Super Vision

2621 Chapter 2621

Mars base.

The red flags fluttered in the wind on each side, and there was a hot construction scene in the base.With the continuous improvement of the Martian environment, it becomes more and more suitable for human habitation.Now, recruitment advertisements can be seen everywhere in Chinese cities on the earth.

Welcome to join the Mars family and build a Chinese dream together!

Join the Mars villa, permanent parking space, and high-paying job opportunities. What are you waiting for?

Are you a farmer?It doesn't matter, there is land on Mars that you can't cultivate.Are you a fitter?It doesn't matter, there are countless job opportunities waiting for you on Mars.You are a builder, so congratulations, you are the most welcome person!Come on, no matter who you are, there is a stage for you to prove yourself on Mars...

Such advertisements are everywhere, and Chinese people are also pouring into Mars.

This is embarrassing for the camp dominated by Europe and the United States.They had expected the people of Skyrim to bring them alien technology to help them enter the world of Mars and compete with China for territory.But he didn't expect that the people of Skyrim would be defeated by the women of Levitation City and Xia Lei, and their abacus would fall to nothing.Now China is opening up its territory on Mars without any resistance, establishing permanent bases one after another, while constantly sending Chinese people to Mars.When they have the ability to fly to Mars, maybe where else can they stay?

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of path the dragon that has just awakened will face.Xia Lei never deliberately changed the evolutionary process of mankind. He only gave a little help, and the dragon in the east broke free from the imprisonment and soared out of the clouds for nine days.The Chinese nation is the largest nation in the world, the smartest, and the most industrious nation. The space on the earth is too small. The vast universe is the stage of the oriental dragon!

All this is because of a character, Xia Lei.

No Chinese can forget him, and he is also a well-deserved hero in the Chinese world.However, he who should accept the praise and support has disappeared, and there is no news back.

However, the world will not stop running because of who is missing, and the Mars base is changing every day.As the first step for mankind to step out of the earth, every change of it has important meanings for mankind on earth.

Gradually, people talked about Xia Lei less often.

Gradually, few people cared about where he went.

Days repeat day by day, always going forward.

The past is left behind, and the future is waiting in front.

Some people die, some people are born.

But no matter who it is, it is just a passer-by in this world, nothing can be taken away, and even the trace will be annihilated in the end.

"Wow..." A string of babies' cries came out of an antique courtyard, and there was a man's laughter.

"Hahaha! It's a daughter!" Xia Changhe held the newborn girl, his mouth closed from ear to ear with joy, tears of excitement and joy also came from his eyes.

Zhu Xuanyue looked at his husband with a warm and happy smile, "Chang He, let's name our daughter."

Xia Changhe laughed while crying, "I, I have already thought about it, so let's call it Xia Weiyi."

"Weiyi?" Zhu Xuanyue said, then nodded, "Well, this name is good, I like this name."

"Weiyi, Weiyi, the only one..." Xia Changhe said softly, suddenly another child's face appeared in his mind.

That was the face of Xia Lei. He had no news from him since he left last time.

"Chang He, do you want the Dragon King?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.

Xia Changhe nodded, his voice was full of longing, "I don't know where he is now. Today is a good day when Weiyi was born. I really want him to be by our side. If this is the case, our family will count. Reunited."

Zhu Xuanyue smiled, "Our family reunion is a big scene. Dragon King's 20 wives and a large group of children can't fit in this room."

"Ha ha ha..." Xia Changhe couldn't help laughing.

Zhu Xuanyue said again, "However, I think Dragon King will be very happy to have a sister Weiyi."

"Of course he would like it. Weiyi is his sister." Xia Changhe said. He named his daughter Xia Weiyi and Zhu Xuanyue's daughter, isn't it because Xia Lei is the "only"?

The only, the only one in the universe, whether it is a past life or this life, Xia Lei is the one unique.

A familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Uncle Changhe, are you at home?"

Xia Changhe was taken aback for a moment, "It's Xiaoan, it's so late, why is he here?"

"Go and have a look, I am inconvenient, I will not go out, you give me the baby." Zhu Xuanyue said.

"Wow..." Xia Weiyi cried, as if she didn't want to leave Xia Changhe's embrace.She was nothing like her nephews and nieces, who would laugh and talk at all.

