Super Vision

321 Episode 321

Ding Ding Ding ...

An Xiuxian's attack speed is getting faster and faster, and the force of the assault is getting heavier and heavier.With his speed and strength, even if he uses a blunt sword, he will be seriously injured if he is stabbed.

However, no matter how fast and ruthless An Xiuxian, Xia Lei can always block or avoid in time.Although An Xiuxian's offensive is like a tide, Xia Lei is like a Three Gorges dam, and it is prevented from leaking.

"What are you doing?" Tang Bochuan's voice sounded in the miniature receiver. "We have no time!"

It was Tang Bochuan's plan to leave with injury. This is definitely a very good plan.However, An Xiuxian is so ruthless, if Xia Lei releases his defense and is stabbed with a sword, he will definitely be seriously injured. If he bleeds, or stabbing his ribs, it will inevitably affect the subsequent actions.He now feels like riding a tiger!

How to do?

An Xiuxian is more and more frightened. He is the champion of the Korean amateur fencing competition. Although there is a certain gap with the professional champion, it is extremely powerful. However, he has attacked more than 20 swords, but he Xia Lei's clothes corner did not touch!

But in the eyes of the onlookers, there was another situation. In their eyes, Xia Lei was completely suppressed by An Xiuxian, and the left side was right and clumsy.

Some guests applauded, and some guests cheered for An Xiuxian.

Shen Tu Tianyin became more and more anxious. She couldn't help but shouted: "Lei, what are you doing? Fight back! Why not fight back?"

Shen Tu Tianyin's voice seemed to give Xia Lei a shot of stimulant. He suddenly took a big step forward, shaking his hand and piercing An Xiuxian.

hiss!There was a crack.

Xia Lei's crotch cracked.

An Xiuxian blocked Xia Lei's epee, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xia, are you a comedian? How do you perform comedy on this occasion? But I have to admit that this is so funny."

The onlookers also smiled.

There was no smile on Shen Tu Tianyin's face, and some were just disappointed.He wanted to see Xia Lei beat An Xiuxian, who was invincible, to show his style, but he actually broke his crotch on this occasion ...

Xia Lei put away his epee, "I'll change my pants, and wait for me, I will beat you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." An Xiuxian said disdainfully: "You'd better change a pair of sturdy pants, and fight again, I will not be merciless."

The implication is that he still left a hand just now.

Xia Lei didn't care, and raised his hand to An Xiuxian, and turned and left the restaurant.

Shen Tutianyin sent Xia Lei away, and Hao eyes were filled with disappointment.Although she was deeply disappointed with Xia Lei's performance, she could see that Xia Lei was ugly and left the scene, but there was a touch of sentiment in her heart.Some pictures uncontrollably popped up in her mind: Xia Lei was blocked for ten at the Qunying Club, slashing the ancient bodyguards; Xia Lei and her subdued the assassin on the island with their bare hands, and lay down with her. In the corpse; Xia Lei treated her father with acupuncture and moxibustion, turning the father who had lost hope into a healthy person ...

"Did I ask too much of him? Too much?" The past scenes appeared in the mind like a movie, and Shen Tu Tianyin couldn't help but have such a voice.

An Xiuxian walked to Shen Tu Tianyin and smiled and said, "Tianyin, Mr. Xia is your friend. For this reason, I have been merciful, but I did not expect him ... Hey, I don't know how to describe him. , Maybe he is really a comedian. "

Shen Tu Tianyin wanted to say a word for Xia Lei, but those words were blocked in his throat and could not be said at all.

At the same time, Xia Lei had appeared in the hallway leading to the secure study.There was a bodyguard in the hallway, but at this time no one was visible.When Xia Lei appeared in the corridor, Qin Xiang just came out of a room.Xia Lei's left eye slightly saw the bodyguard lying behind the door.

"What's wrong with your pants?"

"You killed him?"

The two asked different questions in unison.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Don't mention my pants anymore, let's get started."

"I just gave that almost anesthesia needle." Qin Xiang said.

The two came to the entrance of the study, Xia Lei quickly entered the password on the keyboard, and then placed the palm of his right hand on the fingerprint scanner.

Click, the study door opened.

Xia Lei reached out and pushed the door of the study, but his hand stopped in the air, thinking he remembered that a surveillance camera was installed on the wall behind the bookshelf.Going in this way, he and Qin Xiang will be photographed by the surveillance camera.Although there is no one here, it does not mean that the monitoring terminal is not guarded.

"There is a surveillance camera facing the door, a little trouble." Xia Lei frowned.

"Relax, Long Bing has got it done." Qin Xiang said: "It was the guy named Ke Jie. He hacked into the monitoring system of Anjia. The screen of the monitoring terminal was repeated continuously, and we could not see us at all.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure." This was not Qin Xiang's words, but the sound of Long Bing from the receiver in his ear.

Without hesitation, Xia Lei reached out and pushed the door open, and entered the study room with Qin Xiang.

Entering the study, Xia Lei followed a button on his body, and then took out the mini receiver in his ear.

"Is there an alarm device?" Qin Xiang is an expert in this area. Xia Lei didn't say anything, but he could also guess why Xia Lei did this.

Xia Lei nodded his head. "You also took it off and placed it next to the door. When you were near the bookshelf, the alarm would be triggered."

