Super Vision

353 353 Unfinished Kiss

Someone took Xia Lei to the door of Shen Tu Tianyin's office. Fu Mingmei stood there and shook Xia Lei's eyes as soon as he met.

Xia Lei knew what she wanted to express, and he shrugged innocently.

"You, you, don't call one." Fu Mingmei whispered, "I'm so kind to remind you that I'm sorry."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Aren't I here? I'm coming from a real person, definitely more sincere than calling."

Fu Mingmei glared at Xia Lei, "I'm not going in quickly, so I coax her." Then, she opened the door to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei walked in.

This is a luxurious atmosphere office, still consistent cold tone, radiating cold and serious atmosphere everywhere.Shen Tu Tianyin was sitting at his desk, looking at a white Apple monitor.When Xia Lei came in, she looked up, then smiled and waved to Xia Lei, beckoning him to pass.

Xia Lei was originally worried that she would be upset and a little tempered, but she didn't expect her to be so calm and smiling.He didn't know what the reason was, but his mood was relaxed. He walked over and said daringly, "Tianyin, I'm so sorry, some time ago ..."

"Hush." ​​Shen Tu Tianyin raised a finger between his lips, beckoning him not to speak.

Xia Lei thought she was having a video conference, but she walked to Shen Tu Tianyin's side only to find that she was watching the video that he just beat An Xiuxian and stepped An Xiuxian under his feet.

Shen Tu Tianyin said with a smile: "I have read it three times."

Charley was stunned for a moment.This is the Tianyi Building and the headquarters of the Vientiane Group in Kyoto. Shen Tu Tianyin must have received a report and watched it through the monitoring system.It is actually very easy for her to stop the incident, but she did not do it, but watched it here, and watched it three times.He couldn't guess her thoughts.

"Sit down, I'll pour you a drink." Shen Tu Tianyin got up and walked to the wine cabinet.

Xia Lei sat on the sofa, watching Shen Tu Tianyin pouring wine for him.His mind was strange with her attitude today, but he didn't ask.

Shen Tu Tianyin brought two glasses of red wine, one for Xia Lei, one for herself, and then she and Xia Lei touched the glass and said with a smile: "For our reunion, have a drink."

"Reunion?" Xia Lei smiled. "Why do you say that?"

Shen Tu Tianyin sat across from Xia Lei. She drank the red wine in the glass and stared at Xia Lei.

"Well, for our reunion." Xia Lei also drank the red wine in the glass.

Shen Tu Tianyin then said, "Do you know why I didn't stop what happened in the front hall?"

Xia Lei shook his head.He can guess the minds of many people, but Shen Tu Tianyin's mind is difficult to guess.

"In South Korea, he makes things difficult for you, and he doesn't even give me face in the hotel cafe. He is a man with a high eye and a lifeless life, and only a man like you can teach him." A slight smile appeared, "I was really relieved just now, otherwise I won't read it three times."

"You hate him? Then why do you want to cooperate with him on what mobile phone project."

"Business is business, let alone, it's not me who fights." Shen Tu Tianyin is really a very clever woman, and people can't find any flaws when talking about things.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I was originally worried about your cooperation with Shenyu Group. Now it seems that my worry is superfluous."

"Why do you say that?"

"In terms of doing business, you are better than me. I'm worried that you have been cheated by Shenyu Group, but I just realized that An Xiuxian should be worried." Xia Lei said.

At that time, a woman, carrying the fierce fighting in the face of adversity, Vientiane Group advance.Today, all her opponents have fallen, and she is still carrying the Vientiane Group, and the scale has expanded by one third compared to that year.Does such a woman need him to worry about who was deceived by her?

"You see it?"

Xia Lei said: "You and Shenyu Group have a cooperative project in South Korea, but you can't control it. So, you have a mobile phone cooperation project. This project is in China, you can control, and Shenyu Group can't control it. Xianyuan is not as smart and cautious as his father. The biggest profit for this project must be the Vientiane Group, not the Shenyu Group. Is that true? "

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled, "The person who knows me the most is you."

Xia Lei suddenly felt that in front of Shen Tu Tianyin, his experience and experience in the shopping mall were actually as pale as a blank sheet of paper.His ability in the mall is actually far less than his ability on the battlefield.

At this time, Shen Tu Tianyin sighed softly, "Lei, what others think of me, I don't care, I only care about your views on me. I have no reservations about you, you don't come to understand me. , But you always avoid me. There are too many secrets in your body, they are like the haze of Kyoto, I can't see you. "

Did she know anything?Xia Lei's heart moved, but the face was quietly said: "What do you want to say?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Don't you just ask me why we said we are a reunion? I now return to your question."

Xia Lei smiled, waiting for her answer.

Shen Tu Tianyin dipped a little glass of red wine liquor with his finger, and then wrote three numbers on the coffee table, 101.

Charley suddenly froze on the spot.Then he thought of Gu Kewen. If he guessed right, Shen Tu Tianyin knew that the channel for the existence of 101 games should be Gu Kewen.