Obviously, compared to her nephews and nieces, she has already lost at the starting line.

Xia Changhe went to open the door, and the moment he opened the door, he was stunned on the spot.Standing outside the door was not only Ma Xiaoan and his wife, but also a large group of people. The person he most wanted to see was Xia Lei.

"Leizi, you..." Xia Changhe was surprised and delighted, and suddenly he couldn't recover.

Xia Lei walked up and gave Xia Changhe a hug, "Dad, my sister came to this world, how can I not come back and see. No, I'm back with your daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter."

Xia Changhe looked at a large group of splendid daughters-in-law, the winged ones without wings, the blue black and the white ones, and the children around them, and suddenly felt a dazzling feeling.

"Father." The women said hello, with a neat feeling and scene.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa..." A large group of children swarmed up, and immediately flooded Xia Changhe.

This is not neat, this is messy.

Xia Lei couldn't help but smile, and his eyes moved to You Xue.

You Xue followed and carried the child in her arms, "Marei, called godfather."

Marei, this is the child born to Ma Xiaoan and You Xue.Ma Xiaoan named him Marley. It is not difficult to see that he is proud of being a brother with Xia Lei.

"Yeah..." Marley yelled in You Xue's arms, waving his little hands to grab You Xue's granary, looking hungry.

Another bear kid who lost at the starting line.

Xia Lei leaned over, caught Marei's little hand and kissed him, "True melon, when I grow up, I will drive a warship."

"Haha!" Ma Xiaoan smiled, "I want to train him to be the best electric welder."

As soon as he finished speaking, You Xue stepped on it.

Here, Xia Changhe finally got rid of the entanglement of a group of grandchildren, and took Xia Lei and the women and children of Suspended City into his room with Zhu Xuanyue, as well as Ma Xiaoan, Youxue and Marei.It's really the kind of situation Zhu Xuanyue just said. The house is too small to stand up.

After seeing Xia Weiyi and talking to Zhu Xuanyue for a while, Xia Lei was taken outside the house by Xia Changhe to speak.

"Where have you been? When did you come back?" Xia Changhe said clearly.

Xia Lei said: "I just came back, I knew my mother was about to give birth, so I rushed back. Well, we went to a galaxy that was not born, and found a planet similar to the earth there, guess I’m on it. What do you see?"

Xia Changhe rolled Xia Lei's eyes, "Say, how can I guess?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Dinosaurs, that world is like the past of the earth. There is no human beings yet, but I believe there will be humans in the future."

Xia Changhe said, "I am not interested in these, how long will I stay here this time?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying: "Let's go for a few days, and then we will leave, this time I don't know when we will come back. Also, I didn't disturb anyone when I came back this time, so don't say that I came back."

Xia Changhe was surprised and said: "Why? You built this place with your own hands. You are also a hero of this nation. You can come back openly and accept everyone's praise and cheers. Why come back quietly?"

Xia Lei looked at the earth in the starry sky, and said after a little silence: "I shouldn't exist, let me slowly disappear into the history of mankind."


"I'm not a leader, and I'm not a god, I'm just..." A wry smile emerged from the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. "I just want to live a flat life with my wife and children and look at the universe."

"Are you all right?" Xia Changhe said with concern: "I always feel you are weird tonight."

Xia Lei hugged Xia Changhe, "Dad."

It was just a "dad" and nothing else, but the word contained a lot.

Xia Changhe’s tears quietly rolled down from the corner of his eyes...

"Hush!" A strange voice suddenly came from the bamboo forest outside the courtyard.

Xia Changhe moved his eyes and saw two figures dodge in a hurry.Although the two people hid quickly, he still saw clearly, one was tranquil, the other was ancient Kewen.

"Yeah." Xia Lei coughed dryly, "Dad, I'll go to the woods to help."

Xia Changhe pretended not to see it. He patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, "I understand what kind of life you want, that... there is a blanket in the bamboo forest. I put it there and forgot to collect it."

Xia Lei said in embarrassment, "I'm just going to get rid of it. What are you doing with me carrying the blanket?"

"Go go, hurry up, I will help you delay a little time." Xia Changhe did not wait for Xia Lei to leave, but he left.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Ning Jing and Gu Kewen poked out their heads cautiously from the bamboo forest, seeing Xia Lei and the two women beckoning him excitedly, beckoning him to get into the bamboo forest quickly.