Qin Xiang did the same.

Xia Lei walked under the bookshelf and twitched the book that An Xiuxian once twitched. The bookshelf moved away suddenly, revealing the metal door.

Qin Xiang pursed his lips, "Anoven, Germany's safety gate, is really willing to pay the cost, because this door is millions, I ask myself that I can't open it. The fingerprint is not enough, Ray, can you?"

Xia Lei did not speak. He stood in front of the door and entered the password, scanned the fingerprint, then turned the roulette lock and entered the roulette lock password.

Kaka, the safety door opened, and the space inside suddenly appeared.

Xia Lei walked in quickly. He didn't even bother to look at other cultural relics and antiques. He walked directly to the wooden frame and picked up the Attila sword.He started to feel heavy and felt as if he weighed more than thirty pounds. This weight surprised him.Judging only from the size and material of Attila's sword, its most normal weight should be more than ten pounds, but the actual weight is more than twice the normal weight!

Is it not iron?

Although Xia Lei was very curious, he knew that it was not the time to study the sword of Attila.He turned around and left, but he saw Qin Xiang rolling an ancient painting, and an ancient book under his arm.

Xia Lei wanted to stop him, but then he swallowed again.Qin Xiang took a huge risk to help him. He was a thief. He made a fortune. What's wrong with this?Anyway, stealing a sword is stealing, as is stealing a painting and an ancient book.

"That ..." Qin Xiang stared at Xia Lei, "A little fortune, don't you mind?"

Xia Lei smiled, "You take it as you like, what do I mind? Rest assured, I won't tell Long Bing and Tang Bochuan. I'll forget it, you take such a big risk, it's always a bit sweet. , Get more. "

Anyway, these things are all carefully advised, not taking nothing.

As soon as Xia Lei spoke, Qin Xiang took a few more things in just a few seconds.He juggled out a black cloth pocket and put those things in his head.

The two went out of the study, Xia Lei handed the sword of Attila to Qin Xiang, and he walked towards his room.He needed to change a pair of pants, and then returned to the restaurant to continue the fencing duel with An Xiuxian.

Tang Bochuan's plan was to let him be injured in the fencing duel and then leave, but once An Jinjian and An Xiuxian discovered that things were missing, they might suspect him.It is more reasonable to open the crotch and go back to change the pants.Therefore, compared with Tang Bochuan's plan, his plan is more reasonable and can be called seamless.

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, Tang Bochuan's voice came from the micro-receiver, "Are you done?"

"It's done." Xia Lei said.

"I have prepared pants for you in the bathroom on the first floor." Tang Bochuan's voice.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Okay, I'll change it immediately."

Tang Bochuan even prepared his trousers, which was even better. He even saved the time to return to the room to change his trousers, and his plan was more perfect.

Entering the bathroom on the first floor, Xia Lei immediately saw Tang Bochuan smoking in the bathroom. A plastic bag was placed on the sink table next to him, and a trousers was contained in the plastic bag.For him, he only wore briefs.

This is what he called the pants are ready, Xia Lei was speechless.

"Quick take off your pants, I put on." Tang Bochuan said: "I take a step first, you can't leave, otherwise you will doubt your head. You stay, so you can observe the situation, adapt."

Xia Lei said while taking off his pants: "Things have been handed over to Qin Xiang, and you have to ship them back to China as soon as possible. Also, you have to prepare a plan to help me return to China, just in case."

Tang Bochuan flicked the cigarette butt out of his hand. "Relax, I'll be ready to find it. All emergencies have a response plan."

Xia Lei said nothing more. He put on Tang Bochuan's pants and left the bathroom.Tang Bochuan's figure is similar to him, the color of the pants is also black, and the version is also trousers, so no one will see that it is Tang Bochuan's pants.

Xia Lei walked into the dinner restaurant, and the guests' eyes gathered on him.

Some people whispered in order to hide their contempt.

"Look, that comedian from China is here again."

"He is really thick-skinned. If I were him, I would never come back. It would be shameful to come back."

"Is the Chinese people's skin thick?"

"Of course, why else say that the Dragon Boat Festival is theirs?"

"Haha, so to speak."

Although Shen Tu Tianyin can't understand those Korean discussions, she can tell from their faces that they are satire at Xia Lei.She was really fed up. She walked to Xia Lei and said, "Lei, let's leave here."

Without waiting for Xia Lei to speak, An Xiuxian came together, holding two epee swords in his hand, "Mr. Xia, you really have the courage to come back. I just bet with my friends that you dare not come back, but you come back Okay. Okay, we should get the winner. Let ’s get started! "

Xia Lei smiled lightly, "Okay, it should be a winner."

"You ..." Shen Tu Tianyin sighed. "Don't you understand what's going on?"

What she wants to say is do n’t you see that he is teasing you?But she couldn't say it like that.

Xia Lei smiled disapprovingly, "Relax, I'm doing things, when is it right?"

Shen Tu Tianyin froze for a moment.She had heard this, and in a flash, she seemed to feel that Xia Lei, who was familiar with her, was back. His eyes, his smile, his momentum, were not so.

An Xiuxian raised his hand, and the Epee flew towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei grabbed his hand, shook his wrist, and the epee twitched, pointing straight at An Xiuxian.

This time, Xia Lei still held the sword in his left hand.

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