Super Vision

304 304 Mysterious Ancient Alloy

The river waded slowly in front of you, and Asian carps could be seen swimming in the clear river, all of which were very plump.Xia Lei threw a stone, and suddenly dozens of large carps jumped on the river, the water splashed and the scene was exaggerated.People here rarely eat fish, but these Asian carps have found a paradise here.

"I really admire you. At this time, you still have a lot of thoughts." The quiet voice was small. She looked at Xia Lei's face, and her eyes were a bit dull.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Happiness is a minute, and sorrow is also a minute. Why do you have to worry? I said, I will take you out of here. Rest assured, you will be fine."

"You ..." Tranquility hesitated before saying: "Are you deliberately saving me?"

"Well, knowing that you are trapped here, I will come." Xia Lei added another sentence, "Of course, there are other experts, they are the elites of our country."

"I thought I would die here, I didn't expect ... you're here." Tranquility hugged Xia Lei from the back, very excited.

Being squeezed softly and tenderly by her, Xia Lei's heart couldn't help but a little rippling, and also felt a little embarrassed.After all, he and she were just friends, and being held in such an intimate way by her was not the same thing after all.However, he did not resist, but stood quietly by the river, letting her hold him like this.

Tranquility is a poor woman.She had just summoned the courage to get rid of her snobbish parents and pursue her own life, but did not expect to be stuck here again, being forced to shovel sheep shit.Is her a doctor of archaeology scooping sheep shit?

Tranquility is just holding Xia Lei, eyes closed, feeling this warm feeling.

Behind the two, the two women guarding Xia Lei and the serenity did not stop, but just watched from a distance.

"Sister Ning, can you tell me what are you doing here?" Xia Lei Wen asked.That's why he called tranquility and walked away.He thought that if he asked several other experts, he might not be able to hear the truth, and tranquility would not deceive him.

"Let's sit down and talk." Tranquility loosened Xia Lei and sat down on the grass beside the river.

Xia Lei sat next to her on the grass and looked at her quietly.

Tranquility rested his head on Xia Lei's shoulder and looked at the slowly flowing river. He said slowly, "Do you remember the compass you repaired?"

Charley was stunned for a moment. "You are trapped here ... how could it be related to that compass? What the hell is going on?"

The mysterious mystery of the compass god of the Ming Dynasty, Xia Lei almost forgot it after repairing it, but did not expect that this operation was actually related to the compass!

"This is what happened." Tranquility continued, "I was recruited into a special group of experts a month ago. At first I didn't know what I was going to study, but only later I knew it was the compass. I was in the expert group It took a few days to realize that they had found a place using the compass and dug something in that place. "


"I saw it once, it was a peculiar piece of metal without paint, but it was green and soft, like life." Tranquility said: "It looks like a part, oh yes, it still has There are two letters. "

Xia Lei could not help interrupting the quiet words, "What letter?"

"AE." Tranquility said.

In an instant, Xia Lei's mind seemed to smash a huge stone, and a huge wave sounded.

Quiet but not aware of the change in Xia Lei ’s look, she continued, “It ’s an inexplicable thing. There is a material science expert in the expert group, but he does n’t know what metal it is. Finally, a few experts It is unanimously determined that it is a brand-new metal, and no one has yet discovered it. Its strength and toughness are also the best among all materials at present. It also has a light weight feature, so it is very suitable for the manufacture of aerospace materials. "

Xia Lei's mind finally calmed down, "That one, the compass of the Ming Dynasty guided the expert to find a metal part, and the AE letters ... I was confused." He laughed self-deprecatingly, "Is there any other Stars fail? The parts discovered by the expert group are parts of alien vehicles? Aliens appeared in the Ming Dynasty? The brains of the expert group are too open? "

Quietly and charmingly white Xia Lei said, "I think your imagination is too exaggerated, there is no aliens at all, the metal was smelted. The smelting time was about 1,400 years ago However, we have referred to all races and civilizations of that period, and no race or civilization has such advanced smelting technology. "

"Who made that?"

"I don't know." The serene look was also a little confused. She said: "We studied from the perspective of those two letters. English was passed from the Germans to Britain, but the smelting technology of the Germanic tribes that invaded Britain at that time was also very primitive It is impossible to smelt such advanced alloy materials. "

"Then how was it smelted?" Xia Lei's head was also filled with question marks, a lot of question marks.