Xia Lei walked into the bamboo forest and said silently, "You two are too courageous? Twenty tigers are in the house outside. What do you want to do?"

"I, I seem to have...have it!" Gu Kewen said nervously, "I'm so worried, so, so... I will come to you quickly."

Xia Lei couldn't help kissing her, and said excitedly: "I'm going to be a father!"

Gu Kewen gave him a white look, "Your acting skills are too exaggerated. You have been a father for more than twenty times. You should feel nothing?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Tranquility suddenly hugged him from behind, "I want one too!"

Gu Kewen babblingly pointed to the depths of the bamboo forest, "I saw a blanket over there just now, should we go there and talk?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Is this the life he wants?

Yes, this is the life he wants.

He didn't want to be regarded as a leader and a god by humans, so he wanted to erase his traces.Time will obliterate everything, and one day no one will remember who he is and what he did.For him, it doesn't make any sense.What he wants is to accompany his wife and children to "get old" slowly, and to reach the final destination in love and being loved.

Everything will have a destination.

Time is not time, in the blink of an eye, thousands of years, thousands of years...

Deep in the distant universe, on a dying planet, in a desert.

Click, click...

A bronze figure walked slowly in the desert, extremely lonely.

"It's here, it's good here. I don't need a tombstone, and I don't need someone to sweep my grave." The bronze figure stopped, and then lay in the desert.

This bronze figure is Xia Lei ten thousand years later. In the past ten thousand years, he has sent away his beloved women, children, and children's children.Although there are still wives alive, he can't be with them anymore. Ten thousand years later, he is decomposing every day and he can't maintain his original flesh and blood.He didn't want them to see him turned into a bronze skeleton, so he left quietly.

He wandered alone in the universe, galaxy after galaxy.He thought he could find the edge of the universe, but finally realized how naive this idea was.The universe is always expanding, covering every dimension.No matter he is directed at either side, he cannot keep up with the expansion of the universe.No one can reach the edge of the universe, and he can't take a peek at the outside of the universe.

He is tired and doesn't want to wander anymore

A dry wind suddenly blew, blowing up yellow sand and the bronze bone meal that had fallen from his body.He is very weak now and may die at any time.

He looked at the dim stars in the sky. He didn't know when, his vision suddenly became hazy, and a bronze skeleton appeared in his void.

That is the bone of his previous life.

"You are dying." The bones of the previous life said, "You have loved, and you are also tired. Most of the women and children you have loved are dead. They are taken away by the laws of the universe. Don't you hate them?"

Xia Lei waved his hand, "You walk away, I don't want to talk to you, and I know you don't exist."

"I have always lived in your heart and never left. Otherwise, when you are about to die, how could I come out and talk to you?"

Xia Lei closed his eyes.

"It's useless, you're thinking about me, you're thinking about what kind of person you were in your previous life, right?"

Xia Lei opened his eyes again. He grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at the bones of the previous life in the void, "Get out! Get out!"

The yellow sand scattered.

His voice is weak and weak.

"You are a coward, and you don't even know what kind of person you were in your previous life. What is the meaning of your short life?" The bones of the previous life said contemptuously: "If you are a man, you should face yourself directly Everything, including your past life."

"Why don't you tell me."

"Coward." The bones of the previous life continued to ridicule Xia Lei, "Do you think you really let go of all this and go to death? Don't lie to yourself, you are wandering in the universe by yourself, and you are not looking for the edge of the universe. Do you want to know what is outside the universe, too?"

"you shut up!"

"Get your bones back and awaken the memories of your past life!"


A stone rolled down from Xia Lei's body. It was his own treasure.In that instant, the energy barrier of the own treasure opened, and the sarcophagus and the world box of the world stone rolled out.

"Take your bones back, awaken the memories of your previous life, and then go to die, so that you can die without regrets." The bones of the previous life said.

"I know it's me talking by myself, not you!" Xia Lei roared, his sanity a bit unclear.

"Haha... Coward! Coward! A coward who dare not even face his own past life!"

"I'm not a coward! Get out--ah!" Xia Lei suddenly slapped the sarcophagus.

