Super Vision

301 301 The Sword of Attila

Xia Lei could understand that his father Xia Changhe abandoned him and his sister for five years, but when he remembered how he had survived these years, he still felt a little unhappy in his heart.Coupled with the fact that his father, Xia Changhe, is not on the road yet, there is a anger in his heart, "Forgive me, not forgive him, that's something between us. Where is he, you let him out to see me. They all send an assistant, what is this? "

Yelena sighed, "He would also like to see you, but it is not the time to meet. Believe me, you will meet soon."

"Humph! Is he sending you to talk to me?" Xia Lei said: "What I need is help, not chat! Even if chatting, he should talk to me, not you!"

Yelena was not angry at all. She took a package from her backpack and threw it to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took the package, feeling heavy, he curiously said: "What is this?"

Yelena said: "Don't you need help? Your father knows your current situation and he has prepared everything for you."

Xia Lei opened the package, a satellite phone, and an envelope.

After the attack last night, Tang Yuyan's most urgent need was a satellite phone. His father Xia Changhe sent a satellite phone, which was undoubtedly a gift to him and Tang Yuyan.

Xia Lei wakes up the satellite phone, but there is no phone number stored on it. He thought his father Xia Changhe would leave a contact number on it, and now it seems obviously that he wanted too much.

Xia Lei put the satellite phone in his pocket, and then opened the envelope, which contained a piece of letter paper and a photo.The picture is a sword. It is an ancient sword. Although it is just a photo, it still gives people a vicissitudes of feeling. It seems to be telling the story of it in blood and iron.

"Why do you give me a picture of the sword?" Xia Lei looked at Yelena puzzled.

Yelena said: "Do you know what sword this is? This is the sword of Attila."

"Sword of Attila?"

"Yes, Attila is the greatest king of the Huns. The White Huns in this basin are his descendants, and this sword is something they have always wanted."

Xia Lei moved, "Is it in my father's hands?"

Yelena shook her head, "Your father is not an archaeologist or a collector of antiques. He knows the whereabouts of the sword, and he is willing to provide clues to the chief of the Baixiong tribe, Taiyue Tiya. In exchange, you It is safe to leave here. In other words, if you meet the people of the Baixiong tribe again, you take out this photo and say that you know the whereabouts of this sword, you can leave here safely. "

This picture plus the whereabouts of Attila's sword is undoubtedly a life-saving sign. No wonder his father Xia Changhe was not very worried about his entry into the basin.

"Actually, the woman next to you is a trouble. If you are smart enough, you should kill her, or someone who borrowed the White Huns to kill her, and then leave here alone." Yelena said.

Xia Lei said: "I am different from you. I will not kill people casually, nor will I kill my companions. I will listen to this one time enough, I don't want to hear it a second time."

Yelena smiled, "Your temper is really like your father."

"Where is that sword?" Xia Lei said: "If I meet people from the Baixiong tribe, I can only have one photo."

"It's all in that envelope. Look at it for yourself. If your father left you with it, I should go. Otherwise, your companion will find me." Yelena said to leave, not hesitating at all. .

Xia Lei wanted to stop her, but then swallowed it back to her mouth.He knew very well that even if he stopped Yelena and continued to talk to her, he couldn't tell his father's whereabouts from her mouth.

Xia Lei opened the envelope and pulled out the letterhead paper inside.

On the letter paper, there was a passage saying: Son, I know you have many questions in your heart, and I also know that you would like to meet me and get answers from me.But now is not the time when we meet, this is too dangerous.The Baixiong tribe is not terrible, the terrible is the Americans, you should be very clear, they have been chasing me, they also want to catch you.They will come here soon, you should leave early.Bring the picture I gave you, as well as information to meet the chief of the Baixiong tribe, Taiyue Tiya, and negotiate with her. She will surrender those experts, and probably will also release your companion in the 101th round.Finally, please believe that I have been looking forward to meeting you again.

A letter was attached at the end of the letter, which was the message of the sword of Attila.

Seeing this piece of information, Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "South Korea, God Realm Group ... An Jinjian! Isn't this An Suixian's father? I really didn't expect that the sword of the Attila Xiongnu king would actually fall to South Korea. Father It ’s really magical, and I know such things. ”

The sword of Attila symbolizes the rights of the Huns, and represents the most glorious history of the Huns. It is an antique for An Jinjian or other collectors, but it is a holy thing for the White Huns. ,Significance.

Xia Lei burned the letter with a lighter, but kept the photo.

When walking back, Xia Lei slowed down, walking and wondering how to explain satellite phone and photos to Tang Yuyan ...

