Super Vision

2619 Chapter 2619 Full stop

"You are looking for an excuse to convince yourself!" said on the fifth day: "You don't want to be yourself at all. You can't bear your woman and child in your heart, don't you?"

Xia Lei said indifferently: "You are actually looking for an excuse to convince yourself that the machine makes you, and you have spent a long time under the control of the mechanism. For you, the mechanism is actually the system. You are living in a system. After a lifetime, you are suddenly free, but you can’t adapt. You insist on persuading me to take my bones back, awaken the memory of my previous life, and then take you to restart the universe. That’s because you have this goal, you There is no other goal in his life."

On the fifth day, he was stunned on the spot.

Xia Lei said: "What will restarting the universe bring? No one knows, including my previous life. Maybe it is a new universe or another result. Who can be sure? The universe has its own laws, and it is full of We are constantly correcting our own mistakes. We must give it the opportunity to let it go its own way, end when it should end, and be reborn when it should be reborn."

"But it will kill us!" shouted at Xia Lei on the fifth day.

Xia Lei shrugged, "Satisfied. Compared with ordinary people, the life span of tens of a hundred years is shorter. We have all lived twice, and we have a life span of tens of thousands of years. This is already Very lucky thing."

On the fifth day, his lips moved, but there was no more to persuade him.

Xia Lei said: "Cherish your remaining time and do something meaningful. This is the last time we met, and the last time. Don't come to me again, let alone evil thoughts, otherwise we will be the next time we meet Enemy, I will kill you."

After speaking, Xia Lei turned and walked towards the tower gate.

Looking at Xia Lei's back on the fifth day, his eyes were complicated.She wanted to stop him, but she didn't know what else she could say after stopping him.Talk about the love lingering in that month?Or is it the former life and death rivalry?All this is over.

The tower door opened.

The blue light came in from outside and cast Xia Lei's figure on the ground. It was long and thin, with an indescribable sense of loneliness.

Outside the gate, the ruins of Origin City are still there, and there is no sign of rebuilding.Everything that happened in the past month was a phantom created, except for the fifth day.She is real, and what happened to him and her is also real.But that didn't mean anything. If there was such a feeling in his heart, it was for Princess Dexin, not the fifth day.

Time to go home.

Go home, go to a distant interstellar adventure with your wife and children, sow civilization.

If you get tired in the future, you can go home, you can go back to the earth world, you can also go back to the world of Mars, or the world of the star of hope or the world of dark death, where there is his home.

When will you die?

He did not want to imagine.

Die when it's time to die, he is the biggest demon, but until now he has not been punished, only death is the price he should pay, or salvation.

But look at this sin issue from another angle. Should the sins of the past life be borne by him in this life?


Just put an end to all this here, let it all end here, no longer continue.

Facing the goddess star and priest star in the sky, Xia Lei's mouth showed a smile.It was finally over, and he had never felt the ease at this moment.


Going to his mother's future, at this moment he just wants to return to Suspended City, have a good dinner with his wife and children, and then realize the ultimate dream of his life, and be in a big bed...

"Wait!" The fifth day's voice came from behind.

Xia Lei did not look back, but his voice turned cold, "What else do you want to say? My tolerance, my chance is not a cheap buy one get one free. If you are still confused, I don't mind sending you on the road to see the sixth day. they."

On the fifth day, she was not afraid. On the contrary, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, “Don’t get me wrong, I just want to send you off. The Milky Way is far away from here, and it will take a long time for you to fly back. You left the tower to me, so let me send it to you."

Xia Lei was silent for a while and then shook his head, "No, I have already used the tower to contact the think tank Amiduo, and it will pick me up with Suspended City. You go, the farther you go, the better, and it's best to never meet."

On the fifth day, I shrugged, "Well, but I still have a word to say to you."

Xia Lei looked at her, "What?"

On the fifth day, he bowed to Xia Lei, "Thank you."

Xia Lei was taken aback for a moment. He obviously didn't expect to bow to him on the fifth day.

"In addition..." On the fifth day he stood up straight, with a rare smile on his face, "Until now I understand why there are so many women who like you and are willing to do everything for you. Your work in that area It’s really good. I have had a great time for the past month. Although I think of you as Tituyafis, it’s yours."

Xia Lei, "..."

"Well, I'm finished, goodbye." said the fifth day.

