Super Vision

328 Chapter 328

If Park Zhenlong came back, the big yellow dog outside the shed would definitely not bark.Its cries suddenly made Xia Lei and Liang Siyao in the shed tense. Both of them were not ordinary people. A little bit of wind and grass would cause them to be alert.Almost at the same time, both eyes moved to the direction of the door.

"You stay here, I'll take a look." Liang Siyao walked to the door with a gun.

At this time, Xia Lei had seen through the wall of the shed and saw the outside scene.He saw Park Zhenlong, and the woman with a gun behind him, Long Bing.

Long Bing pointed at Park Zhenlong's head with a gun. This scene shocked Xia Lei. He stood up hurriedly and took Liang Siyao's hand. "You go!"

"You?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei in surprise, and at the same time Xia Lei's reaction made her suddenly nervous.

"I don't have time to explain to you, you go quickly, or you won't be able to leave!" Xia Lei was anxious.

If Long Bing came in, only one situation would happen. Either she killed Liang Siyao, or Liang Siyao killed her, and neither of the two women would accept it.What makes him even more difficult is who should he help in the middle of a shootout between two women?

What a clever woman Liang Siyao is, she soon guessed what she tried, and she said: "Is the 101 player? Long Bing?"

Xia Lei nodded, staring at the wall of the shed.

Outside the shack, Long Bing had taken Pu Zhenlong into the yard.

The rhubarb dog fluttered up, Long Bing shuddered, the pistol with the silencer shuddered slightly, a blood blast suddenly burst on the forehead of the rhubarb dog, and then fell to the ground.

Park Zhenlong just wanted to have a sign of getting rid of the hostage. No action had been made before. Long Bing's pistol reached his head.

The sound of the pistol with the silencer firing was very small, but Liang Siyao still knew what was happening outside, but she still did n’t want to believe that Long Bing would actually chase it here, she stared at Xia Lei, will come?"

"I don't know, don't ask, just go!" Xia Lei couldn't help pushing her, pushing her towards the back door of the hut.

Liang Siyao smiled, "You care about me."

Xia Lei was angry and a little out of control, and waved his hand on her hips, "Go!"

This slap was more useful than saying a hundred words, Liang Siyao suddenly came over and kissed Xia Lei, then pulled the door open and disappeared into the night.

Xia Lei froze for a moment before recovering. He didn't know why he was pumping her ass.This may be a habit. In the past, he didn't pat the bulging part of her, but at that time she was his girlfriend, not the relationship.But he did not delay more time. He closed the back and walked to the front door.

"Don't mess up, we are not enemies." Outside the door, Park Zhenlong is still explaining to Long Bing.

Long Bing whispered, "Open the door."

As soon as her voice fell, Xia Lei opened the door.

At the door, Long Bing's muzzle was aimed at Xia Lei.It was clear when it was Xia Lei that she moved the gun to Park Zhenlong's head again, and the afterglow in the corner of her eyes began to observe the situation in the shack.

Xia Lei said: "Put the gun away, he saved me, he is not the enemy."

"He saved you?" Long Bing was suspicious, but she still let go of Park Zhenlong.

"Yes, I paid him money." Xia Lei could not find another explanation.

Long Bing entered the hut and scanned the situation in the house alertly.A woman likes a clean and comfortable environment. This is the same as Liang Siyao.Park Jin-long ’s house was dirty and smelly. She did n’t want to stay in it for another minute, making sure no one in the room directed her to step out again. “Let ’s go.”

Park Zhenlong glanced at Xia Lei, but said nothing, but he was speculating in his heart.He obviously didn't guess Liang Siyao's whereabouts, because he knew the answer without guessing. He guessed the relationship between Xia Lei, Liang Siyao and Long Bing.However, he clearly could not guess.

Xia Lei followed Long Bing to the depths of the slums. The route chosen by Long Bing was all without street lights and painted in black.From time to time, I met a drunk man lying on the ground, or an infatuated man who complained to the girl on the side of the road, which was quite embarrassing.

"How did you find me?" After leaving Park Zhenlong's shack for a distance, Xia Lei asked.

Long Bing said: "Remember we had a meal together before departure?"

Xia Lei wondered how she got involved in the meal, but still echoed the sentence, "Well, yes, you said it was a teacher banquet."

"Then do you remember that I gave you a bowl of porridge?"

"How did you get on the porridge, you don't want to tell me even."

"Am I not telling you? There is a locator in the bowl of porridge. It's not GPS, it's our Beidou locator. I can find you, CIA can't." Long Bing said.

Charlie suddenly froze for a moment, "You are in my belly ..."

"You have a special status and you are a special talent in our country, and we have to rely on you to rescue Tang Yuyan and a few experts in Afghanistan, so you can't miss anything. I put a locator in your stomach, even if you are caught, We can also rescue you. This is a compelling remedy. The reason why I did n’t tell you is because I do n’t want you to be distracted. ”

Xia Lei laughed mockingly, "So, are you giving me preferential treatment?"

