Super Vision

356 Chapter 356

When the target returned, there was the hot little "Banana" clamoring in the car stereo, "You are my little banana, how much I love you ..."

Anina also sang along and danced.

The lyrics, as well as what happened on the ancient Great Wall before, Xia Lei's face was full of smirks.

Until returning to Kyoto, Xia Lei did not encounter any special circumstances.An Xiuxian's people didn't show up, and no suspicious people were found.

Xia Lei brought Anina into Quanjude Roast Duck, asked for an elegant room, and ordered.

"Lucas." Anina said in German: "The Moscow International Light Weapons Exhibition is about to start soon, and we have to prepare."

Xia Lei also said in German: "I have asked Senior Tang Tianlong to submit the application for me. When I go back to visit him, I will ask about the result."

Anina said: "Then I am going to exhibit the gun."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "You can rest assured that going to Western countries may be difficult, but going to Russia is no problem."

"Well, I have a hunch that our xl2500 sniper rifle will definitely make a name for itself in Russia. Even, we will cause a sensation and achieve greater success."

Xia Lei nodded and agreed with her.At present, the most advanced sniper rifle in Western countries has a range of less than xl2500, not to mention that xl2500 also has a high degree of automation and a ten-round magazine.In fact, the world record held by American snipers today only hit the target at 2200 meters, which is a lot worse than the effective range of the xl2500's 2600.You know, not to mention the gap of 400 meters on the battlefield, even if it is a gap of 10 meters, it is also the distance of the sniper's life!

Imagine once xl2500 appears at the Moscow International Light Weapons Exhibition, what kind of sensation will the outside world cause!

"Sniper rifles with similar performance abroad cost over one million Chinese dollars. Lucas, what price should we set for our sniper rifle?" Anina asked.

Xia Lei thought for a while, "The production and adjustment of each sniper rifle is very troublesome, and the selling price can of course not be low. The performance abroad is not as good as ours, and the selling price is also above one million Chinese dollars. .. I think, the price is 1.2 million for foreign sales, and one million for domestic sales. "

"Isn't it cheaper to sell?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "We only started the arms business, the sales haven't been opened, and the reputation of the products hasn't come out. If it's too expensive, it's not a good thing."

"Well, you make sense." Anina is not good at doing business.

The waiter pushed a dining car into the room, serving Xia Lei and Anina.

At this time there was also a guest in the next room, a man calling the waiter in Korean.

A woman said with a smile: "Xiu Jun, the waiter here can't understand the Korean you speak. You should speak Chinese. Your Chinese is good. There should be no problem."

The girl's voice entered Xia Lei's ear, and he suddenly froze.

He was too familiar with this voice because it was Xia Xue's voice.

Why is Xia Xue here?

Who is that Korean?

Xia Lei's left eye jumped slightly, and Ya Jian's wooden wall disappeared into his sight.Xia Xue and a young man her age came into his sight.The young man was tall and tall, with a face of melon seeds and red lips and white teeth. He was very handsome.However, there is no man's masculine breath.Now the so-called "Fantasy Boy" is probably such a person.

Xia Xue laughed and smiled with Korean youth, very affectionate.

Xia Lei's brow suddenly wrinkled. "This kid's surname is An, and he's also called Xiu Jun. It's only one word away from An Xiuxian's name. Is this kid from An's family?"

Thinking of this, Charlie suddenly angered.

In his view, An Xiuxian wants to retaliate against him. The best way is not to find someone to beat him, nor to find a killer to kill him, but to hurt Xia Xue!

Xia Xue did not know that her brother was looking at her next door, his face full of anger, and his eyes were about to burst into fire.

No wonder Xia Lei is so angry, he is not against Xia Xue's relationship, but he will never let Xia Xue fall in love with a Korean, and he is still a Korean who may have a relationship with An Xiuxian!

"Lucas, why don't you eat? What are you doing looking at the wall? Are there spiders?" The female mechanic's thinking jumped a little.

"There are cockroaches!" Xia Lei said angrily.

"Cockroach? Where?"

"Don't worry, I will go to the bathroom." Xia Lei left the room where he and Anina were.

Anina glanced at the wall Xia Lei had just stared at, and then pouted her mouth halfway through, "He probably has kidney deficiency?"

I don't know what Xia Lei would feel if he heard this sentence.

Xia Lei walked to the door of the next room, reaching for the door, but he hesitated and put his hand down again.

Go straight in, slap the boy named An Xiujun, and then take Xia Xue away?He can certainly do this, but Xia Xue will definitely get angry, betray him, if the kid enters again, this result is the last thing he wants to see.

Xia Lei once again awakened the power of his left eye, quietly watching ...

"Xiaoxue, you are so beautiful." An Xiujun looked at Xia Xue affectionately, and the temperature was soft enough to make his back numb.

Xia Xue was a little shy and her face was red, "I'm not going to be fooled by your rhetoric."