"So we just set up a team of experts and came here. Our mission is to crack this fan and get that kind of smelting technology. If we succeed, our country's smelting technology will override the entire world. The related aerospace industry, manufacturing Business, etc., will get a blowout development. "Tranquility is very excited.

"Wait ..." Xia Lei suddenly understood what was happening. "You mean, that compass did not guide a location. After the team dug out the part, it indicated a new direction?"

"Yes, it brought us here."

Xia Lei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is impossible. That compass was repaired by me. I know its structure. It does not have the slightest intelligent factor. It is impossible to change the direction after indicating a place. Indicate the next. local."

"You don't know this." Tranquility said: "What the expert team excavated in that place is not only that piece of green alloy, but also many antiques of the Ming Dynasty, which are very precious. There is also a pointer, compass Pointer. After replacing the pointer, it will guide in different directions. "

This matter is confusing and confusing.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "There are some antiquities, have you seen them?"

"I've seen some of them. After all, I'm an archaeologist. They need me to identify something." Tranquility paused, and then said: "However, I haven't seen a bronze book, just showed me the photos. . "

"What kind of bronze book is that?"

"A very strange and exquisite bronze book, very thin, not much thicker than modern paper, it looks like dozens of pages. Unfortunately, I just read the photos, I did n’t see the contents, I do n’t know the records. What is it? "Tranquility looked disappointed.

"Perhaps, what important clues are recorded in that bronze book, haven't you asked other experts?"

"Ask, they didn't see the contents. The bronze book was taken away as soon as it was dug out." Tranquility said: "Then the compass indicated a new place after the pointer was replaced, so we came Here we are. We came from the Wakhan corridor, we had dozens of special forces guards, but they were all dead. Then I heard that someone came to save us, but also failed. I thought I would die here, but it was me You appear when you are desperate. You always appear when I need you most, bringing light and hope to me, I ... I ... "

Xia Lei gently hugged her shoulder and warmly comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's all over. Tell me, that compass brought you here, have you found anything?"

"We were caught before we could start our work. Several experts were either growing radishes or feeding pigs. I was also sent to herd sheep and clean the sheep pens. How could there be a chance."

"What about the compass?"

"In that baby-faced hand." Tranquility said: "She took the compass and hung it on the wall of her house as a wall clock. I tried to steal it back, but it was unsuccessful. If there is a chance, you The compass must be retrieved, it is too important. "

An ancient and mysterious smelting technology, which surpasses the modern smelting process, is a miracle in itself, not to mention that it can also enhance the level of China's aerospace industry and the entire manufacturing industry. Its importance has long been self-evident. .However, the thought of the baby-faced Syrah Michelle's head couldn't help but hurt for a while.He was too late to avoid her, but now he had to go to her house to steal things. Isn't this a food delivery?

"I'll try it." Xia Lei's mouth was filled with a wry smile, and he was thinking about a more profound problem at the same time, "The compass of the Ming Dynasty, the ancient smelting technology, and the AE letters ... that ancient alloy Is the AE letter on the table related to the AE Research Center in the United States? Or is it just a coincidence? If there is a relationship, where is it related? AE capsules, AE ancient alloy ... Oh my god, what is going on here? thing?"

"You will leave here with the chief early tomorrow morning, will you come back?" Having said too much business, Tranquility wants to lead the conversation in another direction.

"Of course, if you have not failed, I will probably not come back here, but you have failed, and I will personally complete the things that you have not completed. But you should not tell anyone about this matter, if you are known, I will also Will fail, "Xia Lei urged.

Tranquility responded softly, and then said: "I will not tell anyone. The people of this tribe don't actually doubt anything. Someone always ventured into this place to find treasure. They also regarded us as ordinary treasure hunters."

"This is the best, let's go back, I have to talk to Tang Yuyan." Xia Lei said.

"Can't you stay longer?" Tranquility said a little bit reluctantly.

"Um ... okay." Xia Lei smiled a little. He couldn't bear to refuse such a request. He also knew that what she needed most now was comfort and company.

"I'll borrow your thigh to use it."

"Huh?" Xia Lei looked at her puzzled.

Tranquility didn't explain anything. She lay on Xia Lei's thigh, using his thigh as a pillow, and closed her eyes.The breeze blew her hair, and the black hair fluttered gently, unable to conceal her beautiful face.She seemed to want to take a nap for a while, or just wanted to stay quiet for a while.

Xia Lei couldn't bear to disturb her or destroy the quiet atmosphere at this moment. He looked at the quietly flowing river, but he was thinking hard about how to steal the compass tonight ...

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