Super Vision

39 Chapter 39

When he first arrived at Leima Studio, Xia Lei received a text message from Ning Yuanshan. The location was the Polaroid Hotel and the time was 7 pm.

"Uncle Ning is also true, and I don't ask my opinion. Forget it, just go, maybe I will cooperate in the future. People like him are still not guilty. I took Xiao An and Xiao Hong and let them meet The world. "Xia Lei thought to himself.

Ma Xiaoan is welding, and Zhou Xiaohong is hitting him.Ma Xiaoan was sweating hot, as was Zhou Xiaohong. The sweat drenched her overalls. The fabric was wetted by the sweat and adhered tightly to her hips. It became more plump and full of fantasy.

"Relax." Xia Lei patted his palm.

Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong only discovered that Xia Lei was back, Ma Xiaoan put down the welding tongs in his hand, and Zhou Xiaohong got up and walked to the water dispenser.

"No need to pour water." Xia Lei stopped her. "You are all tired and sweaty, what water do you give me? Rest."

"Brother Lei, I'm not tired. Let me pour you a glass of water." Zhou Xiaohong wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, and there was a stain on the white forehead.

Xia Lei was not thirsty, but when Zhou Xiaohong handed a glass of water to his hand, he drank that glass of water in one breath.

Ma Xiaoan also washed his hands and came over, "Lei Zi, is Dongfang Heavy Industries over there?"

"It's finished. Xia Lei said:" Ning Yuanshan, chairman of Dongfang Heavy Industry, invited me to dinner and said it was a celebration for me. I'm bored to go alone. I want to take you two one by one."

Ma Xiaoan shook his head, "Lei Zi, I still don't want to go on such important occasions. You just take Xiaohong, and you say Xiaohong is your secretary."

Xia Lei said: "Normally, you have a lot of guts. Why are you timid today? Isn't it Ning Yuanshan? He can eat you?"

Ma Xiaoan said: "Ning Yuanshan is a big man, I am a little man, I have dinner with him at a table, I feel uncomfortable, I still don't go."

"Brother Lei, I, I will not go ..." Zhou Xiaohong looked more nervous and timid, she said in a stammer: "I am a woman in the mountain, I have never seen anything in the world, brother Lei Zi, you take me If I go, I will be ashamed of you. I will not go, I will not go. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "The two of you are really, don't you just have a meal? Are you afraid of this?"

Ma Xiaoan said: "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to go. Xiaohong, you're a secretary once, to fill the scene, you go with Leizi."

Zhou Xiaohong shook a beautiful head like a rattle, "I'm not going, nor am I a secretary."

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Xia Lei put Wuza cash on the table, "If you don't go, it's 50,000 yuan. I'll give it to you as a prize. You can buy anything."

"Lei Zi, what are you doing?" Ma Xiaoan looked at Xia Lei in surprise, without reaching for the money.

Zhou Xiaohong also said nervously: "Brother Lei, I'm already very happy that you can take me in. I haven't been here for a month. How can you send me so many bonuses at once? I can't ask for it."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "This time I made a million at Dongfang Heavy Industries, I originally wanted to give you some more bonuses, but I thought that our studio upgrade would cost money, so I only gave you 50,000. Less, accept it. "

"You are too small! Forget it, don't say it. I don't like to listen to it. Isn't it enough for my money?" Ma Xiaoan took two dollars and said, "Xiao Xue will leave to study in Kyoto." Now, I ’ll go to your house for dinner. By the way, I ’ll take a look at her shortcomings. I ’ll buy him. "

Xia Lei frowned, "You pay her again, you will spoil her."

"How can you say it so seriously? You are her brother, and I am also her brother. Is it wrong for me to buy some gifts for her?" Ma Xiaoan made his point.

Xia Lei said: "Just do what you want. In short, you should pay attention to being a little bit, and don't let her develop the habit of spending money on money. That's not good."

Ma Xiaoan laughed: "Okay, okay, you're more verbose than my mother."

At this time, Zhou Xiaohong said: "Brother Ma, please take me with me. I will also go to Leizi's house for dinner. Well, I also want to buy Xiao Xue some gifts."

"Okay, but you wipe the table before you go." Ma Xiaoan smirked.

"Well." Zhou Xiaohong twisted the rag and went to wipe the table.

"Take the money, put it away, don't drop it." Xia Lei put the money in Zhou Xiaohong's hand, and told her.

Zhou Xiaohong's eyes were red, and he was so moved that he could not speak.She came out of her hometown to work, and her biggest dream was to save enough 10,000 yuan to mail to her hometown, and she estimated that she would need to work hard for a year to achieve this goal, but now she came to the Rema studio for less than a month. , Xia Lei gave her a bonus of 20,000 yuan.The significance of these 20,000 yuan is very important to her. How can she not be moved?

"Go, go, do it well." Xia Lei didn't want to watch her weep.

"Huh." Zhou Xiaohong stuffed the two sacks of money into his trouser pockets and scrambled to wipe the table.Her hands clattered over and over, and her full breasts tremble, almost hitting the table.

Ma Xiaoan's eyes were fixed on Zhou Xiaohong's chest, without blinking.

Xia Lei shook his head with a bitter smile, he walked to Ma Xiaoan's side, lowered his voice and said: "I can tell you, the girl is honest, don't hurt others."

