Super Vision

344 Chapter 344

There was a woman lying in the jade coffin, without clothes, almost all of her body was exposed in the air, snow white and crystal clear, without a little blood, the whole person was like an ice sculpture.Her appearance is exactly the same as the relief on the stone door.She has a slender figure, fullness and firmness in the abundance, fullness and fertility in the fertility, and is very sexy.She lay quietly in the jade coffin, very quiet and peaceful, giving the impression that she was asleep instead of dead.

Xia Lei was very surprised, "This princess Yongmei looks only in her twenties, is she dead at a young age?"

The ancient books in the Bai Xiongnu tribe have no record of when Princess Yongmei died. In fact, in all history books in China, there is no such thing as "Princess Yongmei" in the official history and even folklore.Therefore, when and how she died, it is impossible to verify.

Xia Lei's eyes finally rested on Princess Yongmei's neck. She wore a golden necklace on her neck. The pendant of the necklace was not a golden jade ornament or diamond agate, but a golden pointer.There are many jewelry and jade articles around her body, all of which are exquisite, but unfortunately he did not see any green metal, nor did he see anything related to "AE".

"There is no ancient alloy as mentioned by Tranquility, and there is no bronze book, only a pointer, how could this be? Is Princess Yongmei hiding the ancient alloy and bronze book elsewhere?" Xia Lei's heart A guess.Subsequently, he pushed open the lid of the jade coffin.

With the lid removed, Xia Lei can see Princess Yongmei lying in the jade coffin without perspective, which is clearer and more intuitive.He felt that the skin of Princess Yongmei was more delicate and delicate than he thought, like white petals.He reached out and poked Princess Yongmei's thigh with his finger, and suddenly Princess Yongmei's thigh was recessed, but he recovered quickly.

"Is there still flexibility?" Xia Lei was inexplicably shocked.

But as he stared at Princess Yongmei's thigh, the afterglow in the corner of his eyes suddenly caught Princess Yongmei's eyelids quivering, as if opening a fine slit.The discovery startled him and took a step back hurriedly.Afraid of the fraud of Princess Yongmei, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his neck or something.

However, Princess Yongmei did not move, and even the movement that seemed to "open eyes" was an illusion.

Xia Lei observed it and stood next to the jade coffin again.This time he reached out and took off the necklace around Princess Yongmei's neck, and put it carefully into his backpack.The pointer is related to the next treasure point, which is very important.

Subsequently, Xia Lei packed all the jewels and jade from the jade coffin into his backpack.These ancient funerary objects are extremely precious. He didn't say that no one knew that he took them, so that he could make up for the huge amount of money he spent in this operation.

Scavenging the jade coffin, Xia Lei's attention returned to Princess Yongmei's body again.At this time, he had almost adapted to the feeling of facing the body of Princess Yongmei, his heart was less shocked when he first saw it, and his thinking was also active.

"Without any protective measures, how could Princess Yongmei's body be so well preserved that it has not rotted away after hundreds of years? This is unscientific ... Isn't she hiding in her body?" Conjecture in my heart.

Filling the body with antiseptic drugs can prevent the body from rotting.Such practices have existed in ancient times, and this is how the Egyptian mummies came from.

With such a thought, Xia Lei's left eye jumped, and gave a deep perspective on Princess Yongmei.Where Princess Yongmei was not filled with any medicine, nor in her stomach, he could even see her intact organs.He then looked into her chest cavity, and the organs in the chest cavity were well preserved, and there was no medicine.In the end, his eyes moved to Princess Yongmei's head. With this perspective, he was shocked on the spot!

Princess Yongmei's mouth contains a piece of green metal. Look carefully. It is actually the ancient alloy described by Tranquility!

The ancient alloy contained in the mouth of Princess Yongmei looks like a gear, but has few teeth, so it looks like a specular shape of a six-pointed star, which is very strange and gives a mysterious feeling.

"Princess Yongmei, I'm sorry. If you want to blame, let me blame the boss. He asked me to do this and it has nothing to do with me ..." The lower jaw, took out the ancient alloy contained in the mouth of Princess Yongmei.

Just after Gu Yue left Princess Yongmei's mouth, her lips dries quickly!

"This ..." Xia Lei couldn't believe his eyes and was speechless in shock.

Not only the lips, in the blink of an eye, Princess Yongmei's skin also lost its crystal clear color and quickly turned gray and black.Even more weird is that her body is melting like a snow and ice exposed under the hot sun at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Yes, ablation!

Her lips disappeared first, then her nose and her entire face.Her tall, firm chest also quickly melted away, first the top two points, then the entire base, and finally only the ribs were left!

Less than five minutes before and after, the beautiful female corpse that was just right now turned into a pile of dead bones.In the end, even the dead bones were scattered and turned into a pile of gray ashes!

