Super Vision

3 Chapter 3 Temptation is useless

The evening sea breeze brought a hint of coolness to Haizhu City.

"What? Xia Lei was discharged?" The hospital nurse station, Ma Xiaoan, who came to see Xia Lei, was shocked.

"His eyes are fine, and the beds in our hospital are tight, so he was discharged." The nurse said.

"He ... his eyes are okay?" Ma Xiaoan was surprised.

"I said what's going on with you?" The nurse said impatiently: "If you have any questions, just ask him. I have something else here. Don't delay my work."

"Sorry." Ma Xiaoan turned and left.He took out his mobile phone to call Xia Lei's phone, but Xia Lei's cell phone was turned off.

Ma Xiaoan stopped at the elevator door and wondered: "What is this kid doing?"

The elevator door suddenly opened, and Chen Chuanhu and a few young people came out of the elevator room.

Seeing Chen Chuanhu, Ma Xiaoan became nervous immediately.He turned around and wanted to leave, but several young men brought by Chen Chuanhu followed him and surrounded him.

"You, what do you want to do?" Ma Xiaoan's voice trembled a little.

"What are you doing?" Chen Chuanhu said with a sneer: "Damn, you and Xia Lei cheated money on Lao Tzu's head. I just called the doctor and the doctor told me that Xia Lei's eyes were all right and he was discharged . He not only burned a welding machine and transformer of Lao Tzu, but also blackmailed Lao Tzu 10,000 medical expenses. What do you want me to do? "

"This is a misunderstanding." Ma Xiaoan said sternly.

"Misunderstanding your mother!" Chen Chuanhu said angrily: "First beat this boy, and then take him to find the boy Xia Lei, I don't believe he can hide in the sky!"

Several young people surged up, kicking and punching Ma Xiaoan.These young men were fierce, and they knocked Ma Xiaoan down in a few clicks, but they still didn't mean to stop. They surrounded Ma Xiaoan and kicked Ma Xiaoan's body with their feet.

Ma Xiaoan hugged his head and curled up, and there was a voice in his heart, "Lei Zi, you run quickly, don't stay at home ..."

Xia Lei could not see this scene, just when Ma Xiaoan wailed, he had just entered the lobby of the Grand Lisboa Casino in Macau.

Haizhu City and Macau are separated by water, so it is very convenient to come to Macau from Zhuhai.Without a pass, a black boat would cost 200 yuan.Xia Lei came here in a black boat this time. He didn't want anyone to know that he had come to Macau, so he turned off his phone before leaving.

Come to Macau casino, this is the fastest way to realize the ability of perspective directly.

Xia Lei exchanged 8,000 yuan in chips at the front desk, then went to a gambling table for blackjack.

There is a woman in a black evening dress playing cards at the gaming table. The curves of the hips and waist are very good.She has a glamorous temperament, sexy and beautiful but not dare to be close.Xia Lei didn't dare to read more. He was afraid that he couldn't help seeing others, and wasted his chance to make money.

The woman in the black evening dress also glanced at Xia Lei, but just glanced lightly and then looked away.Xia Lei looks good, but the dress is too ordinary, and she seems to have no interest in looking at it more.

When Xia Lei walked over, she and the dealer just ended the game.The dealer's hand is 19 points, and her hand is 17 points, and the dealer wins this hand.

"It's unlucky. I didn't win any of them, and I don't play anymore." The woman in a black evening gown murmured, frowning slightly, very unhappy.

Xia Lei sat at the table and carefully placed his eight thousand chips on the table.

"Sir, are you going to play cards?" The female dealer said with a smile.

Xia Lei nodded.

"Please bet." The female dealer always kept her smile.

Xia Lei did not rush to bet, but looked straight at the card box in front of the female dealer.At this moment, his left eye focused on the first card in the dealer, the back of the card became thinner and translucent in the blink of an eye, and the number and suit of the card face also entered his sight. In, it's a spade A.

"Sir?" The female dealer urged: "Please bet."

Xia Lei smiled, "I'm thinking about how many chips I should put."

The female dealer glanced at the pitiful little chip in front of Xia Lei, and there was a hint of contempt in the corner of her mouth.In her view, Xia Lei is mostly a wage earner from the mainland. Such people usually have to think about it for a long time before betting, because their chips are their hard-earned money, so they lose Gone.

Just when the female dealer looked down on Xia Lei, Xia Lei had used his ability to see through the four cards in the dealer.The first is Spades A, the second is Spades 9, the third is Spades K, and the fourth is Spades A.According to the order of licensing, that is to say, he will get "Black Jack" and the odds will be doubled!

Withdrawing his sight from the dealer, Xia Lei pushed all the chips out, "eight thousand, I'm all down."

The contemptuous smile in the corner of the female dealer's mouth was stronger, she gave Xia Lei a card, but she was thinking about how he would wait for her head to hang down.

Although he knew exactly what the bottom card was, Xia Lei pretended to be a gambler, pressed the dark card with the name card, and then moved the name card away a little, and said in his mouth, "Spades A, Spades A ... … "

The sight of the woman in the black evening dress also shifted to Xia Lei's body, and there was a hint of contempt in her eyes.

