Super Vision

346 Episode 346

Both boxes of gold coins and valuables were moved back to the tribe, and the entire tribe entered the state of festivals, killing pigs and slaughtering sheep, singing and dancing.Although there is no concept of "God of Wealth" here, in the eyes of everyone in the tribe, Xia Lei is already a veritable "God of Wealth".His arrival made this poor tribe with a population of more than 10,000 out of poverty, and became a fat and oily place.Two million US dollars, a large number of gold coins, jade, porcelain and antique relics, which for the women who lived by selling goats in the past was simply a dream.

Everyone is celebrating, but the people who should be most happy are crying.

"Are you leaving?" In the room, Silami looked at Xia Lei in tears. "Why?"

Xia Lei hugged her shoulders, Wen Wen said: "I have to go, if Americans know that I am here, they will come to catch me."

"They dare to come, I killed them!" Silami said excitedly: "Don't you give us a batch of advanced weapons? We have the ability to protect you!"

Xia Lei shook his head with a bitter smile, "How do you resist the attack of the Americans? Their plane flew over the sky, a few bombs fell, and you became a sea of ​​fire here."

"But I can't bear you!" Silami hugged Xia Lei's waist tightly, fearing he would leave suddenly.

"Fool, I'm not coming back again." Xia Lei scratched her nose. "I'll come back after I get back to work. I haven't said that. I want to invest in building farms and farms here."

"You lied to me." Silamy didn't believe this set. "It's difficult for you to come once. The Americans still have to catch you. You were caught by the Americans in order to come and see me.

Xia Lei was speechless.He said he was coming back. This promise is actually very difficult to fulfill. Afghanistan is, after all, a place for Americans. It is too dangerous for him to come here.But, besides this promise, he really couldn't find anything else to comfort Sirami.

The period of time with Silami was full of joy, and the feeling of sore waists and soft legs, and the intimate feelings between him and her have been difficult to let go.From his perspective, his heart was actually quite sad and uncomfortable.

"I don't want you to leave. I won't see you again as soon as you leave." Silamy felt that Xia Lei wouldn't come back. She held Xia Lei tighter.

Xia Lei suddenly thought of an idea, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Otherwise, you can come to China when you miss me. If you are too far away, we can also meet in Pakistan. I can buy a property in Fort ***, and we can meet in there. "

This is tantamount to being in the golden house. Flying to Pakistan is definitely easier than flying to Afghanistan. You can go anytime.Peshawar seems to be closer, but the intelligence station of Bureau 101 is there. He doesn't want to be found by the people of Bureau 101 where he and Silammy are there.

"It sounds good. You bought a house in Fort ***, and I can sell my goats there." Sirami seemed to imagine the kind of goat sales in his head, and he had a face on his face. Smile.

Sirami is a very coaxing woman, which is also Xia Lei's favorite.

"Forget it, let's do something right." Xi Lami peeled off Xia Lei and giggled. "All night tonight."

"Ah?" Xia Lei's chin almost fell to the ground, and a strong acid appeared in his waist, feeling that the two kidneys had become two old sour radishes.

Sirami pushed him down, and her baby face was buried ...

She has her boundless mana, and when she reads the curse, the earthworm will turn into a fierce snake.

The night is lacquered, but the chief's room is endless in spring, warm and white ...

Overnight farewell ceremonies, various farewell gestures, nothing beats this.However, the next day Xia Lei was supported on the horse and fell off his horse.

In the early morning of the next day, Peshawar Military Base.

The pick-up helicopter had not yet returned, and Shi Boren, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Tang Bochuan were already waiting on the apron.Behind several people, a large group of 101 agents secretly stood with guns, their expressions solemn and grim.In addition to the 101th bureau, Pakistan also has a large number of soldiers in the task of vigilance and escort.At the airport, dozens of fighter planes from China were on standby, and even the pilots were sitting in the cockpit, taking off at any time.

This kind of battle is just because what Xia Lei wants to bring back is so important that he cannot tolerate any loss.

"How long will it take?" Tang Yuyan said with some concern: "Will there be any danger on the road?"

Shi Boren frowned, "Our satellite has locked the area. Once a flying target approaches the aircraft that Xia Lei is flying, our fighter is attacking and intercepting. We have already achieved this level, and you are still worried what?"

Tang Yuyan grinned, "I'm just worried about what Xia Lei will bring back."

Tang Bochuan leaned on Tang Yuyan and chuckled: "Sister, shouldn't you worry about that kid?"

Tang Yuyan glared at Tang Bochuan, "Are you a brother like this? Be careful, I'll go back and tell Grandpa!"

"Haha." Tang Bochuan said with a smile: "Speaking of Grandpa, I remembered that Grandpa once said that as long as he can rescue you, he will accept Xia Lei as a disciple."