Walking to the woods, Xia Lei did not see Tang Yuyan.But in just two seconds, he hadn't awakened his left eye but found her. She suddenly jumped out of the crown above her head.

Xia Lei hurriedly avoided, Tang Yuyan fell in front of him, plump chest fell sharply, and then rebounded, throwing high and low, several turbulence before "set".This is a very strange feeling, and he could not help but see the scene of forcibly pulling her clothes out last night, and a hot feeling grew in his lower abdomen.After all, he is a normal man. Last night, he did n’t cross that red line and it was already amazing. Some fantasies could not be avoided.

Tang Yuyan pushed Xia Lei, "Where did you go just now? I'm worried about you. I'll come to you if you don't come back."

Xia Lei said: "I met a woman from the Baixiong tribe."

"Ah?" Tang Yuyan was taken aback. "How did you deal with it?"

Xia Lei said: "Of course I didn't keep alive. If I let her go, she would bring a large group of people to chase us down."

"Your treatment is correct. I know you don't like doing this kind of thing, but ... we have no choice." Tang Yuyan comforted Xia Lei.

Xia Lei pulled out the photos and the satellite phone. "I found these two things on her."

Tang Yuyan stared at the satellite phone in Xia Lei's hands with both eyes, and grabbed it with one hand, excitedly saying: "It's great, I can use it to contact the headquarters and let them send rescuers ... wait, a white How could a woman from the Huns tribe have a satellite phone? "

Xia Lei shook his head, pretending to be confused, "I don't know, I searched her body, and then I found it. I guess it was probably from the Baishi tribe, or from other sources. owned."

"Forget it, this matter is not important, it is useful ..." Tang Yuyan's eyes moved to the picture in Xia Lei's hand again, curiously saying: "An ancient sword? What is it?"

Xia Lei smiled a little, "I know the origin of this sword. It's called Attila's Sword. Do you know who Attila is? That is the greatest Xiongnu king of the Huns, it's amazing. This sword represents His rights and glory are very important to the Baixiong tribe. "

"It's just a photo, it's almost the same if you have a real sword." Tang Yuyan didn't take it for granted.

"Although I don't have a real sword, I know who has collected this sword. This information may be useful to us." Xia Lei said.

Tang Yuyan said in surprise: "Do you know this?"

"I'm reading books and friends all over the world. Do I know this is weird? Forget it, I'm not in the mood to talk to you about it. Don't you want to go and see that ruin, let's go. After the observation just now, I didn't I found something suspicious. "Xia Lei walked out of the forest and strode toward the relic.

Tang Yuyan is not a fool, but a professional agent better than a monkey.Xia Lei left for half an hour. After returning, she added a satellite phone and a photo. Her heart was full of curiosity and even doubts, but Xia Lei's words were so seamless that no flaws could be found.

"This kid, wouldn't it be sacrificing the hue, fooled a little girl of the White Huns? I am dizzy, what am I thinking about? I'll go and see first." Tang Yuyan also followed Xia Lei to the ruins In the past.

No matter how she doubts or thinks, she can't think of Xia Lei's father who has been missing for six years.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the forefront of the ruins.Pieces of ancient stone city bricks lie in a mess in the grass, and some still stand on the ground, faintly recognizing the appearance of the city walls.Inside, some places have the appearance of streets, some places are houses, temples, etc.These stones don't speak, there is no sound, but they are a language here, talking about the prosperity of the past, talking about the vicissitudes of time.

Tang Yuyan walked forward with the locator in one hand and the pistol in the other. A little bit of wind and grass would cause her keen reaction.Xia Lei did not have much pressure in his heart. He just followed Tang Yuyan while admiring the ancient ruins, because he knew that Tranquility and several experts were actually captured by the people of the Baixiong tribe.It's just that he can't tell Tang Yuyan, otherwise the previous lie will automatically help.

"Where is our expert?" Xia Lei pretended to be anxious.

"Fifty meters ahead ... strange, why didn't you see anyone?" Tang Yuyan said with a confused face: "The signal is clearly within this range, we should be able to see the right person."

Xia Lei said: "Is it in the basement or underground palace? Archaeology is mostly carried out underground."

"Well, you made sense, I hope they are all right." Tang Yuyan speeded up her pace.

About fifty meters further toward the signal point, an underground passage hidden in a stone pile appeared in front of Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan.The passage extends underground, black paint, I don't know how deep it is, or what's inside.

But Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan didn't move, because they both saw a transmitter lying on a stone step in the passage.The signal received by the locator is transmitted by it.

Rumble, Rumble ...

Suddenly, the sound of a horseshoe came suddenly!

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