"Haha! Black Jack!" Xia Lei turned over the secret card, looking very excited.

The female dealer glanced at her hole card and found that when her face was 20, her expression was like eating a fly.

Eight thousand chips became twenty-four thousand, and the money came really easy.But if he doesn't have the ability to see through, seeing the cards he wants to draw in advance, Xia Lei will definitely not dare to press it all at once.

"Sir, please bet." The female dealer said.

Xia Lei turned his attention to the dealer again. He looked at the cards on the dealer one by one. He found that all he could get was a square 6 and a plum 7. When it comes to a spade 9 and a block Q, it adds up to 19 points, and if he wants a card, the first one is spade 9, a burst card.

This is a card that you know to lose.

Xia Lei put five hundred chips into the betting area, which is the minimum bet.

"Sir, how come there are so few bets this time?" Said the female dealer. "I think you are in luck. You just got Black Jack just now. Are you sure you only have 500?"

"Only bet 500, deal cards." Xia Lei was unmoved.

The female dealer supported the gambling table with both hands, leaning forward, and the low neckline suddenly exposed a deep ditch, a touch of snow, and her face also had an attractive smile, "Sir, please believe me, you You have good luck, you need to increase your bet to win more, don't waste your good luck. "

Xia Lei's mouth also showed a smile, his eyes swept slightly, and the female dealer's entire chest came into his sight uncovered.Her chest was lined up with pads, which was actually much smaller. It's ridiculous that she actually used her career line to seduce him to increase his bet.

Xia Lei shook his head, "Fake, too small."

The female dealer froze a little, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, 500, please deal." Xia Lei said.

"Monkey!" The female dealer scolded in her heart and dealt Xia Lei.

This card Xia Lei deliberately exploded and lost 500.

The female dealer frowned and took away Xia Lei's 500 chips. Although she won Xia Lei, she was not happy at all.

In the third, Xia Lei suddenly pushed all the chips into the betting area.

Xia Lei got it at 20 o'clock, the female dealer got it at 19 o'clock, and the 27,500 bet doubled all at once.

The woman in the black evening dress did not leave, and her eyes became a little strange to Xia Lei.

In this way, in just over ten minutes, Xia Lei made a total of eleven bets. He lost six times and won five times, but the chips in front of him had become 210,000.

When he lost, he pressed all 500. When he won, he pressed all the chips.

Looking at the pile of chips piled up in front of Xia Lei, the head of the female dealer was sweating, not because she was frightened by the more than 200,000 chips, but because the young man in front of him was so evil.When she wins him, she can only win 500, and when he wins, it's all tens of thousands.

Just when the female dealer was going to ring the bell to invite the master of the casino to go out, Xia Lei stood up from the table. "Luck is not very good today. Forget it, don't bet."

The female dealer glared at Xia Lei, and her face was fiercely hurt!

It's not that Xia Lei didn't want to win more money, but that after more than ten minutes, he was so exhausted that he could no longer use his perspective ability.Another reason is that he knew that although this kind of money came easily, he must not be too greedy.If he wins 200,000, the casino doesn't care at all. If he wins hundreds of millions, there must be someone watching him.

Two hundred thousand, enough to pay Xia Xue tuition, Xia Lei was very happy to think of this.

In exchange for chips, Xia Lei directly deposited the money in two cards, one 180,000 and one 30,000.

When he walked out of the Grand Lisboa Casino, the cool sea breeze blew his cheeks, and his head was awake.Just now, when he was betting against the female dealer for the last game, he actually had an illusion in his eyes. The female dealer obviously gave him a card, but he saw a bouncing bullet. , And pink bounce.

Fortunately, this illusion does not appear for a long time, and soon disappears.

Xia Lei went down the steps, he was about to call a car to the port, and then take a boat back to Haizhu.A woman also walked down the steps and stood on the side of the road, also waiting for the car.She has a tall figure and is as tall as him in high heels.That height is not thin, her figure is protruding forward and back, plump and beautiful.

Xia Lei took a closer look at her, and suddenly found that this woman was the woman who had been watching him betting with the dealer at the gambling table.

"Isn't she seeing me win 200,000, was my idea right?" Xia Lei's heart suddenly came up with such an idea, but when he saw the woman's LV bag hanging on his shoulder, he immediately cancelled This ridiculous thought.This woman costs tens of thousands per bag. Will people see his 200,000?

The woman didn't speak or even looked at Xia Lei.

"So cold and arrogant, I really don't know what man can bear her." Xia Lei thought secretly.

At this inadvertent moment, Xia Lei's gaze suddenly dropped to the top of a building across the road, his gaze fixed at once, unable to move away.

A man wearing a baseball cap was lying on the edge of the roof of the building. He had a sniper rifle in front of him, and he was aiming at the woman in black evening dress beside Xia Lei!

"Be careful!" Xia Lei hugged the woman's waist and rolled down with her.

The two just fell to the ground, a bullet hit the place where the woman had just stood, and Mars was splashing.

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