb."

Princess Dexin left Xia Lei's arms and said, "Eric, lead the way."

A man from the spirit race responded and walked to a cave entrance at the bottom of the cave.With his adventure equipment on his back, it is not difficult to guess that he is the spiritual explorer who discovered the crypt tomb.

Princess Dexin took Xia Lei's hand and walked towards the entrance of the cave. Ainu hesitated for a moment and followed.

Princess Dexin looked back and said, "My dear, who is she?"

Xia Lei said briefly.

Princess Dexin smiled and said: "You are still so loving, okay, Ainu, you just follow."

Ainu cautiously said: "Thank you to the great Princess Dexin, I pray to the gods every day, let God bless you forever beautiful and happy."

"The mouth is so sweet, I like you." Princess Dexin beckoned to Ainu, "From now on, you will be my maid."

Xia Lei secretly asked, "Why does this love slave appear in this story?"

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