An Xiujun raised a hand, "Xiaoxue, I am serious about you, and I swear, you are my favorite person in my life."

"Let's come, we have known each other for a month, have I become your favorite woman in your life?" Xia Xue said so, but a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Sweet words, beautiful boys, is exactly what Xia Xue's young girls in flower season like.

An Xiujun reached out and grabbed Xia Xue's hand, "Xiao Xue, you want me to take my heart out and show you, do you believe me?"

Xia Xue murmured, "Then you take it out and see."

An Xiujun suddenly pulled open his coat, revealing the white T-shirt inside, and he suddenly wrote a sentence on his chest: Only love Xia Xue for a lifetime!

"You ... you are dead." Xia Xue waved her fist to beat An Xiujun.

"Xiaoxue, I love you." An Xiujun reached out and grabbed Xia Xue's catkin, holding it tightly.

Xia Xue did not pull out for a moment, she was very nervous and her cheeks were redder.

An Xiuxian approached Xia Xue and wanted to kiss Xia Xue.

Xia Xue tilted her head back, "Don't do this, my brother will scold me when he knows."

"Your brother, your brother, and again your brother." An Xiuxian was not happy, he released Xia Xue's hand, "You are already an adult, do you still want your brother to take care of you all my life? I love you , You love me too, why can't we be together? "

Xia Xue lowered his head. "I'm not saying that we can't be together. I just want my brother to meet you. We also need some time ..."

Outside the door, Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Xia Xue's reaction, this An Xiuxian has only developed to the stage of holding hands with Xia Xue so far, and he hasn't even kissed him.

"Well, I respect your opinion. I also want to meet your brother. I hope he will like me and accept me. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do. I can't live without you." An Xiuxian said very emotionally.

"Okay, my brother is not old and stubborn, he is very cheerful." Speaking of this, Xia Xue suddenly laughed, "My brother is very powerful, will be Wing Chun, don't bully me later, otherwise he will beat you . "

An Xiuxian grabbed Xia Xue's hand again and said with tenderness: "Xiao Xue, how can I be willing to bully you? I'll be too late to hurt you. I will protect you for your brother in the future. he!"

Outside the door, a waiter came by pushing a dining car, saw Xia Lei standing at the door, and said, "Sir, please let me go."

Xia Lei gave way, and he said, "I'm sorry, I've gone the wrong way."

The waiter entered the room, and Xia Lei hid to the door and continued to watch.

The waiter served the food and opened a bottle of red wine.

When the waiter left the room, Xia Lei was still standing by the door, wondering, "Sir, haven't you found a place yet? Do you need my help?"

Xia Lei said: "No need, you are busy with you."

"Inexplicable." The waiter murmured softly before pushing the dining car away.

Xia Lei followed her gaze to the Yajian.

At this time, An Xiujun suddenly pointed behind Xia Xue and said, "Xiao Xue, what do you think it is?"

Xia Xue looked back subconsciously.

At the moment Xia Xue turned around, An Xiujun suddenly put a white pill into the glass in front of Xia Xue.It took less than two seconds for the pill to fall into the wine and melt.Xia Xue saw nothing when she came back.

"You lie to me, it's really bad, I ignore you." Xia Xue pretended to be angry.

"How can I lie to you? I actually wanted to surprise you." An Xiuxian opened his other palm, but it was a pair of exquisite ruby ​​earrings.

"Yeah, so beautiful." Xia Xue was very excited.

"Xiao Xue, let's have a drink, and then I will put the earrings on you. You must look good on them." An Xiujun picked up the stemware on the table.

Xia Xue pursed her lips and raised her wine glass.

"Cheers." An Xiujun and Xia Xue touched their glasses.

Xia Xue sent the wine glass to his mouth ...

boom!The room door of Yajian was kicked open, and Xia Lei strode in.

"Brother?" Xia Xue was shocked suddenly, his face blue.

"Your brother?" An Xiujun's eyes flashed with abhorrence, but with a smile he stood up with a smile on his face, reaching for one hand to shake hands with Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, I have long wanted to know you Xia Xue's boyfriend, my name is ... "

Before An Xiujun finished speaking, Xia Lei, who stood in front of him, suddenly slapped on An Xiujun's face.

Snapped!There was a crunch.

An Xiujun was suddenly staggered by Xia Lei. He covered his face and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Brother!" Xia Xue recovered, and she also rose.

But a slap for Xia Lei was far from being able to eliminate the anger in his heart. He grabbed An Xiujun's shirt and pulled it forward, then hit his knee with An Xiujun's belly.On this knee, An Xiujun kneeled on the ground.

"Brother! What are you doing!" Xia Xue rushed up, trying to hold Xia Lei.

Xia Lei pushed away Xia Xue and chopped a palm knife on An Xiujun's carotid artery. The Korean boy groaned, and the slime generally fell to the ground.

Xia Xue was suddenly scared.

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