Super Vision

395 Chapter 395

When Il Riva asked Xia Lei to shoot, the snipers and sniper rifles of the three companies already had the final results.Among them, Barrett hit the target at a distance of two kilometers with the extraordinary performance of the M90 ​​sniper rifle, with a score of five rings.With the new sniper rifle from HK company, the sniper of HK company also hit the target at a distance of two kilometers.The Belgian FN company is slightly worse, only hitting a target at a distance of 1,500 meters.

In fact, the snipers of Barrett and HK also tried targets at a longer distance, that is, targets located at a distance of 2,500 meters, but unfortunately they failed.At a distance of 500 meters, for them and their sniper rifles, it was already an insurmountable sky.As for the target at a distance of 3,200 meters, I don't even think about it.However, they did not think that Xia Lei could hit the target at that distance.

Xia Lei walked towards the shooting position, and all his eyes gathered on him.Various discussions followed.

"This Chinese is not a professional sniper, but he dares to issue such a challenge. He must have lost 20 million euros."

"Aren't Chinese people like this? They like to show off their wealth, but it's silly to use 20 million euros to get the limelight."

"The failure of this Chinese is sure, but he has also achieved his goal. He and his company will be the headlines of major media, haha, but he and his company will be a joke."

"China is still importing weapons from our Russia. Can China's weapons surpass the Western arms giants? This is just a joke. They can't even exceed our Russian weapons."

"He is so handsome ..."

Amidst the chaos of discussion, Xia Lei stood at the shooting position, placed an unmodified sniper rifle on the frame that allowed the sniper to shoot, and then prepared to shoot.

He doesn't actually need this auxiliary shooting frame, but he just said that he is not a professional sniper. If he is holding a sniper rifle and hits a target that others can't hit, it is exposed.

This is also a strategy for him. He can't say well about himself. As an amateur sniper, the more he can bring out the superiority of XL2500.

"Mr. Xia, please hurry up," Qiao Barton urged: "You have spent a long enough time, this farce should be over."

Mulef of the German HK company also said with a smile: "Mr. Xia, I am ready to receive the transfer account."

boom!There was a gunshot.

This is Xia Lei's response.

"He hit the ten rings of the 800-meter target!" A gun enthusiast exclaimed in front of the astronomical telescope.

This result is the same as that of Barrett and HK.

Mulef and Joe Barton couldn't help but looked at each other, both of them were surprised.The reason is very simple, because even if it is a target at a distance of 800 meters, if it can hit the tenth ring, it has already shown that the XL2500 sniper rifle in Xia Lei's hand is a very good sniper rifle.

boom!There was another gunshot.

"Wow!" Someone exclaimed again, "he hit the ten rings of the 1,500-meter target!"

Suddenly the roof became silent.

The faces of Joe Barton, Mulev, and Iriva also became dignified.

The snipers of the three arms giants were also inexplicably nervous.

boom!The third shot.

"My God!" Someone exclaimed, "he hit the ten rings of the two thousand target!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, the pan was on the roof.

"How is this possible? The sniper rifles of the three arms giants only hit the fifth ring, but he hit the ten ring!"

"This score has exceeded the three arms giants. My God, has China's sniper rifles reached this level? I can't believe it!"

Natalia, the host of Russian State Television, was even more sensational, "I can't believe my eyes. A sniper rifle from the Chinese company actually hit the ten-kilometer target of two kilometers, linking Barrett and HK. The company's sniper rifle is beyond. Now there is a popular saying in the world that China has risen and challenged the hegemony of Europe and the United States. I now fully believe this statement, and what is happening in front of you can be regarded as this statement A microcosm of China, a Chinese military factory challenged three arms giants in Europe and the United States, and won so beautifully! No, no, the challenge is not over yet, let us wait and see ... "

boom!The fourth shot.

Xia Lei hit a target at a distance of 2,500 meters in one shot, and the results are still shining ten rings!

After the executives of the three arms giants used the observation equipment to see the results, their wide-mouthed mouths were somewhat closed.Just before Xia Lei shot, they were still fantasizing about the 20 million euro bonus, but now they only realized that they couldn't get the money at all, and that money was just a bait from start to finish!

"Oh my god!" Natalia shouted excitedly: "Ten rings of 2,500 meters target! This is a miracle, a record of the sniper world is born!"

However, this is not the end.

Xia Lei put down the XL2500 produced by the Lehma Army factory assembly line and replaced it with his own modified XL2500 sniper rifle.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to shoot the 3,200-meter target?" Natalia was also surprised. "If he succeeds, my God, I'm afraid I have to declare the best in the world. The sniper rifle is a sniper rifle produced by the China Lehma Army Factory! "

boom!There was a muffled sound, and smoke was floating.

