Super Vision

416 Chapter 416: Sacred Heart

An Xiuxian is actually very clever, knowing how to use the cooperation between Shenyu Group and Vientiane Group, as well as his father ’s power, and also use media reporters and VIPs to build momentum, but Wan Wan did not expect to kill Xia Lei halfway and was cut Now!

Such a shame, how could the young director of Tangtang Shenyu Group endure it?

"I want him to die!" An Xiuxian angered in a Bentley car in the underground parking lot and hit the steering wheel with a punch.

In the back seat of a Bentley car, a tall blond man said in English: "Mr. Ann, the killer of the Russian violent bear organization failed to kill Xia Lei. You have to kill him, unless you spend a lot of money, please the most powerful in the world Killer. "

An Xiuxian looked back at him with a cold voice, "Mr. Hoffman, do you mean you?"

The blond man known as Huffman said lightly: "In this line, although I am very good, it is not the best. But I have the channels. As long as you are willing to spend money, someone must be able to ask Xia Lei. Life."

"I don't care about the money, I want to spend as much as I want!" An Xiuxian could not wait for Xia Lei to die immediately, and died in front of him!

"Well, I will immediately contact the middleman." Hoffman pulled out his phone.

Just then, a woman came from the back of the car and knocked on the window of the cab.

An Xiuxian moved his eyes and suddenly froze on the spot ...

At the same time, a Chevrolet Suburban off-road car entered the lane from the parking space on the street, and the Tianyi Building was left behind in the blink of an eye.

Xia Lei drove, and Shen Tu Tianyin sat in the passenger seat.Xia Lei looked at the road ahead, and she looked at Xia Lei.There was always a smile on her lips, very happy and very quiet.

For Shen Tu Tianyin, Xia Lei proposed to her, which is undoubtedly a perfect result.She waited for two years, after many twists and turns, to achieve this positive result.

But for Xia Lei, this matter is somewhat dramatic.Before coming to Tianyi Building, Xia Lei might not have dreamed that he would propose to Shen Tu Tianyin, but after coming out of Tianyi Building, he became Shen Tu Tianyin's fiance.

Looking back now, if it weren't for An Xiuxian being too arrogant, he thought that Shen Tu Tianyin would be impressed on that occasion and promised his proposal.

Things are unpredictable, life is like a play.

"You always look at me, I can't concentrate on driving." Xia Lei said with a smile.

"I think my fiance, can't it?" Shen Tu Tianyin's voice was soft, "Who makes you look so beautiful?"

Such words came out of Shen Tu Tianyin's mouth, don't have a taste, Xia Lei laughed.

Shen Tu Tianyin called Xia Lei, "You boast and laugh at me too, then if I take back my words, you are ugly to death."

"You just have to be pretty, and men don't rely on their faces to eat." Xia Lei said with a smile.

The fiance's identity came suddenly, and Xia Lei was unprepared, and he was not used to it at the beginning. But as he spent time with Shen Tu Tianyin in this identity, he also slowly adapted.

The two talked and laughed in the car, and also talked about the engagement banquet, but there was no result. Shen Tu Tianyin decided to hand over the decision to her father Shen Turen.Xia Lei had no opinion, but he was wondering whether Shen Turen would rise up for a while, and choose a day or something, it would be too fast!

Talking and talking, the Chevrolet Suburban SUV came to the Chow Sang Sang head office.

The manager of the head office recognized Shen Tu Tianyin at a glance. When he heard that it was an engagement ring, he brought Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin to the VIP room. He also greeted people to take out some treasures of the town store from the vault for Xia Lei. And Shen Tu Tianyin selection.

Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin picked the ring, but the head office manager stared at the string of gem necklaces on Shen Tu Tianyin's neck, looking stunned.

Several female shop assistants waiting for Xia Lei and Shen Tu Tianyin whispered beside them.

"Do you know? That woman, she is Shen Tu Tianyin, the richest woman in China." A female clerk said quietly.

"Hey, it would be nice if I were her friend." A female clerk whispered.

"Wouldn't that man be Shen Tu Tianyin's fiancé? He looks so beautiful."

"If the appearance is normal, will Shen Tu Tianyin look at him? I think it must be a person who eats soft rice."

"He came here to pick the ring, and it must be Shen Tu Tianyin who paid, I bet a life!"

Although the voices of those shop assistants were very small, how could they hide Xia Lei who was sensitive to hearing? He actually heard it.The words of the female clerk made him a little uncomfortable, especially the sentence about eating soft rice.Is he the kind of man who eats soft rice?However, he didn't care about anything. After all, they were just a few working women, and it was meaningless to embarrass them.

In fact, the moment Shen Tu Tianyin agreed to his proposal, he realized that there would be such gossip and unavoidable.Who called Shen Tu Tianyin more rich than him?

