Super Vision

336 Chapter 336 Chief Sirami

The armed members of the Ika tribe stopped attacking, and the battlefield was temporarily silenced without gunshots.Dayue Tiya climbed up with her scalp in front. There was Xia Lei, who was like a god with a gun in the front, and the armed men of the Ika tribe like a wolf. She had no way out.

But she didn't regret it. Until now, she still believed that Xia Lei wouldn't shoot her, nothing else, just because those hostages were still in the Baixiong tribe.

"Xia Lei doesn't dare to kill me, I just need to stabilize Siramie. As long as I can convince Xirami to surrender, Xia Lei can't stand alone, and will surrender sooner or later. At that time, I killed Qian Lamy, give Xia Lei to the Americans again. I did n’t fail, I just had a little trouble ... "Da Yue Ti Ya thought this way, Xia Lei never shot at her, and her heart became more firm. This idea.Later, her speed increased, and finally she didn't even look for bunkers. She raised her head and climbed upright.

Otsuki Tiya has been active in the sight of Xia Lei. Indeed, if he wanted to kill her, he was shot early in the morning.Shooting Otsuki Tiya was just a matter of pulling the trigger for him, but he didn't do it. He promised Silami to leave Otsuki Tiya to her.

"She's really bold. She doesn't think we dare to shoot her?" Silami was angry, and she fired a few shots at the approaching Yue Yue Tiya.

Swoosh, a few bullets flew, hitting the rock next to Da Yue Tiya, and Mars splashed.

Otsuki Tiya got a waist, but soon stood up, she shouted loudly, "Sirammy! What are you doing? Why should you run away?"

Silami also stood up, she took a sip to the ground, "You are going to kill me and Xia, can I stand there waiting for you to kill?"

"Who said I want to kill you? Is it summer?" Da Yue Tiya said aloud: "That's why he lied to you, how could I kill you? You are the sharpshooter of our tribe, I value you very much, and when you are My sister. Do n’t listen to him talking nonsense, I will never kill you. ”

Silamy was about to say how she knew that Da Yue Ti Ya wanted to kill her, but Xia Lei gave her a look, and she closed her mouth.Fleeing here, she admired Xia Lei's five-body cast, and what Xia Lei said she would do.

Da Yuetiya thinks that her divorce lobbying has played a role. While walking forward, she said: "Sirammy, you lay down your arms now. I will not hold you accountable. We will do the same as before. Sister. "After a pause, she said loudly again:" Xia, you misunderstood me, I don't know why you should run away. I tell you, if you surrender now, I will not hold you accountable, we reached it before The transaction is just as effective. Do n’t you want to save your friend? Put down the weapon, I will make it clear to the people of the Ika tribe, they will not hurt you. "

On the hillside, Xia Lei sneered, "I'm really looking away, your chief is such a shameless woman. It's all this time, she doesn't even want to repent and wants to lure us."

"Let me kill her!" Silamy couldn't help it. The more Yuetiya said, the more she felt sick.Poor Da Yuetiyah did not know that Xia Lei had placed a bug on her body, and her secret conversation with Abu Tulu was known by Silamy.

"Xia Lei!" Otsuki Tiya stopped at a distance of about 20 meters from the two people. She slowly placed her AK47 at her feet and shouted loudly, "Let's talk!"

Xia Lei stood up and said coldly: "What else do we have to talk about?"

Dayue Tiyah said straightly: "Don't you want to save your friends and the Chinese people? You returned the things to me, and I immediately contacted the people in the tribe to release your friends and the Chinese people."

Xia Lei smiled, "There is not even a cell phone in the Bai Xiongnu tribe, how do you contact the people in the tribe? It's this time, you are still lying, I feel blush for you. Tell me why I did this ? "

"Aren't you afraid that I would go back and kill all the hostages?" Otsuki Tiya didn't explain, but gave a stronger threat.

"You are not saved, you are not worthy of being chief of the Bai Xiongnu tribe." Xia Lei said.

Sirami also lost the gun in her hand, and she had a sharp dagger in her hand. She walked to Taiyue Tiya, "Chief, this is the last time I call you chief, duel with me."

Da Yue Ti Ya suddenly realized something, she sneered: "Duel? Do you think you are qualified to fight with me? Do you want to take my place? Let's go back to the tribe and talk about it. Now, I order you to take Xia Lei ! "

"Yeah!" This is Sirami's response.

Otsuki Tiya suddenly grabbed her and grabbed the gun.

boom!A bullet suddenly flew, and AK47, who was placed on the rock by Otsuki Tiya, was hit and flew.

"Want to take the gun again, the next bullet is your head." Xia Lei's voice was cold.

Taiyue Tiya didn't dare to act rashly. She didn't doubt that Xia Lei would actually shoot at her. Along the way, there were not a hundred or dozens of people who died in Xia Lei's hands.She had seen Xia Lei killing, and her eyes would not blink.