"Don't be angry, we are all for the benefit of the country." Long Bing turned to Xia Lei, "not only in your stomach, but also in me, Tang Bochuan. Your friend doesn't, if it's not yours Emotionally, I sent him to prison for ten years. "

"Don't, let's talk about something else." Xia Lei now regrets allowing Qin Xiang to steal a few more antiques and not to sell them. It's a hot potato in his hands.

"Okay, let's talk about something else, anyway, we have to go forward for a while." Long Bing said: "Well, let's talk about Liang Siyao."

Charley was stunned for a moment.He secretly had a headache, did Long Bing find the trace of Liang Siyao?

"Why don't you want to talk?"

"You ... have nothing to do with her?" Xia Lei said daringly: "You know, I don't want to mention her again."

Long Bing suddenly stopped and looked back at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei was somewhat guilty by her, "What are you doing?"

Long Bing gave a head, "You are smart, smarter than everyone I've ever seen, but you made a big mistake, that is, you communicate with Liang Siyao. You think I can't find Liang Siyao's true identity She suddenly left China, and then her father Liang Zhengchun also left China and went to the United States. This is no coincidence, my intuition has always been accurate, I think there must be a problem in it. So, I specifically investigated Liang Siyao , About everything about her, guess what I found? "

Xia Lei couldn't explain it anymore, his head was buzzing and he couldn't work normally.

"Did you tell me, or did I say it?" Long Bing's eyes were full of temptation.

Say it yourself?Xia Lei could not accept what Liang Siyao wanted from him.Let Long Bing speak for himself, he may be suspected by her, or even lose her trust.How to choose?This really stumped him.

The atmosphere between the two also became dull and embarrassed.

But it was this short silence that gave Xia Lei's brain a chance to adjust itself. As soon as the brain calmed down, his mind was running at an extreme speed.Almost at the moment when the calcium carbide sparked, his brain sent a command to his left eye. His left eye jumped slightly. The clothes on Long Bing's chest disappeared silently, and a towering snow was exposed. Then the towering snow white quickly melted like ice and snow in the sun, revealing the heart hidden underneath.

Long Bing's heart rate is low, less than ten times in ten seconds.Under normal circumstances, a woman's heart rate is between 60 and 70, and her heart rate will be faster when she is exercising, agitated, or angry.Her current heart rate actually matches her heart rate during sleep.

No sleep but a heart rate while sleeping, what does that mean?This shows that she is deliberately controlling her heartbeat to make herself look calm.

If she finds out Liang Siyao's identity, she will definitely be angry, even if it seems calm, but the emotions in her heart can't be eliminated, which will inevitably affect her heartbeat.

She has no anger, only suspicion and temptation!

In less than thirty seconds, Xia Lei ended his deep perspective on Long Bing. He also sighed with relief in his heart and a smile on his face, "I actually want to know her, I have been with her for only a few months, saying that it ’s not long or short, but I do n’t really know her, especially her past, she never told me, I only I know she has studied in the United States. If you know, you can tell me if you want to tell me, even if you do n’t want to, I do n’t have much interest anyway.

Answering this way, even if Long Bing finds something later, he can leave it alone.

"Are you really reluctant to say?"

Xia Lei shrugged. "I can tell you what I can tell you, how can I tell you if I don't know? I said you, when did you become mother-in-law?"

Long Bing slightly curled his lips, turned and walked along the alley, "Forget it, let's stop talking about the woman, let's go."

Walking out of the alley, Xia Lei saw a container truck with the words "Sunshine Aquatic Products" written in Korean.Then he saw Tang Bochuan sitting in the cab. The guy was already dressed in a standard blue collar and had a thick black beard on his lips.

Long Bing and Xia Lei got out of the car before approaching Tang Bochuan. He opened the door of the container truck, and then motioned Long Bing and Xia Lei to go in.

Xia Lei climbed into the container compartment, and there was still a lot of seafood in the container compartment. The halibut and squid frozen with ice were very smelly.

Long Bing also climbed into the container compartment. She reached out and uncovered a floor panel, revealing a two-meter long and one-meter wide dark grid.There were some old clothes in the dark grid, which looked like a coffin.

Xia Lei knew that this was his hiding place, but when he was about to climb in, Long Bing climbed in first, occupying the most comfortable position.

"No, you have to hide it too?" Xia Lei had some headaches. In such a small space, it is appropriate to hide one person. To hide two people would be too crowded.

"There is also a car loaded with water. Do you want to take that one?" Tang Bochuan said with a smile.

Xia Lei glanced at Tang Bochuan speechlessly, then dared into the dark grid.

Tang Boxuan also got into the container compartment, closed the uncovered undercarriage, and then pressed the box with aquatic products on it.

Two minutes later, the container truck started the engine and drove forward.But he didn't walk the distance of five meters, a stone knocked the tire, the two people in the dark grid immediately stuck together, face to face, chest to chest, legs to legs, like glued same.

"Don't think about it, or my gun will go off." Long Bing said in Xia Lei's ear.

But at this moment, the container truck bumped violently again, and Xia Lei's mouth suddenly stuck uncontrollably on Long Bing's cherry lips ...

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