Perhaps it was a return to the light, this slap enveloping him with the last remaining source energy.The golden light flashed, and the sarcophagus shattered, and the bones of the previous life inside suddenly fell out and pounced on him.

Bones and bones fuse quickly, you are in me and me in you.

The memory of previous lives generally flooded into Xia Lei's consciousness...

He was born, and a woman cried and threw him in the grass on the side of the road.He cried loudly, but it was not his biological mother who cruelly abandoned him, but a strange man.

"I finally found you, the only one." The strange man said to himself, "We will be together, I am your father..."

The words of a strange man are completely strange to Xia Lei, a person who receives memories, but he can understand it.But he knew that it wasn't that he could understand the language of "pre-humans" that he had never heard before, but that he had received the memory of the past life, so he could understand it.To understand to a certain extent, the part belonging to the previous life is fusing with him and becoming part of his body.

"His life experience is the same as mine. Without a father, he was abandoned by his birth mother. Is this a coincidence?" Xia Lei thought secretly.

His thoughts did not prevent the bones and memories of the previous life from blending into his body and soul.

The strange man became his adoptive father, and then raised him. He opened the path of evolution. He met one woman after another, one enemy after another...

For Xia Lei, these memories are simply another time-space version of himself.

Of course it is not exactly the same, but the general plot is the same, even including the six creators and the masters of the dark death world.

Just as the bones and memories of these previous lives were integrated into his body and soul, he received the terrifying energy left over from the previous life, which was exactly the same as his energy attributes, including life and death, light and darkness, and dominant The ingredients.These energies allowed him to return to the function of rebuilding his body, and his body was rebuilding rapidly.

However, not all the bones were absorbed by him. The six skulls that were absorbed into his body were not absorbed by him, but remained outside of his body, suspended in the air.They have even completed the division, exactly the same as before entering Xia Lei's body.

That is the mechanism.

Xia Lei suddenly understood that when he first destroyed the mechanism, it was not that he destroyed or absorbed the mechanism, but the mechanism was using this method to enter his body and "download" all his information.

The only thing, this role, this mission has always been reincarnation.

The only thing is that it can be regarded as the balancer of this universe, and this mission can also be regarded as a process of "error correction" in the continuous evolution of this universe.Where there is a mistake, the balancer is dispatched to correct the mistake.

The only mission is to restart the universe. This is not a hypothetical mission, let alone a deceptive deception that allows the only starting point and key to enter the universe to obtain the energy of the "leader", but a real existence.The universe will be destroyed one day, and it will eventually need someone to restart it, and this person is the only one.

This mission is running over and over again, and it is constantly improving itself. The only generation is stronger than the only one.Eventually, one day, the universe will be destroyed, and the only generation of that generation will really restart the universe.

"It turned out to be like this...hahaha!" Xia Lei couldn't help laughing, giving him the feeling that all this was like having an absurd dream.

Actually, who of us is not in a dream?

We feel that we are real, but the process from birth to death is not a dream?If we compress our lives to the extreme, isn't it a process of opening and closing our eyes?Those joys and sorrows, love, love, will be buried in dust in the end, and finally annihilated in time.

No one can leave a trace of themselves, except for the only one.This seems to be a preferential treatment given to the only special existence by the universe, and he can retrieve his memories from generation to generation.

Suddenly, Xia Lei's flesh and blood began to decompose again.

He has gained the memory and bones of his previous life, and his abilities have become stronger. The law of the universe simply does not allow it to surpass its existence.

But this time the situation is very special. The six-piece pelvis is absorbing the essence of his flesh and blood, especially the essence of the descendants.

Looking at his rapidly disappearing body, Xia Lei didn't feel the slightest sadness or fear in his heart, because he already knew his ending - this was not the end, but the beginning of the next cycle.

He is the only one.

Next time, how will he appear?

He did not know.

But he will know after all.

Next time, he will also remember the women he loved, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, Shentu Tianyin, Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi, Liang Siyao, Lan Jier, Kangtu Nana, Lie Rushui, Bailing, Diasama , Ma, Yu Taimei, Nightingale, Heini, Cailing, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Diao Chan, and Huofeng who is still alive...

"Let's meet again in the next dream, I will come to you and pursue you." Xia Lei said, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

End of the book.

thanks for reading.

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