At this time, Xia Lei suddenly shouted down the hillside, "The people of the Ika tribe listen, Da Yue Tiya promised you two hundred thousand dollars, and I will double it to you as your compensation. The new chief of the White Hun tribe, Sirami, pays you! "

Silamid suddenly froze for a moment, and hurriedly said, "I have no money! Forty hundred thousand dollars, you can't sell me so much if you sell me!"

Xia Lei shrugged, saying nothing.He felt that Silami's head would sometimes be aura, but sometimes the chest would be aura better than the head.Fortunately, her voice was not loud, and the people under the mountain could not hear it at all.

A response came quickly from Yamashita. It was Abu Tulu's voice, "What are you paying for?"

Xia Lei whispered Xi Lami said: "Tell them that you use bank transfer to pay this money, if they have equipment, you can pay this money at any time."

"But I don't have one."

"I'll give it to you ..." Xia Lei didn't say the word "stupid" after all.

As soon as Xia Lei gave the money, Silamie suddenly felt confident and shouted: "I will pay you by bank transfer, as long as you have the equipment, you can pay at any time!"

"You are Chief Sirami! We are friends! You are waiting, I will ask someone to pick up the device!" Abu Tulu's voice, which is equivalent to having recognized Sirami's identity.

Da Yue Tiya's face was no longer bloody, and her eyes were terribly cold.

Sirami walked to Taiyue Tiya, and the whole person's momentum changed. Tong Yan H's girl was like a vigorous she-wolf, she was preparing for the Wolf King.Although there is no such thing as a grin, she never loses her strength at all.

Xia Lei secretly held a flying knife in his hand, ready to shoot at any time.Although he promised Silamy to give Otsuki Tiya to her, but as long as Otsuki Tiya threatened the life of Silami, he would not hesitate to shoot.Silami needs a fair duel, because that is the tradition of the Baixiong tribe, but he doesn't need it, he only needs to be seated as the chief of the Baixiong tribe.

Silami walked to Otsuki Tiya, stopped, and looked at Otsuki Tiya coldly, "Pull out your sword and fight with me!"

Taiyue Tiya hesitated, and finally pulled out a dagger from her belt.She slowly drew the dagger, as if hesitating, but when the dagger reached her hand, she suddenly spurred at Siramy, the speed was so fast that it was unpredictable!

Sirami hurriedly ducked sideways, but the dagger still broke her chest and made her bleed a little.The chest is too big, and sometimes it becomes a burden.

Xia Lei was also taken aback, and the dagger in his hand almost took off and flew out.

Otsuki Tiya took advantage of the situation and did not give Siramy a chance to fight back.Her offensive was fierce, and the dagger in her hand pierced through the heart of Silami.After Silamy avoided it, she cut it to Silamy's neck.Every time she attacks, she wants Siramy's life!

Silami squatted, avoiding the dagger in Otsuki Tiya's hand, and almost immediately when Otsuki Tiya's offense fell, her dagger crossed the outside of Katsu's left leg knee.The cloth and ligaments were torn together, and blood suddenly poured out of Da Yuetiya ’s left leg.

Otsuki Tiya hurriedly retreated, and Silami rolled on the ground, rubbing her right side and rolling past.As she passed by, Silami quickly cut through the ligament of Da Yuetiya's right leg with the dagger in her hand.

The battle is not over, but Xia Lei has relaxed a lot.He had already seen that Siramy's combat power was far above that of Da Yue Ti Ya. The previous embarrassment was only due to Da Yue Ti Ya's sneak attack.

The two women were fighting on the hillside. Da Yuetiya ’s legs were wounded, and her agility was greatly reduced. In the blink of an eye, she had several more wounds on her body, and her clothes were wet with blood, and her expression became more and more. ferocious.

"Kill me, you will be executed!" Da Yuetiya, who was disheveled, seemed crazy, "I am the chief! You are not!"

"I'm the chieftain if I killed you!" Silamie bullied him forward, and the dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake.Every pause will inevitably bring a burst of blood on Tiyue Tiya's body and create a wound.

After several struggles, Taiyue Tia fell to her knees, and the right hand holding the dagger propped the ground.

Sirami walked around behind Da Yue Ti Ya, the dagger in her hand was attached to Dai Yue Ti Ya's neck.

"Sirammy, don't ... I'm wrong, I admit defeat." When speaking, Otsuki Tiya's right hand was raised quietly, and the tip of the dagger was also facing Silami.

Xia Lei was about to sound a warning. Siramy's hand was slammed suddenly, and a burst of blood was sprayed from the neck of Da Yue Tiya like a fountain.

Silami kicked Da Yuetiya ’s body with a kick, and then took a sip on her body, “You can only use this trick once. I keep telling you I ’m smart, but you always ignore this One point! You bastard! "

Xia Lei, "..."

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