The head office manager also seemed to hear some gossip and glared at the female clerks. The female clerks shut their mouths.

"Miss Tianyin, can you ask me where you bought the necklace around your neck?" The head office manager put his posture very low and very humble.

Shen Tu Tianyin lowered his head, glanced at the gem necklace on his neck, and said lightly: "Do you know this necklace?"

Xia Lei's eyes also moved to the head store manager. He also wanted to know the answer to Shen Tu Tianyin's question.

The head store manager said: "I saw this necklace in a lone book about precious jewellery. The book is my master's. The English version is almost two hundred years old." He paused. He also said: "Miss Tianyin, can you tell me where I bought this necklace?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "My fiancé gave me."

"Ah ..." The head office manager suddenly showed a surprised look.

Shen Tu Tianyin frowned.

The manager of the head office is a very discerning person. He followed: "Miss Tianyin, do n’t get me wrong. I do n’t mean anything else. I ’m just surprised because this necklace is valued at 20 million US dollars in Europe. Give you such a precious and special necklace, which shows that he loves you very much. "

When this sentence came out, not only was Shen Tu Tianyin stunned, but also the few female shop assistants were stunned. No one dared to say that Xia Lei was the one who ate soft rice.Twenty million US dollars, that is 130 million Chinese yuan, can you send such a precious necklace, or is it a person who lacks money?

When he sent Shen Tutianyin's necklace, Xia Lei didn't know how much it was worth, and he didn't feel distressed after knowing that it was worth 20 million US dollars.Since you want to marry her, you should give her the best thing in the world!

"This gentleman, you said you saw this necklace in a book. How does that book describe it?" Xia Lei asked.

The head store manager said: "Sir, it's called the" Holy Heart ". It was a wedding gift from the last generation king of the Holy Land Kingdom, Baldwin IV, to his sister. At that time, Baldwin IV was already in the late stage of leprosy, and Jerusalem was in urgent need of The new king came to preside over the big picture. Baldwin IV had no heirs, so he could only ask his sister to find a husband to manage his kingdom. Oh yeah, have n’t you seen that very classic movie? "King of Heaven", I I really like the movie, so I am very impressed with the story. I did not expect to see the coronation gift from Baldwin IV to his sister Siberia today. "

The Holy Land Kingdom, Jerusalem, Baldwin IV and his sister Siberia, these people and things have been wiped out in the long river of history nine hundred years ago.But this necklace fell into the hands of Princess Yongmei. Who can tell the story?

Xia Lei secretly remembered this story, which may be a clue to the cracking of ancient alloys and bronze treasure books.On the face, he didn't say anything, and said lightly: "Thank you, your story is wonderful. Um, Tianyin, have you picked it?"

In front of Shen Tu Tianyin there are several diamond rings worth millions or even millions, but just knowing that the "sacred heart" Xia Lei gave her is worth 20 million US dollars, she is embarrassed to have these millions at hand Millions of diamond rings.

"Forget it, let's pick some cheaper ones." Shen Tu Tianyin said: "You have given me such a precious gift, I am already very satisfied."

Xia Lei said, "How do you do this? You are my fiancee. If you wear a diamond ring of tens of thousands of dollars, others will laugh at me."

Shen Tu Tianyin is so full of women, how could she not understand Xia Lei's mind, she smiled a bit, "Well, I am your woman, I am also your face, how can I lose you Face. Well, then this three million. "

Xia Lei also smiled.A stupid woman is better than a stupid woman, a clever woman is better than a clever woman, and Shen Tu Tianyin has brought this to the extreme.

"Manager, how much discount?" Shen Tu Tianyin has already started to house for Xia Lei.

"This ... no discount." Joking, Shen Tu Tianyin came to buy the engagement ring and also discounted, Zhou Shengsheng's head office manager can mix into this status is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Shen Tu Tianyin said lightly: "Thirty percent off, if you don't discount it, we'll go to another house, and it's not your family selling it."

"This ..." The head office manager looked embarrassed.

Shen Tu Tianyin frowned, "I'll go back and check if you Chow Sang Sang has leased our shop, and then I'll ask your boss to talk about the rent."

"Miss Tianyin, wait a moment. Me and I will call our boss and ask for instructions." The head store manager couldn't help it.This is a discount, this is a robbery!

Half an hour later, Shen Tu Tianyin took Xia Lei's arm out of Zhou Shengsheng's head office.She lifted the engagement diamond ring on her left middle finger wearing the engagement ring and looked at it again.

The sun shone on her face, less of the coldness of the past, but a little more charming.

Xia Lei looked a little dazed, his mind seemed to return to the past, back to the island ...

Love is the most complicated thing in this world, but sometimes it is also simple.Just like now, a dream comes true, and one gets what he wants, all happy and happy.

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