Xia Lei watched dumbfounded throughout the whole process, motionless.It was not until Princess Yongmei completely turned into gray that he barely recovered.Touching his forehead, it was covered with cold sweat.

What has just happened, I am afraid that the world's best biologists and archaeologists can't explain it when they come together!

"Princess Yongmei can save the body for hundreds of years, is it related to it?" Xia Lei's eyes shifted to the ancient alloy in his hand, and his heart was full of shock and awe.

Humans are born with genes that fear the unknown, and Xia Lei is no exception. In his heart, the first contact with the ancient alloy is simply the existence of a god!

There are of course no gods in this world, but he also does not know what this ancient and mysterious metal is.

After looking quietly for a moment, Xia Lei's gaze condensed on the ancient metal, and then he saw it.But this time, the perspective ability of Bailing Bailing was hit again. His eyes seemed to be refracted back by something. His left eye was also affected, blackened, and then came a burning sensation.Fortunately, it was only a slight burning sensation, and his vision quickly returned to normal.

"What the hell is this?" Xia Lei was surprised in his heart, he didn't dare to continue perspective.He took a closer look in his hands, unwilling to miss any details.

This ancient alloy is roughly the same as the ancient alloy described by Tranquility. Its volume is very light, but its toughness and strength are extremely high. Although it has not been tested, he is a person who deals with metals. What is the strength and toughness of a metal , He touched it, and he could have a roughly correct judgment.

And this ancient alloy is obviously beyond his knowledge, and it is stronger than all the metals he has seen. It is no wonder that Tranquility says it is the most suitable for aircraft.

After looking through it for a while, Xia Lei gave up with no result.He also put the ancient alloy into his backpack, ready to take it back to study.

After collecting the ancient alloy, Xia Lei left the central area where the jade coffin was located.He moved from a safe stone slab to a stone wall where several wooden boxes were stacked.The wooden box was treated with anti-corrosion, soaked in oil, and covered with a layer of wax.There was no lock on the box, and he opened the box easily.

The box is filled with a box of gold coins. Although the purity cannot be compared with the current gold, it is still yellow and orange. It is exciting to see it.

Xia Lei then glanced at several other boxes. The other box contained the same gold coins. The remaining boxes contained some clothes, but they were already decayed.Those clothes are obviously the funerary items of Princess Yongmei, and after hundreds of years, of course they cannot be preserved.

Xia Lei smiled, "Two boxes of gold coins can be handed over to Sirami, and the porcelain in the tomb can be handed over to the Bai Xiong tribe. I took the jewels in the coffin and the ancient alloy. None of us No loss. "

This is the best result. The Bai Xiong tribe is good. Xia Lei not only completed the task, but also got the benefits. The two boxes of gold coins and some porcelain antiques in the tomb were handed over to the Bai Xiong tribe. An account of digging treasures in other holy places.Can't you take away all the benefits?In that case, Silammy could not explain to the tribe.

Xia Lei covered the box and left the tomb from the safe route.

When he returned to the door of the tomb, he turned and bowed deeply at the jade coffin.If it were n’t for his arrival, taking away the ancient alloy, Princess Yongmei ’s body would not quickly weather.This incident made him feel guilty.

Squeak ...

Suddenly a bat's cry came from the tunnel.

Xia Lei was shocked, followed by extinguishing the tactical flashlight, listening quietly to the sound from the tunnel.Soon, a group of bats flew and wiped his body into the tomb.Then disappeared from the dome of the tomb.

Xia Lei looked back, only to find that a stone brick was empty on the dome of the tomb, and there was a vent in the tomb.Bats can fly out of vents.He was not surprised at this, because he felt the air flowing as soon as he came in.But what is certain is that there is more than one underground vent here, but he is not interested in looking for it.

Xia Lei withdrew his eyes and walked up the stone slab tunnel.Within twenty meters, he stopped suddenly.

Above him, about twenty meters away, a woman in a hood and black tight leather jacket was pointing a gun at him.Her eyes are covered with a thermal imaging night vision device. This device is as good as his left eye in such an environment.

"Give me your backpack, you can go." The woman said in English, her voice was cold, full of threats.

The mantis catches the cicada cardinal.

At this moment, Xia Lei's mood was extremely bad. The group of bats would not fly away for no reason. He should be prepared in advance, but he did not do this because he did not hear other voices.In this absolutely quiet environment, even if the footsteps of the person are the lightest, they cannot avoid being transmitted to a far place, but he does not hear the footsteps.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the woman's feet, only to find that she did not wear shoes on her feet, but only wore a pair of socks, and some cotton was stuffed between the socks and the soles of the feet.

This is a smart approach. The woman is experienced and well prepared!

"Did you hear me? Give me the backpack!" The woman shouted at Xia Lei.

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