There was silence on the rooftop, waiting for someone to announce the result.

It was not the gun enthusiast standing in front of that astronomical telescope that made the first noise, but the Barrett sniper, "He ... he hit a target of 3,200 meters, eight or eight rings! "

Wow!Frying pans again on the rooftop, applause, exclamation and various voices of praise and praise generally flooded to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei put away the sniper rifle, with a relaxed look and a smile on his face, "I have finished shooting, if you are not convinced, you can try again. If you can hit the farthest target, then 20 million euros I still pay you the bonus. "

Joe Barton and Mulev couldn't help but looked at each other without saying anything, and their faces were full of shame.They are very clear about the performance of their sniper rifle, not to mention the target at a distance of 3,200 meters, even if the target at a distance of 2,500 meters is impossible for them to hit!

The XL2500 at Lehma ’s military factory has effectively thrown off the effective range of 1,200 meters from the Barrett and German HK sniper rifles. This data alone is enough to announce that it is the best in the world today. The sniper rifle is no longer produced by European and American countries, but made by China!China's Lehma Army Factory rises during World War I and gains a reputation!

"So, two gentlemen, and Ms. Il Riva, can I declare that I won?" Xia Lei was very polite and personable.

But this politeness and manner fell in the eyes of Mulf, Joe Barton and Il Riva, but it was like a kind of irony.

"You won, I have to admit this." Joe Barton said: "However, I want to buy your gun, I want to see what is going on."

Xia Lei said: "You can buy my gun, but we have to get our government's consent."

"What?" Qiao Ba suddenly frowned, "You don't sell money, what exhibition are you coming to?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Mr. Joe Button is American?"

"What about it?" Joe Barton looked upset.

Xia Lei said: "Then I will answer your question. There are weapons exhibitions every year in the world. Will the weapons exhibited be sold? Then I want to buy your Raptor F22 fighter, do you sell them? And Mr. Mulf, I Want to buy your German Leopard 2 tank, do you sell it? You have the blocking technology first. My sniper rifle also has our professional technology, and it will not be open to you. "

"Let's go." Joe Barton no longer wanted to talk to Xia Lei.

Mulev also greeted his people to leave the rooftop.

The three arms giants, the biggest loss in this challenge is actually Barrett, because they are recognized as the leader of the sniper rifle industry, has an unchallenged authority in this field.However, a little-known company in China has cut Barrett down to the altar!

The three arms giants have successively left the roof. At this time, the most unwilling thing is that they are exposed to the media. This is a shame for them.

"Mr. Xia, can you tell me about your company?" Natalia will not miss the opportunity to interview Xia Lei.

Xia Lei stood in front of the camera with a smile, "Of course I am, our Leima Military Factory is an emerging firearms company, it is a manifestation of the progress of our Chinese manufacturing industry ..."

Talking casually and calmly, Xia Lei under the lens has a temperament and style that makes people feel very comfortable.

Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei, she didn't realize that her eyes were a little dull.

Ling Hao appeared behind Tang Yuyan and said aloud: "This guy is really smart."

Tang Yuyan glanced at Ling Hao and said, "Where have you been? We were so busy just now that we wanted to help you, but we couldn't find anyone."

"I went to investigate where Xia Lei went the day before yesterday." Ling Hao said.

Tang Yuyan immediately frowned, "You know?"

Ling Hao said: "Is this strange?"

"What did you find?" Tang Yuyan tried out.

Ling Hao shook his head, "Nothing was found, so, I said Xia Lei is too smart."

"Are you a friend or an opponent?"

"Is this important?"

Tang Yuyan looked directly at Ling Hao, "Tell me."

Ling Hao said lightly: "Of course friends, at least, now friends."

Tang Yuyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then why did you secretly investigate him?"

Ling Hao said: "I'm too curious about him, don't you think he is unpredictable?"

"Sometimes yes, but I believe in him. He is a good person. Since I met him, he has never done something that is sorry for the country. On the contrary, he has made a great contribution to our country. An example is in front of us. , Can you count on the Hanwu Weaponry Company of the national name to do what he did? "

There was a smile on Ling Hao ’s lips, “It ’s because of these that I am his friend, not an opponent. However, even if it is a friend, I have to understand what kind of friend he is. You do n’t really want to Do you know him? "

Tang Yuyan stopped talking, and her eyes returned to Xia Lei.At this moment, Natalia, the hostess of Russian State Television, suddenly kissed Xia Lei on the cheek.

Tang Yuyan's brow immediately frowned, and there was a small voice in his mouth, "Shocking."

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