Super Vision

364 364 Women's scheming

Four women and one man, unsightly picture.

Four women, two Asians, a babes, a brunette, are all beautiful women, called the best.The man is also strong and handsome, which can make most women feel excited.

Although the people here are adults, the vast majority also have the experience of watching that kind of movie. It ’s not strange, but it ’s really unforgivable that this kind of thing appears at the charity reception.However, what is even more surprising is that the man on the LCD monitor was none other than the only person who had just taken Thangka with 20 million, An Xiuxian.

Everyone's eyes gathered on An Xiuxian.

"I really can't see it, the appearance is so indecent." A woman said.

"Dirty? This is dirty, what's the difference between doing it like this?" Said a man.

"Is he so hungry?"

"Haha, don't Koreans pay much attention to the image? What happened this time?"

"That man is the young director of Shenyu Group. I heard that his father is preparing to participate in the next Korean presidential election. I wonder if this is negative news?"

"Such a thing is not considered negative news, then what is negative news?"

"Hey, it's a dad's goods."

"No, if I had such a son, I would break his leg."


All kinds of comments, all kinds of strange eyes, and the tide generally appeared on An Xiuxian. All of his dreams and all his dreams were shattered in a flash.

The ugly picture on the LCD monitor continues, the cry of the woman and the laughter of the man are unsightly.The host and several security guards rushed backstage to find out the culprit.For a time, the entire multifunctional hall was in chaos.

Shen Tu Tianyin only looked at the LCD and then looked away. She didn't want to look at it again because she felt dirty.

"Tianyin, listen to my explanation ..." An Xiuxian wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain this kind of thing.

Shen Tu Tianyin said lightly: "No need to explain to me, you have your own life, it has nothing to do with me."

"I ... not as you think ..." An Xiuxian could not wait to give birth and explain to Shen Tu Tianyin with an open mouth.

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled, "I don't need to explain. Also, 20 million Thangka is too expensive, my dad can't receive you such a precious gift."

An Xiuxian's heart suddenly sank into the ice valley.If Shen Tu Tianyin was angry with him and even slapped him, he would be acceptable.However, Shen Tu Tianyin's response was weak, and he even took the opportunity to decline his gift.He had just longed for Fang Ze, a pro-shen Tian Tianyin, but this beautiful dream shattered in a flash.

However, this is not the worst. The worst is that An Xiuxian knows when and who made this film.Under normal circumstances, this film should have been destroyed long ago, but it appears here.What does this indicate?He dared not even think about it.

"I'm really sorry for such a thing. I'll explain it to you again. Goodbye." An Xiuxian responded quickly, leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

"Mr. Ann!" A man's voice suddenly came.

An Xiuxian glanced back and saw a few security guards crowding out a man.

An Xiuxian was dumbfounded.This man was no one else, it was he who was caught by him, and should be cut into Tintin and sent to the CIA, Xia Lei!

The situation that worries An Xiuxian most has become a reality, and An Xiuxian's face suddenly turned pale.In other words, usually, Xia Lei provoked him like this, he will definitely fight back, but this time he did not dare to say anything to Xia Lei, just glanced at Xia Lei, and then quickly walked to the door.

A waiter and a woman wearing cheongsam blocked An Xiuxian's road.

The waiter who had shown the sign was not the real waiter at the Wangfu Hotel, but Tang Bochuan.The tall, long-legged cheongsam beauties standing beside Tang Bochuan are none other than his sister Tang Yuyan.

It's a pity that An Xiuxian didn't know these two evil stars. He pushed Tang Bochuan in the palm of the road and said, "Give up!"

Tang Boxuan grabbed An Xiuxian's hand and said with a smile: "Mr. An, you took a picture of Thangka, please pay the money."

An Xiuxian earned a bit, but Tang Bochuan's hand gripped his hand like iron tongs, and he could not break free.

Tang Yuyan said coldly: "An Xiuxian, you'd better be honest. You should pay when you pay, and you should go to jail. We are a country ruled by law. We will not injustice a good person, but we will not let a criminal go."

An Xiuxian already guessed the identity of Tang Yuyan and Tang Bochuan, he pretended to be calm, "I want to make a call."

Tang Yuyan lifted her foot suddenly, and the high heels on her feet landed heavily on An Xiuxian's instep.

An Xiuxian's eyebrows were suddenly twisted into a ball, and he didn't cry out after a hard time.

Tang Yuyan lowered her voice, "I will warn you once, honestly."

An Xiuxian snorted coldly, "Well, whatever you want. I'll follow you, but you better not touch me, I'm not the kind of person you want to be."

"You stay with me honestly, let's go back and discuss how things are going on." Tang Yuyan didn't take An Xiuxian's threats into consideration at all, and she didn't plan to take An Xiuxian away. past.

Xia Lei was caught by several security guards, and several security guards were also preparing to detain him and hand it over to the police.

