Super Vision

331 331 Return to Afghanistan

Before the sky turned on, a military transport plane took off from a military airport and flew straight to the new province.

There was a passenger with a special status on the plane, Shi Boren.

Tang Bochuan and Long Bing are also on the plane, as well as Otsuki Tiya and Sirami, but the two White Huns women are watched by Tang Bochuan and Long Bing, and cannot be close to the talking Shi Boren and Xia Lei.

Otsuki Tiya hugged the wooden box containing the sword of Attila tightly. For her, the contents of the wooden box were more important to her life.

Silami blinked a pair of blue eyes and stared at Xia Lei and Shi Boren in the distance. She seemed to be speculating about the conversation between the two men.Can her head, this is obviously something that cannot be done.

In fact, she didn't know what she was thinking in her head ...

Here, Shi Boren's voice is very small, "You see, you have completed such difficult tasks, and I can't live without you on my side. In order to express the success of your task, I have been up Submitted the report and gave it a green light to your military factory. Your military factory will be ready for production soon. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "Originally, I expected to return to Afghanistan after attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony, but you said that the time is tight, and I will return to Afghanistan immediately. I can do what I can, but I want to explain, this is my last I ’ve performed the mission for you once. Do n’t call me for such a thing in the future. It ’s okay to change the gun or something. You can do it at any time. This kind of thing will be avoided. ”

Shi Boren frowned slightly, "You should be able to serve the country all by yourself, and our country also needs talents like you. I should not have heard what you said, and I won't say it again. You While serving for the country, the country will not treat you badly. You see, so, after I go back, I will respond to the above, first place a big order for your military factory, order 10,000 pistols or something, let you first Workers practice their hands, run in your machine, how do you think? "

The order of 10,000 pistols, even if the price of one is 2,000 yuan, it is also a large order of 20 million.With such an order, the workers and machines at the Lehma Army factory will not be idle and will immediately produce benefits.Moreover, this is the benefit before the Lehma Army factory cannot produce high-performance sniper rifles. This is definitely a rewarding and supportive order for Xia Lei, which is of great significance.

Directly reject Shi Boren, this order may fly.Moreover, he has not been able to go back and transform the machine tool to produce a high-performance sniper rifle.He has already invested one billion in the military factory. Can't he let that money be in a daze?What's more, the newly recruited engineers and workers also need to pay salaries and buy five insurances and one gold, which is also a big expense.

"Mr. Shi, are you tempting me?" Xia Lei said jokingly, he couldn't refuse the order given by Shi Boren, but he didn't express his position immediately, but tried to say: "Say, you want to do what?"

Shi Boren smiled, "This mission is not dangerous, you can finish it by the way."

With a move in Xia Lei's heart, he seemed to guess what task Shi Boren wanted to talk about.

"People want to save, but you can't come back after saving people." Shi Boren said: "Tang Yuyan will come back with some experts, and Long Bing and Tang Bochuan will also respond to them, so you don't need to worry about this at all. You have to Stay behind and excavate the things in that ancient city. "

"Okay, I promise you." This was what I was going to do. Now I'm still earning an order for a pistol. Xia Lei agreed without hesitation.

Shi Boren's eyes were fixed on Xia Lei, "Do you know what to dig?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Do n’t forget that me and Tranquility are very good friends. I met her in that tribe, and she told me. But I do n’t know much, I only know that I need to use that compass. To find a place to dig. "

If you pretend that you do n’t know anything, you will make a low-level and unnecessary mistake.What kind of person is Shi Boren, the secret agent, playing smart in front of him is actually not smart at all, not to mention that Tang Yuyan also knows some situations and can't hide it at all.Rather than this, it is better to tell the truth.

Sure enough, a smile appeared on the corner of Shi Boren's mouth, "You're right, you really need that compass. That compass is still your repair. You must know how to use it. Remember, no matter what you pay At what cost, you have to complete this task. Also, you must bring back all the things you dug up. "

"It's no problem." After a pause, Xia Lei tried again. "Explained the boss, can you tell me a little more?"

Shi Boren's expression became serious. "You only need to complete the task. As for what those things are and what you use to do, you don't have to know."

Sure enough, Xia Lei also gave up, and did not continue to test, "Well, I know what to do."

"What do you need? Just mention, as long as it is related to the task, I will definitely satisfy you."

Xia Lei thought for a while and said: "To complete this task, we must have a good relationship with the Baixiong tribe. In order to save people, I have promised them to build a small hydroelectric power station. In addition, I will give away some household appliances, rice cookers, Water heater or something. I have asked my assistant to buy these things, but it is difficult to get them to that place. Mr. Shi, can you find a way to bring these things in? "

Shi Boren said: "No problem, first transport things to Pakistan, and then airlift from Pakistan."

