Super Vision

366 366 Borrow Your Shoulder

In the interrogation room, An Xiuxian was calm and calm, without any trace of confusion.

"I have made it very clear, kidnapping? Is it necessary for someone like me to kidnap someone?" An Xiuxian said eloquently, "Police, all the accusations you said are not related to me. In addition, I want to make a phone call , I have to tell my father and ask him to appoint a team of lawyers to me. This is my legal rights, please allow. "

Be polite, but An Xiuxian's words revealed a strong breath, he is sending a signal: my father is a very important person in South Korea, don't touch me easily!

The agent responsible for interrogating An Xiuxian slammed the table. "Everyone is equal before the law. You have committed a very serious crime. Even if your father came in person, he can't help you."

An Xiuxian shrugged, "I'm just declaring my legal rights, don't you need to intimidate me?"

"Who threatened you?" The agent responsible for the interrogation had a headache.

The interrogation continued, but Xia Lei was no longer interested in looking at it again. He looked back at Shi Boren and tried to say, "Sir, do you want to let him go?"

Shi Boren was silent for a while before saying: "I don't know what the final treatment is. This person has to decide whether to punish or let go."

Xia Lei's heart suddenly burst into anger.An Xiuxian instructed An Xiujun to harm his younger sister, and used Lu Sheng as a bait to lure him and Long Bing to save people.If it wasn't for his body to have a special condition, and he was also anesthetized by anesthetic gas, then neither he nor Long Bing would stand here.The ending will be that Long Bing will be insulted by those Korean bodyguards and then killed, and Lu Sheng will not survive.As for him, he will be castrated and then sent to the hands of the CIA in the United States, where he will become an experimental white mouse and die better than life.In the face of such sins, you still have to wait for the above instructions!

"Isn't everyone equal before the law?" Xia Lei said with anger.

Shi Boren smiled bitterly, "Xia Lei, I know you are very uncomfortable. But I want to tell you, even in the United States and Germany, where the law is the most sound, this sentence is just a blinding gorgeous. It ’s just a coat. Is n’t your friend Anina a stark example? She did n’t commit a crime, but she was a German agent and someone the CIA wanted to arrest. If it were not for us to save her, she might be in Guantanamo Prison now. Here. "

Tang Yuyan interjected and said, "Xia Lei, you're dead, you don't have to deal with this matter, and you can't control it."

Tang Boxuan also said: "An Xiuxian has broken the law here, and even if he wants to let it go, it must be conditional. Perhaps he will use this to make an essay to earn the benefits we need. In exchange for the support of a South Korean political party, it is worthwhile for the Korean government to tilt its position towards us. "

It is worthy of being the tactical planner of the 101st game. For the same thing, Tang Bochuan has a different perspective on the problem, and his interpretation is naturally different.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said nothing.Tang Bochuan's remarks gave him some more understanding, but his heart was always uncomfortable.

"You go back." Shi Boren said: "You don't care about this matter."

Long Bing snorted coldly, "Xia Lei, let's go and drink."

Xia Lei followed Long Bing to leave and took two steps. He looked back at the glass wall and said secretly in his heart, "This is not the end."

"Xia Lei." Tang Yuyan said: "My dad said that the thing you asked him to help came to fruition."

Xia Lei moved her heart and looked back at her, "What's the result?"

Tang Yuyan said: "I don't know, you ask him chant, he will take a vacation at home tomorrow."

Xia Lei said: "Then I will go to your house to visit Uncle Tang tomorrow."

Tang Yuyan smiled, "Okay, buy more gifts."

Xia Lei was about to say "OK", but Long Bing grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

Tang Bochuan sighed, "Hey, Section Chief Long has an opinion."

Shi Boren said: "She is this temper, let her go, it will be fine after two days."

Walking out of the headquarters of Bureau 101, the night is thick, there are no vehicles and pedestrians on the street, and it is very quiet.Xia Lei was about to pick up the car, but Long Bing stopped him, "Don't drive, just walk with me."

Xia Lei said: "Aren't you going to drink?"

"Forget it, the bar is noisy, just walk around with me." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei nodded and accompanied her to walk along the sidewalk.The street lights were cold, and many moths fluttered around the lights, endlessly.Long Bing occasionally raised his head to look at the street lamp, and those persistent moths, his expression was dull.

Xia Lei had never seen her like this, and was worried in her heart, "What are you thinking?"

Long Bing sighed softly, "You said, do we look like these moths?"

Xia Lei froze for a moment, then said with a smile: "I think I'll accompany you to the hospital."

Long Bing raised his fist and punched on Xia Lei's chest, frowning Liu Liu's eyebrows, "Seriously, I have a rare feeling of life, but you come to trouble."

The 101th iceberg goddess will also perceive life?This is really a strange thing.Xia Lei laughed, his expression really serious, "Then you say, how are we like these moths?"

"Perseverance, stupidity."