In fact, Xia Lei was escorted from the background by several security guards. Shen Tu Tianyin's first reaction was to go up to ask about the situation, but she hesitated and eventually gave up.All the big men with big faces in the business world were present, and Xia Lei was a man who made pornographic films in public.She wanted to go, and she really wanted to know what happened, but her identity became her obstacle.

It was this hesitation that Tang Yuyan had come to Xia Lei. Without a word, he handed a certificate to the host.

The host opened it, looked awkward, followed his hands and returned the certificate to Tang Yuyan.

Tang Yuyan said: "You have given me this man, what should I do."

"Good, no problem." The host nodded in response, then greeted several security guards to retreat.

Xia Lei glanced at Shen Tu Tianyin not far away, not knowing why there was some loss in his heart.However, when his eyes moved to An Xiuxian's body, he was happy again when he saw the face that was no longer bloody.It's ugly to do this kind of thing, but it's worth it!

"People, I've caught it for you, how can you thank me?" Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei smilingly.

Xia Lei grinned, "How do you want me to thank you?"

"Come dance with me." Tang Yuyan said.

Charlie suddenly froze for a moment, "Here?"

"Here." Tang Yuyan was very sure.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Miss Tang, this is a charity reception. People are auctioning artworks, how can we dance? Let's go, go back and I will dance with you."

At this time Shen Tu Tianyin finally came over, she took a look at Tang Yuyan and tried to say: "Lei, is this lady?"

Shen Tu Tianyin originally wanted to ask what happened just now, but she saw Tang Yuyan, who was tall and tall, but she didn't know what was going on.And she didn't want to know Tang Yuyan at all.

Xia Lei introduced Shen Tu Tianyin: "Tianyin, this is Tang Yuyan, the eldest lady of Shudi Tangmen." Then he said to Tang Yuyan: "Yuyan, this is Shen Tu Tianyin, chairman of Vientiane Group. "

Two women, two identities, but no matter which woman's identity is not lost to each other.On the surface, it seems that Shen Tu Tianyin's identity as the chairman of Vientiane Group is heavier, but Tangdi in Shudi is an ancient family with a history of hundreds of years. But it is stronger than the Shen Tu family!

Gu Kewen suddenly came over and whispered in Shen Tu Tianyin's ear.

"It turned out to be Miss Tang, disrespectful and disrespectful." Shen Tu Tianyin extended his hand and wanted to shake hands with Tang Yuyan.

Tang Yuyan and Shen Tutianyin shook hands and said with a smile: "It's nice to meet you."

"Lei, what happened just now?" Shen Tu Tianyin asked, but Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes was looking at Tang Yuyan.Gu Kewen had already told her the identity of Tang Yuyan, which had nothing to do with her, but seeing Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei together, she was not very comfortable.

"An Xiuxian did something that should not be done, we are here to catch him." Xia Lei gave a very simple explanation.

"Then those on the screen just now ..." Shen Tu Tianyin didn't say it, she still felt dirty.

Xia Lei shrugged. "I did it." Then he smiled. "I know I shouldn't do it, but I want you to see what this guy is like."

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled a bit, "You are still so unexpected. However, I don't think the organizers will complain, because you helped them get a 20 million donation."

"Speaking of the 20 million donations, my brother has helped a lot? Hurry up to honor the promise." Tang Yuyan urged.

"This ..." Xia Lei didn't know what to do.

"What a promise?" Shen Tu Tianyin tried out authentically.

He didn't wait for Xia Lei to say a word, but Tang Yuyan suddenly hugged his waist and grabbed his hand. He was in full view, and the re-played background music danced in the hall.

A sunshine and handsome, a classical and noble, dancing Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan suddenly became the most striking existence.The face value of the two, their stature, their temperament, they all look the best, people have to envy this is the perfect pair.

I don't know who applauded for the first time, and soon there was an applause in the hall.

Shen Tu Tianyin looked at the two quietly, his expression calm.

Fu Mingmei came to Shen Tu Tianyin and raised his mouth, said: "This guy is really a woman. Does he think he is James Bond? Or Tom Cruise? I really want to beat him."

Shen Tu Tianyin suddenly said: "I think too."

"Ah?" Fu Mingmei suddenly froze on the spot.

On the other side, An Xiuxian stared at Xia Lei spittingly.Can't wait to rush up to make Xia Lei humiliated.He had never resented someone so much, Xia Lei was the only one.However, what made him collapse is that he was full of anger and wanted to vent against Xia Lei, but Xia Lei was dancing with a beautiful woman in the hall!And the woman he wanted to soak in looked at the other men with bright eyes!

"Want to kill him?" Tang Bochuan suddenly burst out a voice.

An Xiuxian glanced at Tang Bochuan without a word, his face gloomy and terrible.

Tang Bochuan smiled and said to himself: "If he soaked my sister and was not good to my sister, I will kill him for you, do you say okay?"

An Xiuxian continued to be gloomy.

Tang Bochuan glared at An Xiuxian, "What are you doing to watch me like this? Let's go, I'll take you to pay for the Thangka."

An Xiuxian, "..."

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