"Ah?" Tang Yuyan had a strange expression on his face. "If Grandpa accepted Xia Lei as a closing disciple, wouldn't he become our uncle? This generation ... No, I disagree."

Tang Bochuan shrugged. "If I want to call Uncle Xia Lei, I also feel weird, but no one can stop the decision made by Grandpa."

Long Bing interjected, "I think it's good. The two of you will be called Uncle Xia Lei in the future, and my generation will grow older."

As soon as these words were spoken, Long Bing suddenly found a typo, and then closed his mouth.

Sure enough, Tang Bochuan laughed and said, "Is it? When will you drink your wedding wine? Sister Long."

Long Bing suddenly ugly blushed, she stared fiercely at Tang Bochuan, "I don't mean that!"

"Lao Long, what do you mean?" Tang Yuyan's tone was strange.

"I ..." Long Bing is the worst at fighting.

Shi Boren coughed, "You guys give me seriousness, what are you talking about? If you are bored, you go for ten laps around the airport."

The three young men closed their mouths.

An armed helicopter appeared on the sky and quickly flew over here.

"I'm back!" Tang Yuyan said excitedly.

Long Bing glanced at Tang Yuyan with Yu Guang in the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

A few minutes later the helicopter landed on the tarmac, Xia Lei jumped from the helicopter, and then walked towards Shi Boren and others.

"What's the matter?" Shi Boren greeted him and couldn't wait to be authentic.

Xia Lei took off his backpack, opened it, and took out a cloth bag from inside.He handed the cloth bag to Shi Boren.There was also a larger cloth bag in the backpack, almost half packed with backpacks.

"What's in that bag?" Shi Boren said curiously.

Xia Lei opened the big cloth bag, which contained dried lamb, dried beef, and something that could not be named.He said, "This is a souvenir given to me by Chief Xirami of the White Huns tribe. Do you want a piece?"

"Keep it for yourself." Shi Boren was interested in what kind of dried lamb and dried beef. After glancing at the contents of the cloth bag, he opened the small cloth bag and looked at the contents.

The big cloth bag contained jewels and jade taken from the jade coffin of Princess Yongmei, and was also the most valuable burial object in the entire tomb.Xia Lei spent millions of dollars on this mission, and was involved in several risks. He was simply taking his life to perform the mission. Of course, he had to do something for himself.

He is not actually afraid that Shi Boren or Long Bing and others will find out that he has hidden these things.It's just that it's better to be able to hide the past, and less trouble.

Tang Yuyan, Tang Bochuan and Long Bing also joined together to see what Shi Baeren had in his hand, compass, pointer and green ancient alloy, as well as a few gold coins and small jade items, as well as the ancient book borrowed from Sirami .

"That's all?" Shi Boren looked at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Of course it is more than that, it was the tomb of the princess of the Ming Dynasty. I dug two boxes of gold coins, a large number of porcelain jade and antique relics." He smiled, "but you can't expect me to take those things from the White Huns." Bring it out from the tribe. I only brought the most important things. The rest are from the Baixiong tribe. In fact, it is not easy for me to bring these things back. After all, it is a holy place for others. "

"You did a good job." Shi Boren smiled with a rare smile. "Those things are just money. We don't need it. You can bring the most important things back. You have done so much for the country. Contribute, I will ask for advice and give you credit. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Then thank you President Shi."

Tang Bochuan came and patted Xia Lei's shoulder. "After going back, go to Shudi with me. I will take you to see my grandfather."

"Okay, I also want to pay a visit to Mr. Tang." Xia Lei promised to be very simple, and he could learn the opportunity of Tangmen's stunt, of course he would not miss it.

"What about my gun?" Tang Yuyan walked over. She didn't see the sniper rifle Xia Lei brought back to her.

Xia Lei said: "I gave the gun as a gift to Sirami."

Tang Yuyan suddenly pouted, "You are really good to her."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "I can rely on her to help me complete the task. You know the former chieftain Yuetiya, she has no good feelings for us, and even plans to betray me to Americans ... forget it Not to mention, is n’t it a sniper rifle, I ’ll just rebuild one for you after returning home. "

"Two." Tang Bochuan stared at Xia Lei hotly. "Don't forget me."

Xia Lei nodded with a smile, "No problem."

Long Bing came to Xia Lei and said only one sentence, "Just come back."

Xia Lei looked at her and nodded with a smile.Between him and her, sometimes no language is needed.

Shi Boren put away everything, "Okay, let's go to Fort ***, and then return home by special plane."

Going to Fort ***, Xia Lei will buy a real estate so that he can meet with Sirami.In the future, it would be a pleasure to fly a few times a year and take a vacation or something.Of course, this kind of thing, he certainly would not tell anyone.

However, I don't know why. When I think of Tong Yan H, Xia Lei's waist and eyes are sour again, and his legs feel a little soft and weak.

Is this Syramie syndrome?

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