Xia Lei froze a little, he suddenly understood why she said such a strange metaphor.

Long Bingyou said authentically: "I am proud to join 101 innings, I defend the security of this country, I defend the dignity of the law. This is also my mission, and it does n’t matter if I sacrifice for this mission. However, I have clearly caught the bad guys But without punishment? If our actions fail, we are afraid that we will die. We paid the price of life, but this is the result in the end. You said, what is the difference between our existence and these moths? , Finally burned to death by lights, nobody will remember us. "

Xia Lei comforted: "If you want to open up, this is politics. I am the one who should punish An Xiuxian most. I can open up, and you should let go of the burden. If you let me stand on top of those To deal with this matter from an angle, I will also use An Xiuxian in exchange for something beneficial to the country. "

"Have you figured it out yet?" Long Bing stopped and looked at Xia Lei face to face.

Xia Lei said: "Of course I feel very uncomfortable, but I can understand the above."

"Well, I don't want to think about it anymore."

"It's okay if you can figure it out, in fact it's nothing. Even if the kid comes out, there are more opportunities to deal with him." Xia Lei said: "Next time, I won't catch him again, I will use my way To solve the problem. "

"Um ..." Long Bing hesitated and said, "Can you lend me your shoulders?"

Charlie suddenly froze for a moment, "What are you doing?"

"Can you borrow it?"

"Do you want to cry?" Xia Lei nodded. "Then lean on my shoulder and cry, just cry out."

Long Bing leaned into Xia Lei's arms and buried the head of the worm on his shoulder, very quiet.

Xia Lei patted her waist, "Cry if you want to cry, don't have to bear it. No one else here, I won't laugh at you."

"Hmm ..." Long Bing opened his mouth and suddenly bit on Xia Lei's shoulder.

"Ah ..." Xia Lei suddenly cried out in pain when she thought she would come.

Long Bing loosened Xia Lei, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Well, I'm much better."

Xia Lei rubbed the bite on the shoulder with a depressed expression, "Why bit me?"

Long Bing said with a smile: "Who made you lie to me that urine can decompose anesthesia gas, which is not counted, you also saw me ... that."

It turned out to be the reason.

Xia Lei's mind suddenly appeared in her white part, big and round, and that booing sound ... The pain on his shoulder disappeared inexplicably, and there was a hint of smirk in his mouth. Which one did you see? "

"Let me lean on my shoulder again." Long Bing leaned up to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei quickly jumped away, "Are you a puppy change? Don't come over!"

Long Bing caught up.The quiet and unoccupied street suddenly became a place for two to make trouble.With Xia Lei's skill, Long Bing is no longer an opponent, but this kind of slapstick, he has always been the loser.Long Bing can hit his chest with his hand. Does he dare to hit other people's chest with his hand?

A phone call caused the two to end the fight.

The phone call was to Long Bing, and Xia Lei stood by and watched her talking with someone.

"We are outside, not far, what's the matter?" Long Bing's voice.

Xia Lei secretly said: "Is it from Shi Boren? An Xiuxian's incident has a new development? Can't it be so fast?"

"Okay, I'll go right away." Long Bing hung up the phone.

Xia Lei said: "Is it from Mr. Shi?"

Long Bing nodded, "It's from Mr. Shi, there is an emergency."

"About An Xiuxian?"

"No, it's from that expert group."

Xia Lei's heart moved, "What happened?"

Long Bing said: "President Shi said on the phone that an expert is crazy and the situation is very dangerous."

"Crazy?" Xia Lei was surprised.

Long Bing said: "Shi Lao always said so, and didn't explain the situation in detail. I don't know much about it. I have to go and see the specific situation. You go back, I have to do things."

"Wait." Xia Lei said, "Can you take me with me?"

Long Bing said: "The CEO Shi did not say to take you."

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and he was very uncomfortable. "It seems that Shi Lao didn't take me as your own. Go, I'll go home and go to sleep. In the future, don't look for whatever tasks you have I am. "

"Don't be like this." Long Bing said: "I called Mr. Shi and told him to let you see it too. After all, those experts and those things were brought back to China by your hard work. "

Xia Lei said nothing, waiting for her to call.

That's right, those experts and those things were brought back from Afghanistan by his hard work. Now that the things are in the country, he doesn't even look at it. Isn't this a crossing of the river?If this is really the case, then he will do things for 101 games in the future, then he is as stupid as the moon.

Long Bing walked to the side and called Shi Boren, muttering for a few minutes, seemingly trying his best to get a permission to take Xia Lei.

Xia Lei also waited anxiously and secretly said: "If the CEO is not allowed, I am afraid that I can only find a way to contact Tranquility, and only from her can I learn the secret of the ancient alloy ..."

Long Bing put away his mobile phone, "Come on, you guy, like a kid, throw your temper without taking you."

Xia Lei smiled, "I'll get the car."

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