Xia Lei was somewhat worried. "Afghan airspace is almost completely controlled by the US military. Can it be transported in?"

"The US military is not a panacea, you don't have to worry about this, just wait for the receiving equipment."

Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If he was asked to transport the equipment for the construction of the hydropower station to the Baixiong tribe, he didn't know how much time and cost it would take.This is the advantage of a strong country. To do such a thing, with a strong motherland as a backing, that feeling is actually quite proud.

The two continued to discuss the details of the operation.

The military transport plane landed at the military base on the border of the new province.

At the military base, Tang Bochuan provided Xia Lei, Da Yue Tiya, and Siramy with a set of traditional Afghan costumes. After the three people put on, there were 101 rounds of makeup artists who applied makeup to the three people.Xia Lei's skin was dyed yellow, with many wrinkles, and a thick beard. After wearing a headscarf, he was an uncle in Afghanistan.

Daiyuki Tiya and Siramie's makeup treatment is more complicated. The makeup artist has increased their age and made them ugly.Covered with the traditional black robe and black headscarf of the Afghan women, the two women only showed their eyes outside.If someone beats their idea and lifts their veil, they will lose interest after seeing two old and ugly faces.

The horses of Taiyue Tiya and Siramy were returned to their hands, as well as their AK47, but they were all hidden in the salute.

Xia Lei received the most equipment. In addition to his sniper rifle, he also had some reconnaissance and assassination equipment. These equipment made him a "007" in 101 games.There are also equipment for communication, two satellite phones and several spare batteries.With these communication devices, he can communicate with the country in the Bai Xiongnu tribe without worrying about no electricity or no signal.

Everything was well prepared, and when the departure was about to begin, Long Bing called Xia Lei aside and urged: "Be careful, although we have made full preparations, you should not take it lightly. Especially after Tang Yuyan left with a few experts , You stay in that tribe, you must take care of yourself, do n’t throw your life there. "

Xia Lei was a little touched in his heart. He nodded. "I will. You will take care of yourself. Don't be too frustrated. Living is the most important thing."

Long Bing smiled slightly, but her smile just flashed and disappeared. "By the way, tell you a little bit about Shen Tu Tianyin, do you want to know?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Speak."

"She has returned to China, and her cooperation project with Shenyu Group has not been cancelled. After leaving the hotel that night, she called you for three times, but you did not receive it."

"She's okay. I'll go talk to her again after I return home. I owe her an explanation." Xia Lei still felt a little guilty. After all, the stealing of Attila's sword took advantage of Shen Tutian's suspicion. .

Long Bing slightly pursed his lips, "You are really attentive. Is there anything I should tell her?"

Xia Lei thought for a moment and shook his head. "No."

"Then let's go."

Xia Lei led the horse away, and Long Bing seemed to want to say something, but swallowed it to his mouth.

Moments later, the three war horses set off from the military base, drove all the way, left the border of China, and entered the Wakhan corridor.

In fact, Xia Lei proposed to fly into Afghanistan, but Shi Boren was the first to reject his proposal.All airports in Afghanistan are closely monitored by the US military, and intelligence personnel operating at the airport are numerous. Once discovered, this operation failed early.No one can bear the consequences.Traveling by land will waste some time, but it is relatively safe.The part of the air transport hydropower plant equipment in the plan also requires an extremely careful planning and preparation time, not that air transport can be transported in.

In the deserted sand, Silami and Da Yue Tiya Zema galloped, and Xia Lei chased behind.Silami turned back to Xia Lei, "Xia, let's play a game! As long as you catch up with me, I'm your woman!"

Xia Lei shook his head hard.

"Then I will chase you, I will chase you, you are my man?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Taiyue Tiya slowed down and walked with Xia Lei, "Xia, who is that old man?"

Xia Lei thought for a while before saying: "A big man, if you have to ask, I can only tell you that his identity is equivalent to being the director of the US CIA. Now do you understand what I mean?"

"You are honest, what are you talking about on the plane?"

"The hostage returned to China, and the construction of a hydropower station for you. He opposed it, but I insisted repeatedly that he finally agreed." Xia Lei said with a smile: "It won't take long before you can use electricity. , Cook rice with electricity, bathe with electricity, and you can sleep on electric blankets in the cold winter. "

"Wow!" Silamy shouted happily. "Xia, can you buy some bouncing bullets for the old ladies in the tribe? I want to give them, their men are so pitiful."

As soon as Xia Lei was black, he almost fell off his horse.

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