Xia Lei nodded, "Farewell."

The tower took off and disappeared into space in a blink of an eye.

Enemies of life and death, farewell forever and never see each other again.

There is no eternal hatred in this world. Isn't he and the fifth day an example?

Life is short, don't be captured by hatred and desire, live the life you want, cherish everyone around you, this is happiness.

Xia Lei faced the collapsed temple without moving for a long time.For a time, he stretched out his hands, and the source force energy was released from his body.A piece of stone floated up, big and small, square and round, regular and irregular. They were put together to form the original shape, then glued together, and then returned to the position where they should be returned.

The temple, which is several thousand meters high, was rebuilt in this way, standing among the ruins, majestic and lonely.

Xia Lei walked into the temple, where there were six statues of the Creator, the first day, second day, third day, fourth day, fifth day, and sixth day.

A handful of seeds flew from a distance, flew to the feet of the six gods of the creator, took root and sprouted, and then grew flowers.

Xia Lei was sitting on the ground among the flowers among the six statues of the creator, his gaze swept across faces without facial features, and he said to himself: "I don't know if you like this result, but just let it be. It's all over."

The idols of the six creators will not respond to him.

Xia Lei smiled, "To be honest, I haven't figured out whether you created me or I created you. I was once your subordinates, and we became enemies of life and death, and I killed you. Five. Your hands are stained with blood, and my hands are stained with blood. I always thought I was a good person, kind, honest, and caring, haha... it's like a movie on earth The kind of tall and handsome protagonist in it, but I am the source of all this evil, the ultimate devil in the movie, do you say that this satire is not ironic?"

The statues of the six creators remained motionless and did not respond at all.

This is just talking to myself.

"So, don’t you feel unwilling. I will die too. I will be with you soon. At that time, everyone should restrain themselves and stop being enemies and be friends. We can study how to create. Life, or predict what the ultimate destiny of this universe is, do you think it is good?" Xia Lei said.

A gust of wind suddenly blew in from the gate of the temple, blowing over the six statues of the creator, making a whining sound.

This seems to be their response.

"Okay, don't disturb you, I have to go." Xia Lei got up from the grass and walked towards the entrance of the temple.

After a short distance, he suddenly stopped again, grinning, "I seem to have forgotten someone."

Pieces of world stones flew in from outside, broke up into sand, and then gathered sand to form an image.When the source of energy that created the idol disappeared, Princess Dexin appeared in the center of the temple, just like the girl he met in his dream.

Xia Lei looked up at the statue of Princess Dexin, and said for a long time: "You are a great leader, a good woman, it is my honor to know you. Goodbye."

He turned and left.

A gust of wind blew, and a piece of ashes on the base of Princess Dexin's idol was immediately blown away, and a line of text "Great Princess Dexin, Wife of God of War Tituyafis" appeared under the ash.

This is the text carved by Xia Lei, he didn't mention himself.

Walking out of the temple, Xia Lei soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Three days later.

The Suspended City passed through a wormhole on the edge of the God Mother Galaxy and hovered in space.

"Where is your husband?" Cai Ling clutched her stomach with an anxious and painful expression, "I'm about to give birth, I want my husband to accompany me...Ouch..."

"My beautiful and beautiful mistress Cailing, if you bear with me, the master is in the god mother galaxy. I have already sent him a message, and I believe he will be back soon." Hao Fang said, followed by One sentence, "Or, I will arrange for a medical robot to deliver the baby now?"

Cai Ling looked disgusted, "You go away, I don't want you, and I don't want any medical robots, I only want my husband!"

"Look! That's—" Nightingale pointed to the starry sky excitedly.

"Husband!" Huofeng shouted, soaring into the sky, the huge energy undead wings spread out.

But before she flew out of the energy shield of the Levitation City, a golden figure pierced in from outside, grabbed her waist, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

This golden figure was Xia Lei, he couldn't wait to go home, so he left the god mother galaxy early in the morning to guard outside the wormhole that the floating city must pass through.

Regardless of whether anyone on the ground is watching, or how many people are watching, when she will be hugged in her arms, Xia Lei couldn't wait to kiss her and said excitedly: "My wife, I'm back."

Huofeng leaned into Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "Cai Ling is about to give birth. She is small but jealous. At this time you should kiss her, not me."

Xia Lei, "..."

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