"I never thought you would be an agent of our country." Shen Tu Tianyin said: "I now know that you have such a special identity, which also solves many confusion in my mind. I guess, from You suddenly disappeared for a while after the return of South Korea. What must you be doing?

Xia Lei nodded, she already knew the existence of 101 games, and also knew his other identity. It was no longer necessary to conceal.

"So, I said that our meeting was a reunion this time. I think I only really understand you now. This feeling is like the feeling I had when I first met you."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Is Gu Kewen telling you?"

Shen Tu Tianyin did not say yes, nor did he say no.

Xia Lei also said: "There are some things that I did not deliberately hide from you, but the less you know, the better."

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled, "I know, I have heard a lot of such lines in many Hollywood spy movies. I tell you a secret, when I was a child, my dream was not to be an entrepreneur, but a female agent. , Which is very powerful, like Angelina Jolie's female agent in "Agent Schott". "

Xia Lei thought of the agents who died in the 101st Bureau of Afghanistan. "Trust me, you won't like that kind of life, really."

Shen Tu Tianyin raised his mouth, "I knew you would say that."

This is a playful little action, but it also reveals her gentle and lovely side as a woman.She sat naturally opposite, a gorgeous face, slender and graceful.Her pulsed eyes and her sexiness seemed to be a kind of language.Suddenly, Xia Lei had a strange feeling, which was like the feeling when she saw her for the first time. It was like a fairy coming out of the painting. Go close and dream.

The two became so inexplicably quiet, their eyes looked at each other, their eyes and veins, their previous misunderstandings, all kinds of conjectures, all disappeared.

Looking at Shen Tu Tianyin's tender and delicate red lips, Xia Lei suddenly had an urge to kiss.After all, she was the goddess he fantasized for a long time, and even formed a family with her in her dream.The feeling of longing for her has not been buried deep in his heart. At this time, he seemed to be awake again, and this was the urge.

So you look at me, I look at you, for two minutes.

"I ... pour some wine for you." Shen Tu Tianyin is a woman after all, with a shallower face, she avoided Xia Lei's eyes and went to get a wine glass.

"Let me come." Xia Lei also got up to get a wine glass.

The hands of the two actually grabbed the wine bottle at the same time, and the two hands were folded together. At the moment, the two felt like an electric shock, very subtle.However, the more subtle thing is that neither of them let go, and each other's eyes are entangled again, and their eyes are pulsed.

Finally, the heads of the two people approached each other slowly, closer and closer ...

The door of the office suddenly opened and Fu Mingmei appeared at the door.

In the office, the lips of Shen Tu Tianyin and Xia Lei were almost sticking together, only two or three centimeters away.But it was just such a small distance that could not be broken through. Shen Tu Tianyin retracted the first time, blushing, "What's the matter?"

Xia Lei was also embarrassed, pretending to pour wine.

"Uh huh." Fu Mingmei had a stolen smile on his face. "Sorry, didn't you bother you?"

Shen Tu Tianyin glared at Fu Mingmei.

Fu Mingmei followed his expression with seriousness, "That's it. The chief of the security department said that the police came to investigate the situation. Well, it seems that there are people from the South Korean Consulate.

Shen Tu Tianyin's brow suddenly frowned, "Does An Xiuxian want to make things bigger and raise them to international disputes?"

Fu Mingmei spread his hand, "I don't know about this."

"What do they think of me here? Stop people." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

"Okay, I'll go here." Fu Mingmei turned around and left.

Instead of waiting for Fu Mingmei to go out, Gu Kewen appeared at the door, just blocking Fu Mingmei's road. She opened the door and said: "Can't handle this way."

Gu Kewen appeared here and Xia Lei was not surprised at all. He looked at her and guessed her identity in the Vientiane Group.

Fu Mingmei said with some displeasure: "Gu Assistant, don't you have any high opinion?"

It turned out that Gu Kewen is now Shen Tu Tianyin's assistant, which makes Xia Lei a little surprised.

"You can talk about Kewen." Shen Tu Tianyin said.

Gu Kewen said: "Mr. Xia did hurt people, and there are more than one. An Xiuxian's father is a veteran politician in Korea and has a strong wrist. Now that the South Korean consulate is coming, he definitely wants to take Mr. Xia back Police investigation. If we block, we will also be the target of blame, and may even provoke reprisals. This is unwise. "

Shen Tu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei, she was embarrassed.

Xia Lei said: "I just go back with them, don't worry, they can't help me."

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Then I will accompany you to the police station."

Gu Kewen said, "You can't do this."

Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin's eyes gathered on Gu Kewen.

Gu Kewen said: "The people of the South Korean consulate will come forward and things will definitely develop to a higher level. The most sensible way is to secretly leave Mr. Xia and return to your military factory. There are military secrets and strict martial law . The Koreans went there, and the military first refused. "

Xia Lei suddenly smiled, he felt that he had lost his father and brother's wings, and Gu Kewen had become mature and smarter.

Although he smiled, he also had a heavy heart.

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