Ma Xiaoan also lowered his voice, "Brother, what do you think of me? My virtue is not suitable for her, I won't hurt her, I just look at it, I don't break the law, I don't get pregnant. Not? "

Xia Lei slapped Ma Xiaoan on the back of his head, "You guys!"

Ma Xiaoan didn't get angry, but just stared at Zhou Xiaohong who wiped the table and chuckled.

In the evening, Xia Lei called a car and went straight to the Polar Hotel.

Before he arrived at the Polaroid Hotel, Tranquility called.

"Sister Ning, what's the matter?" Xia Lei greeted enthusiastically.

"Ouch, something bad." On the phone, the quiet voice seemed a little anxious.

"What's the matter? Don't worry, speak slowly."

"My second uncle told your dad about it, and my dad will come to the party tonight."

"Ah?" Xia Lei was also taken aback.

Tranquility said: "My second uncle blew you off like a god, and he almost said you were the perfect son-in-law. My dad was able to hear it. He laughed and scolded me at the same time, saying that such a big thing was actually hidden from me. He, you said ... what should I do? "

Xia Lei grew louder, "I, I don't know what to do, I have never encountered such a thing."

"I'm totally inexperienced too, hey, I blame me, and told my second uncle that you are my boyfriend without consulting you in advance." Tranquility was annoyed and died.

Xia Lei comforted: "Don't worry, you want your second uncle to see me and help me get the order. How can I blame you?"

"Forget it, things are gone, don't mention it anymore. My dad has a bad heart and can't be angry. We can lie to him once more."

Xia Lei bite the bullet and said: "Okay, let's play again. However, I don't know how to act. If it breaks, don't blame me."

"No, you just need to adapt yourself. Well, that's it, I'll wait for you at the hotel." Tranquility hung up the phone.

Xia Lei is still holding the phone, looking like he is not at home.I thought it was just a celebration feast, but I didn't expect it to be a blind date.He is not a quiet boyfriend but wants to see a quiet father as a quiet boyfriend. Such a thing makes him feel headache.

"Dude, see the woman's parents?" Brother looked back at Xia Lei and said with a smile.

Xia Lei recovered, "How do you know?"

"I heard it." Brother said, "You can't go like this, you have to buy some decent gifts."

Xia Lei's head was already a headache. When the brother said that, his heart was even more chaotic. "How can it be so complicated, I actually ... Forget it, the supermarket stopped in front of me and I went to buy some gifts."

Brother said with a smile: "That's right."

The taxi stopped in front of the Wal-Mart supermarket, and Xia Lei strode to the supermarket in a stride.He went in empty-handed, and when he came out he carried a large bag in his left hand and a large bag in his right hand.Tranquility did not say whether her mother would come or not, but he thought that in this case, would n’t Tranquility ’s mom come to see the truth of the “future son-in-law”, so he prepared two gifts, one for the quiet dad and one It's for the quiet mother.

"Brother, great, you will be decent if you go like this, and you will surely please the future elders and mother-in-law." The brother quipped.

Xia Lei didn't want to joke, didn't say anything, just urged his brother to drive.

At the Polaroid Hotel, Xia Lei paid for the car and entered the lobby.He saw the silence waiting in the hall at a glance.

Today ’s serenity is obviously dressed up deliberately, wearing a blue-and-white porcelain dress with a national style, a small and cute navy blue gown, and a pair of simple and elegant half-height heeled climbing shoes , The book gas on her is even stronger.There are many beautiful women in the hall, but she is the most special and the most conspicuous one.The first time he saw her, he couldn't help but praise, beautiful.

Xia Lei walked up with two large packages of gifts, and greeted with a smile, "Sister Ning, I'm sorry, I came a little late, didn't you keep you waiting?"

Tranquil little quiet stepped up and looked nervous, "Don't call me Sister Ning, my second uncle told my parents, you are twenty-five years old, you will call me nickname tonight, call me Jingzi."

Xia Lei nodded, "Well, remember."

"You ... you give it a try." Tranquility said awkwardly.

Xia Lei opened his mouth, and after a long time of ink, he called out, "Jing ...... Jingzi."

"Okay, it's natural to call it again, don't be so stiff." Tranquility is like a military division on the battlefield. "Also, my dad's name is Ning Yuanhai, and my mom's name is Zhang Huilan. My dad is good to deal with, you respect him more Two glasses of wine, he is happy to say anything. My mother is more difficult to deal with, she will ask you a lot of questions, you have to be smart, or she will see through. "

Xia Lei said dizzyly: "What question will your mother ask me?"

Quietly said: "Rooms and cars, work and income, and family members. What is the best way to answer now, don't make a mistake."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "You don't seem to experience this kind of thing for the first time?"

Tranquility revealed a helpless thing, "My mom forced me to kiss more than a dozen times. Can I ask what questions she asked?"

Xia Lei suddenly felt quiet and pitiful.

"Come on, I'm holding your hand." Tranquility took a gift bag, and then held Xia Lei's arm.

The two held hands inexplicably nervous and embarrassed, but both pretended to be natural and then walked to the restaurant together.

Although it is a pretend couple, when the two hold hands, everyone they see will sing praises-really a pair of golden carved jade!

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